
Github Mirror

Week 39

Firstpost: "China has asked all tech companies operating in China to submit a whole bunch of documents and information regarding their app stores. As a result, over 26 app stores have registered themselves, barring Apple. Because of this, Apple's App Store may become illegal"

Reuters: "UK and Germany partner to further advance hydrogen developments... A new important agreement between the UK and Germany could help to accelerate the development of an international hydrogen industry.. Signed at the UK Embassy in Berlin.. a Joint Declaration of Intent will see the UK and Germany work together to underpin the international trade in hydrogen...

The partnership follows significant investment by both countries in the development of hydrogen as an alternative fuel. In the UK, the government is supporting new low-carbon hydrogen production with capital from the £240 million Net Zero Hydrogen Fund and revenue support from the Hydrogen Production Business Model"

FuelCellsWorks: "Morocco Aspires To Become A Significant Player In Green Hydrogen"

"Hydrogen refuelling stations, buses operational in Peninsular Malaysia next year"

Route One: "Wrightbus work with Sizewell C could see 150 hydrogen bus fleet"


The absolute misery and struggles I had teaching basic file management to students back even in like 2015 who had no idea that a file had to exist somewhere when downloaded, and you need to open files to work with them in a GUI tool...

I felt bad because we wasted so much effort on this at the expense of later topics in #GIS"


UX designers who eliminated the filesystem from user consciousness in name of simplicity ruined the world and are morally culpable for shriveling minds of children who are unable to tackle the challenges of today thanks to a choice sold as advocacy for the user but was ultimately motivated by control of a disempowered customer"

F24: "With fentanyl, the cartels no longer needed to grow opium or rely on rural communities to produce it. Fentanyl is lightweight, discreet and easy to produce and transport. It can be passed off as a harmless pill, which explains the high number of deaths from overdoses. Just one fentanyl tablet can kill – and it's doing so increasingly frequently around the American continent"

That didn't take long

WSJ: "Lina Khan Has a Weak Case Against Amazon"

Mother Jones: "Rich Americans Are Stiffing the Taxman to the Tune of $66 Billion... Sen. Ron Wyden want the IRS to go after every last one of them"

"The deGoogled Murena Fairphone 4 is the first.. privacy conscious and sustainable phone. Powered by the revolutionary /e/OS operating system, this device is your shield against Google's constant data collection. Enjoy the benefits of a smart device without the surveillance, putting you back in control of your personal data. 

Like all Fairphone phones, it is built to last with its modular and repairable design. It features a removable 3905 mAh rechargeable battery. You can swap out the battery or the display on your own. No part of Murena Fairphone 4 is glued shut, so you can choose to easily repair it yourself with a standard screwdriver"

The Telegraph: "[The plan is] Milford Haven will be invented as a powerhouse of hydrogen production, carbon capture and offshore wind power as part of the shift to net zero. 'Right now, we’re sitting on the horizon of a new epoch in the waterway’s history,' says.. chief executive of the port of Milford Haven. 'It’s a really big opportunity for us - and everyone here gets that'"

Bama wasn't a bad president.. But he wasn't a good one either. Just a boring average like many others before him. This spoon feeding must end.

The US gov need for integration is real. It is part of their legitimacy offering. Remember how waspy wasp Judge Robers bent over backwards to make ACA work.

Whenever something doesn't make sense on a per-case basis, look for deeper psychological drives... BEV tech makes no sense, the reason for its FOMO is spoon feeding per below. Shoddy businessman, even worse techy half-brained cunt e-jagoff always manages to stay around because he was blessed by the First Black President™, in person. Assange was put through hell, more than any human being deserves, because he made the First Black President™ and his admin look bad.

Pushing for battery-electric cars is a fool's errand - there isn't enough lithium in the world to shift even a quarter of all cars to BEV.

This tech has been limping forward only due to Dems' efforts to spoon feed Obama his legacy. He'd pushed for this tech and the "First Black President™" muuust haaaave a leeeeegacy, so Dems after him keep promoting this shit.


@olimould It wasn't that literally nothing happened: a journalist pursuing a story from the papers was assassinated. Then nothing happened"


Remember when the Panama Papers came out? Remember that it evidenced a global network of tax-dodging, wealth-hoarding, criminal activity by the super-rich? Remember how literally nothing happened?"

