
Github Mirror

Week 36

😆 😆

WION: "Queen Consort Camilla to get Queen Elizabeth II's famous Kohinoor crown"

France 24: "From mistress to Queen Consort: the redemption of Camilla"

Plus low leader approv would increase MP chances of loss, they have every reason to vote the leader out.

People also vote for parliament members, within the same party as the head, and those members have the ability to change the leader.. If people accept the former they also should accept the latter.

"People vote with a particular party head in mind, changing that midway is against democracy"

Oz new lib leader says: "We aren't the 'Moderate Party'. We aren't the 'Conservative Party'. We are Liberals. We are the Liberal Party".

More emph on ideology.. It's a thing

At UK PMQ one side says I'm for high tax, other side says I'm for low tax. Boring deadlock. Sides sticking to ideologies.. Agree to disagree. I like it.


Clearly these inbred people still have some power, not just symbolic.. Noone goes this length at pomp for institution with no power.

'Have already been preparing'.. ? This royal succession is serious business


The Treasury and the Royal Australian Mint have already been preparing Australia's new coins, which will feature the visage of King Charles III"


Did you know, that a standard Kore system can produce up to 1,000 kilograms of UltraGreen Hydrogen™ per day, which is enough to fuel over 1,400 [FCEVs]?"


Transportation causes [much] greenhouse gas emissions in California. That is why we support @Kore_Infra in the production of innovative waste-to-energy technology"

Yes that's it.. Ryan Reynolds reminds me of Adam Sandler. He should do a remake of the The Wedding Singer.

H2 Central: "US DoE seeks to fund nuclear hydrogen production and use projects" "Russian, Chinese Warships Fire Machine Guns in Sea of Japan.. The firing, which took place in waters outside Japan's exclusive economic zone, seems to be part of the Vostok large-scale military exercises that Russia is conducting in its Far Eastern region"

Shaft 2019. "It's your duty to please that booty".

Analyst speculates China using B&R loans to turn yuan into a dollar alternative; the loans were given in dollars, but now China could say "you can pay us back in yuan, at a discount if you chose to do so".

Debtors could prefer that, creating additional demand for yuan raising its value.. Actually B&R could be useful for this purpose alone. They got rid of the dollars they don't want, and created yuan demand in return.

Compensation vs Profits graph


Nordstream 1 is cut, how about TiggerStream? That pipeline is still supplying gas to Europe.

The Chile fail was surprising because I'd read the Prez is the master of wheeling and dealing.. Could have no aggreement with strong left elements in it? At least something not hostile to left legislation later on, ensuring basic rights now, removing the fascist shit pronto?

Reuters: "Chile's Boric reshuffles cabinet after voters reject new constitution"

Solomon Kane ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ The vibe is reminiscent of Van Helsing but still unique, good story

"Oxford quantum physicist Nikita Gourianov tore into the quantum computing industry this week, comparing the 'fanfare' around the tech to a financial bubble.. Despite billions of dollars being poured into quantum computing, Gourianov argues, the industry has yet to develop a single product that's actually capable of solving practical problems... Contemporary quantum computers are also 'so error-prone that any information one tries to process with them will almost instantly degenerate into noise,' he [said]...

Despite the industry's less-than-stellar results, investors are still funneling untold sums into quantum computing ventures. 'In essence, the quantum computing industry has yet to demonstrate any practical utility, despite the fanfare,' Gourianov wrote. 'Why is then so much money flowing in? Well, it is mainly due to the fanfare.' The money, he argues, is coming from investors who typically don't have 'any understanding of quantum physics,' while 'taking senior positions in companies and focusing solely on generating fanfare.'

In short, Gourianov believes it's only a matter of time until the 'bubble will pop' and the 'funding will dry up' — at which point, it's already too late"

#H2 #Canada #DE


Strange.. very strange..

"[09/04] A mass stabbing occurred in 13 locations.. Saskatchewan, Canada, in which 11 people were killed and 19 others injured"

Truss was the better campaigner.. That became clear at those one-on-one interviews. There is journo, candidate, and live audience but the format was geared towards the questioner. Sunak had a tendency to forgo the journo, and say something to rile up the audience, as if in an effort to drown out question.. Then you sorta break the format, the questioner is annoyed, that reflects badly on you. Maybe not for people in the audience but others watching through broadcast would pick this up.. Gave the impression of a lack of media management skills. Truss handled one-on-ones better, spoke direcly to questioner. Also overall messaging was consistent.

