
Github Mirror

Week 28

H2 Fuel News: "EU prepares green hydrogen import deal with Namibia"

H2 Fuel News: "bp and thyssenkrupp sign green hydrogen powered steel production agreement"

H2 Central: "Electrolyser capital costs have fallen from more than $3,700 per kW in 2020 to about 2,700 dollar per kW today and will drop to below 200 dollar per kW by 2050 under the agency’s most optimistic scenario. Under its most pessimistic scenario, capital costs will decline to about 800 dol per kW, national science agency CSIRO said in its annual GenCost report.

The main driver of falling electrolyser costs will be scale as the size of systems grows from an average of 10 MW today to 100 MW modular units in the coming years, CSIRO said.

CSIRO, said: 'Applying typical engineering cost scaling factors this movement to full scale accounts for around an 80% reduction in costs'. Electrolyser deployment is being supported by a substantial number of hydrogen supply and end- use trials globally and in Australia.'"

H2 Central: "Hycc Launches 500-Megawatt Hydrogen Project in The Port of Amsterdam"

H2 under ambient conditions 11.9 m3 / kg, 1200 / 11.9 * 24 gives 2420 kg per day. Good


China Huadian Corporation released its first alkaline electrolyzer with a capacity of 1,200Nm3/h"

#H2 #Engines #Cummins


"EU grants for clean hydrogen | Shell, RWE and Air Liquide among winners from €1.8bn handout"

World Oil Production


What is CCUS?


Update on energy production by source, new data from BP. Renewables don't look good. The 2% guesstimate checks out in the data (1.9% to be exact -see the pie chart-).


Am all for green power gen. Until we get there, clean (blue) fuel generation from fossil with CCUS should be fine. A perfectly reachable goal.

Is that significant? Only 20% of overall energy consumption is electricity, which means 2% of overall energy production is wind and solar.

CNN: "Wind and solar generated a record 10% of the world's [electricity] power in 2021, report shows"

Alan Hawkshaw - Hawkind And Fire #music


They jumped from one dubious concept to another... What's next? The Big-Bang Theory? Time travel? Multiverses?

Voit: "Each summer for nearly a quarter-century there has been a big yearly conference bringing together the string theory community.. Taking a look at the program, one thing that stands out is that the string theory community has almost completely stopped doing string theory...but.. the string theory community has found to replace string theory: black holes"

That's some mad skillz right there


Interacting votices"


CNBC: "Dow futures fall more than 400 points as traders weigh potential for big rate hikes"


Bought new house. House has smart sprinkler system. Previous owners turned off WiFi. Grass died because… no WiFi. House now has WiFi. Grass is slowly coming back to life"

Steppenwolf - The Ostrich #music


Cargo delivery system shows, live, the number of stops left until the delivery person reaches the door. I dig it.

Jane's Defense: "Boeing has concluded a demonstration of the F/A-18 Super Hornet's ability to launch from Indian aircraft carriers with two Boeing AGM-84 Harpoon missiles"


Biden's Iran policy is endorsed by Mark Dubowitz, who led the charge to kill the JCPOA"


Plug is proud to be selected by @IrvingOil, a 100-year-old international energy company, to provide a.. PEM electrolyzer to its Saint John refinery, which currently produces about 7% of all hydrogen in Canada"


Metal hydrides are very promising tech for storage, see Australian company Lavo.

H2 View: "A Norwegian school is planned to become home to what is said to be the world’s largest metal hydride-based hydrogen storage facility. Hybrid Energy revealed on Tuesday (July 12), that its daughter company Hystorsys had won a contract to install the hydrogen storage at the Vestiden Junior Highschool in Kongsberg, Norway.

Hystorsys, a spin off from the Norwegian Institute for Energy Technology (IFE), plans to install its storage solution at the school to store excess energy produced by solar panels during the summer as hydrogen, ready for winter consumption..

