
Github Mirror

Week 7

INN: "Copper Prices Could See "Astronomical Rise" as Supply Concerns Increase"

The Telegraph: "Antony Blinken 'warns Ukraine' against retaking Crimea"

"Matt Gaetz Leads 11 Lawmakers in Introduction of 'Ukraine Fatigue' Resolution to Halt U.S. Aid to Ukraine.. 'Biden must have forgotten his prediction from March 2022, suggesting that arming Ukraine with military equipment will escalate the conflict to ‘World War III.’ America is in a state of managed decline, and it will exacerbate if we continue to hemorrhage taxpayer dollars toward a foreign war. We must suspend all foreign aid for the War in Ukraine and demand that all combatants in this conflict reach a peace agreement immediately,' Congressman Gaetz said"

Info on AFCs


If I had to pick one clean tech product to focus on personally, it would be an ammonia fuel-cell for home/personal use (low temperature version). Purchase fuel from existing ammonia infrastructure, then use it to power home and other applications. Once NH3 itself is clean, "well-to-wheel" becomes clean.

I bet these guys later went to Anatolia as well; they must have brought yoghurt (a milk product) with them. No wonder Herodotus knew about it in 450 BC.

IMO pastoralists represent a third kind of human organization - other two are forager, farmer, this is the third way, they did domesticate animals but do not stay in one place as the static farmer giving them an advantage. Their main archetype would be the shephard. I see them closer to foragers than farmers.

Steppe Migration Map - pastoralists came from Yamnaya

Farmers from A. Minor migrated to Europe, later 4800 BC pastoralist steppe people migrated there. Farmers got wiped out by plague, they were kinda unhealthy too much grain (lactose intol, could not handle milk, cheese). Their death eased steppe migration, pastoralists attacked them too. In some ways Europeans (esp males) are Russians.

Steppers were pastoralists, had 'free-range' cattle moved a lot, lived on milk and meat, not grain. Healthier, were physically more fit, taller on average.

Fantastic lecture (1 hour) by Kristian Kristiansen. Summary above.

"Towards a New European prehistory: genes, archaeology and language"


Mark Pritchard - The Essence #music


H2 View: "JCB installs hydrogen ICE into 7.5 tonne Mercedes truck.. British construction and agricultural equipment manufacturer JCB has installed its hydrogen combustion engine into a 7.5 tonne Mercedes truck"

A season free of Jar Jar Ibrahim and his acolytes.. That would fix most of the problems.

That new Picard episode wasn't half-bad.. Is Trek fixing itself?


Lightning struck Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro on February 10, 2023"


WION: "Estimates show between 1mn & 1.5mn died in China since it rescinded its ‘zero Covid’ policy"

Al Jazeera: "Russia surrounds Bakhmut as Ukraine sends in troops"

NL company - apparently they can do this at scale? Supercritical water gasification - something to look out for.

SCW Systems: "[W]e also know water as a gas in the form of steam and as a solid in the form of ice. But there is also a fourth state of water: the supercritical state. Under extreme conditions (very high pressure and temperature) water acquires very special properties. This is the core of this technology.

If we mix water with organic wastes and bring it into the supercritical state, something special happens. All organic matter in the water, both recently formed organic matter and fossil-based, breaks down into gases we can put to good use: methane and hydrogen"


[-] "France slams Disney’s Black Panther over depiction of French troops.. The film depicts Western countries, particularly France, attempting to steal resources of a fictional high-tech African country"

Bloomberg: "Nuclear Power Wins Carve-Out Under EU's Green Hydrogen Rules"

H2 Central: "UK’s first globally recognised certification scheme will help verify the sustainability of low carbon hydrogen"

TASS: "US investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, who last week published a summary of his inquiry about the US being responsible for the explosions on the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 pipelines, has accused the leading US media of glossing over his findings"

Snowden: "It’s not aliens. I wish it were aliens. But it's not aliens. It’s just the ol' engineered panic, an attractive nuisance ensuring natsec reporters get assigned to investigate balloon bullshit rather than budgets or bombings (a la nordstream)" #UFO

This might actually be the paper that initiated the word 'stochastic parrot' #ChatGPT #DeepShit

"On the Dangers of Stochastic Parrots.. [One] category of risk involves bad actors taking advantage of the ability of large [neural-net based language models -LM-]s to produce large quantities of seemingly coherent texts on specific topics on demand in cases where those deploying the LM have no investment in the truth of the generated text. These include prosaic cases, such as services set up to ‘automatically’ write term papers or interact on social media..

