
Github Mirror

Week 24

H2 Central: "MAN Engines put its first two dual fuel hydrogen-powered engines for work boats into serial operation. These comprise two twelve-cylinder diesel engines of type MAN D2862 LE448, each with an output of 749 kW (1019 hp) at 2100 rpm"

H2 View: "Torrens Island, Adelaide, Australia is set to become the focus of a feasibility study to transform the island into a green hydrogen energy hub"

H2 View: "Rock cavern hydrogen storage pilot inaugurated in Sweden.. SSAD, LKAB and Vattenfall announced they were inaugurating HYBRIT’s pilot rock cavern hydrogen storage facility at Svartöberget, in Luleå, Sweden"

H2 Central: "Hexagon Purus, through its wholly owned subsidiary Wystrach GmbH.. has received a follow-on order for hydrogen distribution systems from.. a company owned by ZE PAK, Poland’s largest privately owned [energy producer].. The follow-on order can be viewed in conjunction with the announcement in Hexagon Purus’ Q4 2021 presentation for hydrogen distribution systems and mobile hydrogen refueling stations. The value of the follow-on order is approximately EUR 3.5 million.. [VP] Maciej Stec.. said 'As a Group, we want to change the world, and the world is turning to green hydrogen'"

H2 Central: "Morocco has now added another ambitious objective through its energy policy agenda: it hopes to become the world market leader in the production of green hydrogen. Soaring demand for the new zero-emissions fuel means that hydrogen production is a sure-fire future sector"

H2 Central: "GE – New Gas Turbine to Help Smooth Florida Transition to a Solar-Heavy Grid, to Burn a Fuel Mix Blending Natural Gas with up to 50% Hydrogen"

H2 View: "GE hopes to explore hydrogen in gas turbines further.. The new GE gas turbine has the capability to burn up to 50% by volume of hydrogen when blended with natural gas, the company has claimed"

H2 Central: "The European Commission unveiled its plans to kick off a European Electrolyser Partnership. This Partnership aims to address the challenges in establishing and maturing a strong industrial manufacturing base in Europe and identify potential mitigating policies and actions where necessary"

H2 Central: "South Korean plant builder Doosan Enerbility Co. announced that it had signed an agreement with KEPCO Engineering & Construction Co. and Samsung C&T Corp. to invigorate mixed combustion technologies that generate electricity using green ammonia"

H2 Central: "Japanese thermal power producer Jera and refiner Idemitsu have agreed to jointly consider developing a hydrogen supply chain in central Japan’ Ise bay area, where various industries are concentrated and demand for the clean fuel is expected to increase with a drive towards decarbonisation. Jera and Idemitsu will mainly study setting up bases to receive, stock, process and dispatch hydrogen using their existing facilities in the region"

H2 Fuel News: "Mitsubishi Power, Georgia Power and EPRI have completed the largest H2 carbon reduction mix... The hydrogen fuel blending took place at the Plant McDonough-Atkinson owned by Georgia Power, in Smyrna, Georgia. The combination took place as a part of a demonstration project. It was the first to have validated a 20 percent H2 blending on an advanced class gas turbine in North America. Moreover, it also represents the largest of its kind to date, with a 20 percent mix, which reduces the carbon emissions by 7 percent when compared with natural gas alone"

H2 Central: "Fleets of hydrogen taxis are picking up across Europe... Europe’s market for hydrogen-powered taxis is becoming increasingly competitive, with French company Hype, which has developed them in Paris since 2015, being among the frontrunners. EURACTIV France reports"

I'm sure they can turn out the next product for 100% H2 usage if circumstances require.

Looks like a fine product

GHG? 80% CO2, 20% methane. Methane is 60% human caused, 40% natural.


That is a funny story #leemack



I get in my car this afternoon to go to a Dr appointment and the dashboard screen says 'Update available. Park vehicle. Turn off ignition. Car will be inoperable until completion. ETA 15min' sigh. Paging @internetofshit"





More than 90% of stocks in the S&P 500 declined today.