Hybrid Energy says its storage solution has the ability to store 1kg of hydrogen in a 17-litre metal hydride unit at 30 bar, by comparison to more traditional storage units offering 1kg in 42-litre units at 350 bar"

H2 View: "500MW green hydrogen plant plans for Port of Amsterdam unveiled"

Express: "A Japanese energy company is set to sign a £26million deal to develop green hydrogen projects in Wales"

H2 Fuel News: "Airbus turns its focus toward a green hydrogen hub strategy.. As the global clean energy supply chain continues to build, the aerospace corporation intends to lead"

H2 View: "Hydrogen fuel cells could get a lot cheaper with newly developed iron catalyst.. New research shows that the low-cost material could provide a viable platinum alternative"


Green hydrogen refuelling firm Element 2 recruits ExxonMobil veteran Nick Shelley"


@VolvoTrucks showcases a new zero-emissions truck powered by hydrogen!"


Bloomberg: "Oil’s Spectacular Covid Crash Set the World Up for $100 Crude.. The energy industry cut back during the pandemic, paving the way for a runaway rally that has huge implications for the global economy"

OPEC oil production below. The supply just isn't there.. No wonder prices are high. At peak production was around 32 million barrels per day, now it's at 29 mil.


Updated Taylor Rule calculation says a high fedfunds ie ripping off the band aid - Volcker style. But the FED is on a rate hike path already..


Inflation is way up

2022-06-01 9.059758


Rajapaksas were everywhere #SriLanka... should've guessed some were obviously connected to the last major success in that nation, beating the Tamil Tigers.. Gotabaya was apparently SecDef when that happened, brother was President. That kind of success buys you a lot of political capital (now all lost).

I bet Labour would have liked to run against Johnson in the next election with popularity being low and all, but now a fresh new leader can complicate their oppo strategy.

WION: "Rishi Sunak emerges on top in first round of Conservative Party vote"


The USA Special Operations forces are involved in a low-profile proxy war program - 127e program - on a far greater scale than previously known, not just in multiple countries in #Africa, as previously reported, but also in the MiddleEast & AsiaPacific"


Arab News: "US destroyer sails near disputed South China Sea islands, Beijing says it ‘drove’ ship away"

The Guardian: "Canada exempts Russian gas turbine from sanctions amid Europe energy crisis.. Ottawa defies Ukraine’s objections to return of equipment for Nord Stream 1 pipeline, saying it needs to support Europe’s access to ‘reliable and affordable energy'"

Al Jazeera: "EU says Russian rail transport to Kaliningrad not banned"

H2 Central: "Thyssengas is planning an 800-kilometer hydrogen launch grid in Germany... The transmission system operator Thyssengas currently operates a 4,400-kilometre-long transmission network, most of which still transports natural gas. But that is about to change. In the future, these pipelines will gradually be converted to hydrogen..

With the establishment of a “Thyssengas H2 start network” based on the existing natural gas network, Thyssengas wants to underline its own claim to be a pioneer and designer of the energy transition... [Its CEO] sees the establishment of an H2 network based on existing natural gas pipelines as a necessary lever and an important signal to producers, importers and consumers in the Thyssengas grid area...

Thyssengas’ hydrogen grid planning is based on around 45 declarations of intent (MoUs) that Thyssengas has concluded with potential hydrogen producers and customers as part of a market survey conducted by FNB Gas e.V., an association of supra-regional gas transport companies.

Over the 800 kilometres of pipeline identified, these future customers are to be reliably supplied with hydrogen from 2030 at the latest. These are lines that are to be successively rededicated for hydrogen transport or rebuilt in parts"

H2 View: "Nel Hydrogen US, a subsidiary of Nel ASA, has received a €4m purchase order from Viva Energy Australia Pty. Ltd. (Viva Energy) for a MC500 containerised PEM electrolyser"

H2 View: "H2 Clipper hires veteran aerospace executive.. California-based H2 Clipper, Inc., an aerospace and alternative energy company developing uniquely capable hydrogen-powered airships and end-to-end hydrogen infrastructure solutions, has announced that Joe Massaquoi has joined the company as Chief Financial Officer (CFO)"

Heavy hitter is on it; this is serious business.


