
Github Mirror

Week 40

Langhorns - Las Vegas Fist Fight #music


Electricity tech pretty much sucks at everything except in certain end-products which shaped the experience of an entire generation of white-collor folk. They see lights go blink-blink and they get all excited, and want to use that thing that makes things go blink-blink for everything.. This is unrealistic.

Electricity based heating is incredibly inefficient (surprise).

If green heating takes priority two things need to happen; 1) encourage production of small, portable, H2/NH3 heating units, provided cheaply to the world (otherwise they'll just burn wood, coal). Lavo was already working on such a tech to power ovens (using a heat-exchange chemical reaction) with simple H2 canisters. 2) For home heating, massive H2 pipeline infra needs to be built which can provide homes the fuel, they can use that for heating, through CHP.

Fortescue is from AU which has plenty of renewable potential of its own. Then why go to Jordan..? These guys must be thinking four steps ahead.. When the whole world wakes up to the potential of this stuff, everyone will try to grab opportunities from sunny countries; well Fortescue is in there now, locking in commitments... Europeans are in North Africa. Saudi Arabia is already working with Japan.

"Jordanian government officials have met with a delegation from Fortescue Metals Group to discuss investment opportunities in green hydrogen and ammonia"


Actually it was the academia that discovered GPUs could be used for common numerical computation. First algorithm to run faster on the GPU was researched here.

"GPU coding happened thanks to the company NVidia"

Jon Stew new show is all serious.. During interviews I keep waiting for that bizarre turn in the convo, like, 'you say there is no money for this bill, but have you ever tried to put panties on your head?', and the guy giving this blank look.. Yet the moment never arrives..

"[4/2021] Ramped-up domestic production of green hydrogen and ammonia makes perfect sense for South Korea. Last month a deal was signed between Australia-based Origin Energy and steelmaker POSCO for the supply of green hydrogen in the form of green ammonia, produced at Origin’s to-be-developed, hydro-powered ammonia production facility in Bell Bay, Tasmania. Although POSCO is aiming for the import of zero-carbon feedstock to be only temporary, the sheer scale of their goal to produce 5 million tonnes of clean hydrogen in South Korea by 2050 is readily apparent"


MarketWatch: "Opinion: Explaining why ‘green hydrogen’ is our best (maybe only) option for getting to net-zero carbon by 2050 and halting climate change"


If co2 increases are during the winter, then priority should be to fix heating, making that process renewable.. Surprise (!) H2, NH3 are the best solutions for that as well. See CHP, Combined Heat and Power.

"Once it's added to the atmosphere, [carbon] hangs around, for a long time: between 300 to 1,000 years"


Clearly the increases are due to Northern Hemisphere winter.

Then... 🤔 if everyone had a home in both hemispheres, went from one to the other escaping colder season, there would be no CO2 increase..


Monthly atmo carbon content graph. It increases every year (except during warmer seasons when it is flat).

Contrary to certain wisdom, co2 contentration during covid shutdowns kept going up.

From Southern District of New York? Like in Billions. Where is Chuck Rhoades?

Clearly the judge was biased; not possible to request a new judge?

The latest on Donziger. Poor guy had to sit there and listen to a "federal judge compare him to a mule who needed to be beaten with a piece of wood". This is unreal.

NYT: "[Sinema] doesn’t engage with Washington reporters in a serious way, doesn’t hold open-to-the-public events in Arizona and has effectively cut off communication with the local progressive groups that worked to get her elected in 2018"


In annual terms, bill aims to spend merely half of what US spends for military every year. Even on that some throw up their hands go OMG!


Pretty remarkable how little the actual contents of the reconciliation bill are being discussed in the news. Instead, it’s just anchors saying the words '$3.5 trillion!' over and over"

Electric transmission is incredibly inefficient #deelectrify

Generate renewable fuel from fossil, CCS at the source, transmit. H2 pipelines work.

Producing from green is better of course.. Politics will decide the balance. But transmission must be green, and molecule based.

Renewable fuel pipelines wouldn't have this problem in case of leak. No env damage (you'd be putting more H2 into H2O.. it's like, who cares?).

USA Today: "California oil spill: Pipeline wasn't shut down for more than 3 hours after pressure failure alert, feds say.. The U.S. Coast Guard said divers located a split in the pipeline more than a foot-long. Investigators believe it could be the source of the leak"

France has an efficient economy... This is key, esp. during wartime.

The GDP Per Capita x GDP has them at roughly in the same vicinity... DE is nearly twice but, look at US, in a different league altogether.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('../../2020/07/gdpw.csv')
df = df[df['country'].isin(['France','Germany','United States']) ]
df['gdp'] = df.gdpcap * df.population
df['mbindex'] = (df.gdpcap * df.gdp)/1e14
print (df[['country','mbindex']])
          country       mbindex
13  United States  12898.099255
24        Germany   1883.637224
32         France   1117.358002

Such colorful words.. but underneath it all, there is nothin

Which power indicator was used for that analysis?


"The EU is designed to hide the weakness of France and the power of Germany"

Natural Gas prices are up.. some claim this drove coal prices up, ppl switching to coal from NG.


Asking a socmed company to decide themselves to not make something go viral.. that's like asking McDonalds to sell less burgers.. Tough ask. Can they determine when something has high DMSI but "can be dangerous"? The answer is no, because the AI tasked with that job doesn't work (she said this many times, it's true, even a lot of weak AI is extremely shoddy). Good testimony though.. there was lots of useful info in it.

