
Github Mirror

Week 30


Microsoft: "Hydrogen fuel cells could provide emission free backup power at datacenters.. A round of applause and shouts of joy from engineers at Plug, who built the fuel cell system... The moment was the latest milestone on Microsoft’s quest to find a zero-carbon emissions replacement for the backup diesel-powered generators that support continuous operations in the event of power outages and other service disruptions.

'What we just witnessed was, for the datacenter industry, a moon landing moment,” said Sean James, Microsoft’s director of datacenter research. “We have a generator that produces no emissions. It’s mind-blowing.'"

Manchin FTW. Give credit where it's due.

Recharge: "US green hydrogen would become world's cheapest form of H2 under tax-credit plan in new Manchin-approved bill.. Producers would receive up to $3 per kg — depending on level of lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions and staff wages — if Inflation Reduction Act clears Congress

The surprise breakthrough tax and climate bill agreed yesterday by maverick coal-state Democratic senator Joe Manchin and Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer includes generous tax credits that would make green hydrogen cheaper to produce than grey in many parts of the US"

H2 Fuel News: "GenCell Energy, the leading provider of hydrogen and ammonia to power fuel cell solutions.. announces entering a strategic partnership with the ONEC pGrnoup, a mid-sized Canadian project delivery company.. to Grow Presence in North America"

H2 Central: "GTT has been granted two Approvals in Principle (AIP1) from the leading classification society DNV for the design of a membrane type containment system for liquefied hydrogen (LH2) and for the preliminary concept design of a LH2 carrier.

These approvals are part of the agreement with Shell, announced in February 2022, and pave the way for the next stages of the project"

H2 Central: "ATOME Energy Signs Up FEED Contractor for Villeta Project, 400MW Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Projects"

H2 Central: "Zara founder Amancio Ortega acquired a stake in Enagas SA’s renewable energy unit as the textile billionaire bets on new types of energy... Ortega’s family office Pontegadea bought 5% of the Enagas Renovable unit for an undisclosed amount, Madrid-based Enagas said in a press statement on Wednesday"

"The maximum hydrogen yield was 122 mL/g at 700 W.. the thermal reduction process took only 4 min". Ok..

Microwave oven based thermochemical water splitting paper says "at 700 W, a temperature of 600 Celcius could be reached.. At this power, the highest oxygen and hydrogen yields were [obtained]". 700 W is not a crazy number.


Add to that the limited reserves of lithium, the problem with battery electric approach becomes clearer.. This tech was nothing but a fad triggered by few uninformed administrations, faux genius jackoff CEOs, and mainstream media who is too fucking dumb to seperate the wheat from the chaff.


We need to be talking about this


'…. and taking into account that we have to import the vast majority of #energy for #mobility, the real advantage of FCEVs becomes apparent: higher efficiency, fast refueling, cheaper infrastructure, security of supply 24/7!'"



@DaimlerTruck continues to develop its hydrogen-based drives with an announcement on July 27 revealing plans to test a Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck fuelled with liquid hydrogen"

#apple #fuelcell #2020


Big claim - great if true

"ThorCon generates reliable electric power cheaper than coal, competitive with natural gas, cheaper than LNG, cheaper than storage-buffered wind and solar"


"ThorCon is a molten salt fission reactor. Unlike all current nuclear reactors, the fuel is in liquid form. It can be moved around with a pump, and passively drained in the event of a casualty.ThorCon’s reactor operates at about the same pressure as your garden hose. Standard nuclear reactors operate at up to 160 bar (2300 psi). They require 9 inch thick pressure vessels and massive piping.. The pump takes liquid fuelsalt — a mixture of sodium, beryllium, uranium and thorium fluorides"


Gasoline prices are falling

2022-07-25  4.440

Sharknado is the one where they arrive inside a hurricane


These are all real movies.. Eric Roberts played in this one

Sharkula.. Sharknado.. Sharkenstein

One day I'll sit down and watch all in order

Jurassic Shark! Aquapocalypse 😂


geometric deep-learning that does fast molecular docking is the biggest scam since Theranos"

For admin "R word" sounds bad.. For the FED one reason to play down recession cld be not wanting to be pressured into lowering before inflation goes lower.