Germany appoints former energy state secretary Rainer Baake as special emissary for energy cooperation with Namibia, tasked with implementing the gigantic ramp-up of a green hydrogen economy in the Southern African country"

H2 Central: "EVs will be overtaken by hydrogen cars by 2030, predicts auto expert.. An automotive industry expert in Germany recently issued a bold dismissal of electric vehicles, declaring that EVs will be overtaken by hydrogen-powered cars. Before an audience, Dr. Felix Gress, head of Continental’s corporate communications and public affairs, argued that battery-electric vehicles represent poor value for money"

WION: "Greenhouse gas emissions from US inflicted damage worth almost $2 trillion on other countries"

TDB: "The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s Phase 4 Has Been a Total Train Wreck.. [T]hough CinemaScore grades are reliably unreliable, the fact that three of the four most poorly rated MCU films have premiered in the past 12 months isn’t a coincidence. The quality has noticeably dipped"

MCU is building up to this? Read both 80s and 2015. The 80s one was weird (but made money they say). 2015 could be their target. Dr Doom kills Thanos! 😂 Spoiled that muthaf..ka didn't I? Aw shit

OK. I read the comic what about it?

MCU Secret Wars?

It makes sense the right does not like teachers; they are the personification of the dumb shitlib who doesn't know anything but simply relays knowledge from some kind of 'authority' to the student but thinks are always right because those authorities happen to be secular -which of course is no guarantee for anything-.

I recommend, teachers, record your own lectures, and flip the classroom. Next stage, flip the classroom around someone else's lecture, students get quality that way if the teacher is a 'dud'.

The lack of focus on the latter part causes focus on the former..

Alternative ed is not being discussed, so within the confines of current system teacher quality would be the focus - that is the only parameter that can be tuned.

On that, some countries do well, but most others dont.. I don't think you can do Finland style ed without being Finland. We need a scalable new approach.

The Mandarin: "Remember when former [Oz] Morrison government minister Stuart Robert lashed out at 'dud' teachers? In March, the then-acting education minister said the 'bottom 10%' of teachers 'can’t read and write' and blamed them for declining academic results.. We are fixated on 'teacher quality'.. My analysis found the focus on 'quality' was far more on teachers than, say, teaching approaches, schools, schooling, education systems or anything else"

Available materials throughout history, strength/density graph

We've discovered some interesting new materials eh?


The outer alliance did a good job isolating Europe from its energy supply. Look anywhere in the map where Europe can get energy, "the Anglos" created major trouble. Oil-rich Libya? Turned into a 'shitshow' thanks to US. Iran with massive oil/gas reserves is constantly kept outside the system... Iraq is a clusterfuck, but by now an old story. Russian relationship? Turned sour thanks to US meddling in Ukraine. I bet these muckers would mess with Norway if they could because they are supplying energy to Europe.

Covid: My vote is still is accidential lab leak of engineered virus (US's fault for allowing research to begin and using an unreliable lab) or, less likely but still possible, intentional leak triggered by shadowy US figures. I put intentional China triggered leak below those two - the aftermath makes it less likely, China had no good vaccines, and continued lockdowns, workplace interruptions caused major headaches for them.

Lech Walesa is a legend - but this ain't the 80s.

Yeah; good luck with that

"[F]ormer Polish President and Nobel Peace Prize winner Lech Walesa spoke out in support of dismantling the Russian Federation"


The US gives Ukraine sophisticated HIMARs rocket launchers that hurt Russia. Moscow responds by getting 100s of sophisticated attack drones from Iran that will likely hurt Ukraine. Neither is a 'game changer' for either side"


H2 Central: "Fabrum partner with HWR to decarbonise its transport fleet with hydrogen... Fabrum’s world-leading AFCryocooler cryogenic technology, which enables gas separation and liquefaction, combined with patented Membrane-Free Electrolyser™ technology from UK company Clean Power Hydrogen (CPH2) – splits water into pure hydrogen and medical grade oxygen – without the polymer membrane used in common PEM electrolysers. A 1.1 MW system can produce 450kg of hydrogen per day from water"

FCHEA: "As more and more countries continue to use hydrogen, it’s worth revisiting countries.. such as China and India...

