
Github Mirror

Week 1

Heliogen went public recently. They received $39 million grant from DOE, steel maker ArcelorMittal invested.

On the residential / industrial division: homes would still receive CSP power through their tech operated by utilities, so people will benefit, there is no need to install an entire solar farm in their backyard. CSP's focus is massive scale, availability, and that's good, much benefit to derive from that, eg at night they use power stored in molten salt to run 24/7, something PV solar cannot do.

#CSP #Heliogen


Gov did good here.. They looked at the tech, pondered what is needed to advance it, and boom! A whole new consortium. "Heliostat Consortium.. is funded by the .. DOE.. A heliostat is a device that continually tilts a mirror or multiple mirror facets to track the sun’s movement in order to reflect sunlight toward a predetermined target—such as a receiver sitting on top of a solar tower. Heliostats are a critical component of CSP"




#printer #internetofshit


Sad part is, the share might actually be true

Paper: "[Our] search excludes the axion-photon coupling predicted by one of the benchmark models of 'invisible' axion dark matter"

Paper: "The axion has emerged in recent years as a leading particle candidate to provide the mysterious dark matter in the cosmos"

I checked the data, Granger causality shows the two-year treas affects FEDFUNDS little more than the other way around. Both sides would follow eachother closely to gauge reaction to events, but since for bonds inflation is a major risk, they can't not rise (in yields) in response to rising inflation. In turn the overnight borrowing rates between banks cannot be neutral to that (read: FEDFUNDS), they'd lose money on a daily basis. So FED wld be forced to follow the bond market.

"Although it is still debatable whether the Fed leads or follows the market, movements in the policy rate are associated with similar movements in short-term interest rates [as in treasury bonds]"


Insane amt of energy.. what a waste

"Iran orders crypto-mining ban to prevent winter blackouts... The ban, which will be in place until March 6, will free up 209 megawatts of power for household consumption"

Vox: "'Money feeling strange in 2021 is based on a decade of money slowly feeling strange for lots and lots of different people throughout the world,' said .. professor.. So much of the economy feels like a scam — the gig economy, student loans, the hope of retirement, a 9-to-5 job. Consumers are always being tricked and squeezed by corporations. The promise of the middle class is fading fast, so for a lot of people, it just feels like you might as well lean into whatever financial chaos is available to try to hit it big. If housing prices are so high you’re never going to be able to own a home, why not try your hand at real estate in whatever the metaverse is?"

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day"? Kellog.

Corporate marketing, again.

Not suprising, humans are not built to run that way; Nike marketing advertised such style of running so they could sell products for it.

Again we see regular people, consumers are taken for fools. They have no mechanism to protect against such interjections save gov regulation.

OMG! He said regulation!

"Approximately 74% of [endurance] runners experienced a moderate or severe injury each year, but those who habitually rear-foot strike had approximately twice the rate of repetitive stress injuries"


haha.. crazy guy.

"In New York City [1865], a man was attacked by an enraged crowd when he shouted, "It served Old Abe right!" after hearing the news of Lincoln's death"

Kick Bong - Duby Cure #music


Divasonic - Tick Tick Boom #music


Fila Brazillia - Pots & Pans #music


Politico: "Biden already looks to be trying to make amends with the left. Since Manchin axed Build Back Better, the president has acceded to two major demands from progressive lawmakers and activists: He extended the pandemic-related moratorium on student loan payments and recently offered his clearest and most direct support for doing away with the filibuster to push through voting rights legislation"

We dont use particles to calculate fluids.

This is key to understand how modern science is conducted. Food for thought.

"But if we use particles to simulate a fluid, why not using brain particles (neurons) take us closer to human level intelligence?"

"It has happened again. Microsoft and Nvidia have built [NN] three times the size of GPT-3, the former holder of the title. However, in contrast with GPT-3, this new model hasn’t caused any commotion, neither in the press nor in the AI community. And there’s a reason for that...

Do we really need yet another biggest neural network?.. What are the consequences of following the path of scaling models ad infinitum — for the AI community in particular, and the world in general? Wouldn’t it be better if we gave more space to other approaches to AI and artificial general intelligence (AGI)?..

[NN based Large language model] LLMs have been recently entitled 'foundation models' by dozens of Stanford researchers. They argue that these ever-larger neural networks comprise “an emerging paradigm for building artificial intelligence systems.” But not all AI experts agree with this fancy title.

Jitendra Malik, a professor of computer science at Berkeley says that 'the term ‘foundation’ is horribly wrong.' Adding, 'The language we have in these models is not grounded, there is this fakeness, there is no real understanding.' Mark Riedl, a professor at the Georgia Tech School said on Twitter that “branding very large pre-trained neural language models as 'foundation' models is a brilliant .. PR stunt.”..