Most of it is chick music.. And spefically white chick music. Any random song from Beyonce, Rhianna is catchier. Where's her Deja Vu, Halo, or that mad dance tune they go like uh oh, uh oh uh oh, oh and shaking booty? Sad.

The Voyager: "Taylor Swift is the most overrated singer of our generation... A lot of her fans are obsessive and, let´s be completely honest, some of her songs are problematic and honestly overall, pretty mediocre"

Yahoo News: "Trump tells autoworkers EV push will 'kill' jobs"

ABC News Australia: "Townsville is emerging as Australia's new Army capital with hundreds of soldiers to be relocated to north Queensland over coming years, while Adelaide becomes the home of advanced land-based, long-range strike capabilities"

Creating more businesses isn't the solution to our problems.. Too much business creation is the problem.


Major Global Truck OEM To Expand Fueling Network With PowerTap And Its Unique On-Site Hydrogen Production And Dispensing Unit In A Strategic Partnership - FuelCellsWorks"

#Patreon #Subtitute





Musavuli: "[In Congo the killing civilians by groups such as M23] is a tactic of displacement. Whenever you are massacring civilians in public.. those things are to terrorize the population. When it happens in your community tomorrow you are not going to be in the same area because you are afraid. We have mass displacement over [about] five million internally displaced Congolose.. [and right after ppl leave a place] you see development of mining concessions in that same area. Not only that, there is the dispossession of land"

"This paper contributes to several debates in political economy. First, for the last twenty years, civil wars have rightfully topped the research agendas of scholars working on conflict in Africa... The number of protests and riots doubled between 1997 and 2010.. this paper identifies one determinant of this increase in social conflict: mining areas make up just 0.3 percent of the rural population in Africa (localities with less than 100,000 people) but accounted for 22 percent of rural protests in 2009"



Daimler Truck #HydrogenRecordRun Milestone: Mercedes-Benz GenH2 Truck Cracks 1,000 Kilometer Mark With One Fill Of Liquid Hydrogen"

Emmerich's 10,000 BC was ok.. I could see some Stargate-ish concepts in it.

Dayen, Monopolized: "Six companies—cable providers Comcast and Charter, and former telephone companies AT&T, CenturyLink, Frontier, and Verizon—provide nearly all the broadband internet service in America, and anyone who has ever moved into a new house or apartment knows that it’s never the case that all six are an option. The telecoms have carved up the country, giving the impression of many nationwide players while running a near-monopoly virtually everywhere. According to a comprehensive 2018 study of the telecom industry’s broadband deployment, Comcast and Charter.. are the only internet service providers for 68 million people in their networks. Meanwhile, internet service providers like AT&T and Verizon have effectively stopped running fiber to homes"


Parenting in the age of the internet brings a whole new set of responsibilities and worries. I want my son to be a creator, not a consumer. How can I achieve this when our devices are designed to be addiction machines?"



Nice [upside down emoji]


British Museum completely empty after demand that all stolen items be returned"

FTC Chair is Lina Khan, a Warren protege apparently, and WSJ already published over a dozen hit pieces on her. She must be doing something right.

Ars Technica: "FTC files 'the big one,' a lawsuit alleging Amazon illegally maintains monopoly"

NBC News: "Biden makes history by joining striking autoworkers on the picket line"


Strike actions by 75,000 Kaiser Permanente healthcare workers to begin in early October"


Nobody would ever want to live beside a data center. They are big ugly warehouses. They are very noisy. There are air pollution dangers. They take huge quantities of water and electricity. They bring very few jobs. 'Just a dozen people, or two dozen people, run a facility that is consuming as much electricity as a small city,' Steven Gonzalez says. 'A data center life is between five and twenty years. This is not a permanent industry. It is extractive, like mines'"

😂 😂 😂

Futurism: "Google’s new GMail tool is hallucinating emails that don’t exist.. According to New York Times columnist Kevin Roose, Bard isn't the helpful inbox assistant that Google apparently wants it to be.. In his testing.. the AI hallucinated entire email correspondences that never took place"


When people say shit like 'But if we had UBI people would just sit at home and smoke weed all day!', like. Okay? Dope. What the fuck do you do at work that is really creating more value than smoking weed at home all day"

Fleet Owner: "In Germany and elsewhere in Europe, dozens of hydrogen refueling stations are coming online, supporting municipal fuel-cell fleets, passenger cars, and emerging FCEV trucks, giving a glimpse into U.S. transportation's zero-emission future"


I went to the AGU meeting in New Orleans in 2021 and one thing was absolutely clear: New Orleans is doomed, largely because of climate change.