Yet another risk connected to seeming coherence and fluency involves machine translation (MT) and the way that increased fluency of MT output changes the perceived adequacy of that output. This differs somewhat from the cases above in that there was an initial human communicative intent, by the author of the source language text. However, MT systems can (and frequently do) produce output that is inaccurate yet both fluent and (again, seemingly) coherent in its own right to a consumer who either doesn’t see the source text or cannot understand the source text on their own"


People will still work for extra pay. But in terms of the essentials, we need to remember currently less than 2% of US labor is sufficient to produce food - this is the percentage of labor in farming. That means the labor of 98% is already not necessary for the most essential item - sustenance.

"If everyone could retire at 18 who would work and produce?"

#EUStateAid #EUGreenDeal 🌱Commission 🇪🇺approves €170 million Danish 🇩🇰 scheme to support #renewable #hydrogen production

The Brussel Times: "NATO can't keep up with Ukraine's ammunition needs, says [Secretary General] Stoltenberg"

"The West wanted to attack Putin so they blocked legitimate attempt at peace"

Russia-Ukraine War: Ex-Israel PM Naftali Bennett's Shocking Revelations #Sharma


U-oh.. Lord Austin called South China Sea the "West Philippine Sea"

Eurasian Times: "US Gets Access To 9 Military Bases In The Philippines"

F24: "Israelis march against judicial reforms as president warns of 'legal collapse'"

Guy signed up right after 9/11 in that gung-ho atmosphere, deployed to Afghanistan; But called the Iraqi invasion illegal, and was killed afterwards? Actually from a just war viewpoint, AFG was the place 9/11 originated, so attacking it at least initially may not be.. unjust. I had not heard about the PT Iraqi crit, that's good, the guy wasn't some blind overzealous nationalist dipshit. He was probably killed for it, by the deep state, sorry "friendly fire" 🤔.

Common Dreams: "Anti-War Voices Accuse Super Bowl of 'Hijacking the Pat Tillman Story'.. One journalist reminded readers that the NFL star and Army Ranger 'called the Iraq invasion and occupation 'fucking illegal' and was killed by friendly fire in an incident the military covered up and tried to hide from his family'"

Reuters: "EU lawmakers approve effective 2035 ban on new fossil fuel cars"

TASS: "Austria refuses to train Ukrainian soldiers to operate Leopard 2 tanks.. Citing Austria’s constitutional neutrality, Defense Minister.. called the issue of support for Ukraine 'a sovereign decision of each state within the framework of its own laws'"

EQ deaths as of Feb 9



Electrolysis capacity of over 1,065GW now in the pipeline, as part of developing low-carbon hydrogen - says GlobalData"

Earlier share on the topic #pyrolysis


A good, detailed account of the technology. Nicely done.

"Methane Pyrolysis: Producing Green Hydrogen Without Carbon Emissions"



Freight Waves: "Cummins sees billions from its hydrogen electrolyzer business"


The Independent: "Michigan state university shooting.. Shots were fired in two locations on the campus, with reported fatality"

CNBC: "Amazon is the latest threat to Facebook as ad targeting suffers.. Until a year ago, Amazon didn’t even disclose the size of its advertising business, leaving analysts and investors to guess how much the company was making in allowing sellers and brands to promote their wares on the site and apps. Now, the company’s ad division is a 38 billion annual business, and last week reported 19% year-over-year growth in the fourth quarter to $11.6 billion"

H2 Fuel News: "Alstom hydrogen train demonstration project to launch in Quebec.. In summer 2023, the Coradia iLint trial will begin in the Canadian province"

Chris Hedges: "Woke Imperialism.. The brutal murder of Tyre Nichols by five Black Memphis, Tennessee, police officers should be enough to implode the fantasy that identity politics and diversity will solve the social, economic and political decay that besets the United States. Not only are the former officers Black, but the city’s police department is headed by Cerelyn Davis, a Black woman. None of this helped Nichols, another victim of a modern-day police lynching. ​

The militarists, corporatists, oligarchs, politicians, academics and media conglomerates champion identity politics and diversity because it does nothing to address the systemic injustices or the scourge of permanent war that plague the U.S. It is an advertising gimmick, a brand, used to mask mounting social inequality and imperial folly. It busies liberals and the educated with a boutique activism, which is not only ineffectual but exacerbates the divide between the privileged and a working class in deep economic distress. The haves scold the have-nots for their bad manners, racism, linguistic insensitivity and garishness, while ignoring the root causes of their economic distress. The oligarchs could not be happier...

If you stand with the oppressed, you will almost always end up being treated like the oppressed. This is why the F.B.I., along with Chicago police, murdered Fred Hampton and was almost certainly involved in the murder of Malcolm X, who referred to impoverished urban neighborhoods as 'internal colonies.'"