Two GDP contractions in a row.. But let's not use the R word

2022-01-01   -1.573400
2022-04-01   -0.934183

2020 has been surpassed already




Not directly addressing UKR-RU issue here.. Theirs is a multidimensional beef. But UKR arming itself before the war surely bothered Russia.

Get arms fine obv as long as can deliver the ass-kicking that goes along with it, but that didn't happen.

Customer churn analysis has these type of problems.. Tough to pin down what churn is. Two months of non-activity considered churn? Maybe the guy will be back after 65th day..? Maybe he was on vacation. One approach I saw formulates the reverse (surv analysis), try to predict how long 'not churn' will last. Then can ask the model for a probability of certain 'not churn' period ahead, apply cutoff, threshold on that.

How to prove that from data..? Data would have armament levels of both sides over the years, plus whether they fought a war.. But how about armaments which did not result in war..?

'Not war' is hard to pick from the data. If left out will introduce (survivorship) bias. We see in data what we can see, not what is actully happening.

"There is something called the security dilemma one side arming can cause another to arm, we can prove it"

H2 Central: "World’s eyes on Whyalla [Oz] as 60 companies bid for green hydrogen plant work. Whyalla’s $593 million green hydrogen plant is putting the town on the global map"

H2 Central: "[SA] Minister of Energy.. met.. Monday with Thailand Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Energy.. and his accompanying delegation. During the meeting, they discussed aspects of cooperation between the two friendly countries in the fields of energy, including: petroleum refining, renewable energy and clean hydrogen"

Electricity is partially suitable as the last step in the energy chain, not the first nor the middle. It can be generated close to its consumers, through fuel-cells.. But since its storage and transmisson is too inefficient, its usage as the centerpiece of an energy system is problematic.

👍 👍 👍


SunHydrogen’s nanoparticle technology directly uses. sunlight to generate hydrogen – no grid power or costly power electronics required"

It's a matter of existing infrastructure, know-how. But go ahead, electrolyze, or just as good, let's develop thermochemical water splitting. Especially molten salt reactors have promise in this area (uses thorium, the waste product is better manageable).

"But there is already H atoms inside water? Why bother with hydrocarbons"

That could produce 3.5 GW equivalent of H2.. A big solar plant level. From f-ing corn.. Hey, I'll take it.

Ethanol production is very little but highest in US compared to some other countries.

import util; util.country_bp("US")
wind_twh     2021     1.654620
solar_twh    2021     0.713243
nuclear_twh  2021     3.533104
hydro_twh    2021     1.111511
oil_twh      2021    42.327231
gas_twh      2021    35.659344
coal_twh     2021    12.666405
biogeo_twh   2021     0.989210
ethanol_twh  2021     1.345333
dtype: float64

Production As Percentage of Consumption

     Perc Commodity
0  104.87       Oil
1  113.00       Gas
2  110.18      Coal


2646.55 GW


Ethanol is produced in US mostly from corn AFAIK

"CAPER .. [process] converts aqueous-phase ethanol into high-purity, high-pressure hydrogen. This technique is sustainable because the caustic electrolyte solution captures and processes any greenhouse gas emissions"

H2 Central: "Romania Endorses Procurement of Twelve Hydrogen Trains"

Brian Bennet - Boogie Juice #music



As a result of a collaboration among @SSAB, @LKABgroup & @VattenfallGroup, the @hybrit_project represents a complete industrial value chain for fossil-free hydrogen-based iron and steelmaking"

Some articles on crude oil gasification - paper, paper, paper. This method is less widely used though compared to coal and natgas. Still, for countries who want to pursue it, there it is.

