
Github Mirror



Something is rotten in the state of [Quantum Electrodynamics. QED] is considered the most accurate theory in the history of science. However, this precision is based on a single experimental value: the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron (g-factor). An examination of QED history reveals that this value was obtained using illegitimate mathematical traps, manipulations and tricks..

According to Dyson, [Physicist Enrico] Fermi also did not agree with this new way of conducting science.. Fermi asked how many free parameters he had used to obtain the fit. Smiling after being told 'Four,' Fermi remarked, 'I remember my old friend Johnny von Neumann used to say, with four parameters I can fit an elephant, and with five I can make him wiggle his trunk.'..

With the new experimental data from Franken and Liebes.. [t]he probative force of QED was upended... It was a fraud, a scandal. But the creators of QED refused to accept defeat. QED could not be an incorrect theory because that placed them in an indefensible situation. All the developments in the field of theoretical physics that had occurred in the last decade were based on this theory. All the privileges they had obtained after the success of the Manhattan Project were at stake.. [later they fudged QED results six more times]..

[Dyson said in 2006, as] one of the inventors of QED, 'I remember that we thought of QED in 1949 as a temporary and jerry-built structure, with mathematical inconsistencies and renormalized infinities swept under the rug. We did not expect it to last more than 10 years before some more solidly built theory would replace it. Now, 57 years have gone by and that ramshackle structure still stands'...

QED should be the quantized version of Maxwell’s laws, but it is not that at all. QED is a simple addition to quantum mechanics that attempts to justify two experimental discrepancies in the Dirac equation: the Lamb shift and the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron. The reality is that QED is a bunch of fudge factors, numerology, ignored infinities, hocus-pocus, manipulated calculations, illegitimate mathematics, incomprehensible theories, hidden data, biased experiments, miscalculations, suspicious coincidences, lies, arbitrary substitutions of infinite values and budgets of 600 million dollars to continue the game. Maybe it is time to consider alternative proposals. Winter is coming...
