
Github Mirror

Week 15

Having worked on control code for inverted pendulum, can say this is awesome

CJR: "As discussions on how to help save local news continue, new bills and ideas have come to the fore. Independent newspapers are coalescing around the Local Journalism Sustainability Act which proposes direct subsidies (in the form of tax credits) for news subscribers, local journalists and small business advertisers. Sweden has a similar news subsidy system.

Large media outlets are backing the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act which will allow outlets to band together to negotiate with Google and Facebook. In some ways this is like Australia’s recent News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code"


Another former Airbus CTO, pursuing my favorite first element


The ultimate vision is zero emission.

One main key is #hydrogen"

Yea thats f...d up. They destroyed that guy jus bcz he was successful against them in the court of law.

Jacobin: "When human rights lawyer Steven Donziger won a multibillion-dollar lawsuit against the oil giant Chevron, the company retaliated by setting out to destroy Donziger’s life. Now in his twentieth month of house arrest on the orders of a Chevron-linked judge, his Kafkaesque story is a window into the corrupt and corporate-captured US legal system"

"EU-UK talks over Brexit fail to reach breakthrough.. Top European Union and British officials failed to get a breakthrough at talks on Northern Ireland trade rules"

39,700 kilometers! That is enough pipeline to circle to globe!


The EU #Hydrogen Backbone initiative updated its vision for a dedicated #H2 transport infrastructure across Europe. The group proposes a hydrogen network of 39,700km by 2040"


Hydrogen-fuel cell cars likely to fall under FAME II rules: Huge benefits possible [India]"




Loop Energy and BayoTech have entered into a #hydrogen vehicle deployment agreement focusing on #fuelcell vehicles and #h2 infrastructure. Purpose is to build 360-degree ecosystem incl service providers, fueling solutions and component suppliers"


Didnt QE say about the 2008 crisis 'it's awful - Why did nobody see it coming?' That sounds like this is not someone who likes to remain up-to-date on matters, but has to

What is more surprising to me is how come this wasn't known before?

"Now we know that the mysterious ‘Queen’s consent’ is more than just a procedural formality, it must be scrapped.. The anti-democratic potential of the consent process is obvious: it gives the Queen a possible veto, to be exercised in secret, over proposed laws"



Intellectual property rights for Covid-19 vaccines must be suspended to boost inoculation rates around the world. It's that simple"

"Former world leaders urge Biden to waive COVID vaccine patents More than 170 former world leaders and Nobel laureates say waiver is key to ramp up global vaccine production. At the current rate, the world’s poorest nations will have to wait until at least 2024 to reach 'mass immunisation', the signatories, which included former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown, ex-French President François Hollande and Muhammad Yunus, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize"


Little TR translation

"Breaking Tech Open: Why Social Platforms Should Work More Like Email Email is a stable, decentralized technology that spurs interoperability and competition, presenting a model for other internet technologies"


I was rooting for the other guy but apparently it is right's turn

"Voters in Ecuador appeared to turn to a conservative businessman in Sunday’s presidential runoff election, rebuffing a leftist movement that held the presidency for over a decade marked by an economic boom and then a years-long recession"

That's a load of bullshit


"Brooklyn Center Police says police shooting of Daunte Wright was ‘an accidental discharge’ as officer intended to discharge a taser"


Saving Journalism: Should Other Countries Copy Australia’s News Media Code? Thursday in NYC on April 15th"


I am not iron man

Not into ironing..

"What is the one housekeeping work u never do?"

It's like Israelis. The Jews didnt "leave" the region, they converted and they stayed. Leaving is hard, ppl usually dont.

Galatians 1st century are my people, as are everyone before and after there. The current make up of Anatolia is composed of their descendants and little of later arrivals, like some punks from Punkbuttfuck from Central FuckFuck.

See, you dont start out just preachin with my people. You talk about some food, some creole, some chicken wings.. Bring some grass for the goat.. Then you seque into afterlife, right and wrong, etc..

