
Github Mirror

Week 25

"Study Shows Shipping Green Hydrogen From Iceland to Rotterdam to be Realistic Before 2030. @PortOfRotterdam aims to become the major import hub for hydrogen to supply Europe"


So Occam was not the fist one to come up with his "razor"?

Aristotle: "We may assume superiority, other things being equal, of the demonstration which derives from fewer postulates or hypothesis"

"The House Judiciary Committee advanced a bill that would make it easier to break up tech companies like Facebook and Google"

"Biden will nominate housing nonprofit executive Julia Gordon to be the commissioner of the Federal Housing Administration"

The Dutch was also adamantly against any RU overtures. "One word: MH17"? Damn.

"EU leaders have rejected a push by Germany and France to relaunch meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin after fierce resistance from member states worried about Moscow's aggression"


Tarantino on films being too PC: “There has become a thing that’s gone on, especially in this last year, where ideology is more important than art"

No it isn't. The issue is one of categorization.

After transitioning, eg male to female, an athlete does not become a female, s/he becomes a "female who used to be male". This is a new category, and they should compete under it.

"Trans athletes being allowed to compete in their chosen gender is an issue of human rights"

'Cloud-enabled' external (local) hard-drive gets deleted via Internet 🤣

Increasing bizarre dependencies is so awesome..

"[Western Digital] My Book Live users wake up to find their data deleted" via @internetofshit


Oz is following a zero-tolerence covid strategy. Regional and federal gov are both conservative.

"Central Sydney's streets are deserted as Australia's largest city begins a week-long lockdown to contain the highly contagious Delta coronavirus variant, with authorities warning broader restrictions could follow"


Im just kidding

It was this

"Mystery of what caused South Florida condo collapse deepens"

This thing is constantly being dangled in front of people to "change the subject", Trump used it for the same reason. Cant u find another way to "change the subject"?

My take here is unchanged.

"No firm conclusion on UFOs, says US intelligence report"

Dude u got the shit kicked out of you.. it was terrible terrible showing.. Endemic of the garbage state the country is in..

"Euro 2020: Turkey eliminated after Switzerland's 3-1 victory"

AFP: "The British government said Thursday it will bring in an evening watershed for junk food adverts in a move to tackle the nation's obesity problem"


"Ionomr Innovations Inc. Breakthrough Aemion+ Membrane Now Available For Industrial Scale Green Hydrogen Electrolysis.. Highly stable, efficient membrane for the [H2 economy]"


WSJ: "Covid-19's Silver Lining in Latin America: Millions of New Bank Accounts.. Government aid turbocharged growth in digital banking"

Music to my ears..

The Atlantic: "How Disney Mismanaged the Star Wars Universe And how The Mandalorian can restore the true power of George Lucas’s galaxy"



France, Germany propose Putin overture to a divided EU" via @FRANCE24"



U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) has introduced the Advancing the Clean Hydrogen Future Act of 2021 establishing RDD&D to reduce cost and improve efficiency of producing hydrogen using electrolyzers"


ME attacks GDELT update. Now plotting US bases alongside attacks.

Heavy US presence in Northeast Syria, an area that doesnt seem to get many attacks. Iraq is seeing some action..

Yes there is an increase

US gun violence increased? Check

"US sanctions Chinese solar firms for Uighur human rights abuses"

♪♬ I shot the sheriff.. ♪♬ but I didn't shoot the deputy

They dropped bombs near, but did not shoot at?


Who to believe...?

WSJ: "U.K. Denies Russia Fired Warning Shots at Warship"

NYT: "Russia Says It Fired Warning Shots at a U.K. Warship Near Crimea"

They force Britney Spears take lithium? There isn't enough lithium! There wont be any left for those f-ing batteries! Stop taking lithium as a drug!

"John McAfee: Anti-virus creator found dead in prison cell"

Al Jazeera: "‘My Zionism’: Israel’s latest unsuccessful PR stunt Using token Black Israelis in Israeli PR will not help make Israeli apartheid more acceptable to the world"


"Wind turbines: How UK wants to become 'Saudi Arabia of wind'"


"US Sec. of State Blinken warns countries not to benefit from forced labour in Xinjiang"


We're so proud to announce @MayorofLondon , @SadiqKhan , will today launch England’s first ever hydrogen double decker buses, manufactured by our team here at @Wright_bus , to help make the bus fleet zero-emission, and clean up London’s toxic air"

The bases are not without local contraversy. Especially in Okinawa.

There is a base on the Ascension Island!

Some mystery surrounding the Diego Garcia base.

A docu claims Ramstein base (in Germany) is huge; and attacks into Iraq were supported logistically from there.

There isnt much of a presence in Greece, but I have a feeling that is about to change

'Mericans everywhere!

US bases around the world

EA was against stop-and-frisk? Interesting..

I dont think training better teachers, in US context, is an option.. US is no Finland.


