
Github Mirror

Week 21

"German Government is launching 62 Large-Scale #Hydrogen Projects. 'We want to become number 1 in the world in hydrogen technologies'"


"San Jose gunman stockpiled weapons and 22,000 rounds of ammunition"

"Approximately 2.6 billion kilograms of carbon monoxide and 5.2 billion kilograms of methane are released into the air annually from cigarettes alone"

Smoking wld produce a lot of carbon too wouldn't it?

"Number of smokers has reached all-time high of 1.1 billion, study finds"

Jacobin: "The Sackler family behind Purdue Pharma became incredibly rich off of America’s opioid crisis. Now, they are trying to shield themselves from the punishment for creating that crisis"

"Once online, the [Oman] plant will use renewable energy to split water in an electrolyser to produce green hydrogen, which is able to replace fossil fuels without producing carbon emissions. Most will be exported to Europe and Asia, said Alicia Eastman, the co-founder and president of InterContinental Energy, either as hydrogen or converted into green ammonia, which is easier to ship and store. The facility aims to produce 1.8m tonnes of green hydrogen and up to 10m tonnes of green ammonia a year"


"Oman plans to build world's largest green hydrogen plant"


"Iran bans bitcoin mining as its cities suffer blackouts and power shortages"

"Canada wants to force YouTube, TikTok and other video- and audio-sharing sites to prominently feature the country’s artists, a move that digital-law experts and former government officials call one of the most aggressive internet regulations yet from a Western country"

No war is surely better. I am saying If there is an option to help defend an ally wout much downside, the exec better freaking know about it..

Not necessarily one expert.. get many, see the mix.. If the right ppl are in the room, like this guy, the mix will be good.

That comment is the half-assed analysis you'd expect from an outsider.. Need to talk to EXPERTS to get the base facts of the situation.. Cant be like 'ew that looks round, that's like far'.. 🤷‍♂️

Well that's completely wrong

"'Taiwan is like two feet from China,' Trump told the senator. 'We are eight thousand miles away. If they invade, there isn't a f... thing we can do about it'"


"[F]or a time, Kushner and his conciliatory views toward China seemed to have won out. After Trump's inauguration .., Kushner was the official who had the direct line to Beijing, so he had the most influence. He was listening to Henry Kissinger, Mnuchin, Cohn, and the billionaires, all of whom steered him toward a friendly relationship managed at the very top of both governments"


China lovin Kusshhhhh

"It soon became clear to the [China] hawks that Kushner’s instincts led him to agree more with the finance executives and billionaires he had known his whole life"


"Mnuchin, the former investment banker and movie producer, became the head of the Treasury Department and the lead official for dealing with Beijing on trade negotiations, along with Lighthizer. He also played a complex and covert game pushing back against the China hawks inside the system for years, defending the interests of his Wall Street associates and, some would say, the pro-China lobby in Washington"


"During the campaign, dozens of GOP foreign policy establishment figures signed public letters condemning Trump's candidacy. Those who didn't sign such letters were privately pressured not to join Trump's movement. That's why Trump had to rely on amateurs and unknown outsiders like George Papadopoulos, Carter Page, and J. D. Gordon to staff him on foreign policy during the campaign. They weren't Russian assets. They were fringe players in the GOP foreign policy scene who loved the idea of a huge payoff from a longshot bet on a kooky candidate"


Excerpts from Chaos Under Heaven book


Saw a shopping dist, some cafes got crushed, supermarkets took over in their place

"U.S. Senators Heinrich, Luján, Fernández Push Biden Administration To Prioritize #HydrogenEconomy"

Total! Excellent news.. fossil mfkers can transition easy to the new thing.. it will benefit them and the env

"France: @Total Acquires 20% Stake in #Hydrogen Taxi Provider Hysetco"

"Almatech is set to develop a #zeroemission electric passenger ship powered by the hydrogen fuelcells system"



.. Updates on the HySupply partnership and why Germany is eager to explore Australian hydrogen from BDI and UNSW"



@Cummins is locating one of the world’s largest electrolyzer plants in Spain to produce green hydrogen"