It's the 5th time in the past 7 days.

Since 1928, there have been exactly 0 precedents. This is the most overwhelming display of selling in history"

Hardball. RU is sending a message.

WION: "Russia-Ukraine war: Italy's Eni says Gazprom to reduce gas supply Friday by 50%"

NS1 and NS2 together would deliver upwards of 120 GW power. Insane amt of energy.

NG has 10.55 kWh per cubic meters. 10.55 x 70 x 1e6 / (24 x 1000 x1000) equals 30 GW, nearly half of Norstream 1.

BBC: "The boss of Russian state-controlled gas giant Gazprom has said it is a case of 'our product, our rules' after the firm halved its supply to Germany.. to under 70m cubic metres per day - well under half the current rate"

The pipeline envisioned (in my natgas map) through Cyprus is a proposal, it doesn't yet exist, at least 7 yrs away according to reports.

Al Jazeera: "Is the EU deal with Israel and Egypt a way out from Russian gas?.. Critics argue that the EU will face problems dealing with Israel and Egypt despite Brussels's enthusiasm"

Apparently the voice-over is James-Earl Jones' earlier work resampled, regenerated.. It was as though JEJ was speaking. Uncanny.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Episode 5 was good; Vader, OWK were in top form. Little Leia's character definitely reminds one of the adult Leia. The story complements the original trilogy, now we know how Leia knew about OWK, she asked for his help later in trilogy bcz knew him from before. Great to see McGregor, Christensen again.

If yes then the product can do well in rural areas, farms.

What are the features of this robot? Can it perform all the tasks a goat can? 😶

FT: "Japanese goat robot helps ageing society. Engineers at Japan's Kawasaki Heavy Industries show off their latest invention: a four-legged rideable robot modelled after an Ibex"

Interesting, this guy puts in melted liquid tallow on top of dried beef, the whole thing hardens together. It's true, melted fat binds together extremely well once cooled.

Draxe: "Tallow is rich in CLA, a fatty acid that studies suggest can support a healthy metabolism and may lead to fat burning. There's some evidence demonstrating that CLA also has anti-inflammatory and immune-supporting properties, possibly even fighting growth of tumors, as does the fatty acid oleic acid"

How to make beef tallow? Axe the butcher, 'need beef fat', they'll have it on the side. Tallow has CLA, can't do without. No wonder American Indians mixed fat into pemmican.

Is this permanent resettlement status numbers? How about all peoples who left their country and entered this other one? This API sucks. Also a simple CSV file per year, from-country, to-country counts would be fine for a general outlook. Details, demographics etc can be in a seperate file.


Says a total 270K people went from Syria into TR? There were more people than that!

🤨 🤨 🤨

import pandas as pd, datetime, io
import urllib.request as urllib2

url = ""+\

r = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
df = pd.read_csv(url,sep=',',skiprows=11)[['Year','Total submissions (persons)']]
df.columns = ['Year','Refugees']
df = df.set_index('Year').dropna()
print (df,'\n\n','Total',np.float(df.sum()))
2012      90.0
2013    5277.0
2014   21154.0
2015   53305.0
2016   77254.0
2017   37332.0
2018   28189.0
2019   29660.0
2020   18220.0 

 Total 270481.0

UN has a data API, allows data access to refugee numbers. Checking

FT: "Christopher Geidt resigned as ethics adviser to Boris Johnson after a potential breach of World Trade Organization rules proved the final straw following the partygate controversy"

CNBC: "Dow falls 700 points, tumbling below 30,000 to the lowest level in more than a year"

Oooww burn 🔥

Al Monitor: "Saudi embassy in Washington now on 'Jamal Khashoggi Way'"

Am I for lifting sanctions on Cuba? Sure why not - but the party doing it would get killed in Florida. They're crazy about that stuff over there. Emotional subject; very hard to work around.

