
Github Mirror

Week 38

Politico: "Donald Trump’s top lieutenants are launching a new super PAC that is expected to spend heavily to bolster his endorsed candidates in the midterm election — and, some people close to the former president say, could become a campaign apparatus if he runs in 2024... Sanctioned by the former president, the new group, dubbed MAGA, Inc., will become the primary vehicle for Trump’s operation to engage in political activity in 2022"

H2 Central: "[Plug Power] Electrolyzer Commissioned at World’s First Floating Offshore Green Hydrogen Production Site"

H2 Central: "Hydrogen UK to Discuss Future of British Energy at Labour Party Conference"


Fighting the bad guys through the Internet.. So 2009.

WION: "US relaxes internet sanctions to help Iranian protestors"

Mullahs are best gone but they survived protests before. They have a militia specifically for the job: The Basij. Let's see

CNBC: "Mass protests in Iran, sparked by woman's death in police custody.. of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who was arrested for allegedly breaking Iran's strict rules on wearing the hijab"

Bulgaria, Hungary, and perhaps soon Sweden and Italy. The anti-anti-Russia crowd growing

First Post: "In Bulgaria a government that took a strong stand against Russia following its invasion of Ukraine collapsed due to infighting in June, ever since Bulgaria is being led by an interim government that has pursued a softer stance, willing to negotiate a gas deal with Moscow"

Mad wind gusts


Go for it, do the rightist thing, oppo does the reverse once in power - the division should be crystal clear. No more centrist cuck business.

NYT: "U.K. Government Goes Full Tilt on Tax Cuts and Free-Market Economics"

H2 Fuel News: "Alstom Coradia iLint train travels 1,175 km on one hydrogen tank"

H2 Central: "SSAB and Norsk Stål AS start partnership in fossil-free steel, produced using hydrogen, for the Nordic Market."

Sup story is pro-immigrant, this one is anti-immigrant? :) Maybe

Brightburn - alternate Superman story, the horror version.

Watched a few episodes on Scott Adkins' YT channel talking to guests from the action/stunt world.. Everyone seems to agree the shaky-cam work on the second Bourne movie was terrible.

Walking is great. And (insert some literary stuff here like Kierkegaaaaard) jogging is fucking bad.

Kierkegaard: “Above all, do not lose your desire to walk: Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness; I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.”


[DOE] just announced a historic $7B for regional clean hydrogen hubs. FCHEA and its members are thrilled by this announcement and the ongoing support of our industry by Congress and the Administration"

Produce clean ammonia, it can transmit H2, and be used for refigration. That is cool - as in refigrator cool.

"HFC refrigerants can be expensive to manufacture and have significant negative environmental impact. This paper presents the results of a field demonstration of an ammonia-based process cooling system in a food processing industrial application. The ammonia system is over 20 % more efficient than comparable HFC based process cooling systems"

Guess what, ammonia fixes that problem too.. it can replace hydrofluorocarbons cleanly.


Good good..

Politico: "While the Senate is badly divided on most climate issues, strong backing from the business community to eliminate hydrofluorocarbons, known as HFCs, aligned with environmentalists’ agenda [helped] secure enough Republican support to meet the Constitution’s requirement of two-thirds support"


@EU_Commission approved 2nd #IPCEI worth €5.2bn to support hydrogen projects on:


When publishers brainstorm and come up with a new type of Open Access"


Andor.. One Rotten Tomatoes comment says "[it] is slow and boring" - I agree... It's like watching a Law and Order episode in the backdrop of The Usual Suspects. The one positive aspect though is it isn't cuck.

Can trade on noise.. Every up has a down, it is known where series is coming back to. Buy at $-\sigma$ sell at $+\sigma$.

Noise is mean reverting BTW (noise, as in, eg Gaussian $N(0,\sigma)$)

Can create mean-reverting series using eigenvectors (calculated in a certain way, wont detail here) combining various price data. Dam. #quant



This is how AK47 works"


It's open season on Trump. I am not sure if they are targeting him, or trying to crowd out coverage for other Reps in general.

There won't be a green transition even with all the lithium mined. The reserves are insufficient (enough only for 5% of all storage needs).

Exclusive use of clean fuels will however allow a green transition.

I think all the numbers below, except the iStories one, are full of shit. It reminds me the ailment, Putin body-double stories.