"[MMEX Resources Corp] .. signed agreement to purchase additional 324 acres in Pecos County Texas"


"Biden Calls for Intelligence Report on Origins of Covid-19"

"The Eiffel Tower will be illuminated with certified #renewablehydrogen electricity on Tuesday evening"


"Momentum Grows in Queensland’s Hydrogen Sector With Addition of Two More Technology Clusters.. The two new clusters join the #H2TCA, the national network of 13 clusters unveiled in February"



Significant announcement at the #AusHydrogenConf with @DrLarryMarshall unveiling @CSIRO's new Hydrogen Industry Mission. The $68m research mission will support the world’s transition to decarbonisation, create new jobs and help position Australia as a #renewable energy leader"


TR is beaten by MEXICO. Mexico, with all its problems with drug cartels 🤨 is better off..

The solution isnt "more people", or importing bunch of idiots from abroad, with their chicken coops and shit, in crooked trucks... The truck hits a bump and the chicken jump "bwak bwak bwak bwak! bwak bwak bwak bwak!". No.

GDP Per Capita fell for TR dramatically since 2013. Probably coincides with degradation of its democracy (dem goes, innovative people leave). WB API doesnt have numbers for 2020, but most state it did not get better. Some estimates even place the current number to be around $7000. Sad.

from pandas_datareader import data, wb
import pandas as pd

dat ='NY.GDP.PCAP.CD', country=['TR','GR','MX'], start=2010, end=2020)
df = dat.reset_index()
df = df.sort_values('year')
df = df.set_index('year')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
df2 = pd.concat((df[df['country']=='Greece'],\
df2.columns = ['c1','GR','c2','TR','c3','MX']
print (df2[['GR','MX','TR']].dropna().tail(3))
                GR           MX            TR
2017  18930.218628  9287.849736  10591.474371
2018  20324.304992  9686.513783   9455.593654
2019  19580.988331  9946.033829   9126.561346

That's a good idea.

"The European Parliament’s annual report on Turkey suggests placing Turkey’s far-right Grey Wolves on the EU terrorist list."

The upcoming movie is ruined for me now.. I thought was going to watch a bad hombre, but he mopes and cries like a little girl.

🤣 Big tough guy.. money talked bro squirmed

"John Cena: Fast and Furious star ... posts a video apology in Chinese after describing Taiwan as a "country""

Politico: "Democrats back growing calls for Congress to probe lab leak theory... The ongoing discussions on Capitol Hill represent a remarkable bipartisan agreement that Congress should investigate the origins of a virus that has killed 3.5 million people worldwide"


Texas has so many additional taxes that its burden is actually higher than California's for middle-class people. California's taxes on rich people are significantly higher than Texas. That's actually why GOP commentators whine about CA taxes"

Everytime I hear a TX news these days it gets nuttier

"Texas to allow unlicensed carrying of handguns"


95% of Gaza now has no power. Israel hit and cut most primary lines and all we got only 3 hours a day"

Newton didn't have any deeper insight into why the laws are the way they are. He tried bunch of stuff, certain formulas worked better (on data) than others. That's it. With what we know now, with more experimental data, and other areas of sci, you could surely modify Newton.

"How is it possible to modify Newton's theories?"

Go for it. Dont worry if it has mismatches with early universe theories. Scientists have no idea what the f--k is going on there

"Modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) is a hypothesis that proposes a modification of Newton's laws to account for observed properties of galaxies. It is an alternative to the hypothesis of dark matter in terms of explaining why galaxies do not appear to obey the currently understood laws of physics"

That number is global estimation of all reserves, currently used or not. So this Nevada place did not expand the total, it is within the total. The lithium is still insufficient.