It was Eisenhower's plan with lots of odd restrictions added on top. JFK had mil experience but for some reason had bizarre ideas about mil operations and did not utilize his own military efficiently.

Bay of Pigs failure resp lies with Kennedy, bungled the whole thing. The plan followed by the military was the one approved by WH.

"Bay of Pigs was US military's fault"

What would the military-industrial complex have to gain from JFK's death? He was good to them. Increased their budget many times over the years (whenever he was smacked around by the Soviets he'd go to Congress and ask for more money, give it to mil).

If there was a conspiracy for the assasination of JFK it was a conspiracy originating from Cuba; Castro might have wanted payback for USA trying to assasinate him.

Captured near the gobble gobble controlled area apparently. That should be no surprise; US itself helped most of those force to topple Assad with TR help, those f-kers would roam around for sure in the same area.

The op was conducted along with fighters from NE Syria, the Kurdish-controlled territory, it appears US sent a message with the op.

ABC News: "Senior IS leader captured in US-led military raid in Syria"

Al Jazeera: "As Russia advances, is Western support for Ukraine faltering? Kyiv is appealing for more heavy weapons from its backers, but Western leaders' rhetoric suggests support may be ebbing"

I like red - bypass electricity wherever possible

H2 Fuel News: "The following is how red, pink and purple nuclear hydrogen are made.. Red hydrogen – This form is made by using the high-temperature catalytic water electrolysis powered by a plant’s thermal energy"

H2 View: "Oil major, bp is set to take a 40.5% stake in one of the world’s largest renewables and green hydrogen energy hubs in Western Australia, which could produce 1.6 million tonnes of green hydrogen per year. bp has announced it has agreed to acquire a 40.5% equity stake in and become the operator of the Asian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH), in Pilbara, Western Australia from July 1, 2022"

H2 View: "Lhyfe and Chantiers de l’Atlantique have partnered to take large-scale hydrogen production offshore, hoping to develop the ‘hydrogen fuel chain’ at sea and in ports"

H2 View: "Rotterdam ammonia terminal to be scaled to three million tonnes per year"

H2 View: "Scottish towns and rural communities are the targets of a new partnership which hopes to supply sustainable hydrogen gas for domestic heating"

H2 View: "SoCalGas scores $750,000 grant for hydrogen from biogas development project.. Grant from the California Energy Commission is to help overcome cost and sustainability challenges"

Gas-fired plants with CCS generating electricity is relatively clean but inefficient. Electricity as a transmission mechanism has problems; it is slow, generation has to match demand, exactly, every time. That causes power plants to unnecessarily ramp-up, ramp-down their production, and/or complicated mechanisms to try to predict power usage. Storing electricity is expensive, batteries are too heavy, based on rare earth materials, and prone to catch fire.

An energy analyst (Bruce Robertson) says Western AU has no power problems bcz they mandated cheap purchase of gas for power plants #ABC


Understand that the 96% foreign-owned LNG gas export companies currently making windfall profits from gouging Australian customers for our own gas"

The problem likely is when your domestic resources become part of an international supply/demand mechanism pricing problems can ensue. You'd have the resources locally, but essentially be competing against international customers to get at those resources. No wonder some countries even nationalized the resource production capacity outright.

Suspended? Daam

Renew Economy: "[Oz] Energy Market Operator has suspended the National Electricity Market across all five participating states, saying the market has become 'impossible' to operate because of the soaring cost of fossil fuels and generators withholding their capacity from the market... The extraordinary situation has been triggered by the soaring cost of coal and gas. Generators who have to purchase coal on the spot market"

Load shedding basically means there isn't enough supply so delivery is cut (shed). Oz has vast natural resources though, they should be fine.

