
Github Mirror

Week 11

Jeans: "Mathematical analysis shows that if the centre of a star is either liquid, or partially so, there is no danger of collapse; the liquid center provides so firm a basis for the star, as to render the collapse impossible".


i literally expect to wake up one day and my nest thermostat is going to hold me hostage for a $10/month subscription, we live in the worst timeline

'@Gizmodo Cricut Now Wants Users to Pay Extra for Unlimited Use of the Cutting Machines They Already Own'"

'Scraping' means having a program visit a page and take its raw data, leaving behind the visual elements.. like scraping paint off a wall.

import pandas as pd
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
df = pd.read_csv('gfp-2021.csv')
df = df[['USA','Russia'])]
print (df[['country','Submarines']])
   country  Submarines
0      USA        68.0
46  Russia        64.0

For military comparisons see Global Firepower. I scraped their site, someone else did 2017, both versions are below in CSV format

2017 2021

Comparing both years cld be interesting. Did military budget increase or decrease for country X?

I am pretty sure if there was a Greece-TR war, GR could manage to tie.. In every metric I look at, innovation, GII, military hardware, two countries are close. GDP/PerCap is in the same class basically which is decidedly lightweight. Sameness on many fronts is another indication of ppl / gov similarities, and that Anatolians culturally belong to where they live, are not "migrants".

The fact that Taiwan is a natural fortress makes u think, people live in these places and its probably for a good reason.. there is a natural selection of locales?

Falcon, WSold not bad.. Takes place after the 1/2 humanity disappearance was restored (another movie), and it looks like they are using that event as parallel to a post covid world, talks of restoration, etc. Show wasnt cuck, didnt use wormholes, time travel, multiverse, so far. Solid sci can give enough fi, see.


Me watching The Lighthouse in 4:3: Haha fuck yeah!!! Yes!!

Me watching Snyder's Justice League in 4:3: Well this fucking sucks. What the fuck"

Snyder Cut JL, better than the prev version. Storylines make more sense. It is long tho.

CNBC: "Hydrogen is currently the only solution to decarbonize some industries, RWE exec says"


What of it?

"But what of the China-Russia alliance?"

There r some weird storage methods .. eg "pumped hydro". They just lift up bunch of water, thats it. Water's "potential energy" is stored, to take back energy, just allow it to go down. Not bad, but just like the Li-on batteries, it is a circus monkey. Too specialized, doing only one thing.


While there are electronic, mechanical, kinetic, and other creative methods to store power, chemical #storage has the greatest propensity for widespread use, says @ReshefRami, CEO at Israeli fuel cell manufacturer @gencellenergy"

Light Through The Veins (Tom Middleton Remix) #music


Anti-lessons from TR; keep national narrative / identity as simple as possible, dont overload it with political preferences. Imbuing political choices on identity can turn it into a fascist propaganda tool.

Some components of GII..

Index(['index', 'Country', 'GII', ' Innovation Efficiency Ratio',
       ' Innovation Input Sub-index', ' Innovation Output Sub-index',
       'Institutions(ranking)', 'Human capital and research(ranking)',
       'Infrastructure(ranking)', 'Market sophistication(ranking)',
       'Business sophistication(ranking)',
       'Knowledge and technology outputs(ranking)', 'Creative outputs',
       'Institutions(value)', 'Human capital and research(value)',
       'Infrastructure(value)', 'Market sophistication(value)',
       'Business sophistication(value)',
       'Knowledge and technology outputs(value)', 'Creative outputs(value)'],

Just found out about Global Innovation Index.

Someone shared its data on GH, local version here.

import pandas as pd

df = pd.read_csv('GII-2021.csv')
df = df.rename(columns={' Global Innovation Index':'GII', 'Unnamed: 0': 'Country'})
df = df.sort_values('GII',ascending=False)
df = df.reset_index()
df = df[df.Country.isin(['United States', 'Korea, Republic of', 'Netherlands', 'Turkey'])]
print (df[['Country']])
2          Netherlands
3        United States
10  Korea, Republic of
42              Turkey

TR is just f-ing drownin.. NL, not bad.