? "[08/2022] Russia Has Suffered Up to 80,000 Military Casualties in Ukraine, Pentagon Says"

? 🤨

US News: "[08/2022] As Many as 80000 Russian Forces Killed, Wounded in Ukraine"


CNBC: "[03/2022] Up to 40,000 Russian soldiers killed, wounded, captured"


The Telegraph: "[07/2022] More than 75,000 Russian soldiers have been killed or injured in the war"

Troop shifting around Kharkiv, Donbas likely had to do trying to cover a huge area with insufficient forces, and that was true from the start.

Instead of the other method of fighting they are known for (sacrificing inordinate amount of men for land) RU actually tried to conserve forces this time, not sacrificing people for the eff of it. This is new.

NPR: "[08/2022] Independent Russian news outlet iStories says it counted (through open-source information) more than 5,000 Russian service members killed"

WION: "US Federal Reserve hikes interest rates to highest level since 2008"

More pipelines, bigger infra clearly visible in the map comparing before and after.

"European Hydrogen Backbone Infrastructure Maps Update"


H2 Central: "A Norwegian consortium comprised of four local players, PSW Power & Automation, Westgass Hydrogen, CCB and H2 Production, has been established to provide a hydrogen-based shore power solution to the maritime sector...

'We have shown that our container-based power solutions can be fuelled by hydrogen, and together with our partners we have demonstrated that the value chain for such solutions is in place.'

Platform suppliers, cruise ships, drilling rigs and fish farms that rely heavily on diesel generators can each consume the equivalent of the power requirement of 400 to 500 houses for their onboard operations.

Connecting to onshore power supply when docking at ports and shipyards is a preferred solution to reduce emissions, but CCB said it is facing significant challenges in meeting demand due to capacity constraints in the electricity grid"

H2 Central: "DAT, Everfuel, and Universal Hydrogen Announce Collaboration to Bring True Zero Emissions Passenger Flights to Denmark by 2025"

NPR: "[08/2022] Independent Russian news outlet iStories says it counted (through open-source information) more than 5,000 Russian service members killed [in the UKR conflict so far]"

Claim is due to limited troops RU had pulled resources from Kharkiv and sent them to Donbas, Kherson which created an opening for UKR to exploit. That shortage is now being fixed with partial mobilisation.

Annexation referandum (whose outcome will surely be Ja) and 300 K RU mobilisation.. why is that surprising? Ukraine is an existential issue for Russia.



I try to cite sources AMAP, it helps for later study

It's great when a problem reduces to a mere eigenvector/value calculation

Al Monitor: "Israel must end its occupation of Palestine, Qatari emir tells UN General Assembly"

Al Monitor: "Palestinian street battles point to wider West Bank crisis. Gun battles in central Nablus, with young Palestinians fighting police and setting blazes that shut the city down, signal growing chaos in the northern West Bank that could spiral out of control"

Al Jazeera: "Iraq’s mighty Tigris river is drying up.. Drying riverbeds mean Iraqi authorities have had to sharply cut the area of cultivated land in the country"

H2 Fuel News: "Last Month, Southern California Gas (SoCalGas) and The Blue Oval announced that they were developing a Ford F-550 prototype for a Super Duty hydrogen fuel cell truck. The project was a component of the US Department of Energy (DoE) SuperTruck 3 program for considerably reducing medium-and heavy-duty vehicle emissions"

H2 News: "UK vehicle maker Tevva launches hydrogen truck"

Al Jazeera: "Joint investigation finds Abu Akleh’s killing 'deliberate'"


Can see man-in-the-middle centric star-pattern is simpler than all-connected-all style. The latter would be "participatory" democracy the former representative. Star comm can lose messages in the middle (not listening) even that is preferable to higher density.


Overcommunication.. not good


The scariest 7 words in English are 'I’ll add you to the Slack channel'"

FT: "Liz Truss admits UK trade deal with US is not on the agenda"

Daily News Hungary: "According to [Hungarian PM] Orbán, [RUS-UKR] war could be around until 2030, and Ukraine could lose a third to even a half of its territory. He was sure the war would have been local, but the 'West stepped in, making it global', and 'now we are shooting ourselves in the foot in Europe with sanctions'. According to Orbán, 40 percent of European industry could shut down this winter because of these sanctions"


Vanity Fair: "Ezra Miller’s 'Messiah' Delusions: Inside The Flash Star’s Dark Spiral.. This past March, the actor was arrested in a tiki bar called Margarita Village in Hilo, Hawaii.. Miller.. barks at the cops to state their full names and badge numbers. When one attempts to search Miller’s pockets, the actor says twice, rapid-fire, 'I’m transgender nonbinary. I don’t want to be searched by a man.'"