Politico: "Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Joe Manchin salvaged a deal on Wednesday for a bill.. devoting hundreds of billions of dollars to clean energy technologies...

The figure is roughly in line with funding levels discussed earlier in July among Senate Democrats that called for about $300 billion in tax credits for a slate of clean energy technologies, including solar and wind power, energy storage, carbon capture, hydrogen and small-scale nuclear power"


So a $700 billion bailout for the banks, an 80 billion bailout for the auto industry, a 50 billion bailout for the airlines and a 3 trillion dollar Fed bailout for the stock market are all "capitalism" but unemployment checks are 'socialism?'"

Some could argue the existing system turned the world into a basketcase, creating pollution, environment disasters, and encouraging material extraction beyond the carrying capacity of Earth, while still not being able to beat global poverty.

"But the existing system brought us much dynamism"

Surely wage decrease sounds bad.. this is how the mechanism works though - sadly. That's the reason I advocate new money entering the economy through people rather than businesses.

Certain MSM narrative is "if interest rates rise, spending decreases, because people borrow to spend". That is not the primary driver of price levels. The major transmission mechanism (though crude) is through businesses borrowing and expanding less, so wages and spending decrease, causing a decrease in prices.



' Blinken to speak to Russia's Lavrov for first time since Ukraine invasion'"

Can't we, like have another Twitter Revolution and fix all that? 😶

Al Monitor: "Tunisia has approved a new constitution that critics say cements [the sitting President's] one-man rule and reverses hard-won democratic gains in the country that birthed the Arab Spring"

Al Monitor: "Pro-Sadr protesters storm [the Iraqi] parliament.. Sadr's bloc won 73 seats in.. 2021 election, making it the largest faction in the 329-seat parliament. But since the vote, talks to form a new government have stalled. The oil-rich country remains mired in a political and a socioeconomic crisis, despite elevated global oil prices"

H2 Fuel News: "Universal Hydrogen and Avmax announce hydrogen fuel aircraft deal"

H2 Central: "Lower Saxony’s Environment Minister Olaf presented the funding notification of €2.375 million for Uniper’s planned hydrogen pilot project at the Krummhoern natural gas storage site [for reusing it on H2]...

Uniper Energy Storage will test the construction and operation of a new salt cavern specifically built for hydrogen storage on a large scale and in a real-world environment at the natural gas storage facility in Krummhoern, Northern Germany"

NTT is the third largest company of Japan in market cap.

H2 Central: "[Japanese] NTT.. announced a joint research and development project to study safety measures for the mass transportation of hydrogen through existing pipeline infrastructure.

"UK hydrogen pipeline project receives Government funding.. SPS has revealed it plans to begin feasibility work with Smartflow Couplings at SPS’ site in East Heslerton, North Yorkshire to support the switch from natural gas to hydrogen"

"@KeithDPatch · Air Products.. new ESG goals include converting its fleet of ≈2,000 trucks to hydrogen!"

H2 View: "South Australian Government announces global interest for its A$593m hydrogen jobs plan"

Let's do green H2, sure, but priority IMO can be the more available resource; natgas and coal.

EU usage nears US level; granted even a massive Russia pipeline cannot take care all of that, but it still beats not having that input.

Total European energy usage

_,_,tot = util.get_bp_country("Total Europe")
np.round(tot*1000 / (365*24),2),'GW'
Out[1]: (2103.05, 'GW')

This electrification business is a complete racket. Fish bait for idiots.

Lithium? You have to drive the electric car for two years before it offsets the CO2 emitted while digging up, preparing its lithium. And that's just the lithium.

Natgas emissions 400 g CO2 / kWh. After 95% capture (which can actually go even higher for natgas) the result is 20 g CO2 / kwh which makes it nearly twice better than solar panels.

How to compare CO2 emissions from solar (yes there is some) vs fossil taking into account the entire lifetime? This paper puts that value at around 55 g / kwh thorughout the lifetime of a solar panel (there is massive carbon emitted while producing the panel).

