
Github Mirror

GHG Sources


"Today, about 60 percent of the methane in the atmosphere comes from sources scientists think of as human caused... [2]

Most of methane’s natural emissions come from a soggy source: wetlands, which includes bogs. Many microbes are like mammals in that they eat organic material and spit out carbon dioxide—but many that live in still, oxygen-deprived spots like waterlogged wetland soils produce methane instead, which then leaks into the atmosphere. Over all, about a third of all the methane floating in the modern atmosphere comes from wetlands"

A map of wetlands here, taken from [1].

"There are 1.4 billion cattle in the world, and that number is growing as demand for beef and dairy increases; together with other grazing animals, they contribute about 40 percent of the annual methane budget..

Rice paddies are a lot like wetlands: When they’re flooded, they’re filled with calm waters low in oxygen, which are a natural home for methane-producing bacteria [2]"


CO2 Methane
80% 20%
Burning of dirty fuels like coal, natural gas and oil 87%
Clearing of forest 9%
Cement manufacturing 4%
Natural Man-made
40% 60%
Wetlands Rice Fields, Cows




[1] Paper

[2] NatGeo