ABC AU: "In the electricity industry no two words instil a greater sense of fear or failure as load shedding.. In order to avoid circumstances where supply and demand become dangerously out of whack the market operator can cut power to big numbers of customers to restore balance — it sheds the load"

I wanna see a handshake. A big wide smile.. I wanna see f-ing Camelot oozing outa that. Do it Biden

Al Monitor: "Biden gambles there's more to gain by courting Saudis.. Making an about-face by visiting Saudi Arabia, US President Joe Biden is betting he has more to gain than lose even as rights activists accuse him of selling his soul to oil"

Artemis - B3 #music


Al Jazeera: "The Gaza Strip had seven main border crossings giving it access to the outside world. Only three remain open"

AMLO going after Lyin Ted for some reason - it's funny.

The spread of white collar work did not create smarter people who can shoot the shit intelligently on any topic; it created parrots who merely transmit talking points they hear on MSM; they only act intelligently for show, to look cool by the watercooler, as if in an episode of The West Wing. The Renaissance Man or Woman remains a distant mirage, people are as stupid as ever.

Need to reflect on the last great American thinker; Mark Twain and why he was extremely negative on the virtues of the common man. US founders built the Republic BTW not only against various branches of power, balancing them against eachother, but also against the people themselves for a reason.

Similar cultures modernize similarly; I look at the history of Greek military coups I see a similar history to Asia Minor. Greece "the birthplace of democracy" experienced numerous coups well into the end of 20th century - the one in 1967 was the worst; it lasted until 1974, their chief figure was a guy nicknamed "Greek Gaddafi". This guy helped orchestrate the initial coup, did another coup while inside the coup, and a seperate one all the way in Cyprus. Characters like that were dime-a-dozen in homieland during the same era.

I wonder how many suckers lost money in that last bump thinking it was time to buy the dip.

NYT: "Russia’s Oil Revenue Soars Despite Sanctions, Study Finds.. The United States has made a dent in Russia’s earnings, banning all Russian fossil fuel imports. Still, the United States is importing refined oil products from countries like the Netherlands and India that most likely contain Russian crude, a loophole for oil from Russia to make its way to America"

The Independent: "Death sentences of British fighters in Ukraine a warning to ‘soldiers of fortune’, Russia says"

NDTV: "Opening of first bridge between Russia and China.. The kilometer-long Blagoveshchensk-Heihe highway bridge was inaugurated over the Amur River, connecting Russia and China"

H2 View: "Bosch announces $1.3B hydrogen technology investment by 2025.. The largest automotive supplier in the world is turning its attention to H2 tech and its industry potential"

H2 Fuel News: "A joint hydrogen refuelling station project between TotalEnergies and H2 Mobility Deutschland in Freiburg, south Germany, is now open to customers"

H2 View: "The first hydrogen refuelling station has been opened in Mestre, Venice, Italy, marking a milestone in the steps towards a hydrogen refuelling network in Italy"

H2 View: "A hydrogen-powered tanker ship concept has been launched by TECO 2030 and its partners, Ektank AB, Shell Shipping and Maritime, and DNV, furthering efforts to clean up the maritime sector. Dubbed the Hy-Ekotank, it is set to facilitate a 100% reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions during voyages by retrofitting fuel cells with compressed or liquid hydrogen storage on existing Ektank ships.

H2 View: "Toyota places fresh focus on liquid hydrogen following Fuji 24 Hours [race].. Recent Toyota news headlines are placing the spotlight on the automaker's new raised focus on liquid hydrogen for its developmental Corolla racer following the car's finish in its second Fuji 24 Hours earlier this month. Behind the wheel aboard the hydrogen fuelled car were Toyota president Akio Toyota"

H2 View: "[South Korean] Chung-Ang University claims the new catalyst [invented], composed of hydroxide-sulphide heterostructure, is cheaper and more efficient than traditional methods, with hopes it could improve the scalability of hydrogen production"


'Reducing methane going into the atmosphere is the most cost-effective way to reduce climate change today. We don’t need major changes in technology, we don’t need to find places where we can stick methane deep into the earth.' – Professor Bryce Kelly, UNSW"


'The rate of methane is increasing at a record pace. Methane has a global warming potential on a 20-year timeline that's about 84 to 86 times greater than carbon dioxide.' – Professor Bryce Kelly, UNSW"

Bryce Kelly from UNSW on methane emissions.