Online digital event #GÊnÊrationHydrogène, I like the poster



Amazon offered my wife a book they thought she 'might be interested in'

It was my autobiography"

CNBC: "Apple is gaining on Facebook and Google in online ads after iOS privacy change, report shows"

Parties sticking to ideologies matters because people don't vote in policies, they vote out people. Ergo when a new admin comes in, voters should automatically get a different way of governing through that different party. If voters are switching between globalist centrist cuck #1 vs globalist centrist cuck #2, that's not a change.

Cowboys.. they've all become cowboys for America

Al Jazeera: "Israel’s shifting narratives on the killing of Shireen Abu Akleh.. Israel has now concluded that it is 'highly possible' one of its soldiers killed Shireen Abu Akleh"

Al Monitor: "Israel concedes soldier likely shot Al Jazeera journalist"

Al Jazeera: "China registers hottest August since records began"

H2 Fuel News: "BMW begins manufacturing hydrogen fuel cell systems for iX5 SUV"

H2 Fuel News: "Bosch pours $200M into hydrogen truck fuel cells.. The company plans to begin manufacturing the stacks by 2026 at a facility in South Carolina'

Peter Voit: [See] The quantum computing bubble at the Financial Times, where Nikita Gourianov argues that there’s a speculative bubble going on in this field, [he says]:

'Well, when exactly the bubble will pop is difficult to say, but at some point the claims will be found out and the funding will dry up. I just hope that when the music stops and the bubble pops, the public will still listen to us physicists'...

I think Gourianov makes an important point for physicists to keep in mind. Having this sort of hype blow up in physicist’s faces is not going to help with the credibility problems physics already has with the public due to decades of hype about non-existent breakthroughs in fundamental physics

The ABC hasta la vista comment was funny because BJ said earlier "I'll be back"

Nuclear fission is also free energy in many ways, the ratio of energy obtained with energy applied is immensely large. It is possible to get something for nothing.

That sounds like free energy.. No additional energy input is applied, when the catalyst splits water, is not reduced itself in the process so it could do the splitting forever creating energy.

H2 Fuel News: "[Researchers] at UCSC [found] a way to complete [water splitting for H2 generation] process at room temperature, without the requirement of the electric input. They have done so through the development of a special aluminum composite that causes a reaction with the water at room temperature. Aluminum is naturally a reactive material that will cause the oxygen to split away from water molecules, allowing the H2 to remain...

The researchers discovered that by applying an easily created composite of aluminum and gallium, the aluminum will react with water even at room temperature, resulting in the production of H2 without CO2 emissions"

Crude is indeed down


CNBC: "Gas prices are falling — Here's why it's happening.. Some states.. suspended their gas taxes, which artificially pushes prices lower. But the main reason for the fall is the decline in oil prices. Crude is the single largest factor influencing gas prices, accounting for more than 50% of what we pay at the pump"

SCMP: "Sinopec sets green hydrogen goals to help China reach carbon neutrality by 2060.. China’s largest refiner aims to have an installed capacity to produce 120,000 tonnes of green hydrogen a year by the end of 2025"

If this election was about selecting the most un-BJ person, that was actually Truss. Sunak's attitude was more like BJ, energetic speaking, a whatever it takes attitude..

Likely wont be a need to die anywhere, new PM can be more popular than BJ for the mere fact she is not BJ.

Why did Tories under BJ went after working class votes? Some of that is due to Brexit.. Brexit could only be sold to the working class (they were duped obviously), the EU was an "elite thing" and once it passed, Tories were now 'stuck' with their new constituency, different than their usual.. With BJ as PM they could appeal to them due to his personality, but that all put the pro-business conservatives in a funk..

Hopefully the new PM will act more a con, and end this bizarre charade. If you will lose as a con, lose as a con. Die on that hill.

😂 😂

ABC AU: "Hasta la vista, Boris"

Truss it is eh

H2 Central: "China takes aim at leadership in hydrogen fuel vehicle industry..

The hydrogen fuel vehicle sector in China is starting to accelerate as that country, already the largest H2 producer in the world, sees its companies and local governments come together with new technology advancements and supportive policies...

China is expected to have 50,000 H2-powered cars and trucks on its roads by the close of 2025.

This prediction was issued in March by the National Development and Reform Commission and the National Energy Administration in China"

Without OSS most of those hip Silicon Valley companies would not exist.. Free makes the world go around..