"You said lithium reserves are at ~17 million tonnes and are not enough for green energy consumption. There, they found some new in Nevada"


Refusing international coordination is not a sustainable position: If the UK (or any other country) refuses to apply a minimum tax, then other countries could simply collect the taxes the UK chooses not to collect


BREAKING: The Tories just voted against our amendment on the global minimum corporate tax on big multinationals'"


We have a 3 billion euro economic and investment package ready to go for Belarus, when it becomes democratic"

Dude. Using $\alpha$ based index notation instead of $i$? Like $r_\alpha \times p_\alpha$ instead of $r_i \times p_i$ 🤦‍♂️ Insanely annoying

👍 👍 👍


The European Court of Human Rights ruled the GCHQ’s methods for bulk interception of online communications violated the right to privacy and the regime for collection of data was unlawful"

It's funny Belarus still calls their secret service KGB.


Oh come on...

'@AFP #BREAKING Belarus received threat claiming to be from Hamas against Ryanair plane: senior transport official'"

Sometimes all it takes to shift a conclusion is modifying one underlying assumption.. It's true modern world is based on many little pieces coming together and there usually isnt enough time to question every piece otherwise u cant move forward.. But for a certain kind of analysis, u have to be able to - else, no progress.

Something isn't untrue just because Fox News says it is (true). To turn a universal motherly chiding on its head, "if all your enemies do not jump off a bridge, would you?"

Shitlibs come across like cult members dont they? Dont question X, Y!

Man some ppl were adamantly against this theory..


Alberta orders universities to suspend pursuit of new partnerships with China /via @globeandmail"

This is what an efficient base gives you: options. H2 can power both an FC or a traditional engine.


Will the #FuelCell see competition from this Tiny single-piston internal combustion #hydrogen engine ?"


"What this means, in non-technical language, is that Shi [Zheng-li at the Wuhan Institute of Virology] set out to create novel coronaviruses with the highest possible infectivity for human cells... 'It is also clear .. that, depending on the constant genomic contexts chosen for analysis, this work could have produced SARS-CoV-2 or a proximal progenitor of SARS-CoV-2.' [said researcher from Rutgers] ..

The lab escape scenario for the origin of the SARS2 virus, as should by now be evident, is not mere hand-waving in the direction of the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It is a detailed proposal, based on the specific project being funded there by the NIAID"


Paolo Zavallone & His Orchestra - Big John #music


"The North County Transit District announced today the California Energy Commission has awarded it a $4 million grant to construct a hydrogen fueling station at the agency’s West Division Breeze Facility in Oceanside"


"California coalition aims to make hydrogen power cost-competitive by 2030..

HyDeal Los Angeles, a green hydrogen initiative launched in Los Angeles on Monday, aims to bring the cost of hydrogen fuel to $1.50/kg by 2030. At that price, to achieve 100% renewable energy, blended electricity from a hydrogen-fueled turbine and long term low cost wind and solar PPAs could run about 35 dollars/MWh"


That much-awaited decoupling did not take place. In the umpteenth step of a fully fledged knowledge econ (3W), maybe, it cld happen. But we are far off from that.

"But there are ways of growing without material extraction"

"In discussions of climate emergency, degrowth has always been the elephant in the room; acknowledged from time to time, but rarely spoken about. But it may be the only solution..

To address this omission, researchers .. recently published an array of degrowth pathways.. These show that an intentional reduction in economic output is actually less risky than a combination of continued GDP growth and geo-engineering. In advanced economies, degrowth would involve a slowdown in manufacturing, accompanied by a significant switch to green technologies and far greater focus on environmental and ecological protection and repair.

If managed effectively, there would be no need for productivity to fall, nor for people to become worse off. Embracing both a universal basic income and a four-day working week would make the transition relatively painless. Of course, a new smartphone model every year would be out of the question, but would we really miss it?"


Bcz due to loss of GDP, "growth"? Two ways to increase GDP, either through more ppl, eg immigration, 2% more ppl 2% more growth which is "dumb growth". Or you produce more per person, GDP Per Capita increases, even w same amount of people (or a few skilled immigrants), GDP increases, through knowhow = good growth.

No growth is also an option.