China has been an early adopter of hydrogen, and many of its previous laws and regulations called for the adoption of a hydrogen economy. Recently however, the Chinese government published the first official hydrogen plan for the country, designed to set specific guidelines, and long-term growth targets for the hydrogen industry. The plan covers a wide range of areas, from manufacturing, and research capabilities, manufacturing targets, and specific goals for hydrogen production and consumption... Overall, the central government seeks to “significantly improve” the portion of clean hydrogen in use across China by 2035. To do so, the government released some nearer term targets to produce up to 200,000 tons of clean hydrogen.. In addition to the central government, local governments and the private sector are also getting involved in the clean hydrogen economy...

India has also begun to recognize clean hydrogen as essential to decarbonization. The Indian government recently announced a “phase one” document for clean hydrogen production, and released a set of policies in early 2022. The policies include allowing clean hydrogen producers to buy renewable energy at reduced rates, simplifying the permitting and licensing process to prioritize clean hydrogen, and allowing the construction of storage containers next to ports designed for hydrogen. The government has also promised to waive inter-state transmission charges for 25 years if the project is commissioned before June 30, 2025. This would significantly reduce the cost of clean hydrogen, potentially jumpstarting the hydrogen economy in India. This is all part of the government’s effort to reduce carbon emissions to zero by 2070. The government plans to release more policies to encourage the use of hydrogen production, including manufacturing zones dedicated to clean hydrogen"

ERR News: "Estonia is aiming to create a nationwide Hydrogen Valley to further develop energy independence and in anticipation of the European Green Deal.. In the coming six years, green hydrogen production will be developed in at least six regions in the country. The hydrogen produced in Estonia will be used for hydrogen fuelling public transport, heavy-duty vehicles, rail, shipping, aviation, and other transport modalities. During this time, it is planned to form a "complete and full nationwide hydrogen value chain" that will accelerate the energy transition and independence of the whole country under the motto '"from zero to green", a press release issued by Tartu City Council said"

H2 Central: "The Korea H2 Business Summit, a hydrogen council established primarily by major companies such as Hyundai Motor, SK and POSCO, set up a fund to promote the hydrogen industry.

The fund worth 500 billion won (US$383 million) will be established via investments from domestic member companies and foreign investors and is expected to be liquidated after 10 years of operation...

Bahn Sang-woo, a managing director of Mirae Asset Securities, said: 'The fund set the yield rate target at 8 percent, with 70 percent of the fund used for the establishment of infrastructure and 30 percent for technology investment'"

H2 Fuel News: "Hydrogen fuel cell plant opens near Vancouver, Canada.. The multimillion-dollar Cellcentric facility will produce the units as well as stacks for truck makers"

H2 View: "Isuzu, DENSO, Toyota, Hino, and CJPT to Start Planning and Foundational Research on Hydrogen Engines for Heavy-Duty Commercial Vehicles"


The city of Shanghai has announced plans for a network of over 70 hydrogen refueling stations (HRS). Of this total, Shenneng has won tenders to build about 20"


Politico: "The question of whether to grant an exception to sanctions on Russia in order to fix the Nord Stream 1 pipeline saw Canada torn between the demands of Germany, which remains dependent on Russian fuel, and Ukraine’s pleas to cut Russian revenue streams.

Canada will grant a 'time-limited and revocable permit' so Siemens can deliver turbines to Germany following their maintenance in Montreal, Natural Resources Minister.. announced'"

Davis: "There Is No ‘Magic Bullet’ That Can Turn The Tide For Ukraine... In some instances, fighting tenaciously in the face of considerable enemy superiority can prove to be the difference between victory and defeat. For example, in the famous Battle of the Bulge, the U.S. 101st Airborne Division refused to surrender in Bastogne even after it had been surrounded and cut off by the advancing German army...

The U.S. commander, however, had good reason to hold on even against an enemy with overwhelming numbers of artillery and tanks: as soon as the fog and cloud cover broke, the U.S. commander could expect massive air support to break the back of the German assaults and aerial resupply of ammunition and food to Bastogne’s defenders. More critically, Gen. George S. Patton’s 4th Armored Division was also racing north to relieve the 101st. For the Ukraine defenders, on the other hand, there is no such help coming...