Timewarp Inc - Wake Up Bossa (Instrumental) #music


All this arises in physical phenomena that is mathematically known completely. Ain't that crazy?

There - we see a turbulent area but it is localized and there is a certain pattern to its outer edges. Capture that, in most cases would not be a need to know all of the internal details.


Turbulence, randomness.. how was randomness used? Calculating detailed aero (to see all details of turbulence) is costly. With usual methods one represents turbulence statistically, allowing controlled randomness in the model, eg one says "I'll treat turbulent parts as a blob, I dont care about the internal details of that blob but I'll keep track of its location, maybe its size"... That could improve calculations, turb is roughly accounted for, no need to process it in detail, the rest of the computation in non-turbulent areas benefit too.

CH has the hardware, manpower to establish a blockade, but can it sustain it? Any sub can take a shot at the ships wout giving up their country of origin. Any neighbor, or even US could try, once past anti-sub defenses.

WSJ: "China Is Capable of Blockading Taiwan, U.S. Navy Commander Says.. ‘If they want to bully and put ships around Taiwan, they very much can do that,’ said Vice Adm. Karl Thomas"

Latest EQ summary - 2021 looked bad, new counts normal. Not an apocalypse - for now.


WSJ: "Strong Earthquake Rocks Southwestern Mexico"

Al Monitor: "Cyprus, Israel vow speedy end to [East Med, Aphrodite and Yishai deposits] gas row .. [ISR minister] said that, due to the global energy crisis and Europe's growing gas needs, 'it is in our best interest for both sides to expedite their work for a swift, transparent and fair settlement'".

H2 Central: "Nel Scientist Wins Top Prize on his Proton Exchange Membrane Technology Research"

H2 Central: "Woodside and Japanese partners to conduct feasibility study on establishing a lower-emissions fuel ammonia supply chain from Australia to Japan...

In addition, the [JP] Sixth Strategic Energy Plan.. states that ammonia-fueled power generation is one of the most promising options for decarbonizing power sources toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 since it does not emit CO2 during combustion and can be utilized in many existing power generation facilities such as boilers and denitration facilities without modification.

Last year, Woodside, JOGMEC, Marubeni, Hokuriku Electric, and Kansai Electric conducted a feasibility study on the entire supply chain, including the production of lower emissions ammonia in Australia from natural gas with CO2 abatement methods such as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU), and biosequestration; marine transportation to Japan; ammonia’s utilization as a fuel for power generation and marine use; and financing"

Electric transmission introduces weaknesses in infra. Pipelines are robust.

Vox: [2018] Hurricane Maria.. did knock down 80 percent of the island’s utility poles and all transmission lines.

NPR: "Puerto Rico is without electricity as Hurricane Fiona pummels the island"

Wrote before the EU would not want to allow pieces of existing members to apply anyway bcz that would discourage others joining the EU (fearing their subregions would want to apply one day).

EU membership is good for Spain bcz inside it could veto the membership of its subregions, eg. Catalonia, were it decide to seperate from Spain and apply for membership seperately. Makes sense.

Kunafah is a M. Eastern desert. Mad delicious. On a pizza.. IDK. But menu says it won some kind of award.

Kunafah Pizza? Seriously

The Atlantic: "The Hobbit King.. Charles III is far more interested in the benefits of traditional English hedgerows than the great, global glory of Britain.

Far from resisting such royal parochialism, Britain should embrace Charles as the emblem of its new normal age. Very few people in the world know the names of the Dutch, Danish, or Norwegian monarchs, but their citizens are much more prosperous and their kingdoms more settled. If Charles joins them in comparative anonymity, that should be celebrated.

In 1962, a decade into Britain’s second Elizabethan age, the American grandee Dean Acheson caused real hurt and anger in London by declaring that Britain had lost an empire but had yet to find a role. The entire reign of Elizabeth was filled with her chief ministers searching for the answer to this challenge. But with her passing, Britain can cease its search. Not playing a central role in the great game is a perfectly noble aspiration, a liberating opportunity—and one that King Charles is well suited to symbolize"

Politico": "The queen is dead. Is the monarchy next?"

Al Jazeera: "[D]egrowth movement has steadily been gaining ground. Based on a robust body of scientific literature, degrowth proponents suggest that capitalism’s demand for unlimited growth is destroying the planet..

[M]any people understand degrowth.. as a call for austerity and a trigger of recession. In reality, degrowth is just the opposite.

