
Github Mirror

Week 47

Added the ML joke at the top



Dutch Government To Allocate € 22 Million For More Hydrogen Stations"

Slate: "The federal government created this beautiful park [Yellowstone]. Guess who doesn’t want to admit it? Yellowstone: One-Fifty sidesteps the truth, which is the Hayden survey [that led to the creation of the park] was an unabashedly federal project. He had Congressional funding and orders from the Department of the Interior. He and his team took the transcontinental railroad (the existence of which was the end result of another federal project) to Utah to begin the survey. He had a 2nd Cavalry protective detail out of Fort Ellis (a federal installation). His Yellowstone survey report was printed and distributed by the Government Printing Office"


Railway News: "From 2025, Nestlé Waters will become the first company in Europe to operate a hydrogen-powered freight train through a solution developed by Alstom and ENGIE"


Good one #Bernoulli


H2 View: "Siemens, FFI, GeoPura begin work on £3.5m ammonia cracker prototype"

Six yrs ago they were fine with it.. what happened? Don't voters know best?

CNBC: "A frequent YouGov survey earlier this month showed that 56% of the population said Britain was “wrong” to vote to leave the EU in 2016, compared to 32% who said it was the right call"

Saved the best for last (top section)


The prevalence of QED could have something do with Europeans feeling a bit down about themselves at the time.. Imagine that Shelter Island meeting, two years after the end of the WWII where Europe had destroyed itself (again), and here they are, the elder scientist are sitting in a New World conference, watching two young American scientists all wired, flailing away talking energetically about some crazy bizarre theory Europeans must have thought, well, maybe this crazy shit is the new way, we destroyed ourselves with our science and tech. Who knows? Maybe we should pass the torch..

Theoretical physics (along with cosmology) has gone awry, ever since 70s nothing of significance has been done, and worse, bizarre unfounded theories like string theory were pursued for decades. Where to pin the blame?

QED could be the original sin. Think about it, once you ignore data, engage in scientific fraud, push whopping infinities under the rug to make a theory "work" what else can you not do? 10-20 dimensions, the multiverse, many-worlds, quantum computation.. the sky will be the limit. Because now you are only "limited by your imagination" (cue in the image of a wacky Einstein), anything goes, right?


#cryptonews: New York governor signs law that limits #crypto mining 👀"



Man still thinks his exchange was a hedge fund.. You can’t denominate crypto assets into a dollar calculation as a custodian. That’s pure fraud. GTFO"

Korea JoonAng Daily: "[H2] economy to get a big [SK] government boost.. [gov] said it is taking more aggressive steps than the Moon Jae-in administration in terms of the hydrogen economy in its support of clean hydrogen production and distribution.. Under the plan, Korea will have 600 hydrogen companies by 2030 and will be top ranked in categories related to hydrogen, including water electrolysis and fuel cells"

Thunderball - I C Colors #music


Chip: "Many homeowners with a PV system want a completely self-sufficient power supply. But conventional battery storage is not designed to store the self-generated electricity for months. [The German start-up Home Power Solutions] has developed a system that can store excess electricity in the form of hydrogen for months"

This Cup is full of surprises...

The Telegraph: "Germany vs Japan result: Another shock World Cup win as Hajime Moriyasu's team secure 2-1 victory"

Aha here is Messi


That is awesome. What happened to Messi?

I hope SA goes further... Insallah.

"Saudi Arabia produced one of the biggest upsets in World Cup history to beat Argentina 2-1"


Everyone thinks their exchange is ok until they read the words 'Withdrawals paused'"

That. Is. Funny 🤣 #FTX


Multi-Vehicle Pileup #Montreal


Slate: "The Clinton-Era Adoption Law That Still Devastates Black Families Today.. Promoted as a way to rescue children—especially Black children—languishing in America’s overloaded foster system, ASFA has had the opposite impact. By speeding up termination of parents’ rights, it has dramatically increased the chances that Black families, which are disproportionately separated by state child welfare authorities, will be permanently torn apart"


A 20-year-long Indigenous-led movement to undam the Klamath River just won the largest river restoration project in history! FERC unanimously voted Thursday to remove the four lower Klamath dams starting next year! The salmon are coming home for the first time since 1918"


From Ignatius Donnelly to Graham Hancock, pseudoarchaeologists claim an 'advanced Ice Age civilization' spread agriculture.. But archaeologists actually know a lot about the spread of agriculture! Check out this YouTube video on the First Farmers in the Aegean [see vid]"


I hear that on the polls but some say Trump people are not talking to the pollsters, or giving false data when they do, for fear of being labeled, since Jan 6.

Slate: "The Bad Bet Tech Companies Made That Got Them Into This Mess.. companies understood their lockdown-augmented growth curves might not last forever, but they planned as if they would. Because while being wrong would mean cutting staff and missing earnings expectations, not attacking the opportunity would mean losing a market if COVID-inspired behavior did persist. So they took the risk"

@AP_ArchPublic .. Genesis creditors are preparing for an ‘imminent’ bankruptcy filing"

#Land #Vote



Ballard Fuel Cells Installed On World’s First Liquid Hydrogen-Powered Ferry"

If Iger decides to fix cuck, he would have the political capital to do it. Not likely based on past perf, but just saying..

DIS CEO Chepak is out. He tried to change some stuff but he didn't have enough political capital.. Add to that recent losses, he was done. Much of the Woke junk started during (returning CEO) Iger's time anyway, but maybe he was clear on where to go cuck and how much, and was steady about it. News says he will chose a successor, if he choses well, he will leave on a high note next time.

