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H2 Production From Coal / CCS


The IEA Greenhouse Gas R&D Programme (IEAGHG) was formed in 1991, constitutes an autonomous and independent framework within the International Energy Agency (IEA) network

In recent years IEAGHG has undertaken a series of studies on the performance and costs of plants incorporating the three leading CO2 capture technologies: post combustion, oxy-combustion and pre-combustion capture...

The study also assesses the following hydrogen production plants, all based on GE oxygen blown gasification and Selexol solvent scrubbing:

This study assessed the technical feasibility and costs of achieving a higher level of CO2 capture (around 98%) in oxy-combustion and IGCC plants. In the oxy-combustion case this was achieved by passing the vent gas from CO2 purification through a membrane separation unit. For gasification based plants an additional MDEA solvent scrubbing stage was added after the Selexol scrubber...

A summary of the performance of the baseline power plants with and without capture is given in [table below]

CO2 capture almost eliminates SOx emissions and also reduces NOx emissions..

Levelised costs of electricity (LCOE) and CO2 avoidance cost (CAC) are shown [below]. The costs of the IGCC plants are higher than those of the pulverised coal combustion plants, mainly because of higher capital costs and higher fixed operating and maintenance (O+M) costs, particularly maintenance costs...

The thermal efficiencies of power plants with CCS based on pulverised coal combustion with post combustion capture, oxy-combustion and IGCC with pre-combustion capture are 34.8 - 35.7% LHV basis, which is around 9 percentage points lower than a reference pulverised coal plant without capture.

The levelised cost of base load electricity generation is about 92 €/MWh for boiler-based plants with oxy-combustion or post combustion capture and 115 €/MWh for IGCC plants with pre-combustion capture. This is about 75-125% higher than the reference pulverised coal plant without CCS...

The net efficiency of producing hydrogen by coal gasification with CCS is 57.8% on an LHV basis (65.5% HHV basis) and the levelised cost of hydrogen is 16.1 €/GJ LHV basis (13.6 €/GJ HHV).


Researcher (Private Communication)

"[T]hrough gasification (H2 + CO), then water gas shift (H2O + CO --> H2 + CO2) so then what you have at the end is H2 + CO2. You can either capture the CO2 with an amine leaving H2 with some CO2 in it, or you use pressure swing adsorption to capture H2 at high purity, leaving CO2 with H2 in it"

Also see the doc carbon capture