But 'foundation models' isn’t the only title the AI community has given to LLMs. In a paper dating March 2021 Emily M. Bender, Timnit Gebru, and others called these models 'stochastic parrots.'"


Aaand they apparently created an even bigger NN, "AI" recently and noone cared. Story above.

86 billion neurons in the brain.. The so-called GPT3 neural net had 175 billion.. Yet still there isn't that spiffy NN that'll look at a text and determine a simple triplet, A did X to B, which I can do half-asleep with 100% accuracy. I need such code to filter news stories. Where is it?

#oceans #plastic


The new favorites seem to be Mexico and India, for US companies.

"A study by the UBS Evidence Lab found that a staggering 76% of US companies with factories in China were in the process of or considering moving operations to other countries in 2020"


Woke went broke.. Ghostbusters 2016, Herminator: Woke Fate, bombed. Recent Marvel TV shows are mostly terrible. MCU had the one-off ok movie, but that doesn't cover up the implosion of The Eternals.

The Matrix obviously is a placeholder for everything that is "the system". The AI is mere symbolism.

Operation Fortune, definitely seeing that.

US was for the integration news says.. Coons went there? Was he speaking for the gov?

2019: "Hemedti refus[ed] to integrate Rapid Support Forces into the [Sudanese] army"

"From a Gulf perspective, the benefits of a coup [in Sudan] are limited.. the coup now exposes the strong asymmetry between the military and civilians. Moreover, Gulf states are aware that the Sudanese military and the security forces are deeply divided. While the coup gives the army a false appearance of unanimity, it only postpones future confrontations with the paramilitary Rapid Support Forces, headed by Hemedti"

The Sudanese PM resigned, probably not wanting to be cucked anymore by the military already running everything.

I want to hear more abt that Hemedti guy though.. Sup with him

Netherlands overdid it #lockdowns

John Madden died?


Blast from the past #1991

US voters unelected the party at the helm during that event, one year later


Renewables Now: "Spain to hold 500-MW renewables auction for CSP"

"Renewable hydrogen is now being produced at a facility in Lloseta, Mallorca, that could produce at least 300 tonnes of the clean energy carrier annually"

Al-Monitor: "Egypt announces deal for large petrochemical production complex.. The new integrated complex for the production of methanol, ammonia and its derivatives in the industrial zone of Ain Sukhna, Egypt, aims to export its products with a production of one million tons of methanol and 400 thousand tons of ammonia annually"

Floating panels can help FR in their territories. Around Madagascar there is massive sunshine, floating panels can do the work. From there can ship H2 or ammonia to Europe.

Floating solar panels, by French engineer Ludivine Pasquier

Let's not forget Oct 2021 oil spill near California.

A ship's anchor broke the pipeline, if H2 was being sent, worst case, H2 mixing into H2O would be no big deal.

The CA crude oil leak lasted for 3 hours before it was detected. More than 140,000 gallons of oil leaked into Southern California waters.


"Sixteen wells off Louisiana have been leaking since September 2004, when a subsea mudslide caused by Hurricane Ivan knocked over a Taylor production platform"

According to data in the link, oil pipelines have 4.9 E-4 per year-km failure rate, natural gas 7.2 E-5. Canada has over 70,000 kilometers of oil pipelines,

print (int(70000 * 4.9*1e-5), 'accidents per year')
3 accidents per year

This is the expected # of accidents.

The best protection is not to have fossil pipelines.


Pipelines, coal, natgas, high prices, shortages.. This is where rubber meets the road; switching from old to new was never going to be easy.

Any energy that moves needs to be clean molecules, prefarably H2 gas. Much cleaner than fossil, more efficient than the electric grid. H2 pipeline can transmit 10 times the energy at 8th the cost.

Canada has over 70,000 km of large transmission oil pipelines. Any of those cld go haywire and the environment disaster would be severe.

WSJ: "South Africa Says Its Omicron Wave Is in Retreat"

Makes sense.. Omicron will overwhelm the system otherwise; less deadly but spreads faster, T&T is a bad match for that.

