
Github Mirror

Week 48


First pipeline sections for a Rotterdam hydrogen network arrived by train from Germany. 32 km, diameter 60 cm", construction will start mid-2023"

Seriously the younger son even looks less inbred compared to the rest of the royal fam

Well this sounds like a major PR problem.. the fix would be Charles abdicating, and then the son married to a non-white becomes Kang. PR problem solved. It has been foretold by the prophecy.

TDB: "Removing One Royal Racist Is Nothing. We Need to Abolish the Monarchy.. The shock and horror professed by so many white people at the latest royal racism controversy is not shared by many Black people. For us, there is only a sense of weariness because we have heard it all before. Its significance is just to show how utterly impossible it is for the royal family to ever move beyond racism"

NPR: "A member of the Buckingham Palace household resigns after racial comments"

Jane's Defense: "Russia-China moving towards closer bomber co-operation.. In an unprecedented boost to interoperability, long-range Chinese and Russian bombers landed in each other's airbases for the first time, as part of a joint air patrol"


Germany Plans 1,800 Km Hydrogen Pipeline Network: Draft Government Paper"


The issue of "connectedness" again - ppl are unable or unwilling to judge a person's work instead they gauge wortiness by looking at their connections. Not a good way for judging scientific output.


#ReferenceLetters for jobs are the biggest gate-keeper in #academia

My week was rough - I skipped applying to an interesting job that would have needed 3 references.

What is wrong with the system:

  1. References create a system of life-long dependencies with supervisors

  2. They exclude those who are shy about asking for favors

  3. Referees have STRONG biases and they play out

  4. switching fields is bad

@Odedrechavi wrote about abolishing - I fully agree!"

The Guardian: "Brexit added nearly £6bn to UK food bills in two years, research finds"

CNN: "Global 4-day week pilot was a huge success, organizers say .. After six months, most of the 33 companies and 903 workers trialing the schedule, with no reduction in pay, are unlikely ever to go back to a standard working week, according to the organizers of the global pilot program"

Addition to post on the record-breaking H2 Alstom train.


The funny thing is when people get the techy money that is supposed to do away with the middleman, they go straight to a middlemen and dump their shiny new money on them.


Every time Sam brings up 'FTX was a margin exchange' he is intentionally trying to spin the narrative into a risk management failure when the insolvency came from the embezzlement of the ”mislabeled fiat stub account” of $8bn and other things"

Reuters: "Spain's Cepsa to invest 3 bln euros in green hydrogen project..The project will produce 300,000 tons of hydrogen a year, which will be used to power the company’s refineries as well as local heavy shipping and haulage.. [and] consist of two electrolysers totalling 2 gigawatts (GW) in the port cities of Huelva and Algeciras"

EU-Africa-Asia as a contiguous block of landmass will likely become a superpower, and one day, through ports in West Africa, will invade United States of America.

Express train from China to Germany - get a load of that shit

"[Germany] Duisport celebrated the arrival of the first trans-Eurasian freight train to reach its facility in western Germany that had followed a fixed timetable on November 7. The train from Xi’an, China, completed the 9908km journey in just 10 days"


EU-China relationship makes sense; inners unite.

The papers on measuring state capacity empirically have good gems in them... The polsci comes through clearer because it needs to be used to create an empirical measure. The paper below was a good read; absolutely right on Guevera and Bolivia.


New research: Desalination and electrolysis at the same time #China



Historic day for #EU- #Japan energy partnership: we signed w/ Minister Nishimura a Memorandum of Cooperation on #hydrogen, to boost innovation & help create a market for this fuel of the future"

You axed and you shall receive homie


What are the application areas for H2? :)

Brother Hakeem has good backing.. the major one being from "South Carolina", from you-know-who

WION: "Rep. Hakeem Jeffries has been elected to succeed Nancy Pelosi as leader of the Democrats in the House next year"

Al Monitor: "Saudi Arabia announces new natural gas discoveries"

H2 Fuel News: "First hydrogen freight train to be used by Nestlé Waters France"

Tesla Battery Swap Fraud



Maersk and IBM will wind down their global shipping blockchain TradeLens after deeming the project a commercial failure"

Green tech suffers from the same problem, the problem of connectedness pull a herd towards them. A single WH admin makes a mistake betting on battery shit tech, a wave of morons rush in as if the tech is a viable option. They rush in wout checking, without due diligence, without an iota of former thought. This is how tech fashions occur in America - the land of, yes genuine enterpreneurship, but also a lot of snake oil.

