Natural Disasters
Data comes from FIRMS, Fire Information for Resource Management System, I read their MODIS CSV dataset for the world, for all fires within last 7 days and filter out fires below a certain brightness threshold. MODIS works through satellite images, it scans for certain brighness, color on all Earth images.
import impl as u
Annual count for worldwide fires; based on FIRMS data, go to Country Yearly Summary [.csv] page and download.. modis_[year] for the year you are interested in. Based on select years, the code below scans all countries, counts number of fire (pixels) above a certain brightness threshold.
import pandas as pd, zipfile, datetime
count = 0
for y in [2000,2005,2010,2015,2020]:
with zipfile.ZipFile('' % y, 'r') as z:
zfiles = z.namelist()
for zf in zfiles:
if ".csv" not in zf: continue
df = pd.read_csv(
df = df[df.brightness > THRESHOLD]
count += len(df)
print (y, ":", count)
2000 : 144
2005 : 4100
2010 : 7533
2015 : 11607
2020 : 16365
2021 : 23078
Earthquake Stats
Global Fault Lines
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Monthly Report
Monthly earthquake counts (greater than 5.0 in mag) since 2013.
import equake, pandas as pd
df = equake.get_eq_all()
df['YM'] = df.apply(lambda x: "%d%02.0f" % (,, axis=1)
grp = df.groupby("YM").size()
dfp = pd.DataFrame()
dfp['monc'] = grp
dfp['ma'] = grp.rolling(window=20).mean()
dfp = dfp.interpolate(method ='linear', limit_direction ='backward')
dfp.columns = ['Monthly Eqs','MA']
import equake; equake.eq_region(34,35)