CCS at the source is ideal bcz if natgas travels in the pipes, goes into cities, heaters, storage, it will leak. See this picture from Australia.

The amount of potential energy sitting in reserves in the form of natural gas is huge, it would be foolish not to use it. Shared a post on the Qatar North Field before. Saudi Ghawar oil field is big, this thing is bigger. Ghawar has been producing crude oil for the entire world since the 40s - NF tops that!

That is great actually.. With some additional cost for CCS, blue H2 production can have little or no emissions. Until green forms of production, if it arrives, the natgas path will increase H2 adoption.

H2 Fuel News: "US hydrogen production gets support from $8 billion H2Hubs program.. The Department of Energy launched the program this month [which treats] all forms of H2 the same.. The idea is to use methods more readily available to begin making H2 sooner and to encourage earlier adoption."


Markets only really crash from oversold conditions. Equity markets are confronted with the unholy trinity of rising interest rates, a rising oil price and a rising dollar. Selling by retail has been minimal. Last Thursday saw record one day inflows. $ARKK has seen inflows in 10 of the last 13 weeks despite a 50% YTD decline in share price.. These are things one does not see at a bottom. The complacency is staggering. I fear that the investing public will soon get the memo and that there will be a rush for the exits. The Fed safety net has Been removed. In fact, the Fed put has been replaced by a Fed call. Whatever happened to don’t fight the Fed?"

You could replace the word Greece with Asia Minor and the story would still make sense. Means of production defines (nearly) everything. Cultures around near regions are similar (bcz they produce similarly). Asia Minor has a lot of Hellenic culture in it. Obviously as countries modernize they go through changes, but I argue similar countries still modernize similarly.

Interesting story from anthropologist Ian Morris


The Ip Man movies are catching up with Bruce Lee movie count.. The teacher is surpassing the student.



The way Dr. Oz simply regurgitated culture war material and still won the primary cheapens conservatism.. It is one thing Trump won with that method, quite another the approach spreading and becoming "a thing". That could be the reason for the backlash against Oz.

Scientific American: "Universal Health Care Could Have Saved More Than 330,000 U.S. Lives during COVID.. The numbers of lives lost and dollars spent would have been significantly lower if coverage had been extended to everyone, a new study says"

FT: "Australia has made its boldest move in decades to sever its colonial links to the British crown: appointing a minister to remove the Queen as head of state"

Forbes: "Biden Will Travel To Saudi Arabia—And Meet With MBS"

Davis: "Throughout the first three months of the war, there were almost universal positive statements by U.S. and Ukrainian leaders, suggesting Kyiv’s troops would 'drive Russia from' Ukrainian soil and that Kyiv would not accept any negotiated settlement that ceded any territory to Russia. Yet earlier this week London’s The Independent revealed portions of a leaked classified intelligence report out of Kyiv that exposed a much harsher battlefield reality than had been admitted publicly..

According to the report, Russia’s relentless bombardment of Ukrainian troops over the first 100+ days of the war had destroyed major portions of their Soviet-era equipment and depleted their stocks of artillery ammunition. The result is that frontline Ukrainian units are outgunned 20-1 in artillery and an eye-popping 40-1 in artillery rounds. Combined with the fact Russia continues to have significant advantages in air power (up to 300 air sorties per day compared with three to five for Ukraine) and manpower, it is not surprising Ukraine is losing its grip on the Donbas...