Dam, Paul had it pretty bad in Galatia, today's Anatolia..

Bloomberg: "Michelin Reinforces Bet on Hydrogen to Move Beyond Tires"

Hybrid btw fuel-cell and turbine? Cool.

This is what H2 brings to the table; flexibility, options.

"France to ban some domestic flights where train available.. MPs vote to suspend internal flights if the trip can be completed by train within two and a half hours instead"

Talked abt that before; see the South Korean example. It's the invisible hand approach, with a caveat, the invisible hand is government's 😶

"How can government push for faster Internet speeds?"

I am not saying make war, but if there was war, it wld not be good for Iran.

US power is hundreds of times more than Iran's. Israel is way ahead of them too (see method)

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('../../2020/07/gdpw.csv')
df = df[df['country'].isin(['United States','Iran','Israel']) ]
df['gdp'] = df.gdpcap * df.population
df['mb'] = (df.gdpcap * df.gdp)/1e14
print (df[['country','mb']])
           country            mb
13   United States  12898.099255
31          Israel    145.850215
114           Iran     25.909706

Not true

"A war with Iran would be much, much harder than against Iraq"

"Churchill implored FDR to join the war", yes he did, and he failed. FDR didnt listen to him.

FDR did not want to fight in WWII. How do I know? Bcz he'd rather have these monstrous "Liberty ships" built than send a single man to the war.



(Same 3/3 ukrweekly link) "The previous day, Crimean Tatars held their biggest rally at the peninsula’s parliamentary building in Simferopol in support of a unitary Ukraine"

Just bcz GDELT is "AI" u cant dive blindfolded.. The algos are nowhere near close to being AI.


This is fun.. research by GDELT.. The dataset surely contains more interesting info than a random tuber throwing a fit or even some MSM.

Interesting.. for March 3rd, GDELT found this and wrongly classified it as military escalation.. It is more like "cage rattling" I'd say.

GDELT uses news web pages as raw source, applies natural lang processing algos on them to extract Actor1-Action-Actor2 type "events" for ex "Thailand warned South Africa", where diplomatic "warn" is the action.. There are mistakes sometimes. I had to go through every result one by one to filter out such false positives.

@PaulEremenko of @Universal_H2 was the former CTO of @Airbus?


Solar-to-#Hydrogen Tech Increase Shows 100-fold Improvement in #Solar Energy Conversion [using] a BaTaO2N photocatalyst"

"Billions of dollars of Iranian money continues to be frozen in South Korean banks as its prime minister heads for talks"

Guy had a stroke in 2016, so it could just be health related

"Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat shocked the nation on Thursday, announcing he will step aside as the designated successor to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong"

Added new page for conflict stats


WTF happened to dry parsley flakes? The prod disappeared all markets all of a sudden. God dam..

Via Bloomberg

Business Insider: "'Unions lose in 90% of the cases when management opposes the organizing effort,' which Amazon's management did, Tom Kochan, a professor of management at MIT, told Insider"


Too bad the Amazon unionization effort failed.. But 'ppl have spoken' is the wrong conclusion to draw here.. The system was favoring the employer. Change of labor laws needed? AMZN clearly was the better closer.

"Efficacy of a coronavirus vaccine from Sinovac has been found to be as low as 50.4 percent by researchers"

It's possible GDELT missed something of course, it is an automated algo


Flip the actors u can see the build-up (code 154) both ways.