"Gartner says that over 95% of the IT enterprises across the globe use Open Source Software for their mission-critical IT workloads, whether they are aware of it or not"

Chilean constitution proposal rejected; thought leaders there probably thought the prop was trying to bite more than it could chew. Chilean existing consitution dates back to Pinochet era, I'm sure their left see it as fascist, the political consensus however wasn't ready for this change.


'In the end, the U.S. military is the world’s anti-fascist insurance policy.' [referring to this article]. I know now that I lived in vain"

Comment on oil price cap


A key neocon who sold the Iraq War, R. Kaplan, regrets it. One of the most visible 180 degree turns among the neo-cons.. I appreciate the honesty.


Less money in pocket. Protest.


70,000 people took to the streets of Prague in a mass protest.. They demanded neutrality in the war and action on energy prices"



Rep condemns divisiveness and refers to Abraham Lincoln again :) This talking point just keeps on giving

To understand voters you need to squint, imagine there is fog and you are looking through it... It's like the dog in the Simpsons. In one episode they showed how the dog perceives the world; people would talk, then they show his perception, the dog would hear "blah blah blah blah", once in a while he'd hear something he wld understand like "sit", then he sits. Otherwise it's just blah blah blah blah

JB net approval rose to -10%. Improvement. Laws passed, "stuff is happening" so in the voter mind it could translate to "there is forward momentum". Gasoline prices are falling, they can surely understand "more money in my pocket".

FinancialPost "[06/2022] Zombie firms face slow death as era of easy credit ends.. Zombie firms in the Russell 3000 have plunged 36 per cent over the past year on average"

MarketWatch: "Beware of ‘zombie’ companies running rampant in the stock market.. A total of 19%, or 571 companies, in the Russell 3000 Index are considered unviable"


My son, a first-year college students, just called me to say he is going to LaTeX his math notes. ("How do you do piecewise functions?"). So I had to send him my LaTeX cheat sheet"

"Compliment fishing"

Growth potential of a country has an upper bound. Given a skillset level, know-how, labor, access to materials, growth can reach a certain amount, no further. Any new money that exceeds that growth potential will be inflationary.

Credit to businesses can be inflationary.. This is key; most, for some reason, exclusively focus on government spending a view goaded by MSM likely to deflect the attention from the real source of money printing - credit. When businesses go to banks for credit the bank does not use customers' savings to hand out loans - they'll just print the money. Once that money makes it to people's pockets through wages, if in excess amounts, it becomes inflationary.

"Total assets on the Fed’s weekly balance sheet as of July.. fell by $22 billion from the prior week, and by 74 billion dollars from the peak in April, to 8.89 trillion.. as the Fed’s quantitative tightening (QT) has kicked off'

VOA News: "India and China to Take Part in Joint Military Drills with Russia"

H2 Central: "ADNOC sends first low-carbon ammonia shipment from the UAE to Germany... Demonstration cargo is first of several test cargoes bound for Hamburg in Germany as ADNOC expands strategic energy partnership across the hydrogen value chain"

Apparenty a lot of raw data on RU/UKR war comes from a group of Russian journalists called Rybar, they publish on Telegram. They have good info indicating inside access, so far reporting is deemed to be accurate.

It's good stuff, makes for a hearty soup

"One of the oldest foods in the Eastern Mediterranean, trahana [Asia Minor tarhana] was traditionally made in August as an ingenious method of preserving milk for the cold winter months by combining the dairy with the wheat and leaving in the hot summer sun to dry over a few days. Once dried, it was broken into granules and could be stored for months"

Pandas is part of much of what we do here. Immensely useful open source software thanks to Wes McKinney.


The first copies of Python for Data Analysis 3e [about Pandas] are rolling off the presses!"

Haskalah is a 19th century phenomenon, started in Europe, not anywhere else.

Of course the new arrivals innovated, they were bunch of Europeans, with all the know-how that comes with it... Remember Schindler's List (based on a true story), all those factory workers he saved, well, those workers ran his factory, they had to know-how to do it, a knowledge bequeathed on them for the simple fact of being in the West. After WWII survivors fled, some went to Israel. Now Israelis became "cowboys" for the Americans but they largely benefited from the knowledge of all Western Renaissance.

1937 predates the foundation of Israel itself. Water is crucial..

"[Founded in 1937] Mekorot is the national water company of Israel and the country's top agency for water management"

Thanks to desalination.

"Once drought-stricken, Israel is now a water-surplus nation"