"The [AU] New South Wales government’s Covid contact-tracing system has been all but abandoned, with efforts now focused only on those in the highest risk categories"

US Omicron deaths still less than Delta, no uptrend


See the SP500 graph; That kind of rise is exponential (right time to use the word). Rises like that are seen with amoeba, bacteria population growth when there are no limits in resources; so they eat everything in their petri dish and multiply.

ax1 = df.FEDFUNDS.plot(color='blue', grid=True, label='fed')
ax2 = df.sp500.plot(color='red', grid=True, label='sp',secondary_y=True)
h1, l1 = ax1.get_legend_handles_labels()
h2, l2 = ax2.get_legend_handles_labels()
plt.legend(h1+h2, l1+l2, loc=2)

from io import BytesIO
import urllib.request as urllib2, time as timelib
import pandas as pd, datetime
from pandas_datareader import data

today =
start=datetime.datetime(1990, 1, 1)
end=datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,
cols = ['GDPC1','FEDFUNDS']
df = data.DataReader(cols, 'fred', start, end)

start1 = int(timelib.mktime(start.timetuple()))
end1 = int(timelib.mktime(end.timetuple()))

url = "^IXIC?period1=" + str(start1) + "&period2=" + str(end1) + "&interval=1d&events=history&includeAdjustedClose=true"
r = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
file = BytesIO(r)
df2 = pd.read_csv(file,index_col='Date',parse_dates=True)
df['sp500'] = df2['Close']
df = df.interpolate()
print (df.corr())
             GDPC1  FEDFUNDS     sp500
GDPC1     1.000000 -0.728588  0.786939
FEDFUNDS -0.728588  1.000000 -0.470347
sp500     0.786939 -0.470347  1.000000

Negative correlation, -0.47, between the stock market and the FED rate.

The asset purchases do not show up in the base numbers, but they can be considered as a form of negative interest rate policy. If their effect was included somehow, the negative correlation would be even more pronounced.

Ergo once the asset purchases stop, that act will be akin to a rate rise.

The stock market is a socialist stock market right now. Government (the FED) is propping it up with its asset purchases and low rates. When that stops and rate rises begin let's see that nice "free market" holds up..

We saw a hint of that in 2018, with a mere 2.40% FEDFUNDS the "correction" that followed scared the shit out of FOMO monkeys. "Thanks" to the pandemic FEDFUNDS went near zero now and voila, enter the boom of all booms.

Not that it hasn't happened before.

We should congratulate businesses for being "opportunistic" for "taking advantage of gov"? Hah :)

Well then maybe gov will opportunistically tax their ass and take "their IP". That would be opportunism too, right? 🤨

Yea... now he bitchin..

Make money, and aim to make money, fine. My only qualm is, if DARPA (gov) helped a company have the base tech, and federeal gov gave them subsidies, they cant charge thirty dolars for one dollar vaccine and still keep their IP. This is socialism for the corporations, capitalism for the rest.

Sony will haul most of those Benjamins home.. not Disney/Marvel.

Spiderman told a good story. It wasn't cuck. Nicely done (except the pseudoscience).

Even Wall E showed some kind of satisfactory ending; couch potatos got out of their e-couches, arrived at a planet, something new began.


One way to look at the Matrix movies is as small, muted, centrist shitlib protests.. The system is not changed bcz these people are fine with it as it is, they merely want to be "recognized" in it, to be its The One (which everyone can beee if you belieeeeve), so they can fly over it, be "loud and proud" while they enjoy a simplistic diversity around them, and "represent". Strangely similar ending to Jupiter Ascending (same director), the cleaner girl discovers she is space royalty, then "saves Earth" with her "diverse" new boyfriend / soldier, but returns, stays as a cleaner, while once in a while flies over the city to enjoy her specialness and uniqueness. People are not being harvested but have no idea what happened, things stay the same


The meta stuff was probably due to the original's imagery being an overbearing presence.. Director must have felt the only way to get out from under that is to reference it as another version, go a little meta


The Matrix Resurrections; good to see the lead actors again, movie had some good ideas.. but if there are no "reboot sequels", the situation is no different than at the end of the first movie. Then it's like what's the point? After the first, most expected the destruction of the "system". The absence of that ending sapped the energy of the sequels, wout courage they ended up as neutered, cheap war movies with a few memorable action scenes


Voted for the invasion of Iraq... #reid

I'd just watched the guy on a UFO docu too. he apparently worked on that.. which is pretty useless for the most pressing needs of today. These Dem centrists.. I bet they are into UFOs bcz they know they are of no help and want to get their rocks off on something that 'sounds' substantial.

What deal did he show those skills on? Obamacare? That's not much of a skill

"Harry Reid remembered as a fighter, skilled Senate dealmaker"

FR seems in love with its nukes and the concept of nuclear.. A national pride thing I guess in the race to be in the same league as the big powers.

Vid on FR nuke tests, Greenpeace and NZ.

FR operatives bombed a Greenpeace ship.


New schedule, biweekly public TW releases, save emergencies.. let's see if it works out.

Prices can be different for different regions; the supplier is different (Russia, vs US' local production), transport, demand is different. Maybe RU also played a blackmail game, to have Nordstream 2 activated..

For European natgas prices, the future contract Dutch TTF can be used.

EU natgas price has been at insane levels.. fell somewhat recently.