While it is entirely understandable that no Ukrainian leader would ever want to cede any of its country to an invading power, there are other, harsher realities that must be taken into account.. Zelensky and the Ukrainian people will soon come face-to-face with the ugly prospect that continuing to fight will only bring more death and destruction to its people, cities, and armed forces – but be insufficient to stave off defeat. The truth is, military fundamentals and simple capacity are in Moscow’s favor"


Politico: "The indecision of [Ukraine's] allies could doom the country to a long war of attrition that’s to Russia’s advantage"

H2 View: "Hydrogen blending success at Georgia, US, power plant.. Hydrogen and natural gas blending in Georgia, US have been successful at partial and full loads on an M501G natural gas turbine at Georgia Power?s Plant McDonough-Atkinson in Smyrna"

Two-step forward looking change utilizing fundamental know-how around base materials and infrastructure ☀️💧 ⚛️ ⛽ 🚙

H2 Central: "Parallel Construction of Natural Gas and Hydrogen Pipeline: Business as Usual.. [An engineer] Johan is supervising the construction of a natural gas and a hydrogen pipeline near Emmen.. 'The construction of these parallel pipelines is a first for [his company]: it is the first pipeline to be laid specifically for the transmission of hydrogen. But ‘whether it’s a natural gas pipeline or a hydrogen pipeline, the method of construction, the technology we use, the material for the pipelines, it’s all exactly the same,' Johan says matter-of-factly.

H2 based tech requires substantially less rare earth materials. There are even some likely tech routes that wld require zero.

Pitron: "For example, there is 1,000 times less neodymium and 2,200 times less gallium than there is iron in the ground. The properties of these metals make them essential resources for the [pure electrification] energy transition. For instance, the engines of most 'zero-emission' cars and the rotors of offshore wind turbines are both made of neodymium, a rare metal particularly prized for its magnetic properties. Likewise, batteries of a large share of electric cars could not be manufactured without resources such as cobalt, graphite, or even lithium...

By seeking to break free from fossil fuels and create a new, greener world, we are setting ourselves up for a new and more potent reliance on China, which controls most of the production of rare and critical metals"


The neighbors want to do this to Qatar's reserves.

All that in dinky little Qatar.. The neighbors musta want a big bite out of their NG reserves..

North Field.. Its reserves on discovery stood at 176 gboe, larger than the largest oil field in the world, in terms of comparable raw energy (boe).


Al Monitor: "Qatar on Sunday named France's TotalEnergies as its first foreign partner to expand the world's largest natural gas field and eventually help ease Europe's energy fears... The French energy major will spend an estimated $2 billion for a 6.25-percent share of the giant North Field East project that will help Qatar increase its liquefied natural gas (LNG) production by more than 60 percent by 2027, TotalEnergies chief executive Patrick Pouyanne told AFP.

F24: "Hundreds of people and several lawmakers protested Saturday in southern Lebanon against Israel moving a gas production vessel into an offshore field partly claimed by Beirut.The demonstration comes just days before the US envoy mediating maritime border talks between the two neighbours is expected in Lebanon, and after the ship operated by London-listed Energean Plc arrived in the Karish gas field last week"

Stan pipelines go through Xinjiang, the Uygur region. #ngmap

Two big pipeline projects from Russia into CH are under construction. #ngmap

China has an extensive internal pipeline network, where are they connected to / take gas from? Eyeballing possible sources.. I see some from "the Stans", but not much. A big source could be the LNG terminals in the East, via ship. CH worries around its sea access makes sense #ngmap

Major pipeline proposed for Iran-Pakistan-India, due to sanctions it delayed, India eventually gave up.. Sanctions are a tax on developing countries #ngmap

Nordstream 2.. The infamous project.. Data used in earlier calc was wrong. I see 55 bcm/y now, more than a few Fukushimas worth. Huge amt of energy #ngmap

There isn't much going on betwen Japan and Russkie; they clearly do not get along. Even before the Ukraine war, likely due to disputed islands and other issues (inner/outer divide) their energy relation was small. Japan gets oil via supertankers from Saudi Arabia, but not ng via pipeline from neighboring Russia #ngmap

The pipeline map.. The route around West Africa is nuts; It is between Nigeria and Spain, but all the countries in between likely wanted a cut, so little pieces go into all of them during transit #ngmap


Er maybe like dont 'simulate' stuff?

