
Github Mirror

Week 8

Paper: "Magnesium hydride (MgH2) is a promising material for solid hydrogen storage due to its superior hydrogen storage capacity... Our results obtained by spin-polarized density functional theory calculations with van der Waals corrections (DFT-D3) unveiled an interesting “burst effect” during MgH2 dehydrogenation"


Reuters: "Honeywell carbon capture tech to be used at Exxon’s low-carbon hydrogen production facility"

Number 1 rule of tech adoption: The tech that can handle all cases, will eventually be deployed for all cases.

FT: "The big bet on hydrogen vehicles.. Toyota and Hyundai believe in the alternative fuel.. Large vehicles, such as trucks, need an alternative to battery electric power. The distances they travel mean electric alternatives require heavy batteries.. for hydrogen-powered commercial vehicles — buses and trucks — growth has been much stronger than expected. Hyundai’s Xcient trucks have expanded market share rapidly since last year, on the roads in Germany, Switzerland, New Zealand and South Korea. Deliveries arrive in the US and Israel this year. In China, hydrogen fuel-cell vehicle sales, led by buses, nearly tripled last year"

It's true.. the sounds are truly a mess. The cacaphony is an anti-propaganda for Islam the religion. Loud church bells are annoying too BTW.

Quora: "I’m Muslim and I’ll tell you what I hate about [call to prayer, Azan], (at least in major cities..)


Mosques are located in just about every neighborhood and they all blast the adhan at the loudest possible volume.

What results is an unintelligible, screaming, mess of sound, that would be entirely unidentifiable as anything even slightly related to a call to religious worship if it weren’t for blips of the rise and fall of the familiar cadence that sometimes makes its way through the mess because they all play at slightly different times, so the words of each fight with those of the other"

CNBC: "The U.S. and China met to discuss the 'spy balloon.' Their statements afterward were very different"

H2 View: "Sinopec launches 30,000 tonne per year green hydrogen project in China"

H2 View: "UK Government backs £5.4m autonomous liquid hydrogen vessel and infrastructure project"

Madagascar RU relations sound pretty good.. Added it to - Da - Map.


Reuters: "[10/2022] Madagascar minister fired for voting against Russia's Ukraine annexation"

Informed Comment: "Jimmy Carter was Pilloried for Worrying about Israeli Apartheid, but he has Been Amply Vindicated by History"

TechCrunch: "India and Singapore have linked their digital payments systems, UPI and PayNow, to enable instant and low-cost fund transfers in a major push to disrupt the cross-border flow of money between the two nations that amounts to over $1 billion each year"

H2 View: "Spanish oil company Cepsa has signed an agreement with Dutch-based ACE Terminal to create a green hydrogen supply chain between Spain and the Netherlands"

H2 View: "GeoPura receives £36m backing from industrial and financial majors..UK green hydrogen company GeoPura has today (February 23) announced it has received £36m ($43m) from an investment round co-led by the investment arm of General Motors (GM Ventures) and Barclays Sustainable Impact Capital"

F24: "France goes 31 days without rainfall, unprecedented in winter"

First Post: "Light of Day: Cambridge study finds four-day week makes companies more profitable, keeps employees happy"

Russia-friendly Burkina Faso gov just recently ended the deployment of French soldiers on its soil. Gov also resurrected the symbolism, image of Thomas Sankara, a Marxist, and former President of BF 1983-87. Per history Sankara was toppled (and killed) by an "outside assisted" coup involving France and Ivory Coast.

Ok.. ok.. you get a little green patch on your side. Updated da map.

African News: "[9/2022] Polish president visited Ivory Coast to discuss impact of war in Ukraine.. During the visit, Ivorian president Alassane Ouattara reiterated his support for the restoration of borders in Ukraine"

TASS: "Gas supply by Gazprom for Europe through Ukraine up to highest level since early January"

The US carrier moved toward the Adriatic.. Conspiracy theorists to the East of the Aegean can breathe a sigh of relief.

u.sm_plot_list1(38, 24, 2.0, np.array(u.usnavy()[['name','lat','lon']]))

Decentralized social media tech also points the way for proper anti-trust and breaking up companies; it is possible, it was possible to simply split a social network into two, have half of their users in one business, the other in the business, communicating through a common protocol.


Social media giants have a new pitch:

'Nice identity you got there -- be a shame if something happened to it.'"

Arab News: "Malcolm X’s daughter to sue CIA and FBI for wrongful death"

Paper: "Dr Lex van Loon [writes] the biggest concern [with space flight] is prolonged exposure to microgravity - near zero gravity - which, combined with exposure to damaging radiation from the Sun, could cause 'fundamental' changes to the body"


First Post: "Pakistan’s elite in trouble amid bankruptcy as IMF tells Shehbaz Sharif govt to tax only the rich"

Atjazz - Kidnapped #music


"Norway produces 50% of 'energy' with hydropower!!". When you look closely it is electricity, not just "energy" and elec consump is at 20%. So now the number goes down to 10% - for a country of 5 million ;) Is this supposed to impress someone?

