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The Power of Nations Code

Checking if Michale Beckley's GDP x GDP Per Capita measure can predict war outcomes. Excerpts from the article are here. Data comes from Harvard Dataverse has wars from past few centuries, carries GDP, CINC, total population tpop and MB's measure y. We could reconstruct the measure from GDP and tpop (double-checked, it works, same as y). Code was based on Stata wars code in the same repo.

My zipped version of the data is here

In order to run the regression, MB creates fractions of each measure, to compare two sides of the measure, through a value between 0 and 1. These fractions can now 'decide' the outcome of the war, win 1 or 0, whether the initiator (side a) won the conflict or not. The fractions are in the form of,

$$ y_{frac} = \frac{y_A}{y_A + y_B} $$

Same approach is used for CINC and GDP.

import pandas as pd
dfp = pd.read_csv('',sep='\t')
dfw = pd.read_csv('',sep='\t')
dfw = dfw[dfw.joiner==0]
# join in the reference data, twice, once for side a, other for side b
dfj1 = dfw.merge(dfp, left_on=['year','init_ccode'], right_on=['year','ccode'],how='left')
dfj1['tpopa'] = dfj1['tpop'] 
dfj1['cinca'] = dfj1['cinc'] 
dfj1['gdpa'] = dfj1['gdp']
dfj1['ya'] = dfj1['y']
cols = ['init_ccode','init_name','larger_war_name','target_ccode','target_name','year','tpopa','cinca','gdpa','ya','annual_outcome']
dfj1 = dfj1[cols]
dfj2 = dfj1.merge(dfp, left_on=['year','target_ccode'], right_on=['year','ccode'],how='left')
dfj2['tpopb'] = dfj2['tpop'] 
dfj2['cincb'] = dfj2['cinc'] 
dfj2['gdpb'] = dfj2['gdp']
dfj2['yb'] = dfj2['y']
dfj2 = dfj2[cols + ['tpopb','gdpb','cincb','yb']]
dfj2.loc[dfj2.annual_outcome==1,'win'] = 1
dfj2.loc[dfj2.annual_outcome==2,'win'] = 0
dfj2 = dfj2[dfj2.annual_outcome != 0]
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf
results = smf.ols('win ~ cincfrac', data=dfj2).fit()
print ('%0.2f' % results.rsquared)
results = smf.ols('win ~ gdpfrac', data=dfj2).fit()
print ('%0.2f' % results.rsquared)
results = smf.ols('win ~ yfrac', data=dfj2).fit()
print ('%0.2f' % results.rsquared)

$R^2$ of the regression that predicts war outcome using the new measure is 0.26 (highest score being 1), better than CINC or GDP.

Preprocessed data for the regression is here.

Additional Metrics

import pandas as pd
from sklearn.metrics import classification_report,  confusion_matrix

df = pd.read_csv('beckley-wars.csv')
df = df.dropna()
predicted = df.yfrac > 0.5
report = classification_report(, predicted)
print (confusion_matrix(, predicted))
              precision    recall  f1-score   support

         0.0       0.60      0.60      0.60        42
         1.0       0.83      0.83      0.83        99

    accuracy                           0.76       141
   macro avg       0.71      0.71      0.71       141
weighted avg       0.76      0.76      0.76       141

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