If I lived there, I would be trying to get out as quickly as possible"

I understand developing countries being excited about more industrialization, development as many had little of it. I grew up near an agro-business, if not polluting they can be nice to have, know-how is built around them, it's good to see what people can achieve with proper organization. But, esp in US, there's been excesses. US "way of life" has been badly damaged from over-business, over-corporatization. The rise of the uniparty, the Business Party wreaked havoc on America.

Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) world has a lot to teach to the rest of the economy.


The absolute best thing we could do to make everything more sustainable is to eliminate barriers to reuse, repair, and study and improvement.

Basically, the 'Four Freedoms' of 'free software', applied to everything. An open hardware world"

By implication if the balance sheet even reaches 2020 levels imagine what kind of an SP fall that would mean.

Looking at the FED balance sheet, its trend is obvious, any SP move above that (in a properly scaled graph) would be fools chasing FOMO, some people could've made good money shorting that mean reversion, bcz it all went back to the level suggested by the FED balance sheet.

Nasdaq is back to where it was in June. Its like the last three months did not happen

I see some Indian channels are loving it, they maintained India was unfairly attacked by Canada during the Khalistani row, now the Nazi event looks like a "second faux pas".

Some in the West truly lost their shit with Putin derangement. This is where 'enemy of my enemy' chain of thought leads.

BBC News: "Canada's House Speaker apologises for praising Ukrainian who fought for Nazis.. Yaroslav Hunka, 98, was sitting in the gallery and got a standing ovation in parliament after Mr Rota said he was a 'hero' during a visit by Ukrainian President"


It's easy to say with hindsight that NFTs are a stupid scam but it was also easy at the beginning to say that and through the middle too"

ProPublica: "For the past quarter century, Intuit, the maker of TurboTax, has worked to thwart one clear threat to its profits: a free, publicly funded tool to file taxes online. The company's success at preventing that threat was near total - until earlier this year, when the IRS announced a plan to test such an approach"

Green Car Congress: "Rheinkraft International takes delivery of KEYOU 18t truck with hydrogen combustion engine"


#India's 1st green #hydrogen fuel cell public bus to run from Monday at Kartavya Path"

Green Car Congress: "[2023/04] At this year’s demopark open-air exhibition, Mercedes-Benz is presenting a prototype of the Unimog based on the U 430 with hydrogen-powered combustion engine as part of the publicly funded “WaVe” project. The project, funded by Germany Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, is being implemented jointly by 18 partners from industry and science and began in July 2021"

Gary Marcus: "Elegant and powerful new result that seriously undermines large language models.. [Researches] Lukas Berglund and others.. asked a simple, powerful, elegant question: can LLMs trained on A is B infer automatically that B is A? The shocking.. answer is no"


JS is fast as shit these days.. near C++ performance.

Matrix computation libs on Javascript? Writing some bleeping for loops is not a big deal.


It still blows my mind that in just three short decades of dirt-cheap imports from China, we've gotten so used to the idea that a Nerf gun, a small computer, or a set of automotive wrenches 'ought to' cost less than a lunch"

NYT: "Gold Mining Is Poisoning the Planet With Mercury.. Mining is the leading source of mercury emissions, ahead of coal-fired power plants"


Here's the truth about tax cuts for the rich.

They explode the federal debt, fuel giant profits at the biggest firms and financial institutions, and stoke a surge in billionaire wealth but do nothing for average working people.

Nothing trickles down"


There should be a reverse Indiana Jones film where a South American tribe sneaks into the Vatican, steals some relics, and gets away on a boat while a bunch of men in golden robes shake their fists and shout their strange language"

Over 250K people arrived in August alone. Insane numbers #immigration

2023 (FYTD)08    232972
2023 (FYTD)10    231538
2023 (FYTD)11    235198
2023 (FYTD)12    252320
Name: Encounter Count, dtype: int64

Yes all that S-400 drama.. After months of "will they, won't they" S-400 was bought, but then was sent to a depot never to be used again, because the subsequent punishment for the act would be severe. Pedestrian watcher of the drama remembers the drama, not the aftermath, which might have been the purpose from the start. "Rebelliousness" was on display for as long as possible, but led nowhere. This is poodle territory.

Homie was kicked out of the F-35 program, looking at this situation maybe that was not so bad.

It sounds like the fault lies with the private sector again.