Of overall energy the percentage is actually <4%. Electricity does not represent all energy consumption (a mere 15% in most countries). That is why most rosy renewable energy numbers are also false eg Germany, Norway

"Today the US produces just 7% of its energy from renewables, the majority from hydroelectric schemes"


It looks like generating things that can be interpreted one way or another problem (some might call that art) was solved earlier by today's crude attempts at AI.. Didn't scifi shows and movies have us believe art was the last thing to arrive? The android on Trek tried very hard to make jokes, create paintings after demonstrating excellent abilities in strong AI, feats today's algorithms can't even touch. I guess the only thing the super duper android from 24th century had to do was use some shit neural network code from 21st century, shove bunch of data in there, and let it "generate art" for him.

See sample GDELT output files here. Pick one, and check Actor1Name, Actor2Name, and EventCode triplets for every record, meaning someone does something to someone else. Half the time they are wrong... This is one of the best language models. Use SOTA, and forget 90, 95%, if you can surpass 80% I will eat my hat.

The codes are documented in this PDF.

When specific answers are required to be true, one could say part of the definition of (strong) AI, deep neural nets have a huge problem.

It goes wrong frequently, miscategorizes stuff all the time

"GDELT uses some of the world's most sophisticated natural language and data mining algorithms, including the world's most powerful deep learning algorithms, to extract more than 300 categories of events, millions of themes and thousands of emotions and the networks that tie them together"

It's funny I helped architect the tigger version of Ticketmaster, which was eventually acquired by... Ticketmaster. Expansion at all costs is clearly their thing, at home and abroad.

A recent claim is Ticketmaster monopoly caused an absence of choices when TX systems went awry and "Swifties" went batshit

LA Times: "[2010] Ticketmaster-Live Nation merger gets Justice Department’s approval"

Euractiv: "Putin: The more long-range Western systems are being delivered to Ukraine, the farther we will be forced to move the threat from our borders"

Shut up! Say 'Evil Russia"! #Kirby


Politico: "The First Step Act, a criminal-justice reform law, created, among other things, quicker pathways home for certain nonviolent federal prisoners and delivered some sentencing reforms... Activists now estimate that perhaps 20,000 people have been released so far because of the law, according to Lance Kramer, the producer of the newly released documentary The First Step. And this happened because a self-described “law-and-order” president [Trump], who had months earlier called for the execution of major drug dealers, somehow found common ground with members of the social-justice left.

Major spike in new Masto users - from 300/hr it's now over 1000/hr.

Cuck votes up norm votes down

u.rottentomatoes2("Star Trek Discovery")
Out[1]: {'tomatometer score': '84%', 'audience score': '36%'}

Fringe was good scifi.. The strange thing is Ibrahim, Kurtzman, Akiva were all part of it... Then they mucked it all up for ST Discovery, "STD"

ABC News: "Artisanal cobalt mining swallowing city in Democratic Republic of the Congo, satellite imagery shows"


There are doctoral degrees awarded for machine learning; was it too premature to turn this 'eclectic mix of CS/Stat subjects' into a whole new field? There aren't any major theoretical advances to their name, all they have is applications that are created by jury rigging ever larger neural nets, feeding more and more data into them to do it.

There is a small chance for the challenger to win, for that Dems have to campaign like Gore and the Rep have to do extremely well, I'm talking Dubya, Karl Rove level well.

At a potential 2% Q2 GDP growth incumbent is likely to win 2024 reelection.

Interval: [49.79 53.43] Average: 51.61

Net approval settled at around -10%.


Maps show who has been historically better at war - looking at Laos and Vietnam, the latter's landmass starts all the way from South, circles around, goes North, always in command of the seashore. Laos could have had a piece of that for access but has none - completely landlocked. Clearly Vietnam has been better at war.

u.sm_plot_list1(18, 104, 2, [['Laos',20,102],['Vietnam',14,108]])

Fox News: "Ron DeSantis rips Biden's 'blank-check' Ukraine policy"

US probably doesn't care as much about the Kurds of Rojova (NE Syria), but cares more about Shite Assad does not have an easy connection to the now-Shite-majority Iraq. Scared of an Iran-Iraq-Syria connectivity towards the Medi? The Kurdish areas cut them off nicely... There is some SYR-IRQ connection in the SE, and of course US has a base there (Al-Tanf) and the area is conveniently infested with the Sunni extremist Daesh.


CNBC: "The SEC has a stablecoin firm in its sights — and it could shake up the whole $137 billion market.. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) could be gearing up to take action against Paxos"

China Daily: "The world's biggest project using solar and wind power to produce hydrogen started construction in Ordos, Inner Mongolia autonomous region on Wednesday... It is being built by Sinopec.. the world's largest refiner by volume and the country's biggest geothermal developer"

Robb Report: "How This Hydrogen-Powered America’s Cup Chase Cat Could Change the Future of Boating Dubbed Chase Zero, the foiling-power catamaran spans 10 meters in length and can carry up to 550 pounds"

David Mumford (Fields medal winner) started some work around the mathematics of intelligence, pattern recognition, in a book on what he calls "pattern theory"; this direction needs to be explored further IMO.

Mainstream "AI" research is moving in a completely wrong direction. They need to change direction, fix how they conduct the science.

