
Github Mirror

Week 42


H2 Central: "NamX Rocks the Paris Motor Show With a Hydrogen Powered SUV Concept Using Removable Tanks"


We've broken our order size record, for the second time in four months! We have entered into a contract for alkaline electrolyser equipment from Australian company @WoodsideEnergy - the contract has a total value of about [$57 million]"

NYT: "Speaker Nancy Pelosi could be succeeded by Representative Kevin McCarthy of California if Republicans take control of the House"

H2 Central: "[University of New South Wales] Engineers retrofit diesel engine for clean hydrogen combustion.. The scientists claim to have used the H2 in a dual-fuel injection system and boosted efficiency 26 percent"

Arab News: “[Macron said] 'In a spirit of great friendship, we will say to our American and Norwegian friends: You’re super, you supply us with energy and gas, but one thing that can’t go on for too long is us paying four times more than the price you sell to your industry.. That is not exactly the meaning of friendship'"


Ruski Brewski. That's a good name for a bar, or microbrewery

Fuckin Ruski. Will their tech save the climate now?

Can generate lots of H2 with that kind of power.. Near limitless clean fuel from RU. China can supply the electrolyzers. Boom. Pipe it anywhere.

Finland has some waste storage afaik.. France, US probably have them too.

And everyone gave their spent fuel to Russia? Now they can be the biggest supplier on that too [facepalm].

First Post: "[W]e are talking about the.. reactor being completely switched to uranium-plutonium MOX fuel. That reactor is standing at the Beloyarsk nuclear power station, placed in the Urals mountains at the border between Europe and Asia. The switch took several years, but now the totally revolutionary reactor is giving power to consumers.

And that, my friends, means that Russia has achieved a closed circuit of getting nuclear energy, asking for no raw materials like uranium (or oil, or gas). That reactor works on the old stocks of spent nuclear fuel, which is not just abundant, it will last us for several thousand years. Oh, and in the future, there will be no such thing as spent fuel, in need of stocking in some remote places. Every scrap of it will be reprocessed..

Russia has been paid heavily by many nuclear powers to stock that spent fuel, so now we have plenty"


This reactor works on spent nuclear fuel BTW, the toxic waste from used uranium. That waste used to cause storage problems right? This new tech will be able to reuse it. Two birds with one stone.

World Nuclear News: "[Russian] Beloyarsk nuclear power plant.. resumed operations after being fully loaded with uranium-plutonium mixed oxide (MOX) fuel"


Belgium's Hydrogen Strategy 2.0 is out laying a bold vision for the country as a #H2Hub and putting forward a whole-system approach to #hydrogen deployment"

He basically said don't rely on us to replace Russian gas

FT: "[The head of Qatar's state gas company] warned that he could not envisage a future where 'zero Russian gas' flowed to Europe"

If there's compounding in play, the resulting values of a measurement are usually 'anormal'. With trade I'm sure countries build on existing trades to bring in more, money pulls in more money, stuff just builds on itself.

.. which is the definition of average... But, the statement only works if the value is distributed normally (Gaussian, bell curve). With things such as wealth, and as we saw, trade, half the values are not below (or above) average.

Steven Wright: “Half the people you know are below average.”

The crazy part is not who's on the trade map, but who isn't. In the filtered map (of big traders) there is a massive contiguous block of countries that have no lines going into them. The block starts from Romania, Serbia goes to East to Pakistan, Afghanistan, in the South to the entirety of Africa, in the North to Finland and Norway.

US-CH, US-MX, US-CA trade rels are all half a trillion USD worth. US clearly wanted deep trade ties with the two, did 90s NAFTA with CA,MX. CH is halfway around the world, but the trade was just as high.

Prelim analyis


Found yearly SKU level import/export data between countries. Oh yeah.

Matlock: "Why the US must press for a ceasefire in Ukraine"


This fact is so obvious that coal mining accident data before/after regulation is used as a pedestrian example in statistics - in the subject of change point analysis. You look at the distribution of accidents and try to find where distribution shifts from one to another. Most methods will find a value near 1887 which is exactly when Coal Mines Regulation Act of 1887 was passed.

"How do we know better regulation improves coal mining accidents?"

The Soviet Elsgoltz book is legendary - they really knew how to teach Calculus. I have a digital copy now.

Bolywood action movie line: "If you are bad, I'm your dad". Hah :)


The new brand NAMX will introduce the #Pininfarina-designed HUV, hydrogen-powered SUV [using] removable capsules"


Part One - The End.

#Namx #Hydrogen #Climatechange"


Another company, Peace of Meat (great name BTW)


More on this space, Mission Barns


Animal fat is great - it's healthy, and necessary. Cultivated animal fat is even better, without the destructive farming side effects.

"[Startup Hoxton Farms' process] begins by taking a 'harmless handful of stem cells' from an animal such as a cow or pig and placing them inside a freezer. There is then enough supply of these cells which means the animal is no longer needed...Similar to the equipment used in a brewery, these cells are encouraged to multiply in a cultivator which then kickstarts the production process [of animal fat]"

People always made fun of Italy about their change of governments.. Look at UK now..

Truss out. Is UK "Ready for Rishi"?