To begin with, austerity is always imposed for the sake of growth. We have been convinced, for half a century now, that cutting public services is good for us because it will increase competitiveness, balance the budget, and eventually lead to growth. Degrowth, by contrast, is the argument that we can, and should, move away from an economy that exclusively depends on economic growth"


H2 Central: "Hydrogen cost parity with diesel cut by up to eight years with new Loop Energy fuel cell"

H2 Central: "POSCO Holdings to cooperate with Samsung Engineering, Lotte Chemical, Sarawak Economic Development Corporation Energy, and Malaysian Sarawak Energy for Green Hydrogen Business"

Al Jazeera: "Third 'armed bank withdrawal' in a week in Lebanon"

F24: "‘Moment of reckoning’: Queen’s death fuels Jamaica’s republican movement"

H2 Fuel News: "Ships leaving ports in [ME] area have the potential to allow the region to remain among leaders... Middle Eastern container ships [can] shift the nature of the region’s energy leadership to clean hydrogen as the area undergoes a considerable change in economic focus"

Scott Adkins movies do resemble stock Jason Statham work sometimes, but the acting and the story are little better. Accident Man wasn't a bad story (apparently SA wrote it himself)

Recommending Avengement.


#DYK that our Coradia iLint #hydrogen fuel cell powered passenger train fleet has already completed over 200,000 kilometres of passenger service? That’s nearly equal to five times around the planet Earth! 🚄🌍🚄🌍🚄🌍🚄🌍🚄🌍


Along smoothly on our Alstom Coradia iLint distance record run with 1,077 kms clocked. We can now say that we have established a #worldrecord 🏆"



This just in from #TeamAlstom - We've reached a whopping 970km.. on a single hydrogen filling"


The Alstom Coradia iLint, the world's first #hydrogen train, just reached the 900km mark"

H2 Central: "Siemens commissions one of Germany’s largest green hydrogen.. generation plant.. to generate 1,350 tons of hydrogen a year and cut CO2 emissions by about 13,500 tons. Opening attended by Bavarian Minister-President Markus Söder"

Even wout Nato..? My o' my.. The great Sweden.. ran towards UK like a scared little kid.. Now the gov who signed that deal is gone, "populists" gained power.

F24: "[5/2022] Britain signs security deal vowing to defend Sweden in case of attack"

BBC News: "Energy crisis: Could Italy's next government drop Russian sanctions?"


BTW "described statistically as a random process" was done to compute faster (they surely know the process isn't random). For fluid dynamics we have the equations that describe the whole process.. But while simulating turbulance, need fine detail, and that becomes computationally costly, in some cases nearly intractable.

What these guys did was finding patterns within turbulence so it could be computed efficiently. Every model is a summary, a shortcut, they found a shortcut within the shortcut.

Turbulence is deterministic, of course.. that surprises exactly noone who took a Nonlinear Dynamics course.

"[P]hysicists [of Gatech] have demonstrated — numerically and experimentally — that turbulence can be understood and quantified with the help of a relatively small set of special solutions to the governing equations of fluid dynamics that can be precomputed for a particular geometry, once and for all.

'For nearly a century, turbulence has been described statistically as a random process,' said [scientist]. 'Our results provide the first experimental illustration that, on suitably short time scales, the dynamics of turbulence is deterministic — and connects it to the underlying deterministic governing equations.'"


I don't think these people realize they are now in charge.. You are not in Warsaw ghettos anymore. No need to put others in ghettos because you were once.. You are now in charge. Don't fuck shit up.

The second movie? Captain Apartheid: Kosher Soldier

WION: "South Korea issues arrest warrant for Terra Luna founder on charges of 'cryptocrash'"

WION: "As a result of the deepening ties between Russia and China, the yuan is becoming much more popular as Moscow tries to ditch its post-Soviet addiction to cash US dollars. On the basis of a 50-50 split between the Russian rouble and Chinese yuan, Putin said last week that China will pay Gazprom for its gas in national currencies. After successfully completing its debut yuan-denominated bond placement worth 15 billion yuan ($2.15 billion), Russia's largest oil producer Rosneft said it was gradually shifting to foreign trade settlements in Russian roubles and national currencies of 'friendly' countries. While Russia's largest gold producer Polyus issued bonds denominated in the Chinese yuan worth 4.6 billion yuan (670 million dollars), the country's aluminium producer Rusal tapped the yuan bond market on the Moscow Exchange"