Drill baby drill

"The U.S.-based energy company seeks to unlock geothermal energy on a global scale with its millimeter wave drilling, and is developing a drilling rig designed to reach 10 miles (16 km) underground"

Snake oil salesman everywhere

Not Even Wrong: "This morning Quanta Magazine informs us that Physicists Create a Wormhole Using a Quantum Computer.. The two senior physicists behind this, Joe Lykken and Maria Spiropulu, have histories that go way back of successfully promoting to the press nonsense about exotic space-time structures appearing in experiments that have nothing to do with them... The claim that “Physicists Create a Wormhole” is just complete bullshit, with the huge campaign to mislead the public about this a disgrace, highly unhelpful for the credibility of physics research in particular and science in general"

BTW gaseous plasmas cannot produce a Planck spectrum either, but we see one for the Sun, so the Sun cannot be gaseous plasma. Cannot be compressed, therefore cannot collapse into a black hole.

Penrose says when you plot CMB intensity against each frequency you get Planck blackbody curve that means early universe must have had thermal equilibrium. But thermal equilibrium means by definition maximum random state... Wasn't the universe supposed to go toward disorder, and not start from one?

This kid had an interview with Cuck Todd being treated like finance genius. How did that happen?

It was the same issue with Theranos, the board was stuffed with connected people, outsiders assumed there is something good going there.. Then bust. A few people in the circle failed to see, more people rushed in. SBF father is a Stanford law professor, that weirdo chick Ellison's parents were MIT econ connected to Gary Gennsler (of SEC). People assumed FTX was legit because of its connections. They assumed wrong.

For failure of detecting FTX fail look no further than "connectedness".

Still zero-covid cannot go on forever; with vax help CH shld be able to gradually get out of it, right?

First Post: "President Xi Jinping fears that a relaxed policy will lead to more fatalities among [the rural folk].. Close to 20% of China’s population is over 60, and the percentage is higher in rural areas where health services are poor"

IRA is about to trigger a trade-war with the EU?

Arab News: "Leading media outlets urge US to end prosecution of Julian Assange"

If voters were so smart, voted on policy and had a 20/20 vision into a politician's ability, endorsements wouldn't have mattered. But they do. If a popular politician is standing next to another politician the popularity rubs off. That means you the voter cannot truly be in charge.

H2 Central: "Countries rich in hydrocarbons are among those that have the greatest potential for meeting global clean hydrogen demand due to existing infrastructure, says a new McKinsey study"

H2 Central: "Northwest Europe Ammonia to Hydrogen Production Costs Fall Below €10/Kg of Hydrogen"

"New Sulfur-Based Solar Reactor Makes Cheap Green Hydrogen.. Extracting hydrogen from sulfuric acid with solar uses much less energy than water electrolysis.. This SO2-depolarised electrolyzer only requires about a seventh of the electrical energy of conventional water electrolysis, so this method can produce about 50% more hydrogen with the same solar input"



We are delighted to announce a major contract award to provide feasibility engineering to a proposed hydrogen pipeline from Pembroke to the Swansea Bay area"

I never understood the itching for war mentality on the Ukranian side vis-a-vis Russia. "The other side" of that potential conflict (which became real) had an apparatus that readied itself for decades to go toe-to-toe with another superpower. Even with reduced capacity Russia's weapons manufacturing, supply lines, preparedness, stockpiles, the whole thing would be at levels for much greater conflict and all that preparedness would be dumped on your head if you went to war with them, which is what Ukraine did.


Manchester Airport plans direct hydrogen fuel pipeline connection"


South Africa unveils R300bn green-hydrogen pipeline as its states ambition to be ‘destination of choice’"


Great.. yes these are all major nodes in the drug smuggling network, especially Spain (due to its geo)

F24: "Police bust cocaine 'super-cartel' in Europe and Dubai.. The international operation.. seized 30 tonnes of the drug and led to arrests in Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Spain, the European Union's police agency said in a statement"

H2 View: "Leading bus manufacturer Wrightbus’s fleet of hydrogen fuel-cell buses have travelled a staggering 1.5 million miles since first entering service.... 'We are immensely proud to be one of the country’s leaders in the UK’s hydrogen industry - and our StreetDeck Hydroliner is the world’s first hydrogen powered double deck bus, so this hydrogen milestone is particularly pleasing for us'"


Oversized EVs waste energy (bc of giant batteries) and also endanger other road users.

To address EV car bloat, Norwegian officials have proposed a weight-based fee of NOK 12 ($1.10)/kilo over 500 kilos"

H2 Fuel News: "Australia moves ahead with 'super' renewable H2 hub"

Jay Leno got burned by gasoline fire..? Gasoline is flammable, not as bad as lion batteries but still dangerous.


♪ Satyam ♬ Shivam ♬ sundaram...

