
Github Mirror

Week 32

SNAM is one of the world's largest infrastructure companies. Here is its CEO on CNBC, talking about reusing existing pipelines for H2 transport.

He says he was mistakenly cast.. How the hell does that happen? There was an another actor with same name?

Of course.. Pat Stew was on Dune way before TNG.

That's a big fat scifi experience on the ol' CV.

Reshare (with some additions)

Wires vs Pipes

Wage growth

2021-06-01    3.835285
2021-07-01    4.702067


2021-06-01  5.391451
2021-07-01  5.365475

With renewable fuels, the possibility is also wide open for a green combustion engine.

ZeroAvia CEO was on F24, great interview. He used the word 'hydrogen electric' a lot. Good idea, for marketing.. The "e-word" is associated with all kinds of 'good things for climate' in people's minds it makes sense to ride that marketing wave. Technically the use is correct, a fuel-cell converts H2 into electricity so the whole system is hydrogen-electric. There are BEVs, there are FCEVs -- both are EVs.

But decision makers need to understand what's going on under the hood, the overall system, in terms of emphasis (and dollars). With H2 electric, electricity comes in to the picture dead last, right before it is used. Until that point the entire production, transport, storage can remain in gas / liquid / molecules -- no electricity needed.

2003 was year of Iraq invasion, and, I just looked, the year of that Britney Spears video Toxic. How things change.


"Nichtlineare Methoden"

Business Insider: "Delivery wars: Over 100 Amazon delivery companies are banding together to form a new kind of challenger to UPS and FedEx"

LA Times: "[California] The Dixie fire, now the second-largest blaze in state history, has burned more than 463,000 acres and destroyed more than 400 buildings. It has been 26 days since the Dixie fire ignited"

Starving ppl out... old school

"The only real war still going on in Syria is about the remaining Islamic terrorist groups. Most of the remaining Islamic terrorists are trapped in northern Syria (Idlib province)... [O]ver 30,000 armed rebels belonging to various Islamic terrorist groups, none of them affiliated with [ISIS]. There are also nearly a million civilians. These rebels have nowhere to go and will fight to the death rather than surrender... The Assads don’t want any 'fight to death' battle in Idlib and the Russians unofficially propose a more traditional tactic for this siege situation; starve them out. While an ancient and often successful tactic, this approach is currently considered a war crime by most, but not all, nations"


NY Intelligencer: "The moderate Democrats are irrationally worried about passing a big tax hike on the rich, but they really want to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill. They see the bipartisan bill as their golden ticket to showing Republican-leaning voters in their districts that they can work across party lines"

My o my.. This computation will have to be done the hard way...

To repeat: H2 pipelines can transmit 10 times the energy at one-eighth the costs associated with electricity transmission lines. Nuke, hydro, wind generates H2, pipelines carry the molecules.

New slogan: 'deelectrification'.


"Nel Hydrogen Receives Contract for a 1.25 MW Containerized PEM Electrolyzer for DOE H2@Scale Project in the US.. For installation at a nuclear power plant in the US, a groundbreaking project for carbonfree hydrogen production"


F24: "[2020] The French government has earmarked 1.5 billion euros ($1.75 billion) for the development of carbon-free aircraft as part of a support plan for the aviation sector"


Fortune: "[2020] British Airway backs hydrogen plane startup ZeroAvia"

US is also there.. There can be "base-off" before major action.

BTW there is a kung-fu base in Djibouti. Threat level unknown, but it is at a chokepoint of sorts.

Jane's Defense: "US to build new storage sites in Saudi Arabia.. [CENTCOM] said in January that it was evaluating [a site.. ] as contingency logistics hubs that would enable it to supply and reinforce its forces without relying on the vulnerable sea route through the Strait of Hormuz"

"Gov. Gavin Newsom plans to announce that California will require all teachers and school employees to be vaccinated or submit to regular Covid-19 testing"



14% of hospitalized Floridians are on a ventilator.