Code 154 is "mobilization or increase of armed forces"

import pandas as pd, zipfile
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

dates = ['0331','0401'] # add more dates here w files

for dt in dates:
    with zipfile.ZipFile('gdelt/' % dt, 'r') as z:
         df = pd.read_csv('2021%s.export.CSV' % dt),sep='\t',header=None)
    print (len(df.columns))
    urls = df[57]
    cols = ['GlobalEventID', 'Day', 'MonthYear', 'Year', 'FractionDate',\
           'Actor1Code', 'Actor1Name', 'Actor1CountryCode', 'Actor1KnownGroupCode',\
           'Actor1EthnicCode', 'Actor1Religion1Code', 'Actor1Religion2Code',\
           'Actor1Type1Code', 'Actor1Type2Code', 'Actor1Type3Code', \
           'Actor2Code', 'Actor2Name', 'Actor2CountryCode', 'Actor2KnownGroupCode',
           'Actor2EthnicCode', 'Actor2Religion1Code', 'Actor2Religion2Code',
           'Actor2Type1Code', 'Actor2Type2Code', 'Actor2Type3Code', \
           'IsRootEvent','EventCode', 'EventBaseCode']
    df2 = df[range(len(cols))]
    df2.columns = cols

    flt = (df2.EventCode==154) & (df2.Actor1Code=='RUS') & (df2.Actor2Code=='UKR')
    print (dt)
    df3 = df2[flt]
    if not df3.empty:
        print (df3[['Actor1Code','Actor2Code','EventCode','EventBaseCode']])
        url3 = urls[flt]
        print (url3)

I looked at GDELT event files, going back go March 1st; did not find any initial Ukraine movement. The first time any build-up is reported in the region, in the 1/3-1/4 timeframe, was April 1, by RUS. One of the news links parsed by GDELT is here.

"In terms of the latest escalation, who is responsible? Who deployed its military first? Russia or Ukraine?"

Maybe the mechanical vs wild animal theme in scifi movies is a throwback to that feeling, way of coping with insane recent advances. It was mysterious to be scared of the beast? Now smaller ones are causing more damage.

Largest whale in length, 30 meters. Aircraft carrier, over 300 meters in length. The masses dont even compare. Whale has no chance. Its funny from a time where humans were afraid of monsters at sea, now we have monsters of our own.

"Could a whale damage a ship? Like an aircraft carrier?"

Replacing lead pipes is a good thing sure.. Wasnt that the problem in Flint Michigan?

"US senators on Thursday unveiled broad legislation on China that would step up pressure over Beijing's alleged theft of intellectual property and solidify US ties with Taiwan.

In a rare bipartisan initiative in the polarized Congress, the top Democrat and Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee together presented the Strategic Competition Act which aims to govern the fraught US relationship with Beijing.

'The United States government must be clear-eyed and sober about Beijing's intentions and actions, and calibrate our policy and strategy accordingly,' said Senator Bob Menendez, the Democrat who leads the committee"


"Greece, Israel Seal $1.6 Billion Defense Deal"


Gobble gobble, though not a great power, displays some of the same behaviours lately.. Kabuki theather power, throwing its little kabuki tantrum on the way down.

Beckley: "Historically, when fast-growing great powers slow down, they do not mellow out. Instead, they become more repressive at home and aggressive abroad. They crack down on domestic dissent and expand overseas to find new sources of wealth, rally citizens around the ruling regime, and deter foreign rivals from exploiting their economic problems. China is already on this path—as its growth slows, it is repressing freedom in the mainland and in Hong Kong, ramping up pressure on Taiwan, colonizing the South China Sea, building the largest navy in the world, and buying assets and building ports all over the world"

ABC Oz Planet America is pretty good. They catch some interesting angles.

Reps started culling out some unwanted leaders for 2024 already? Gaetz is hit pretty bad, nobody is coming to his defense. Clearing the path for Ted? Pompeo?

Nincompoop? 😶

The Spirit of '75 (feat. Mustafa Akbar) #music


C its possible to advocate for opportunities for everyone wout resorting to cuck

sounds like discrimination, likely an oversight, but not cool

DW: "Study unveils Facebook gender bias in job ads A new study examined Facebook's ad-delivery algorithms and found that some ads were directed to a particular gender "beyond what can be legally justified" by differences in job qualifications"