
Github Mirror

Week 19

"Australian Govt Announces Oakajee Renewable Hydrogen Expression of Interest. Government intends to transform this greenfields site into a globally competitive, multi-product renewable hydrogen industrial precinct"


Why did Sharon pull out of Gaza unilaterally in 2005? The narrative at the time was "yielding Gaza would help promote goodwill and peace". But when did anyone leave territory without anything substantial in return?

We also know Hamas is an Israeli creation.

Put the two together.. maybe Israel wanted that persistent flashpoint to fight against, to keep the right mobilized, and militarized, and always show the international crowd they are "under attack", so they could continuously play the victim. It is unbelievable such a tiny ass area can give Israel so much grief, to the extent ppl tremble behind some "Iron Dome", hide in shelters everytime there are attacks.

Need all hands on deck working towards green fuels, bunch of asswipe bulls..t keeps interjecting.. Freaking tragedy

Sad good things like this happen in tandem with haneous other things

"Tel Aviv University Researchers Develop Method of Clean Production of Hydrogen as Fuel for Vehicles-An easy-to-manufacture, multifunctional biological nanomaterial to protect the enzyme that enables the production of hydrogen"


DW: "Germany stands by Israel - despite the Holocaust, and because of the Holocaust"

Fin media laments population stalling in country X! Country Y! Pop increase is related to GDP increase, so they fear loss of returns? On stawks, bonds? But pop inc can just mean dumb increase.. Countries need gdp per capita increase, increase efficiency, quality.

"Leading CEO's Ask California Governor To Dedicate $500 Million In Hydrogen Infrastructure Funds..

CEO's of 25 companies included Toyota, Hyundai"


Whenever I see B Johnson on TV giving interviews nowadays he is always in those yellow colored workman's clothes.. Let's guess on what kind of image he is trying to project.. Courting low-income Labour votes maybe..? Centrists.. where are you? Fell asleep at the wheel..? Opposite BJ there is the lawyer looking guy not too comfortable with retail politics.. Leave aside pol this is bad optics.

"Paris seeks to ban through traffic in city centre by 2022"

When Macron sounded a little "too respectful" toward Pute in his handoff during the climate summit, all of a sudden there were "communication issues"?

EU-RU alliance would be great.. if some countries grumble about it, kick'em out. Like Poland.. EU-RU entente possibility scares the shit out of UK/US.

Jesse wasnt an outsider really.. even when he ran for Governor. He had been a mayor before that, and military service previous to that (also considered public service right, its government?).

"Harry thought about quitting royal life in his 20s.. compares his royal experience to being on 'The Truman Show' and 'living in a zoo.'"

"Amid the Shooting, Netanyahu’s Foes See an Opening, and Risks... Israeli politicians often close ranks in a crisis, but this time the prime minister’s enemies, trying to form a government and oust him, are blaming the violence on him"

The country needs insiders, not outsiders.. dividers, not uniters.

With Trump exiting the "outsiders" wave took a hit.. That whole sales shtick starting with people copying Jesse Ventura until 2020 showed the outsider has no silver bullet.. I asked bunch of Californians the other day abt Ahnuld, they said 'he didnt fix the budget issue' (the issue that led to Gray's recall and his election), due to his ideology apparently.. Well then how is that different from any other small-gov anti-tax politician? Trump had some good but made bunch of mistakes.. All in all, more experience is better.

We need less direct democracy, not more. As long as modern institutions exist, no need to hobble them with too many "people intrusions".

I support recalling the recall law.

"The recall election coming later this year for California Governor Gavin Newsom doesn’t appear likely to end with his removal from office. Although Newsom’s opponents have gathered enough signatures to require a vote—and conditions in the state could still change—polls show that public support for the effort is far below what Newsom’s critics will need to force his removal.Nevertheless, the drive may trigger another form of recall: It may finally prompt California to examine whether the 110-year-old state law that governs recalls still makes sense in our modern era of unrelenting partisan conflict. The law was instituted during the Progressive era as a tool to tame special interests, but the effort against Newsom suggests that it’s become a weapon of harassment and manipulation by Republicans"


Sing a lulaby it will all be ok

"Gal Gadot, who previously served in the Israeli army, said Israel was 'at war', adding it 'deserves to live as a free and safe nation'

Her comments drew a barrage of criticism.