"How the Coming Population Bust Will Transform the World"

via @internetofshit #facebook

MSM is plugged into all sorts of places. Of course they heard the alternative theory

"[I]nside the Times, we were sharply divided. My colleagues who cover national security were being assured by their Trump administration sources — albeit anonymously and with no hard evidence — that it was a lab leak and the Chinese were covering it up. We science reporters were hearing from virologists [the opposite]"



It deeply saddens me that we're still at the stage of #FreeUyghurs rather than 'Justice for Uyghurs'"

Icewind Turbine

"Sen. Cory Booker said on Sunday that 'meaningful progress' has been made in the negotiations on police reform that have taken place in the House and the Senate"

"Dr. Martin Brudermüller (BASF) and Dr. Markus Krebber (RWE) .. presented a project idea that envisions a new 2 GW offshore wind farm in the German North Sea"


People Power ✊




This VW is of the VW emission scandal fame BTW. Comp is stuffed w crooks and morons. Quite an achivement..

🤣 🤣 🤣

"In a recent post on Twitter VW CEO criticized hydrogen #fuelcell cars and Glickenhaus challenged him to a race in the upcoming Baja 1000"

Not making a public spat with ISR probably made sense. Publicly shitting on them cld push the muckers to more attacks.. The 2014 "conflict" lasted for 50 days after all, Biden surely remembered that.

Noticed that myself.. cld be significant

The Atlantic: "In a conflict where words matter (so much so that even using the word conflict invites disagreement), it’s notable when the words used begin to change.. a subtle, and perhaps more revealing, shift has come from the White House.. In an address announcing yesterday’s cease-fire between Israel and Hamas, President Joe Biden said, 'Palestinians and Israelis equally deserve to live safely and securely and to enjoy equal measures of freedom, prosperity, and democracy'"

"Robert Redfield, director of the [CDC, himself a virologist] under Trump, recently said he believes that a lab leak is the most likely explanation of how the pandemic started"

"You cannot make sense of the firmness with which the lab leak hypothesis was dismissed without appreciating how Trump changed American media. After the 2016 election, the top tier of American media traded objectivity for opposition. As the New York Times has more or less admitted, normal standards no longer applied. Success was now defined by the extent to which you made Donald Trump’s life difficult"



Each year companies shift almost $700bn in multinational profits to tax havens. On 'Money Talks', @SoumayaKeynes asks economist @Gabriel_Zucman how governments will change the way they tax the world's most profitable companies"


"@Opel Unveils its Opel Vivaro-e: Plug-In FuelCell Electric Vehicle Offers ZeroEmissions and Quick Refuelling. Fuelcells system in the engine bay, hydrogen tanks replace the battery"


U can do that see bcz fuel is energy-dense as f--k

"@DaimlerTruckBus as it Began Rigorous Testing of Its FuelCell Truck. The Aim is to achieve ranges of up to 1,000 kilometres and more without any ... refuelling"


Jacobin: "Palestine Is No Longer the Third Rail for Democrats.. For decades, the US media and political class have parroted Israel’s claims of victimhood, despite Israel being an occupying state power acting against an occupied people. The details change, but the story remains the same: Israeli forces attack civilians.. In the wake of these latest strikes, however, this consensus may finally be crumbling"

Politico: "After months of letting their power to obstruct go unused, the Senate GOP is ready to filibuster legislation creating a Jan. 6 commission. If Republicans follow through, they'll spark a long-building fight over the filibuster’s very existence"


[ISR talk show] Berko and Ofira usually nails it. Berko: 'I heard all analysts blabbering; at school they taught us 1+1=2... once the mandate went to Lapid, a war started....I'm not hinting, I am saying, Netanyahu did all of this...he needed a war to save himself'"

Orgone - Hambone #music


The evidence is destroyed, got nothing to worry about. Might as well act like it for optics.. Preemptive ask now is better than being asked later.. This guy cld be good in marketing..


Fauci is now saying he’s not confident the coronavirus emerged naturally"

"Africa Could Become Germany’s Hydrogen Supplier. First results of the BMBF project “GreenHydrogen Potential Atlas” show immense potential for a hydrogen partnership between Germany and West Africa"


US negotiating limits on the nuke arsenal?

NK strat called for NK not giving up on nukes. What changed?

Not much going on.. that's f-ing great. Less news.