Defense News: "In March 2023, [Government Accountability Office] said, the mission-capable rate for all F-35s was at 55%. That's well below the 70% mission-capable goal the Air Force..

The backlog of broken spare parts that need fixed has more than doubled since spring 2019, GAO said, from 4,300 to more than 10,000... Rather than wait nearly five months for a repaired part.. the F-35 Joint Program Office often buys new parts at a higher cost. This helps get the fighter back in the air faster.. but it drives up sustainment costs..

[S]upport equipment frequently breaks.. and because it is proprietary, contractors must come in to fix it — a process that can take months. In the last few years, the F-35 program has grown to conclude it can’t afford the current strategy of contractor-led sustainment of the jet. By 2036, GAO wrote in a 2021 report, contractor-led sustainment of the jet will be $6 billion more than the military can afford in that year alone..

Decisions made at the dawn of the F-35 are.. coming back to haunt it — particularly the Pentagon’s early decision not to obtain technical data on the fighter from Lockheed Martin"

USA Today: "Debris from a Marine Corps F-35 stealth fighter jet that crashed in South Carolina after the pilot ejected and parachuted to safety was found Monday.. the third costly accident in recent weeks"

Al Monitor: "New York trip gave Netanyahu no escape from Israel's reality.. The Israeli prime minister’s coalition partners were careful to remind him, even when he visited the United Nations, that his political fate is in their hands, and that they won’t allow any concessions to the Palestinians"


Can’t wait for the 'actually LLMs are a worthless scam' articles in 2025 and all the people that pretend they never fell for it"

This is from a guy who is worth $17.4 billion BTW.

There is that word again.


LOL Rupert Murdoch's resignation letter rails against 'the elites.'"

Notice the frequent use of "the elites" label in right-wing media, they are trying to create that feudal connection perhaps, elite = government = ruler = king so you ask them to "stay out of your room".

I'm sure the post-70s grand bargain, neoliberal agenda and its planners preyed upon such base feelings when they pushed their anti-government message. You can always equate government = ruler = king, therefore gov would be told "stay out of my room"

Rapaille, TCC: "Our adolescence stems from one essential point: we never had to kill the king in order to become who we are. Every adult was once a child, small and anxious. Then they go through stages of adolescence and rebellion. In the American culture, however, our rebellion took an unusual form. Many cultures act out their rebellion by killing their leaders (for example, the French rebelled by beheading Louis XVI), after which their period of rebellion ends and adulthood begins. We never killed our king because we never actually had one. We rebelled against the only king who ever tried to rule us and threw him out of 'our room,' but we didn’t behead him. We simply told him to stay out.

For this reason, our rebellious period never really ended. Rather than moving on from it, we hold on to it and reinforce it when we welcome immigrants to our shores. These immigrants have left the country that was forced upon them at birth. Coming here is a huge act of rebellion. Like the American revolutionaries, they leave their old cultures behind rather than “finishing the job” by killing the king. Therefore, they remain rebels, and this constant influx of new adolescents helps keep our entire culture adolescent"

America has a bizarre relationship with its government. Some reactions to it are downright childish.. Clotaire Rapaille hints it could be due to how America dealt with its former feudal ruler. See above.

Being able to transact fast, easily was certainly lacking then, and it still does now (FED is finally rolling out a solution), but the reason for that backwardness again had to do with finance, business community itself who never wanted government to be involved in anything other than keeping the banking system solvent (read: bail me out when I need it) and frowned upon actions that looked remotely innovative by the government, bcz like, that was "their turf". Gov on its part frowned upon money transfer outside its bailiwick bcz of the need to deal with money laundering, crime (that's why they killed Libra). The result: deadlock, and the freak shitcoins emerged out of that lull in policymaking.

In China, and India, where corporatism (fascism) is not as strong as in US, governments could innovate, lead others to implement a fast money transfer solution. Have no doubt, Indian UPI is ten times better and reliable than any of these fuckcoins, it likely provided a good example for US FED to follow as well. US was late in the game, wasting time with "fintech", while India steamed ahead.

Quick reminder Bitcoin started during the aftermath of GFC, along with the "Tea Party" movement who thought the solution for unfettered capitalism was more unfettered capitalism (you can transact without government fiat bro). That's why they kept the money base to be finite as they were mimicking gold, a "politics free money" bcz they are bufoons without any shred of econ knowledge.


I don't understand, I added blockchain to it but I'm still not rich"