PV Magazine: "The German government has decided to collaborate with the private sector on the construction of an import terminal for green ammonia in Hamburg. From 2026, the terminal will import green ammonia from Saudi Arabia. Air Products will produce the ammonia and distribute it to end users in Germany, mostly for conversion into hydrogen. '[This] is a strong signal for the entire hydrogen market in Germany and Europe,' said Robert Habeck, the federal minister of economics and climate protection"

Other sci branches have improved, have to add that, many became mathematical, numerical.


Kelvin: "In science there is only physics; all the rest is stamp collecting"

Now, IMO the "beauty argument" pushed in sci circles must have been there to offset the "shut up and compute" crowd. We could argue the beauty argument was overdone as well, essentially they simply called for an economy in the formulation where if two explanations were equally correct choosing the simpler one... but the excess must have been there to balance the opposite.

The creation of QED also marks the shift of sci center from Europe to US, and it so happens that the culture code of technology in US is IT WORKS meaning doesnt matter how something is made, if it works, it's fine. Not to be too discriminating here but I think the Europeans are a little more into architecting, economy in their base frameworks.

Looking at the history of QED, it's understandable where the 'shut up and compute' idiom came from - I dont think this chestnut was specifically QM related. It has more to do with QED. Bcz remember what is QED? A bizarrely convoluted process that formulizes something (the so-called Feynman diagrams were the necessary simplifying tool for the unnecessarily complex procedure) but "it worked" so at that point you had to "shut up and compute".



Once again, I'm blown away by how much I can do on this Chromebook. This time I have a fully working @FreeCAD install running"

These old Meloni videos.. They keep circulating them and they come across as if they were made today.. There is one on La7 from 2019, another from that Atreju18 thing.. Afaik one was triggered bcz Macron bashed her first. Good Medi drama.

H2 Central: "Canadian Pacific Hydrogen Powered Locomotive Makes First Revenue Run"

Which came first: CFD for Aero or Finite Elements for Structures? According to book by Tenek and Argyris FEM stress analysis on airplane wings was first. The CFD stuff arrived later. And some could claim wind tunnels are still preferable for FD.

Two countries on the same island, one is doing well the other doesn't.. And now there is a border wall between them. Unbelivable..

Bloomberg: "A 101-Mile Wall Goes Up to Block Haitians Pouring Over Border.. Haitians fleeing [to East].. will soon be met with a 13-foot-tall border wall meant to keep them out of the neighboring Dominican Republic"



is an anagram of



The Hydrogen Stream: Germany to import green ammonia from Saudi Arabia from 2026"


BREAKING: Absolutely nobody is biting on the $1B raise for DCG and Genesis. Closed doors and lots of “don’t even send us the deck”.

Big time ripple effects coming next week"

National Grid: "We are proud to be a part of the consortium announced by NY Governor Hochul to develop a regional clean energy hydrogen hub in the Northeast"


Airbus is busy working on clean fuel based flight


H2 Central: "First Hydrogen Powered Transit Bus in LA County Hits Streets in December, Starting New Trend"

Eugen Rochko - Kraut mfker.

This is the founder


I think it's glorious that there's now a Mastodon server operated by people who used to work for Twitter ( I could have never imagined it when I started in 2016"

Anyone can start MD server, and join a larger "federation" of servers.

Truth Social wanted to commercialize open-source Mastodon... Why bother? They could simply start a new server using the existing code, for conservatives, MAGA or just for Trump and publish on it. People are starting new nodes left and right these days anyway.

DJT helped the H2 transition let's not forget; eg the 2020 H2@Scale program.

H2 Central: "Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI), a shipbuilding company from South Korea, has announced its development of a liquid hydrogen fuel cell system for ship propulsion"

TASS: "Hungary loses €10 bln due to EU sanctions against Russia, says Prime Minister"

They couldn't kill Putin through headlines for 20 years; Lavrov is next?

DW: "Russia denies Lavrov was taken to hospital at G20 summit"

The Independent: "Russia's top diplomat Sergei Lavrov was taken to hospital due to a heart condition following his arrival for the G20 summit in Bali"

Al Monitor: "As Iran's crackdown on protests enters violent new phase, casualties surge"

This so-called neuroticism, to the extent it exists, is not there because said people are different - it occurs due to peer pressure from relatives to act differently when they aren't

They use that word for Seinfeld.. but same comment could be made about Friends - it was about bunch of neurotic New Yorkers.

The Independent: "10m without power in Ukraine as Russia launches new airstrikes on homes and power facilities"

Critics like Woke-Cuck but the audience doesn't

😂 😂 😂

u.rottentomatoes("Captain Marvel")
Out[1]: {'tomatometer score': 79, 'audience score': 45}
u.rottentomatoes("Star Wars The Last Jedi")
Out[1]: {'tomatometer score': 91, 'audience score': 42}

People do not need expertise to enjoy a movie.. The comments I make on good governance vs "people power" does not apply here.

That is about 400 mil in today's dollars.. with better marketing it would have done even better today.

{'Domestic Opening': '$29,769,098',
 'Domestic': '$75,976,178',
 'International': '$154,908,550',
 'Worldwide Total': '$230,884,728',
 'Release Date': 'February 8, 2005'}

Hah. The audience liked it critics hated it

Out[1]: {'tomatometer score': 46, 'audience score': 72}

Constantine was a good movie..

H2 Central: "[Saudi] Aramco and [Indonesia's] Pertamina Explore Hydrogen and Ammonia Value Chain at B20"

TASS: "Indonesia may fully join BRICS, says envoy to Moscow"

"Plans for a massive 125km [UK] pipeline which would run through Warrington and Runcorn have reached another milestone following a statutory consultation"