Also let's not experiment on viruses so they "gain function"?

"Last year, current and former world leaders joined experts to conduct a tabletop exercise simulating a deadly monkeypox outbreak"


Mirror: "Queen to be removed as head of state in Jamaica following same move by Barbados"

Voltaire Net: "Israel now capable of striking Iran.. Israel is said to have improved its F-35s, which have a range of 1,400 kilometers, so that they can strike Iran"

At the very least AUKUS presentation was off. The group projected a "running the world" vibe, an "Anglo" formation evoking the previous (and current) imperial structures. Execution was off; Macron was slighted, he took a dig in the AU PM later which became campaign fodder and it hurt the libs at the polls. China too, made a move in the Solomon islands, very publicly, and I believe speficially timed to influence the Oz election because they felt attacked through the AUKUS deal.

Might have even annoyed Russia; All of a sudden all your detractors are up on a stage looking like the pezzonovante of the region, seemingly gearing up to go after China, they'd think who is next?

Business Standard: "Ukraine's border guard service has said that Poland's Warsaw and Krakow can no longer accept refugees from Ukraine"

H2 View: "The US Department of Energy (DOE) said it has closed a $504.4m loan guarantee for what is said to be the world’s largest clean hydrogen and energy storage project in Utah"

H2 Fuel News: "German Government supports waste-to-hydrogen to supply the nation.. The German Government has agreed to facilitate the purchase of green hydrogen produced from organic waste in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region"

H2 View: "Technische Universität (TU) Braunschweig, Germany and the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, have agreed to create a ‘digital toolbox’ to accelerate hydrogen production... The so-called digital toolbox is set to be provide modelling framework, mapping technological advances and how they will translate into performance improvements at electrolyser and energy grid level"

H2 Fuel News: "Autonomous driving technology is the focus of a brand-new hydrogen truck manufacturer that is targeting mass production by 2024. Dubbed Hydron, the arguably futuristic firm was launched by Mo Chen, co-founder of San Diego-based TuSimple... Now, under the Hydron name, he is gearing up to transform hydrogen-powered long-haul freight transportation with similar technologies. With his new entity, the Canadian entrepreneur hopes to combine the self-driving technology with hydrogen-powered Class 8 trucks to make trucking safer, cleaner, and more efficient"

H2 View: "Report finds Germany, Netherlands, Australia, Korea, and Japan as leaders in the hydrogen market"

H2 View: "Bosch [says] 'We are all in for the hydrogen economy’.. Tech giant Bosch has announced it will invest $1.3bn in hydrogen technology by 2025, as the company continues its focus on climate-neutral technology"

H2 Fuel News: "Liquide opens Las Vegas facility to meet rising hydrogen fuel cell vehicles demand"

H2 View: "UK to gain second plastic-to-hydrogen facility with £20m project.. A £20m ($25m) project to build the UK’s second plastic-to-hydrogen facility has been given the greenlight by West Dunbartonshire Council"

H2 View: "Firm order of hydrogen conversion kits for US regional airline.. Californian aviation company Universal Hydrogen and Massachusetts-based Connect Airlines announced a firm order to convert 75 ATR 72-600 regional aircraft to be powered by green hydrogen"

UP Jobs News: "Gas Networks Ireland joins major European hydrogen project.. The European Hydrogen Backbone initiative is focused on planning for the future development of a European hydrogen market through new pan-European hydrogen transport infrastructure.

Five large-scale pipeline corridors are envisaged. These new corridors will initially connect domestic local hydrogen supply and demand in Europe, before expanding and connecting European regions amongst each other, and then connecting neighbouring regions with hydrogen export potential... The planned backbone network will largely be based on repurposing existing natural gas infrastructure.