For coal that value is 1011 g CO2 / kWh. But once CCS is factored in, assuming 95% is captured, lifetime emission of coal falls to 50 g / kwh. Meaning, coal + CCS is cleaner than solar panels.

Simulation is done with a software called Aspen Plus. Click and the plant would calculate its internal parameters.. Fantastic.

I've seen a few books that use direct Python programming too which obviously jives with my toolset.


The professor I talked to on Coal-CCS sent me bunch of links, among them is an industrial plant simulation file for blue hydrogen production. The tech exists.

I bet this guy mixed up electricity with total energy like most of his white-collar electric-loving dipshit brethren.

Norway's renewable energy comprises 50% of is consumption. But even if they didn't have that, NW has huge oil and gas reserves.

He is full of shit

import util; util.country_bp("Norway")
wind_twh     2021     3.770902
solar_twh    2021     0.063139
nuclear_twh  2021     0.000000
hydro_twh    2021    45.855275
oil_twh      2021    33.651383
gas_twh      2021    13.727958
coal_twh     2021     2.931343
dtype: float64

Production As Percentage of Consumption

      Perc Commodity
0  1196.47       Oil
1  2668.60       Gas
2     0.00      Coal


35.62 GW

I bet this guy is full of shit


[Norway is] almost entirely powered by renewable energy"

Sad and hilarious in a way

Al Jazeera: "South Africa calls for Israel to be declared an ‘apartheid state’"


Demolition of Palestinian house in Um Qusah"



British wine wholesaler ‘leaves Brexitland for good’ over paperwork.. Daniel Lambert, who supplies M&S, Waitrose and 300 independent retailers, to set up in France after £150,000 hole in revenue"

I'm not sure why Ukraine MPs input matters, they are not part of NATO (hence the pickle they are in). Right on a likely French veto.. If the trouble triggered by UK/US meddling is any guide, a new head from an outer alliance country would cause nothing but more trouble, would be against the interests of Europe, France.

That would be hilarious..

"Boris Johnson tipped to become next secretary general of Nato.. Ukrainian and Tory MPs support idea of PM being a possible candidate, though sceptics suggest he would likely be greeted with a French veto"

Euro News: "Taipei to stage street evacuation air raid dril"

Hopefully the RU debacle strengthens parties not antagonistic toward Russia going forward... I remember in one German debate before last election Janine Wissler from Die Linke said some supportive words in that vein and boy, was she gazed upon as some kind of freak weirdo by most others in that panel.

Davis: "[In Ukraine] Most Likely Scenario (Collapse of Western Support).. Without remarkable levels of financial and military support from Western countries, Russia might well have conquered far more territory, and far faster, than it already has. Moscow might have even forced an end-of-war settlement on Kyiv by now...

Most Western countries have a reflexive opposition to Russia. They regard Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine with a combination of anger, fear, and for some, hatred. All Western governments believe that Moscow’s invasion was illegal and unjustified, and they want Putin to fail. But each nation is also primarily concerned about its own national security and interests. That self-interest balances their desire for Russian failure. They do not want their support to cross a line and draw them into conflict with Russia...

An additional and often overlooked factor is that some Western governments view the threat of a conventional attack from Moscow to be negligible. They have given minimal support – enough to be seen as “doing something,” yet not enough to risk harming their own militaries or their own economies, or to risk being dragged into the conflict themselves...

Already the economies of the West are showing signs that a recession is coming. In part as a result of massive sanctions levied on Russia, gasoline prices have risen to historic highs, global food supplies have risen to near crisis-levels (raising the price of nearly all groceries), and inflation in the U.S. and UK remains at a four-decade high. But the gas situation in Europe may prove to be the trigger for a retrenchment of Western support to Ukraine..

The populations of Germany, Italy, France, Spain, and other Western European nations, however, recognize there is effectively no conventional threat to them from Moscow. Why, they will begin asking with increasing stridency, should they sacrifice their own economic security, struggle to put food on their tables, and scramble to heat their homes during winter so that their governments can support Ukraine in a war that is not necessary for European security?..