There is a term in FD formulas that says 'if there is a pressure difference between two regions there will be a force between those regions, from high to low' for example. This is the type of formula AI, or AGI needs, not "neurons". Observe external variables (via experiments, trial/error), then using mathematics create releations among them. AGI needs to follow the same approach adopted by nearly all natural sciences. What are the variables of intelligence? What is the Calculus that can bind them together? These need to be invented. It isn't about "computation", not at first, brogrammers are slow to grasp this.. It's about declarative, broad relations, finding the ever-present pattern among them, like making a cat's cradle. Starting with one set of relations, transforming it another, it goes on.. Then as a last step, you can compute.

There is a fluid dynamics formula that works for any point in space, point in time, at macro level.. We "discretize" that formula, chop it up into pieces for computation and program that into the computer, much later. This is a different approach from using micro particles trying to build up to a system. As with many other things bottom up approach doesn't work, top-down design is necessary. High organization / design matters.

We don't simulate fluids with particles

"[Deep] neural nets will give us true AI, intelligence is all about neurons, if we can simulate enough neurons we can simulate the brain, just like simulating water with many (water) particles"

The Big Bang Never Happened author Eric Lerner @ IAI.


Why ruin the mystery

NYT: "U.S. Calls Off Search for Unidentified Objects It Shot Down"

If there are 10 dead/injured per building on avg, the current reported figures may double in the future.

TR # of buildings collapsed after eq per city - UNHCR PDF

Total : 23498


But Al Jazeera has good content overall, and a fair take on the Israel/Palestine issue. Glad it is available.

Qatar (who finances Al Jazeera) must still be butthurt from not being able to topple Assad after all that money spent to achieve it. I look at my timeline (below); there are gazillion of other events between that amnesty and, say, the capture of Falluja in 2014 by ISIS, years later.


:) Al Jazeera docu says Assad released (Sunni) political prisoners which created ISIS

Free Julian Assange


Rage Against The War Machine - organized by Libertarian Party and the People's Party. Catchy title. Good event. Make noise.. little cacerolazo.. good trouble.

Ohio governor (R) was grilled pretty well on Fox & Friends - and they say journalism is dead!

Informed Comment: "Israeli Delegate Expelled from African Union Summit, in what may be First Global South Reaction to new Extremist Netanyahu Government" "The Malian discovery was vivid evidence for what a small group of scientists, studying hints from seeps, mines, and abandoned wells, had been saying for years: Contrary to conventional wisdom, large stores of natural hydrogen may exist all over the world, like oil and gas—but not in the same places. These researchers say water-rock reactions deep within the Earth continuously generate hydrogen, which percolates up through the crust and sometimes accumulates in underground traps. There might be enough natural hydrogen to meet burgeoning global demand for thousands of years, according to a U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) model that was presented in October 2022 at a meeting of the Geological Society of America"


2000 Project - It's About Time #music


Paper: "Incomplete recovery of bone strength and trabecular microarchitecture at the distal tibia 1 year after return from long duration spaceflight" via #AntonPetrov


H2 Central: "Advent Technologies Methanol Fuel Cell Supplies Highly Efficient Heating and Cooling in New CHP Offering"

H2 Central: "The Netherlands and Germany Enhance Their Hydrogen Import Partnership with Australia"

H2 Fuel News: "Hydrogen plane granted experimental airworthiness certificate by the FAA.. Universal Hydrogen completed its first taxi tests, received its certificate, inked an Air New Zealand agreement"

"University of Limerick, Ireland researchers discover new material to ‘trap and store volatile gases’.. The discovery has just been published in the world leading journal Nature Chemistry"

That was a great game


Unreal Tournament 2004


I can't see anything mission-critical being managed by those things. Tensorflow will kill you, in extremely dumb ways.

Updated the section with the most recent additions - becoming massive


It is like AI - yes 😂 it certainly has as much smarts as those shit codes of "AI".

I dont pick label locations in graph below they are picked randomly



But there might be more to mull over here.. A theologian once said 'every prophet worked as a shephard at least once in their lives'.. I'd made a connection back then with them gaining people management skills through the work (people are sheep), but this pastoral people business brings in a new angle; were prophets temperamentally pastoral but peaceful who wanted to be left alone by the plundering farmer-slave state, then created a space for themselves and like-minded others through a religious ideology?

There has been warrior monks in history so warrior shephard is not too surprising. I've seen a few of those guys I always thought they could kick some ass.

If wages/inf is problematic, within this system there isn't much else that can be done about it... For better results, need a better system.

Businesses work on credit, and credit is newly printed money which pay salaries.. Only money in general circulaton can be inflationary. Ergo reducing inf means reducing that circulation.


2000 Project - Parallax #music

[-] "Facile and scalable production of a fuel-cell nanocatalyst for the hydrogen economy.. The researchers demonstrated that these uniformly sized (3-4 nanometers) cobalt-platinum (Co-Pt) alloy nanoparticles can be produced by simple heat treatment"

Total Consumer Credit Outstanding as % of GDP is actually down (see link)

"Credit card debt hits record high $986 billion"