PhD student attending first big conference, with advisor"




Wilshire index is down to 181, less overvaluation


#Waya Floating City, Homes. Pyramid shape is a good idea; can help with storms, waves.


If the left doesn't deliver them, some of their issues will be stolen by others, even by right-wing nationalists, then we end up with "nationalist socialists". And we all know the abbreviation for those words don't we?

That is what the left should give you, not constant war and mediocre half-solutions.

Bus Driver in Brasil: "I voted for Bolsonaro in 2018, because the economy was in the dumps, I changed my vote to Lula after I survived a heart attack this year, thanks to the public hospital he built next to my home"

Yo, who gets hit in the head by lightning? Rough #SummitFear

Summit Fever 👍 The Batman 👎

The IR gem on that is "countries have armies, in Pakistan the army has a country"

I think at first he thought the interviewer was making a joke, then realized he wasn't, guy was just clueless

Interviewer asks Pak FM "do you think the army is too involved in politics?" and he just laughs

H2 View: "Hexagon Purus has said its subsidiary, Wystrach, has secured a framework agreement to deliver hydrogen distribution systems to a leading European producer of green hydrogen"

It is said new admisson and unanimity issues go hand in hand. Can't admit new members if existing members are wary they'd hold off important decisions with their vote.. To get over the deadlock, voting scheme can be changed. Although I admit I enjoy seeing Hungary partly holding off hare-brained schemes like the EU sanctioning itself into a recession, with majority voting maybe such issues can get solved differently, who knows? There might be countries now who are letting Hungary play the bad guy, go along with stupid, while keeping a low profile. They might act differently under a different scheme.

The tax policy is seen as a German concession afaik bcz the issue is near and dear to them (likely related to aversion to debt)

WION: "Olaf Scholz calls for reforms within the EU: Bats for new admissions and military autonomy.. Speaking at the Congress of the Party of European Socialists in Berlin, Scholz advocated for gradually abolishing the principle of unanimity for decisions in foreign policy, but also in other areas such as tax policy"

WION: "Metaverse fails to take off as user numbers tumble"

The Guardian: "Florida governor Ron DeSantis will fly migrants to Illinois and Delaware"

H2 Central: "Western Australian Government Is Implementing The Renewable Hydrogen Strategy to Support The Growth of The State’s Renewable Hydrogen Industry"

Can't use continuously; a waste of money.

"[If I am] cycling through my battery Powerwall every single day, I'm actually degrading the battery, and the sooner that it's going to basically be dead and unusable and you need to go buy another one. My battery pack is only there for an emergency, like if something crazy happens like the power goes out.. And when I say it's not worth the money.. I could have taken that $20,000 that it cost to put these on the wall, and I could have put a bunch more, maybe 20, maybe 30 more solar panels on the house. Every single day that would be generating money for me and money for our house, decreasing the cost"


Paper: "We examine[d] how the premature death of eminent life scientists alters the vitality of their fields... To our surprise, it is not competitors from within a subfield who assume the mantle of leadership, but rather entrants from other fields who step in to fill the void created by a star’s absence"


It's easy to create singularity in math. $f(x) = 1/x$. There. I just created a singularity at $x=0$. The function is undefined there. Does that mean there is a black hole at $x=0$?

To detail, if your spiffy new model shows a 'singularity' at a point it doesn't mean there should be a black hole there. Equation is likely wrong, should be corrected so it has no singularity. In measurements the instruments never spit out a 'singularity measurement'. Whereever you point to, there is always a measurement.

Math models do not lose accuracy, at first, due to discretization (that comes later). They lose accuracy because math models "oversmooth". You are representing phenomena based on finite particles with something that works at infinitely fine scale. The tool helped us for a long time, we could not (and still can't) simulate all particles to compete with nature, math allowed scientists to research phenomena without having a computer as big as nature. But we need to remember it's all an (oversmoothed) approximation.

Why Charles abdic and younger son Kang? It makes sense actually, from PR point of view, if abdication is due to the Diana drama, who was the black sheep in their family, after Charles it would make sense to make another black sheep the Kang from PR standpoint. #Nostradamus

"The mine was just inspected". If they are inspected on conformance to insufficient regulations, then even the most diligent inspection would not be useful.

I remember an accident in 2014, it made history when an advisor to PM did Italian karate on a protestor (he was sacked).


GEM Wiki: "Mining accidents are common in [TR], which has poor mine-safety conditions. According to a report issued in 2010 by [TEPAV], in 2008, deaths per 1 million tons of coal mined were 7.22.. (the highest figure in the world), 5 times the rate in China (1.27) and 361 times the rate in the US (0.02)"


In US there's a massive belt of coal dots around.. "the Apalachia" I guess

Coal mines map


Coal mining accident in Asia Minor >40 dead

H2 Fuel News: "UK government backs new Carbon Trust clean hydrogen accelerator"

H2 Central: "Cummins Drives Gigawatt Electrolyzer Manufacturing Plant Forward in Spain, Expanding Its Global Clean Energy Footprint"

Unagi sushi is great

♬ Escargot ♪ my car go ♬

Dude ate 'escargot' in Paris on show, tis all bathing in butter, garlic; whatever was in that would surely taste good