NYC Mayoral Frontrunner Eric Adams: 'With new technology you don’t need school children to be in a school building with a number of teachers. It’s just the opposite. You could have one teacher teach 300-400 students.'"



Received a message on Sunday morning and did not reply because it is my day off to spend with my family. Woke up Monday morning to a harsh message because I had not replied. We cannot accept this as normal and acceptable behavior"

AFP: "EU launches antitrust probe against Google over online advertising"

Members can run the earthquake report for any region, anytime

"Japanese Tech Companies ENEOS and Chiyoda Corporation to Slash Green Hydrogen Costs by Two thirds.. To build a facility that will use a proprietary electrolysis tech to significantly lower costs"



Guest speaker @OmarSShakir

'There are over 600 checkpoints in the West Bank that can turn a routine day into a horrifying ordeal.'"


Plug Power Announces 2021 First Quarter Results - Reports 72.0M dollars in Revenues and 73.7M dollars in Gross Billings for Q1 2021 - up 76% and 71% year over year"

"GenCell Energy Successfully Deploys its Revolutionary A5 Off-Grid FuelCell Solution in Iceland. @gencellenergy A5 combines the advantages of low temperature #fuelcell with the ability to operate on liquid ammonia fuel"


"@Airbus, @airliquidegroup and Groupe ADP Partner to Prepare Paris Airports for the Hydrogen Era.. Agreement to prepare for arrival of hydrogen in airports by 2035 part of the development of hydrogen-powered commercial aircraft"


"The First Green Hydrogen Production Project Is Launched in Lithuania"


"With the notion of systemic rivalry, the European Union hoped to separate political differences and economic links. In strategic rivalry, conflict leads. In systemic rivalry, conflict is limited to the political sphere. It is part of the EU’s political tradition to believe that politics and the economy can be insulated from each other...

Over the past two years, [the EU] approved a barrage of new regulations limiting the Chinese state’s ability to interfere with the framework of economic links between the two blocs. These include investment screening, trade defense instruments, a package against state subsidies and a public procurement tool...

The deal included significant concessions from Beijing, including a greater level of market access and disciplines on state-owned enterprises, transparency of subsidies and rules prohibiting forced technology transfer. 'By giving us a big gift, they hoped to prevent a united front with the Biden administration,' the official said.

What surprised China is that the EU never regarded the CAI as a political agreement. Having forced Beijing to concede on key points, the bloc did not hesitate to walk over China’s most salient red lines. On March 22, the EU joined the U.K. and the U.S. in imposing sanctions aimed at Chinese officials believed to be involved in human rights violations in Xinjiang province"


🤣 🤣 🤣



@H2MobilityAus has welcomed the federal government’s Discussion Paper on the Guarantee of Origin scheme for clean hydrogen, saying certification is 'crucial' to building a credible industry"

Mars is dead as fuck. No techtonic activity for millions of years.. It's a turd of a planet.

Some claim techtonic activity is a necessary ingredient for life. Earth is the only planet in the solar sys to have it (and maybe now Venus), and Earth is also the only planet with life.


[Venus] Scientists discovered tectonic motion on our sister planet [based on existing data, they used a new model]"

"Ilhan Omar started out in Congress as a somewhat lonely critic of decades of U.S. policy in the Middle East. Now, six months into her second term, the Minnesota Democrat has new and diverse allies.

The latest flareup of intra-party frustration with Omar’s progressive brand of foreign policy appears to have calmed.. While Omar’s recent comments weren’t as directly disparaging as she’s been in the past, Democrats are showing they’re increasingly comfortable backing her up, particularly as she hammers the Israeli government in ways that buck long-held bipartisan traditions in Washington...

'Some may call Congresswoman Omar’s comments harmful or piercing. But I think they’re only piercing because we’ve avoided the conversation for so long. And she’s not avoiding it,' Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.) ... said in an interview"



Speaking of 'cancelation,' U.S. workers can legally be fired for almost any reason, or no reason. A groundbreaking NYC law changes that for 70,000 in fast food"

UCDP/PRIO May file is out. Afganistan, Yemen, Nigeria deaths increased.

I looked in this general region bcz the Navy deploy map said that carrier was in the Atlantic coast.

I bet it was here.


Output at the bottom

Earthquake Stats

Ok.. ok.. you'll get an earthquake map

F24: "The United States Geological Survey recorded the explosion as a 3.9 magnitude earthquake on Friday."

18 tons of TNT equivalent. No joke. 1 kg can destroy a car.

BBC: "US Navy uses 40,000lb explosive to test warship .. against its aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford"

Number 1 motor vehicle parts supplier in the world.

"Fuel-cell stack: mass production starting 2022: Bosch"

"Hydrogen fuel cells to compete with diesel truck engines by 2030: Cummins"

CNBC: "Jaguar Land Rover is developing a hydrogen-powered vehicle and plans to test it out this year"

I see .. The overall quality of teachers, especially in US, is low. Therefore they come across as unskilled workers, "wage earners" which makes progs want to protect them.