Nearly all in hospitals are unvaccinated"

They use deep neural nets for this sort of stuff, but often simple stupid logistic regression works well too (a very rudim stat technique). The amt of LR use at Google would blow your mind.

How does it work? You feed gazillion images (in the same format) against dementia diagnosis 'labels', train it, then for a new similar input the system spits out a dementia diagnosis.

Article should have called it 'nonlinear regression' instead of "AI"; the solution is extremely focused, not the free-range style inputs people deal with every day with their 'real intelligence'.

"Artificial Intelligence may diagnose dementia in a day"

Yes but then they go ahead and train with eachother's enemies too. Did this strategic situation change? Probably not.

WSJ: "China, Russia Hold Military Drills Amid Regional Security Concerns"

There is no upside for Dems from "good relations" with Cuba.

NYT: "Biden Ramps Up Pressure on Cuba, Abandoning Obama’s Approach"

NY AG wins again

"Amazon Loses Bid to Halt New York’s Warehouse Covid Probe"

Messi in France.. good good

"ZAL Center of Applied Aeronautical Research has expanded its hydrogen infrastructure with a 20-meter-high, 100 m³ tank"


"Solar Energy Corporation of India .. Issued a tender to set up a 25 kW green hydrogen pilot project at SNM Hospital in Leh, Ladakh"


The inflation expectation is around 4.7, steadily increased to this from 3.1 back in March. We shall see.

Vox: "America isn’t panicking about inflation"

William Clarke - Lollipop Mama #music



DW: "German election: What do the terms 'right' and 'left' mean, if both CDU and SPD are in the center?"

DE needs more left, not more shitlibs

DW: "German lawmakers look to end free COVID-19 tests in October"


Cuomo capping off a run for New York in which the prior elected governor resigned, the LG who took over in the interim didn't run for re-elect over scandals, the previous AG resigned over abuse allegations, and the top D and R legislative leaders went to jail in corruption cases"

Daam Cuomo is out.

DW: "European Space Agency to do a double fly-by of Venus.. The European Space Agency will have two spacecraft fly by Venus this week. One probe was developed with NASA while the other is a joint project with scientists from Japan"

Politico: "After much wrangling and controversy, lawmakers on Tuesday approved what would be their first-ever crackdown on cryptocurrencies and taxes... Lawmakers aren’t creating any new taxes on cryptocurrencies. The main thing they’re doing is imposing on cryptocurrencies the sort of reporting requirements that apply when people sell stocks and other securities"

"The ‘Hydrogen Olympics’ Lit a Torch for the Clean Fuel’s Future.. An energy expert explains why Japan—along with much of the rest of the world—is committing to the clean-burning fuel"


IPS: "What makes banks like JPMorgan, Citi, and Morgan Stanley so eager to extend these billions in loans — to the rich — at such low interest rates? One reason: The loans come as close to risk-free as risk-free could be. A more important reason: Big banks cherish close relationships with extremely rich people. These rich often run extremely large corporate empires and can steer their corporate banking business to the banks that cater to their personal needs...

The best antidote to this gaming of the federal income tax? That may be the wealth tax legislation that Senator Elizabeth Warren from Massachusetts introduced this past spring with Representatives Pramila Jayapal of Washington State and Brendan Boyle of Pennsylvania"


Politico: "For the first time, the planet's top scientists said in a monumental report they have definitively linked greenhouse gas emissions to the type of disasters driven by a warmer climate that have touched every corner of the globe this year"


AFP: "After the UN issued its starkest report yet on the consequences of global warming, pressure is on China -- the world's biggest polluter -- to deliver on its own climate goals"


Math geneology saz Trombo is connected to Smale. Solid.

My man Marsden got the proof.. Lovely. And Tromba.

Do scifi once, you, I dont want to say 'pegged', but, get a scifi "pass", or a "badge"; now u can enjoy steady employment on other scifi movies.. Directors will pick you when they need "a scifi type person".