"An EU-backed consortium successfully installs a hydrogen gas turbine demonstrator at a paper mill testing site in France"


Politico: "The kid billionaire [SBF] made his carefully cultivated dishevelment an advertisement for crypto — and himself. But now his image carries a different label: Fraudster"

People know best

WION: "From Brexit to 'Bregret': More young Britons vent discontent"

Why ChatGPT won't kill journalism - Media Watch


Politico: "[Chinese envoy:] 'We are quite concerned about people talking about winning a complete victory on the battlefield [in Ukraine]. We believe that the right place would be at the negotiating table'"

H2 Fuel News: "Researchers use sea water to produce green hydrogen at almost 100% efficiency.. The Adelaide University team found a way to cleanly make H2 without requiring fresh water"

H2 Central: "World’s largest hydrogen power plant and electrolyzer to open in Australia"

Paper: "[T]he high-temperature [solid-oxide direct-ammonia fuel-cell] need a preheat treatment process before the fuel cell operation. It is more suitable for the stationary energy system, instead of automotive applications. Japan is a country intensively developing renewable energy for its industrial and residential usage. Moreover the IHI, a Japanese manufacturing firm, obtained 1-kW class power from a high temperature DAFC, which could possibly replace those facilities using natural gas in the future"

Global Earthquake Fault Lines


H2 Central: "The 1948 Chevrolet 3100 truck.. may look like a traditional hot rod on the outside, but it hides something a bit unconventional under the hood. While it draws juice from a supercharged, 6.2-liter V8, the LS3 in question is not a gas-guzzler. Instead of gulping gasoline to spin the wheels, the V8 unit feeds on hydrogen..

[Owner] says the hydrogen-powered V8 is capable of much more than that. He will be able to demonstrate that once he gets his hands on a set of bigger custom-made injectors.

Once installed, they will enable the V8 to deliver between 550 to 600 horsepower. All that with only water and steam coming out of the exhaust pipe? Yup, it sounds like a great and efficient way to keep big-displacement V8 engines alive"

Raising the retirement age? It needs to be lowered, as in down to 18. Noone should work bcz they have to. There is plenty of f-ing money - govs will find it when they have to. They happily sink over a trillion into a lackluster fighter plane, they surely can find some of it for regular people.

That's like saying you can free yourself from the burdens of life by making seatbelts non-mandatory, letting the market decide, and die when the market desires it 🤨

Borne: “Helping everyone to free themselves through work is a value of the left”.. 🤣 Yeah.

Borne is supposedly "leftist" but sadly now turned into window dressing for anti-left policies... The NYT piece is probably psyop designed to generate symphathy for her so we forget about the recent protests against the goverment trying to raise the retirement age..

NYT: "The daughter of an Auschwitz survivor, [French PM] Élisabeth Borne... "

Getting smacked around by modern linguistics expert.. "AI" people are in trouble

"Debunking the great AI lie - Noam Chomsky, Gary Marcus, Jeremy Kahn"


You are confusing Russia with Ukraine

WSJ: "Russia Throws Soldiers Into Firing Line to Gain Inches"

CNBC: "Disney said it will be reorganizing into three divisions: Entertainment, ESPN and parks and experiences.. will slash 7,000 jobs from its workforce and plans to cut 5.5 billion in costs, including $3 billion in content savings"

It's not possible to be culturally Catholic in a Protestan majority country and vica versa. Your codes will not allow it. If you try too hard to be something else, you will become neurotic. This word is associated with certain subgroup but there is Italian neuroticism too, in quotes obviously "Italian" - same for Polish, and others. First generation children and their descendants need to understand this clearly - that fureign fuck talking shit with an accent (your elders) is not similar to you. It's sad, but that is the truth.

Culture is transmitted at young age, subconciously, via osmosis - through a land and its people, one on one, not through education, stories, belief, or self-declaration.

All migrants are assimilated in one generation; the Turks in Anatolia were no exception. Their initial culture is gone - almost nothing of it remains. A form of language is around due to adminstrative, military reasons, but that language is changed beyond recognition to the extent that Anatolians today cannot understand "their cousins" in Asia.

Arab News: "US forces returning to Philippines to counter China threats.. Once-secret ammunition bunkers and barracks lay abandoned, empty and overrun by weeds — vestiges of.. largest overseas [US] naval base at Subic Bay in the northern Philippines. But that may change in the near future. The US has been taking steps to [return to] the Philippines more than 30 years after the closure of its large bases in the country"

The Guardian: "Rights abuses often ‘tipping point’ for extremist recruitment, UN study finds"