Thievery Corporation - Satyam Shivam Sundaram (Featuring Gunjan) #music


H-Tec Systems presents scalable Hydrogen Cube System..The company H-Tec Systems from Augsburg presented the Hydrogen Cube System, HCS for short, to a wider specialist audience at the Hanover Fair 2022...

The Cubes are available both as a closed container solution for outdoor installation and open for indoor installation. They are equipped with 18 PEM stacks S450 and integrated process water treatment and power supply...

Several 2 MW cubes of this system can be combined to form a multi-megawatt system. A system that is intended to achieve 50 MW in the long term can also be designed in this way. According to H-Tec Systems, the cubes achieve a system efficiency of 74 percent. They are equipped with an integrated process water treatment and power supply. An HCS system with five units, i.e. with an electrolysis capacity of 10 MW, can therefore produce 4,500 kg of H 2 per day. That makes 40 to 50 tank fillings for trucks or buses.



Anything can be string-pickled 🐍 For coding base64.encodestring on pickle.dumps. For other direction loads(base64.decodestring..). zlib for compression. There are some other details, but this is the gist.

Simple scalable NoSQL DB: N servers, on client calc i = (mod N) on key, go to host i. Simple load disribution. REST can provide CRUD API, serialize requests inside one server, storage can be lite sql, seperate db for each host, objects are encoded via 'pickle" into string. Lists are on sep table, list name is on one column obj references on another as key. Easy as Py.


World's first test run of a #hydrogen jet engine is a success" via The Verge


The Bell: "Unmasking Russia’s influential pro-war ‘Rybar’ Telegram channel.. Although Rybar is openly pro-Russian, it works hard to maintain a sense of its own impartiality... Rybar’s founder is a 31-year-old military translator, Mikhail Zvinchuk. He is a former employee of the Defense Ministry’s press service. Born in Vladivostok, he studied at a military university in Moscow, specializing in Arabic"

Makes sense; if Columbia wants to export clean fuel they would need tech like LOHC.


Colombia was our guest in [Hydrogenious headquarters] Erlangen"


[RR and] EasyJet conducts first test with hydrogen-powered aircraft engine"


Reuters: "Rolls-Royce successfully tests hydrogen-powered jet engine.. Britain's Rolls-Royce (RR.L) said it has successfully run an aircraft engine on hydrogen, a world aviation first that marks a major step towards proving the gas could be key to decarbonising air travel. The ground test, using a converted Rolls-Royce AE 2100-A regional aircraft engine, used green hydrogen created by wind and tidal power, the British company said on Monday. Rolls and its testing programme partner easyJet are seeking to prove that hydrogen can safely and efficiently deliver power for civil aero engines"

Yahoo Finance: "Global power leader Cummins Inc. will design and manufacture [an] electrolyzer system for the first 20-megawatt green hydrogen facility in the Canadian province of Ontario"

That looks massive. Is there anything CSP folks can learn from? They structured the whole thing differently, basically an entire building became a reflector.

3K Celcius is a good chunk of energy to generate clean fuel with.

Wiki: "The solar furnace of Uzbekistan was built in 1981, and is located 45 kilometers away from Tashkent city. The furnace is the largest in Asia. It uses a curved mirror, or an array of mirrors, acting as a parabolic reflector, which can reach temperatures of up to 3,000 degrees Celsius. The place for the solar furnace of Uzbekistan was chosen carefully, because the sun shines there for 270 days a year"

H2 View: "Loop Energy reports record fuel cell orders and revenues"


BEVs = bloated weight/cost

H2 Fuel Cells = less cost to mass. Anyone reading industry news knows batteries are losing perceived advantages to fuel cell based EVs from trucks to ships to rail and yes passenger cars"

WION: "Chevron to resume 'limited' energy production in Venezuela after years of sanctions"

Animated film Superman: The Red Son, also known as "the Soviet Superman", not bad for an anime... There's some (US) propaganda but not excessive. A good story overall. They had him speaking with a Russian accent that was amusing.


Ukraine is firing 2-4k 155mm shells per day or 60-120k per month

US can produce ~30k shells per month"

TASS: "Majority of NATO countries exhausted possibilities of arms supply to Ukraine"

"Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike announced plans to build a hydrogen supply network of pipelines in the capital as an energy resource to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. Koike made the pitch Nov. 8 at a meeting on “green hydrogen” during the COP27 summit in Egypt"


Toyota and Kawasaki are putting their minds together to find alternative ways to reduce carbon emissions.. they're developing an internal combustion engine that burns H2 as fuel"


Upstream: "Sinopec to back multi-billion dollar green hydrogen project harnessing wind power in northern China"


MTA to pilot #hydrogen-powered buses in the Bronx"


Leading by example? The 🇪🇺is going full #mastodon. Own instance for all institutions"

MD report, with code ref


Or 4.74 to be exact


Crawl is done; I count 4601 servers and 7,824,386 users. 3 hops were enough, maybe we should have Three Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

Just kidding it wasn't a wise man

Wise man said 'if one's code is not CPU bound one can start more processes than cores'

Traversal wld be breadth-first, check double visit of nodes.. Iteration count..? Probably six is fine.