Studded with scifi actors.. understandable given the subject matter.

Snowden movie was excellent. Stone did a great job.

But hey these are just number eff ups. I'll take that any day over today's "STD", Star Trek Discovery, with its bad writing and bad directing.

Trek TNG ship generates 12.75 billion gigawatts (from True Q). 12.75 billion gigawatts is 12.75 million terrawatts.

Officer says 1 Terrawatt "is more than our ship can generate" (from The Masterpiece Society)



While drug trafficking violence in the U.S. is often cruelly ghettoized, in Central America it has consumed entire nations"

Food growing, manufacturing, education, how are they delivered? Those define capabilities, society forms around them. Automated farming, tablets that can access all classes creates a different world than bunch of people knee-deep in the mud, hippies or not.

NZ monthy temp averages. Itz good in this neighborhood..

| Month | C | |-------|--- | January | 20 | | February | 24 | | March | 19 | | April | 16.5 | | May | 14 | | June | 11.5 | | July | 11 | | August | 11.5 | | September | 16 | | October | 14.5 | | November | 20 | | December | 22 |

The Guardian: "New Zealand, Iceland, the UK, Tasmania and Ireland are the places best suited to survive a global collapse of society, according to a study.

The researchers said human civilisation was 'in a perilous state' due to the highly interconnected and energy-intensive society that had developed and the environmental damage this had caused.

To assess which nations would be most resilient to such a collapse, countries were ranked according to their ability to grow food for their population, protect their borders from unwanted mass migration, and maintain an electrical grid and some manufacturing ability. Islands in temperate regions and mostly with low population densities came out on top.

The researchers said their study highlighted the factors that nations must improve to increase resilience. They said that a globalised society that prized economic efficiency damaged resilience, and that spare capacity needed to exist in food and other vital sectors...

'We were quite surprised the UK came out strongly.. But it has the potential to withstand shocks.'"


NYT: "Fires Continue to Ravage Greece Amid Europe’s Protracted Heat Wave"

The Independent: "More Cubans try dangerous trip to US across Florida Straits"

"Russia Plans to Substitute Decline In Gas Exports To Europe By Blue Hydrogen. Production of ‘blue’ carbon-neutral hydrogen already possible, with cost estimated at around $2 per kilogram"


It's crazy, that Oliver Stone Snowden movie, is full of A-list actors. Gordon-Lewitt, Quinto, .. Scott Eastwood? That actress from the Divergent movies..? I bet they jumped at the chance to be on this.

"Poland set to back down in EU legal row.. Poland will water down its controversial justice reform following years of EU pressure, according to Jaroslaw Kaczynski"

Is Dune timely? I dont think so. It's desert mysticism, little Lawrence of Arabia, little Game of Thrones.. but no. The time for that has passed. Now it is time for Foundation.

EIA is Energy Information Agency. IEA is International Energy Agency. And IAEA is International Atomic Energy Agency. Got it.

"People were actually driving miles upon miles to go to work!" Commuting will be the butt of jokes in the future (if we make it that far).

EIA: "Work comprises about 35 percent of total vehicle travel"

I hope noone was hurt, but one has to admit from a certain angle it is hilarious. The solution that is supposed to help with global warming just created more greenhouse gas than a forest fire

🤣 🤣 🤣

Business Insider: "A giant Tesla battery pack burst into flames during testing, and it took 150 firefighters 4 days to put out"


Elizabeth Gaines, the CEO of Fortescue Metals Group on ABC Oz tauting green H2. Says for companies who ignore it are taking on huge risk

A good actor can make a good script phenomenal. That is true.

"If it ain't on the page, it ain't on the stage". Good saying. A great actor cannot save a bad script, or bad directing. Movies are mostly about the story, the camera angles, when to cut etc.

Therefore what we see as successful actors are not just good actors, but know how to pick scripts (and directors). They have an eye for it. Otherwise they'd be toast. Appear in wrong movies a few times you are done bcz great work is not just about acting, but the overall production.