The much-ballyhooed supply of 'heavy weapons' from the West.. will not be enough to turn the tide"


"Austrian Armed Forces Colonel Markus Reisner gives an update on the situation in Eastern Ukraine"



#NewYork has signed a multi-state agreement that includes 40 private & public sector entities to develop a proposal for a regional clean

hydrogen hub in a bid to grab part of $8bn of funding from the

Department of Energy 🗽"


Gasworld: "The UK is set to propel its transition to a more sustainable and secure energy environment following the introduction of its landmark Energy Security Bill.. the Bill is considered to be the most ambitious package of energy measures to go before parliament in a decade. Containing 26 measures based around the deployment of low carbon technologies such as carbon capture, usage, and storage (CCUS), and hydrogen, in addition to suggesting measures to mitigate rising energy costs, the Bill will be introduced by Business and Energy Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng"


Today Sunday July 10, 2022 I saw a TV commercial on ABC during the This Week with George Stephanopolous show promoting green #hydrogen. This is first time ever I have seen such a thing in the USA and I have been watching very closely. An inflection point in H2 adoption trajectory"


I'm sure "pro-bidness" governor is fine with that

Texas Tribune: "Texans face skyrocketing home energy bills as the state exports more natural gas than ever. The cost of electricity in Texas is tightly tied to the price of natural gas, which has more than doubled since Russia invaded Ukraine in late February"

The Flipped Classroom Model


Left-wing Catholics aren't much of a Catholic but they cling on to the title, especially if it is part of a minority ethnic position; it's like a lastname that is passed down, the thing parents say they are and the thing others call them that "sets them apart". In cultural terms it matters little, grander society will assimilate no running away from it. Then they go against the teachings. So why bother?

Turkist ideology was always useful for the Anglo. Imagine you have bunch of deluded people in a strategic peninsula who think they are not from there, that will encourage "frontier" mentality in that country. Frontier for what? Frontier for the Anglo. That is why the outer alliance likes Turkist ideology - also useful for them in the Caucuses, Central As against Russia (if it can peel off a few countries here and there based on "common ethnicity" the better)-. So this is the reason especially post 80s the state narrative emphasized turning Kemal into a deitic figure, citizens were supposed to worship Kemal, and he looks Anglo, so through Kemal you worship the Anglo (your alliance with them).

Now that I think about it the "Grand Ancestor" Kemal looks Anglo

These canals are so tiny; saw Panama Canal on a map, holy thin little slice that was. Where is that wide effin cahuna of canal? I'm talking about the Grand Canyon of Water Canals. Like Boom! MIA


Name a period in U.S. history when human rights were at the center of U.S. foreign policy. I can’t think of any. A lot of presidents insist that human rights serve as a foundation. Then they realize that, gosh, working with autocracies is an unavoidable part of the job"

H2 Fuel News: "Gilbarco Veeder-root Prepares For The Hydrogen Transport Revolution.. It is making available a suite of compression, dispensing and software solutions, allowing the creation of a network of renewable or low-carbon hydrogen refuelling stations around the world. The company is now at advanced stages of developing new technologies and creating partnerships to.. offer gaseous hydrogen to serve an ever-increasing number of hydrogen fuel-cell powered vehicles"

H2 View: "LONGi to provide alkaline electrolysers to world’s largest green hydrogen project... One year after its inception, LONGi Hydrogen has won the Sinopec Green Hydrogen Demonstration Project, to supply ‘world leading large scale’ alkaline water electrolyser equipment"

H2 View: "Hydroplane remains on course for first hydrogen demonstration flight by 2023 with new US Air Force contract"

The grid even looks like shit. Seriously. But a pipeline, lookit. Straightforward, efficient.

H2 pipelines are equally efficient compared to the grid. So there is no need to remain an 'electricity person'.