You could write a simple "crawler" probably that can hit all MD servers and get their info, collect it.

response = requests.get(url) # details on specific host
res = json.loads(response.text)
Out[1]: {'user_count': 880513, 'status_count': 43334732, 'domain_count': 35389}

All MD servers know about related servers, code below fetched that for one machine displayed few results.

import requests, json
url = ""
response = requests.get(url + "/peers") 

Mastodon servers have REST APIs - easy to get info... Nice.


'Research at Royal Perth Hospital has found that 90 per cent of people who believe they are allergic to penicillin are not.'"

Arab News: "British aid worth hundreds of millions of pounds went toward funding police corruption in Afghanistan, according to a report" "Furious EU countries rage over gas price cap proposal"

The psyop has a rich white guy who was culturally Protestan (as most Americans are), to be seen as first Irish-Catholic President, read: a minority who was "representing", "taken from us much too early". Dems are made to weep after this symbol of diversity, follow its flashy image at the same time ensuring its centrist, rich guy policies are followed. This photo has the worst and second worst US presidents of modern times in a single frame, and that is by design.

".. ask what you can do for your country" translates to "dont ask for services from gov" (as Markey brilliantly used in MA Senate race), "the rising tide lifts all boats" sounds like trickle-down economics (in fact some of the WH advisors at the time were actual proponents of the approach). JFK escalated the war in Vietnam, f--ked it all up in Cuba, and somehow shifted the blame to the media with another statemanly sounding proclamation. It all sounded aw so eloquent that the retro air is what people remember fondly, rather than the empty content of the statement itself.

Dems are better off wout the adulation, staning for the Kennedys, it is holding them back. The soundbytes sound fine enough, but when you dissect 'the legacy', there isn't much there.

TASS: "Odessa authorities approve demolition of monument to city's founder Catherine the Great"

Anwar finally gets his chance.. Man it took a long time for this guy

Al Jazeera: "Malaysia's Anwar gets to work.. Southeast Asian nation's new prime minister says he will govern for all" "After six years of chaos and recrimination since Britons voted to leave the European Union, there are signs the country is showing an unexpected outbreak of common sense in its approach to the bloc.

In his first weeks in office, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak -a Brexiteer himself- has sent clear signals that he wants a more constructive relationship with Brussels and Paris, and to avoid a trade war with Britain's biggest economic partner"

Al Monitor: "Amazon to open online grocery store in UAE"


#Delegation Trip to Austria and Italy! Here are the main take-aways

1) When it comes to decarbonization, the new language is “hydrogen” (besides #renewableenergy) 💙

2) #Hydrogen will partly be transported via pipelines (e.g. European Hydrogen Backbone Initiative #EHB) – so we must take the right steps and find the right partners now

3) The #energytransition is a joint goal ➡️ only achievable through international cooperation – hydrogen is a perfect example!

4) Our #LOHC technology = a great solution for transporting #greenhydrogen via ship to Italy, where the hydrogen could be injected into pipelines💪

And: #Hydrogen will come from all over the world, so we need all transport options and act in a #technology-open manner!"

For two teams we can look at their past K games, within that calc goal avg, passes per minute, bad passes per minute, fouls per minute, number of completed passes per minute in the attacking 30%/20% of the field (see how detailed it is), it goes on... Taking such stats for two teams even eyeballing one can probably gauge a winner. "AI" just automates that, adds another layer of (let's be honest here) extremely simple linear regression, and reports a result.


A lot of soccer games can be predictable. If you feed in gazillion of base data points through "feature engineering" than even simple stupid logistic regression will predict something. There are companies providing such raw, so-called touch-by-touch data. See Opta.

"Ronaldo makes history.. he becomes the first.. to score in five different FIFA World Cups"

"England draws 0-0 with the USA" #Qatar

😂 US-England #worldcup


RFK was ok on some left issues, but fell short... Supported the war in Vietnam in the beginning, and promised to send 50 fighter jets to Israel if elected president. That's why that Palestenian assassin was radicalized and shot him literally one year after the Six-Day War. Why support the civil right movement but be ok with Palestenians getting bombed go bits?? Half-assed left - the perennial problem of America. That is why RFK is dead.