Actually according to analysis Russia did not structure its modern military assuming it will always have air superiority, quite the reverse. They watched Desert Storm, and other US, NATO interventions, the lessons they learned from that was air superiority is not guaranteed, hence the investment in air defense, the most notable being the S-series SAM tech.

"ZeroAvia hydrogen aviation gains $30 million in additional funding.. Investors include the International Airlines Group, Barclays, NEOM and the AENU"

H2 Central: "Serbia, Hungary sign Memorandum of understanding [on H2. Hungarian MP] said that the field for which the Memorandum was signed today include.. issues such as production, storage and transport of hydrogen, and that Hungary, which already has some experience, is ready to share with Serbia its strategies, regulations, investment plans and projects"

H2 Fuel News: "Johnson Matthey (JM) a sustainable technologies leader, has announced that it will be building an £80 million hydrogen gigafactory at the firm’s existing Royston, UK site... Earlier in 2022, JM announced a new strategy for the purpose of being the “market leader in performance components for fuel cells and electrolysers,” focusing on over £200 million sales in H2 tech by the close of the 2024/2025 fiscal year.

CNBC: "Toyota plans to roll out hydrogen fuel-cell trucks for the Japanese market next year"


Bratislava's public transport operator, @dpbratislava , will be the first to operate a fleet of hydrogen-powered buses in Slovakia!"

Gasworld: "Air Products will spend or commit at least $4bn in additional new capital to support the clean energy transition over the next five years, bringing its total commitment to first-mover projects to 15bn by 2027. The industrial gas company made the pledge as part of its newly published ‘Third by 30’ carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions intensity goal for Scope 3 emissions, an addition to its existing Scope 1 and 2 goal to reach Net Zero from its operations by 2050.

In order to reach its ambitious targets, Air Products has identified tangible transition plans for new investments and modifications of existing company assets, including low- and zero- carbon hydrogen and carbon capture technologies"


A report by global engineering design and consulting firm Arcadis shows that hydrogen is both cheaper and more efficient than using diesel to power trains along the proposed Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail route"

70kW #hydrogen #fuelcell mobile generator on @netflix film set

That guy was an official in some government I didn't catch which. He has wrong info. Sad.

Not true. Over 90% of energy produced is fossil based.

"2/3 of energy produced in the world is fossil-fuel based"

More is needed here.

IEA: "Currently, two large‑scale CCUS facilities operate in the power sector, the Petra Nova Carbon Capture project and the Boundary Dam Carbon Capture project"

Lessons are clear. Don't make movies cuck, don't mess with the story for some bizarre agenda, have a good story and directing, and wait for the cashier go ka-ching!

CNBC: "Top Gun: Maverick nears $1.3 billion worldwide"

Whatitdo Archive Group - Blood Chief #music


:) Wild

"[The computer game] Doom can now be played inside another copy of Doom"


Reddit: "Shatner Says Star Trek Creator [Roddenberry] Would Be Spinning in His Grave Over the Modern Franchise"


Interesting.. I'll be watching


LUMBER prices are set for a shakeup as a new type of futures contracts rolls out - and a top broker.. says trading volume could soar 10x📊"

Obviously energy is the other cruicial input to an economy.. Without it nothing works.

De-globalize. De-electrify. Hate to be the bearer of "bad news".. but MSM has been feeding people lies, faux dreams.

Take Germany. Their numerous Mittelstand the small-to-mid size businesses represent the depth of that type of knowledge. There will be one obscure guy producing some funky valve that noone in the world produces. And guess what, he finds customers and can charge top dollar (or euros). Further innovation builds on top of this diversity, if you want to build a clean-fuel combustion engine, chances are you will find the parts, the know-how associated with the subcomponents of that engine.

Producing a piece, any piece of a "globalized supply chain" doesn't necessarily get you there. Producing the cap of Coke bottles makes country part of the supply chain but won't provide much deep knowledge.