'She can’t even say the word Palestinian,' one Twitter user commented in reference to Gadot’s post"

"Study: Companies Are Developing Over 200 GW of Hydrogen Electrolyser Projects Globally, 85% of Which Are in Europe-Germany the clear front-runner with 23% of planned electrolyser capacity globally"


"Australian Hyundai [H2 Fuel Cell] NEXO Breaks World Distance Record-The 887.5km.. trip from Melbourne to Broken Hill"


"Riots continue across Israel: A Jewish man in his 30s was lynched by Arab rioters in a demonstration in Acre tonight, while another Jewish man was lynched by right wing Jewish extremists who mistook him for an Arab"

Wuhan Lab Kung-Flu

"COVID cases across India being traced to weeks-long Kumbh Mela.. Dozens of cases across India being traced to mega Hindu festival held at the banks of Ganges in Haridwar last month"

🤣 This is an example of a bad divorce

"EU citizens arriving in UK being locked up and expelled"

"Chemical giants DuPont and Daikin knew the dangers of a PFAS compound widely used in food packaging since 2010, but hid them from the public and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), company studies obtained by the Guardian reveal.The chemicals ... are now linked to a range of serious health issues, and Americans are still being exposed to them in greaseproof pizza boxes, carryout containers, fast-food wrappers, and paperboard packaging"


"World could have prevented COVID catastrophe, independent panel finds

The scale of the coronavirus pandemic could have been prevented, an independent global panel has said. Governments and the WHO have been accused of not reacting quickly enough to early warning signs"


"@HypersonixAU Successfully Demonstrates Spartan Scramjet Performance From Mach 5 to Mach 10.

SPARTAN is a composite, self-igniting re-usable scramjet engine powered by #Greenhydrogen"


"UK: Ministers Told to Commit to a New H2 Target"


"Over 100 anti-Trump republicans threaten to form breakaway party as GOP expected to oust Cheney"

"We Can't Wait" Aerospace Entrepreneur




An organized pogrom took place tonight against Arabs in Bat Yam despite the fact they they all learned about Kristallnacht"

Jacobin: "[T]he reality is not all that complicated. Hamas's rockets and Palestinians protesting, throwing rocks, or even rioting: these are all desperate responses to sustained, systematic, and brutal repression and land theft by Israel that has been going on for decades, and has sharply escalated over the last decade in particular. It is the 'language of the unheard', as Martin Luther King called the African-American riots of the 1960s, which, like their counterparts last year and in the decades between, are a similar howl of frustration from those who have been relentlessly dispossessed and brutalized with seemingly no recourse.

There are ways of putting an end to such things, whether rocket attacks or property destruction from rioters. But to do that requires first accurately describing the injustices that drive them"

Another use of that cool metal hydride solution.. Oz Lavo uses this tech too.. GKN can store H2 at 40 bars (usually 700 bars is used).

"GKN HY2 Energy System requires 15 times less space compared to gaseous hydrogen storage systems when holding the same amount of energy at the same pressure"


The Old Deal.


"The escalation of violence in Israel and the Palestinian territories is straining Israel's relations with the Arab world. Countries that have agreed to a normalization of bilateral relations are now under pressure"

The Arab minority does not usuallly cause no trouble.. They must be up in arms about the latest situation.

SWI: "Israel's Arab minority - Palestinian by heritage, Israeli by citizenship - is mostly descended from the Palestinians.. Most are bilingual in Arabic and Hebrew, and feel a sense of kinship with their fellow Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Gaza. And they often complain of systemic discrimination, as well as unfair access to housing, healthcare, and education services"

SWI: "We have lost control of the city and the streets" -- [Israeli city] Lod Mayor

SWI: "Violence in mixed Jewish-Arab towns in Israel flared early on Wednesday"

F24: "Indian Covid-19 variant found in 44 countries around world, says WHO"

"Families of Black Americans killed by police push for UN to intervene.. The families have been pushing the international community to take action since last summer’s protests"

"@Suncor And @ATCO Partner On A Potential World-Scale CleanHydrogen Project In Alberta-Project would produce more than 300,000 tonnes per year of clean hydrogen"


"New York State Adds Another $30 Million for Drive Clean Rebate Program-Includes FuelCell Hydrogen Vehicles"


What is being "commemorated" is always related to what the nation wants to do in the future.. In that war Oz offered manpower due to its quid-pro-quo for naval protection with the UK. That's how Oz soldiers ended up on the other side of the planet. The same need exists today, albeit with a different naval power, US, so the nation commemorates to keep that memory fresh in case similar sacrifice might be needed in the future.