Gas Networks Ireland’s director.. David Kelly [says] 'Mapping the five corridors in the new pan-European backbone will create more certainty about the deployment of this new hydrogen infrastructure.. [T]he need for hydrogen pipeline transport in the future European energy system is clear"


CNBC: "Goodbye gasoline cars? EU lawmakers vote to ban new sales from 2035"

H2 View: "Latin America’s first hydrogen airport planned in Chile"

H2 Fuel News: "Canadian bio-methanol-to-hydrogen firm strikes deal with Californian university"

TE uses thorium rather than uranium

Yahoo Finance: "KBR and Terrestrial Energy agree to collaborate on the application of zero-emissions thermal energy for green hydrogen and ammonia production.. KBR is a global leader in the supply of ammonia production technology to operators of chemical facilities worldwide...

Terrestrial Energy’s IMSR plant is a cogeneration facility that supplies zero-emissions thermal energy at high-temperature for direct use in industrial process.. The plant uses the company’s IMSR technology, a Generation IV fission technology, which drives the plant’s 585o C thermal energy supply, a heat quality essential for broad industrial use, including green hydrogen and ammonia production"

H2 View: "Walmart to expand hydrogen fuel cell delivery vehicle pilot"

H2 View: "Toyota subsidiary Woven Planet creates exchangeable hydrogen cartridge"

Cauliflower high on Vitamin C. Bland as muck but good stuff

It seems to me the amt of engineering required to make Mars habitable is better spent on other places, bcz even if cosmic rays are handled, the gravity problem cannot.

A. Loeb says cosmic rays will fry your brain on Mars.


Lab-grown salmon; Ferming FTW


Hmm.. But salmon is nutritious food, low iron too..

"Rich and healthy people eat salmon, but they are not healthy bcz they eat salmon, they can simply afford to eat salmon"

Neolib econ was more of a "trickle-up economy".. The gov funded research, cheap credit, cheap global labor, commodity hardware, free software created conditions for money flowing towards the top, from the base. Not a mere trickle either, it was a flood.

Why is gross profit margin over 80% noteworthy? My friend, that is a crazy number. Let's remember the Buffett criteria.. 20% is ok, 40% great. This is over eighty percent. If you farted into a bottle and sold it as a new fragrance you could not reach that number. The bottling cost would kill you. But Big Tech just shifts some bits around, builds on a monopoly position, uses open-source free software, and commodity hardware in the backend - voila! Money pours down like rain.

FT: "Brazilian left-wing former president Lula da Silva would scrap the country's constitutionally mandated spending cap 'to put the poor and the workers back into the budget' if he were to return to power, according to a draft manifesto shared by his campaign"

"The United States has announced that #COVID19 tests will no longer be demanded for international travelers arriving by air, a major step in the country's gradual lifting of pandemic restrictions"

Signal for higher rates; The 2-year should actually be fedfunds.

"2-year Treasury rate surges to highest level since 2008 on hotter-than-expected inflation report"

Janes Defense: "The Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) will establish three new electronic warfare (EW) units as well as expand two existing EW units in 2022"

India came to Qatar's aid, interesting. Natgas relationship, or Indian workers in Qatar?

First Post: "In 2017, Qatar was blockaded by Bahrain, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates over alleged support of Islamists and Iran... The acute food crisis in Qatar was solved by India with the institution of a new sea supply line called India Qatar Express Service"

Janes Defense: "South Korea has stepped up its programme to replace defence imports, allocating a sixfold increase in funding for dedicated ‘parts localisation' projects in the past two years, new data shows"


With Ukraine suffering a 40-1 disadvantage in artillery ammo, there's little Kyiv can do to stop the RU onslaught in Donbas"


Some fields and pipeline start-end points could be off, either field was not too large so not included in db, or parts of network isn't reported.

World Natural Gas Pipelines