As an electricity person, I keep being humbled by the energy-carrying capacity of gas infrastructure. A pipeline (say, Nord Stream 1) can carry gas worth 540 TWh per year. That's 30x times the energy you can put through an HVDC line. Thirty"

2021 had 516 billion cubic meters of LNG shipped (the volume is of what natgas liquid translates into when gasified, not of the liquid itself). In BOE terms 516*1e9 / (170*1e3*365) means 8315 kboe / day, equivalent to 10 Nordstream pipelines. Not bad.

LNG ship traffic per year


Secular liberals pride themselves for not following church teachings, as they have "advanced beyond that" and are now "enlightened". But they do follow things -secular media, officials' edicts- and they do follow quite blindly. Electrification mantra was handed down from such channels, and these muckers ate that up like there was no tomorrow, and asked for more. That makes them a herd of sorts, different type than pre-modern religious, but a herd all the same.

Fossil fuel lobby might have allowed electrification to be popular because the lobby knew fools would go around and around, hit a brick wall, fail and eventually come back to their arms in desperation, wanting more fossil fuel. Diabolical yes but still shortsighted... e-retards did create a buzz which grew to certain degree. At the same time climate was truly in danger, and there was a viable option which remained unexplored for a while because of the e-retards.

They talk big game on multiple universes, time, multiple dimensions, math.. But dividing 431 by 70 and multiplying by 60? Nah can't do that. That calc would have given them the amount of lithium required to store one day's worth of energy on batteries, and compared to 17 mtonnes (available reserves), it would make blatanty clear the popular view was shit.

Scientists roam... they roam the media, MSM, alternative, or otherwise.. Yet most of these people are just trend followers.. They followed the electrification mantra without thinking about it.

Suez data

import pandas as pd;df = pd.read_csv('suez.csv',index_col=0)
print (df[['novessel','net(mton)']].tail(3))
      novessel  net(mton)
2019     18880     1207.1
2020     18829     1170.0
2021     20694     1127.0

If trend continues ships 5303*4=21212 and net tonnage 313*4=1252 will beat the previous year's numbers. Busy busy busy..

"Head of the Suez Canal Authority.. said.. that more than 5,303 ships carrying a combined cargo of 313.3 million tons transited the Suez Canal during the first quarter of 2022"

The implication is people are fools, are easily led by the nose one way or another. Want better resuls? Provide better leadership for them.

Culture Codes can and are frequently used to influence voters who can end up voting for stuff that are against their interests. Culture is in emotional brain, stronger in effect than the analytic. That's how successful ads work too. An ad that highlights IDENTITY will sell better in US than an ad which talks about the technical specifications of a car.

Not only did DM help cement the culture war in US to divert attention from real issues, he achived the same result in the United Kingdom. If there was a psyop agent that aimed to undermine common people's interests, it's this guy. In both cases he ended up helping the well-to-do, the rich oligarchy by creating a smokescreen, so they hid behind it while others yelled at eachother on bizarre issues and/or at organizations such as the EU.

Dick Morris again, providing services on another hot-button division, playing on cultural rifts, engaging in dubious voter manipulation.

"UKIP's triumphal march in England and Wales began in 2004. However, arguably this 'Cinderella story' would not have materialised without Dick Morris, who helped UKIP with its slogans, and simplified the essential message in 2003 – this can be considered as the second turning point. Morris’ aim was to mobilise the anti-EU -citizens and UKIP’s slogan was simplified to 'Say NO'; this phrasing left it to the individual to contemplate their subjective dissatisfaction towards the EU without UKIP putting words or arguments into their mouths. The use of Morris’ service cost UKIP £2.36 million, but the spending enabled UKIP to rise from sidelines to the mainstream.. As far as word choices in the official documents are concerned, they are arguably practical, easily understandable, appealing and easy for 'the man in the street' to identify with"



The smart US play would have used the Zeitenwende as an opportunity to hand Europe off to the Europeans. Sending 20k additional US troops to Europe makes me think that’s not what we’re going to do

FT: 'Is the west’s increased defence spending even necessary?'"

Talks of intl criminal law? Make sure to start proceedings on US crimes in Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the firebombing of Tokyo..