"During the hearing, [Facebook whistleblower] Haugen mentioned that Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg decided to not remove downstream MSI, or Meaningful Social Interactions, because, rumor has it, peoples' bonuses were tied to it. Haugen was formerly a product manager on Facebook's civic integrity team, which focused on election issues. Facebook got rid of her team shortly before the Jan. 6 riots, and she quit her job in April.

The downstream MSI is a problematic tool because it predicts when something might go viral — get a lot of views, shares, and comments — and then it pushes that content out to more users"


Most companies cannot use, approach the DARPA model.. preferring an actor-geek CEO instead, who will acquire, acqu-hire, or madly toss together actually known tech in a bowl hoping something will come out of it while trying to look "brave" in the process.

Any coffee fine enough for French press cld be "brewed" in a simple cup. Add coffee, boiling water, wait, pour into another cup through a sieve 🤷‍♂️

Makes sense.. lot of sunshine

"Jordan's Government Is Putting Its Focus On The Green Hydrogen Opportunity"


Only the rare researcher can do both well.


Combining research with teaching"


Me? I said this before, I know Italian karate.

You can't win with ka-raze. You need to know karate.

Get this, MT is 55; he can still win that fight

"Mike Tyson keen to fight Logan Paul, with $100 million payday"

"New Zealand to End 'Zero Covid-19' Strategy"

If all lithium on Earth was mined and turned into batteries, it could only handle 10% of todays energy requirements. H2, ammonia storage can provide limitless storage capacity.

"Fumio Kishida, who was elected [as PM] by Japan’s Parliament, called for more aggressive distribution of wealth to those with lower and middle incomes"

I can't say I don't like this 🌌🛸👨‍🚀🖖

"Captain Kirk: Bezos' Blue Origin to send William Shatner into space"

Bathymetry 😶

Hyundai is a BUY

Translation: dont act like a cynical combmuncher - or you might get treated as such

"The most worrisome factor is that China's delay might reflect not a holdup in the preparation of its NDC, but a well-rehearsed plan to leverage its climate change commitments into other areas where the Biden administration has increased pressure on Beijing...

First, the weaponization of climate change measures might be seen by the Biden administration as cutting off the last possibility of cooperation with China, making the bilateral relationship much more hostile. This is also a possibility in the case of Europe, given the increasing importance of climate change in European citizens' priorities"


I guess nothing interesting happens in the Anglosphere wout France getting screwed in the process somehow.. Invason of Iraq: France lost Eastern Europeans, they sided with US, snubbed. And now the AU "sub snub".

Addn'l gems here on DARPA, gov, and innovation - 1, 2, 3

There was a manager at DARPA in 2013 who took a chance on mRNA tech; lined up bunch of research deps for that goal... Who is that guy? What is his background? In which setting could he do what he did?

Private companies are good for delivering end-products based on existing research. But pushing for risky research, not the right address. I look at all the inno originating from DARPA.. They funded, managed so much.

"New Rules from #European Parliament on Energy Infrastructure: “Boost Hydrogen & Carbon Capture, Phase Out Natural Gas”. No more financial support for natural gas projects. Funds should support hydrogen, CCS"


"Storing Hydrogen Safely: Fraunhofer-Institut für Windenergiesysteme IWM Evaluates Materials For Tubular Storage Systems in the joint project H2Wind"


Coal prices are through the roof

JC was not a miscast! He was better than this new guy.. The key to impressions is to catch a key characteristic. JC's angle is a pent-up-anger shtick which of course reminds you of Pet Detective, or Liar Liar, it was good.

TDB: "Last season, Saturday Night Live navigated its way through the transition from Trump to Biden, first by miscasting Jim Carrey opposite Alec Baldwin.. 47th season [opened w]ith one of its brand new cast members, James Austin Johnson as the 46th president"

Europe's answer to DARPA, Joint European Disruptive Initiative - JEDI


Darpa funded the first mRNA tech in 2013 - the basis of today's Moderna and Pfizer vax


I have to say this is a fantastic application of mathematics to a real-world problem. Based on two numbers the formula generates near accurate counts for the entire grid structure. V cool.

Poisson distr is,

$$ f(x) = P(X=x) = e^{-\lambda}\frac{\lambda^{x}}{x!} $$

which gives probability of 1 event, 2 events, in a certain block of time. But in geo you have to think little differently. You divide London into grids, and count how many bombs fell on each, then count how many grids had 1 bomb, 2 bombs, etc. Reproducing such counts from formula,

N = 576.
m = 537/N
c = N*np.exp(-m)
expb = [c*1, c*m, c*m**2/2, c*(m**3)/(3*2)]
[np.round(e,2) for e in expb]
Out[1]: [226.74, 211.39, 98.54, 30.62]

Real counts were 229, 211, 93, 35, etc. Pretty close. I am sure a statistical test wld agree. Clustering disproved.

Why the Poisson distribution usage in this post? Event counts tend to be distributed that way.. Let's take the London bombing example. They were wondering if bombings were clustering at specific places. Cld be important.. Maybe Nazis were focusing bombing somewhere? Poisson is for natural counts, then if that is proven, clustering is disproved.

Maybe they are Israelis from America. Their great-great-great grandfather was kicked out by a Palestenian's great-great-great grandfather, and, like, now they are totally back. 🤣

US teenagers there..? "Like, totally, a game changer, I liked eeiiiit"

Laboratory grown meat served in a restaurant (they grow the meat right next door actually), Israel.

The tech is too noisy

"China has nuclear subs too"

Affirmative action works

"California outlawed the all-white-male boardroom. That move is reshaping corporate America"

BBC: "Climate change: Stop smoke and mirrors, rich nations told"

"An ecologically minded experiment to make Paris a cycling capital of Europe has led to a million people now pedaling daily — and to rising tensions with pedestrians."