As Hidalgo proved, know-how is what makes economies tick and countries to advance (not necessarily "education" which doesn't always translate into actionable knowledge). Hidalgo measures this through the diversity of products a country produces, which is a sign of the depth of a country's actionable skillset.

If China has a crisis, it will hurt for sure, but afterwards they will still have their know-how. They built up a lot of that over the years.

CNBC: "Natural gas hits highest level since 2008, on pace for best month ever as Russia cuts supply"

NYT: "As Ukraine Signs Up Soldiers, Questions Arise About How It Chooses.. Recruiters approach young men on the street, but the standards are not always clear"

Davis: "It would take a country the size of Ukraine the better part of a decade and a massive level of support from friendly nations to recover from the devastation the Ukraine military has already suffered. The idea that the UAF – or the armed forces of any nation on earth – can recover from the level of destruction they’ve suffered to date and rebuild the strength necessary to drive an invader out while at the same time fighting an existential battle, is flatly unrealistic.

Russia continues to take severe losses itself. Putin’s forces are not immune to the consequences of losing trained and experienced personnel, but as previously noted, Russia has millions more men from which to draw new conscripts and hundreds of thousands of other active troops that can be repurposed to ground combat. It is by no means guaranteed that Russia would be able to achieve total victory over Ukraine, but the fundamentals are present to give the idea some chance of success. For Ukraine, however, there is minuscule chance of winning and a higher probability of failure if they try to launch an offensive.

An unemotional assessment of this war would lead to the conclusion that the Ukrainian political leadership should seek the best-negotiated settlement it could get now, while it still has complete control of Kharkiv, Odesa, and most of Donetsk Oblast – and before another significant city is turned to rubble and tens of thousands more of its citizens killed or wounded"


Al Jazeera: "Hungary’s Orban says EU sanctions on Russia have failed.. 'A new strategy is needed which should focus peace talks and drafting a good peace proposal … instead of winning the war,' Orban said in a speech in Romania on Saturday... Orban said this strategy has failed as governments in Europe are collapsing 'like dominoes', energy prices have surged and a new strategy was needed now. He said Ukraine will never win the war this way 'quite simply because the Russian army has assymetrical dominance'.

Orban called for Russia and the United States to hold negotiations to bring about an end to the war... He said 'only Russian-US talks can put an end to the conflict because Russia wants security guarantees' only Washington can give"


Building >100 solar farms in time..? Or dozens of Fukushima level nuclear plants? That is a tall order.

Europe could have 130 GW of power with the flick of a switch, instead it will now have <15% GW.

The market is smelling blood in the water.. European Stock Market Futures Eurostoxx is down since the start of the UKR-RU war.

import util; df = util.get_yahoofin(2018, "^STOXX50E"); df.plot(grid=True);

F24: "Fresh Russian gas cuts threaten economic pain in Europe.. Russian energy giant Gazprom on Monday said gas flows to Germany through the Nord Stream 1 pipeline would fall to 33 million cubic metres (MCM) per day from Wednesday, down from its full capacity of more than 160 MCM per day"

Trump 🔥 🔥 🔥


FT: "In the US, the ‘real money’ is still betting on blue [H2]"

Silicon production, solar panels.


For countries, esp. developing, focusing on Coal-H2+CCS route makes sense; most countries have coal, no problem securing supply. Can scale output up and down wout being restricted by land availability, panels. The rest would be perfecting the chemistry, optimizing industrial processes.

CCUS, H2 generation, there are known processes for stuff. Coal is plentiful. What's the holdup?

Post on Coal


Collated info on carbon capture.


Asked a prof if coal-methane then H2 is doable, says coal-syngas is easier.