"Australia commemorates the Anzak Day for their WWI losses in Gallipoli. Why?"

Because that would be a disincentive for EU members to stay / be in the EU. If they felt their pieces would just be taken in seperately after membership, countries would have less of an incentive to be a member. But, if you are not in the EU like the UK is not anymore, especially after a bad divorce like the one UK had, then EU could be like "fine, come on in, in pieces, whatever".

"Why would EU care about pieces of countries joining to it, or not, like Catalonia?"

Wasnt until agro era to get spices in cooking..? Foragers cld have figured that out.. They knew fire, they cooked meat (cooking softened it, allowing more of it to be eaten in one sitting, more energy), they also foraged for plants obviouly, and a few wld have figured to throw in some bay leaves in there in the pot along with water. Sounds plausible to me.

"ZeroAvia Selected As Finalist In Transportation Category Of Fast Company’s 2021 World Changing Ideas Awards-In Sept. 2020, company achieved world’s first hydrogen fuelcell .. flight of a commercial-grade aircraft"


"@PowerHouseEG Plastic Waste to H2 Technology to be Rolled out Across Hungary & Greece"


CNBC: "Cathie Wood's ARK Innovation ETF falls to new low for the year, off nearly 35% from recent high"

CH vax is no good

"[Seychelles] is experiencing its largest coronavirus outbreak after vaccinating some 60% of its population, mostly with China’s Sinopharm shot"

They are all younger than your sitting President! (except Carter I guess). Yea.. No more elderly respect for the ex-Prez.. It's open season now.. Run for cover

"Ex-Presidents are retired, elderly now, should we criticize them less?"

That's nother one of those pull yourself up .. bootstraps thingies again isn't it? This guy was a smooth mo..f..ker... See how he slipped that in there..? Masterfully done.

".. be Americans again". What the f-k does that even mean?


[Clinton, 1992 campaign] "I desperately want to be your President, but you have to be Americans again"

Long thread.. the rest calls cryptos 'Ponzi schemes'. In a certain light they could be seen that way.


Bitcoin's narrative is crystallized around alt-right populism, a strange variant of Austrian economics, goldbuggery, distrust of institutions and resentment about the 2008 financial crisis. While Dogecoin is basically built around pure nihilism"


Mistakes here, mistake over there.. There is difference in scale here. Their founder did not say 'we are all Amish' and change his name to George GrandAncestorAmish. You are not comparing apples and oranges at this point, but apples with hoola hoops... Doorknobs.. That is the sad truth.

Given all these potential weak spots I dont understand why more do not support opportunities to boost any point in the pipeline.

"Supply shortages and vaccine inequality leaves Covax facing uncertain future"

I love it all those Brexit arguments can be turned around verbatim against the English now. "Will of the people!". "Freedom!"

Hah.. I bet the same thing EU told Britain before their referandum

"With a pro-independence majority in the Scottish parliament, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the UK was 'best served when we work together.'"


UK (Scotland) election: Final result (seats)

Pro-independence: 72 (+3)

Anti-independence: 57 (-3)

+/- vs 2016"

"Scotland's Independence Parties Gain Upper Hand as Pressure Builds on U.K... SNP’s Nicola Sturgeon is pushing a referendum plan with Green Party allies as Boris Johnson gains ground in England"

Many things are possible.. but viable? Efficient? If u r fine cutting 100 mile from your range, wait a day while the f-ing truck charges during long trips, 8 tons added to your curb weight, fine. Like aspirin is "fine" for cancer. Or cutting fat from diet but drinking Coca-Cola. It's all "fine".

"But battery trucks are possible"

"@AMP_AU Will Develop a $2 Billion #RenewableEnergy Hub Incorporating #Hydrogen Energy in South #Australia

Hub includes Spencer Gulf Hydrogen Energy Ecoplex, part of South Australian Government’s Hydrogen Plan"


We hear the occasional lefty mutterings from even G. Brown, the other one-time "New Labor" leader -- he supported covid patent waiver.. Where is TB? Drop this Third Way, TINA, Clinton bullshit

Now that Labor centrists took a beating, it's time for a left turn. The sacking of Rebecca Long-Bailey was a mistake. She needs to be the next leader of Labor. And forget this anti-semitism non-sense

Oh yea Keir was his guy

Tony Blair lost on Thursday.