But this is a bad decision point to be stuck with. Do we care for the switchboard operators, want them to be "happy", "well-paid"?. No. This particular job is gone, outdated.

Yes it is an either-or; either give kids prerecorded lectures, or teachers

I see some progs support teachers but not poor kids. Why is dat


"Artificial Photosynthesis Promises A Clean, Sustainable Source Of Energy--Biophysicist is building own artificial leaf analog that collects light and splits water molecules to generate hydrogen"


Brain uploading to machines.. these are Silicon Valley shitlib pipe dreams..

My movie recommender came up with Irrational Man.. Was ok.. I liked the backdrop.. Joachim digs these weirdo psychodramas eh?

A company..?

USA Today: "This company's permissive policies are behind high-profile police shootings of Black men in the US... The Texas-based company, Lexipol LLC, markets its policies as a way to protect local governments from frivolous lawsuits. That message has attracted clients all over the country, making Lexipol an influential player in the world of law enforcement"


Like I said data file isnt completely accurate, but there can be some interesting, even tangential hits sometimes. See above

More GDELT parsing.. new script goes back a month, scans for the shooting of black people by the police..

Output, Script

"@HYPOS_GreenH2 Germany Planning a Cross-Country Hydrogen Network"

"Chile Minister Jobet Welcomes Mega Agreement to Produce Hydrogen and Green Ammonia in Magallanes.. 'Through #greenhydrogen we will begin to clean up our agriculture and maritime transport'"


Situated in the city of Kawasaki the [Tokyu Hotels] is 30% powered by H2 derived from waste plastics"

Some Venezuella level shit is always possible of course but doesnt seem to be the case for US. So its not accurate to say 'there we go again, printing begins and currency debased, inflation goes up, as before!'.

It appears there is little correlation btw gov spending (deficit) and inflation for US.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd, datetime
from pandas_datareader import data

today =
start=datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1)
end=datetime.datetime(today.year, today.month,
# FYFSGDA188S surplus (+) or deficit (-) as percent of GDP
df = data.DataReader(['CPIAUCNS','FYFSGDA188S'], 'fred', start, end)
df['infyoy'] = (df.CPIAUCNS - df.CPIAUCNS.shift(12)) / df.CPIAUCNS.shift(12) * 100.0
df['FYFSGDA188S'] = df['FYFSGDA188S'].fillna(method='ffill').rolling(window=10).mean()
df1 = df[['FYFSGDA188S','infyoy']]
print (df1.corr())
df1.columns = ['Gov Surp or Def','Inflation']
             FYFSGDA188S    infyoy
FYFSGDA188S     1.000000  0.231844
infyoy          0.231844  1.000000

"U.S. Military Steps Up Its Withdrawal From Middle East.. The Pentagon is pulling antimissile batteries, aircraft and hundreds of troops from the Mideast as it focuses the armed services on challenges from China and Russia, administration officials said"

There are bleeping ditches dug in Novhorodske, Ukraine, like WWII style, saw it on Oz ABC

Navy map update now catches carrier USS R Reagan near Malaysia. System working.

Hah. So US made a foray into SCS, RU in the Pacific.

"Ahead of Biden-Putin summit, Russia conducts what it calls its largest naval exercise in the Pacific since Cold War"

pandas.to_datetime works like magic

Conflict stats update

Infl expectation for next year is at 4.0, down from 4.6. Can be important, expecting higher prices ppl can start ask higher wages, or raise prices in stores, etc.

But I still dont see a runaway process here.

Let's take a look

"How about consumer's inflation expectation?"


We are delighted to announce the launch of the #USIndia Hydrogen Taskforce with @ENERGY @mnreindia under the US-India Strategic Clean Energy Partnership. The hydrogen task force will help scale up technologies to produce hydrogen from renewable energy & fossil fuel sources"

"The Palestinian Authority said Friday it cancelled a swap deal that would have seen Israel provide it with one million Covid-19 jabs, as the doses were 'about to expire'"


"Australia is lodging a formal complaint with the World Trade Organization over China's imposition of anti-dumping duties on Australian wine exports, the government announces"


Japan started the Meiji transformation around the same time as TR's Tanzimat reforms. Italy has a similar repulsive agro empire past. Yet both are way ahead. Why?

Italy has 9 times the capability of Asia Minor, Japan is at 27. Obscene high numbers.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('../../2020/07/gdpw.csv')
df = df[df['country'].isin(['Turkey','Italy','Japan']) ]
df['gdp'] = df.gdpcap * df.population
df['mbindex'] = (df.gdpcap * df.gdp)/1e14

tr = float(df['Turkey'].mbindex)
df['trbeaten'] = (df['mbindex'] / tr).astype(int)
print (df[['country','trbeaten']])
   country  trbeaten
33   Japan        27
35   Italy         9
87  Turkey         1