"[T]hrough gasification (H2 + CO), then water gas shift (H2O + CO --> H2 + CO2) so then what you have at the end is H2 + CO2. You can either capture the CO2 with an amine leaving H2 with some CO2 in it, or you use pressure swing adsorption to capture H2 at high purity, leaving CO2 with H2 in it"

Holy Coal. China uses a lot of coal. The digging on those mines would be at insane levels.

import util; util.country_bp("China")
wind_twh     2021     1.684796
solar_twh    2021     0.840342
nuclear_twh  2021     1.047215
hydro_twh    2021     3.340810
oil_twh      2021    21.842706
gas_twh      2021     9.731901
coal_twh     2021    61.512229
dtype: float64

Production As Percentage of Consumption

    Perc Commodity
0  29.16       Oil
1  55.25       Gas
2  98.81      Coal


4442.09 GW

Let's remember the numbers, Nordstream is 65 GW each, Fukushima (was) 5 GW, the largest solar plant is 2.25GW, 1 GW is considered quite large for solar, Ghawar oil field output is 269 GW.

China consumes a whopping 4998 GW, nearly twice as US does at this point; makes sense for the world's manufacturer. India has a lot of people. Japan's usage pretty low for a country its size, I'm guessing due to energy savings... Germany is at 400 Gigawatts.

Energy (all energy) consumption per country (in GW)

Annual TWh consumption is divided by 365*24, gives wattage


This is what you get when u index writings of white-collar office dwelling airbrains who only like their little electric toys and the plug on the wall..

I search "coal consumption percentage of energy in germany" Google answers "As of 2020, around 24% of the electricity in the country is generated from coal." - Bold font is mine.


Wind and solar is about 6% of their energy consumption.

import util; util.country_bp("Germany")
wind_twh     2021     4.044645
solar_twh    2021     1.683837
nuclear_twh  2021     2.371118
hydro_twh    2021     0.656353
oil_twh      2021    39.939558
gas_twh      2021    31.109882
coal_twh     2021    20.194607
dtype: float64

Production As Percentage of Consumption

    Perc Commodity
0   0.00       Oil
1   5.01       Gas
2  54.50      Coal


332.19 GW

I dont think that's true... Checking the BP file

"Germany generates half of its energy through renewables"

Producer can send clean fuel over pipes, if natgas is sent it is converted at the receiving end.

Ammonia is sent via ship, if LNG is used, a plant at the port does the conversion. #H2

In terms of clean energy transition (not necessarily exclusively renewables based) priority-wise my vote is going gung-ho on blue H2 + CCUS. Let's convert every bit of CH4 (natgas) into H2 whereever possible.

The new CEO is somewhat less for electrification (good), talks abt e-fuels though that mechanism is tough to streamline.. E-fuels are synthetic fuels which use carbon through budgeting schemes that makes fuel 'carbon neutral' (car remains unchanged).

Let's not forget how these muckers cheated with their emissions before.

Who has two middle fingers and happy to hear that news? This guy 🖕😊🖕

😆 😆 😆 F--king Volkswagen

CNBC: "Volkswagen CEO Diess to depart; Porsche boss Blume will lead the German auto giant"

"[03/2021] VW CEO [Diess] says fuel cell cars 'not the answer' to emissions-free driving"

New Sinn Fein PM just said 'hydrogen' on the National Press Club #Oz


Any government that doesn't offer free, or at least cheap, and increased public transport is not serious about combating climate change"

2021 fires increased by a whopping 40% compared to 2020





The Black Keys - Wild Child #music


I saw vids of chefs making the pizza and while they add the sauce they only referenced the tomatoes, sometimes where they are from, but that was it.


"Whereas the pizza sauce I lazily pick up from Trader Joe’s refrigerator section [is..] loaded with spices, the pizzas in Italy had very fresh tasting sauce, without much else in them. Could it really as simple as using crushed tomatoes alone? After a bit more research, I found that my suspicion was correct"

The sauce is only tomatoes IMO, nothing crazy.

Neapolitan pizza looks easy to make

Lula is looking fine in the polls.. Hopefully he wins and the left is back in power in Brasil.