Politico: "Biden's bombshell proposal to waive intellectual property rights on coronavirus vaccines [led to] the EU .. now floundering in the PR war.. advocating the rights of Big Pharma against poor nations"


Because it'd make them feel butt-hurt, giving out hundreds of millions rather than mere millions, so they would not be incentivized to help us, "disrupt" industries and shit, fight our crime when government fails, like Batman


Ways and Means will have a hearing Wednesday on taxation of wealthy. Doesn't it all boil down to:

Fact: the super rich are taxed at lower effective rate than a 2-earner-middle class couple.

Then ask: Is there any reason to tax the rich at a lower rate than the middle class?"


Watching videos of Israeli police raiding the grounds of the Haram al-Sharif during the Ramadan prayer tonight I can only come to one conclusion. The police under direction of Likud's staunchly pro-Netanyahu Minister of Security, Amir Ohana, is doing everything to cause chaos.

This is of course aimed undermining any progress on opposition Netanyahu front to reach a coalition between the right-center-and left parties. If it is not this its total lack of good governance, a very bad police force, and and many far-right factors trying to make it worse"

"Sunfire Successfully Tests World's Largest High-Temparature Electrolysis Module"


Fort Knox Five - Papa Was Stoned #music


The Mark Duval Big Band - The Race Machine #music



The worst part of cryptocurrency transforming into dragon-level wealth is witnessing good people emotionally devolve into dragons themselves: so intellectually paralyzed by the fear that everyone they see threatens their hoard that they lose sight of the world beyond their cave"

"The world's first shipment of blue ammonia was dispatched from Saudi Arabia to Japan on Sep. 27, 2020 for use in a power station for the production of zero-carbon power generation, paving the way for the further use of hydrogen in the energy system"


Ammonia can be a natural by-product of a hydrogen economy. A major input to ammonia generation is H2.

"Ammonia is perhaps most well recognized as a household cleaner. However, ammonia makes another important contribution to daily life as an industrial refrigerant. It is responsible for the year-round availability, volume and variety of food and beverages served daily on breakfast, lunch and dinner tables around the world... Ammonia does not destroy atmospheric ozone and does not contribute to the greenhouse effect linked to global warming. In fact, ammonia, one of the most common compounds found in nature, is essential to earth’s nitrogen cycle and its release in the atmosphere is immediately recycled"


"Ammonia is more efficient than an HFC-based system. Ammonia is 3-10 percent more efficient than HFC, which reduces electricity use and operating costs"


Guess what Im going to recommend for climate-friendly refigration?

"EPA announced rules that would dramatically cut down on hydrofluorocarbons, or HFCs, commercial refrigerants that are significant contributors to climate change. This will completely reshape the supermarket industry"

"A joke cryptocurrency has risen more than 26,000% in the last six months, outpacing nearly every other investment"

"Unemployment" "went up"?

Well.. real unemployment went down. Same for U6 (official unemployment is U2)

2021-03-01     6.0    10.7    12.128327  
2021-04-01     6.1    10.4    11.852126  


Covid works brilliantly for the right; it kills the old -they are usually not employed (not awesome)-, and the poor. It's like unfettered capitalism, but faster. Kill rate up the roof!

Econ status relation makes sense, poor dieting wld adversely effect immune resistence.

"We found large social gradients in COVID-19 mortality. Adults from households earning less than the median income made up two-thirds of COVID-19 deaths, while those with less than a high school education accounted for approximately 1 in 4 deaths. Veterans also accounted for nearly 1 in 5 deaths, despite representing less than one-tenth of the population...

The associations between social determinants of health and COVID-19 mortality are similar in scale to those between hypertension and diabetes and COVID-19 mortality"


Bloomberg: "An Inc. warehouse worker died Thursday after collapsing at a company facility in Bessemer, Alabama, that was the site of an effort earlier this year to unionize the workforce"

Look at GDP Per Capita of US and Canada. Canada gets a lot of immigration but since 2010 US did better.

You can grow your econ through efficiency increases instead of immigration. Efficiency is captured in GDP Per Capita.


America’s population advantage has disappeared"