H2 Central: "[T]he Wyoming Energy Authority has released a roadmap that outlines the path to building a hydrogen economy in the state... 'Hydrogen’s role as a decarbonized energy carrier with unprecedented transportation and consumption utility makes this a truly transformational opportunity for the entire state.'

Hydrogen can be produced from a wide variety of feedstocks – including coal, natural gas, wind and even nuclear power – bringing the potential to help sustain the wide variety of Wyoming’s abundant natural reserves. In addition, hydrogen’s flexible structure can be converted and transported in various ways, allowing Wyoming to utilize its existing infrastructure, including an extensive natural gas transmission system.

Hydrogen can also be added to existing raw low-value energy sources to significantly increase the resiliency of Wyoming’s value chain and provide processing opportunities within the state"

H2 Central: "While scaling up the production of electrolyser systems is paramount, the importance of how green hydrogen will be transported cannot be overstated...

For distances below 1,500km, transporting hydrogen as a gas via pipeline is “generally the cheapest delivery option”; above 1,500km, shipping hydrogen as ammonia or an LOHC may be more cost-effective, it said, citing data from the International Energy Agency’s ‘The Future of hydrogen – Seizing today’s opportunities’ report"

H2 Central: "Humboldt Transit Authority Awarded $38.7 Million Grant to Buy Fleet of Hydrogen Powered Buses, Enhance Connectivity Across Northern California"

The sky cld get even more pink if you smoked their product

Hindustan Times: "Sky turns pink in Australia town, locals think of aliens. What actually happened.. Locals, fascinated by the phenomenon, considered outworldly possibilities. But they were fairly disappointed when it was found to be emerging from a cannabis plant"

US needs gun control for the police, and specifically for the police. That would change their conduct, interactions with the people.. Right now they are probably confronting every situation while thinking abt when to pull out a gun.

"Denver police opened fire into a crowd, injuring 6 bystanders, while going after a suspect who never fired a gun"

Baba Vanga predictions.. "a psycic seer" who died 1996.. Two of the 2022 predictions came true apparently, floods and drought. Now let's assume this psycic truly had some skill, some wires crossed in the "simulation" and information is leaking and that is what's being reported...

But the predictions are still open to interpretation. Like one that said "the Russian city of Kursk would be covered with water and the whole world will weep over it". Nothing happened to the city, but the the Kursk submarine sank and 118 military personnel died. So a name and a general nationality was right, the sinking, the scale is completely off. How do we treat other predictions now? One mentions alien invasion, does that simply mean alien signals being confirmed, or outright invasion? We don't know.


Hang on. Are we seriously considering precipitating an unnecessary crisis on Taiwan, at the same time as we’re engaged in a major proxy war in Europe, and facing down a potential nuclear crisis with Iran? 🤔"

Davis: "Bucking Basic (Western) Beliefs: Ukraine is in far worse shape than portrayed – Ukrainian officials claim their forces are ready to launch a “million-man offensive” against Russian forces next month, while retired U.S. generals talk confidently about the war ending on Ukraine’s terms by the end of this year. But an unemotional and realistic assessment of the war’s most likely trajectory paints a different picture...

Ukraine War Scenario Two: Russian Capture of Kharkiv & Odessa..

If Kharkiv falls, Ukraine will have even fewer troops left with which to defend Odessa. If Russia were to mobilize enough men, it is conceivable that they could invest Odessa even before Kharkiv was completely captured. But whether simultaneously or sequentially, if Russia moved on Odessa they would almost certainly employ the same strategy they’ve used countless times already in this war, surround the city, cut off its defenders, and then crush the city with saturating firepower.

If Russia were to successfully take both Kharkiv and Odessa (after having taken the Donbas before), then Russia would essentially be in control of all of Ukraine east of the Dnieper River. .. Once the fighting gets to that point, however, Ukraine will have effectively lost the war. The chances of it ever regaining any lost territories would be virtually nil"