Reuters: Germany and Canada agreed on Tuesday to explore the joint development of green hydrogen from Canadian hydroelectric power for export to Germany.


Out of curiosity I dug into how NFT's actually reference the media you're 'buying' and my eyebrows are now orbiting the moon

Short version:

The NFT token you bought either points to a URL on the internet, or an IPFS hash. In most circumstances it references an IPFS gateway on the internet run by the startup you bought the NFT from"


Yea.. that sounded like a potential future change in the filibuster rules #ABC

Vice: "A surveillance contractor ... is advertising a product that it says can locate the real-time locations of specific cars in nearly any country on Earth."



Von der Leyen says the EU could seize production of vaccines and suspend intellectual property rights"

More teachers.. better teachers..? When horse carrieges gave way to cars, 'better' or 'more' horses talk became moot.

Developing a new appreciation for French press coffee.. When I started drinking more java at home but didnt want an whole hunking coffee machine. FP did the job with acceptable quality and cheap equipment.

US support for China since the 70s might have another logic in it 🤔 besides containing Russia. Lets say u are US, and want to be included in a region. Which country would you support in that region? Answer: the one that is surrounded by 19 countries who are hostile to it. Then once that country gets stronger, everyone in the region will freak out, and call the superpower for help (as they should).

CH doesnt have to play this game. Work on your pluralism, democracy.

Beckley: "China may have the world’s biggest economy and military, but it also leads the world in debt; resource consumption; pollution; useless infrastructure and wasted industrial capacity; scientific fraud; internal security spending; border disputes... China also uses seven times the input to generate a given level of economic output as the United States and is surrounded by nineteen countries, most of which are hostile toward China, politically unstable, or both"

"US warns China it will enforce sanctions on Iran oil shipments"

"Oh but there is a formula for vaccs?" Same for Coca-Cola. Arent there urban legends around that? "Bro it's sooo secret, it is kept at [insert weird vault locale]"

Vaccine shortages in so many countries. Unbelievable..

Coca-Cola can shit out its shit product to the tune of 1 billion A DAY, but we cant make potentially life saving drug for everyone fast enough? And this is after a year has passed. Good to see capitalism has its priorities straight.. Sugared water vs life saving drug. Mmmm... "I'll go with sugared water".

This is a vital pt that bears repeating: freedom costs less. Nothing to admire about the CH system, as they spend half their money and energy on internal security.


Authoritarians don’t like end-to-end encryption.

'China appears to have blocked Signal, the encrypted chat app'"


Just saw a Fairfax County school bus pick up a bunch of little kids, and two parents high-fived after the bus pulled away"

"Compressed green hydrogen ship for Aussie exports deemed ‘highly competitive’’


♪♬ Who's the cat that won't cop out

♪♬ When there's danger all about?

♪♬ White Shaft

Right on 👉

Why gender swap, race swap existing characters?

I wonder how people would react if we modified female, or black characters. Lets say, I take Andy Dick, and make him White Shaft. Would black people like that? Imagine the scene, bar door swings open, and this guy walks in with the shades on, has the leather jacket.. the music playing wha wha-wha-wha wha wha AD walking with that strut.. How would that go down? That would be insane right?

"If Penthouse suddenly switched all of its glossy double-page spreads to abs and cocks, you’d expect some backlash. A few awkward silences. Probably a sharp drop in subscriptions.

Does this make its readers a pack of bigots, misandrists, and man-hating homophobes burdened by fragile sexuality? No. They were simply looking for something else. The magazine’s target audience has an established sexual preference, confirming the old adage ‘sex sells!’ is as true for Penthouse as it is for a fifty-year-old science fiction show.

Doctor Who is the James Bond of the geek world – men want to be him, and girls want to shag him. I can’t speak for the boys, but who doesn’t want a gorgeous, older boyfriend with a time machine, infinite bank balance, no job, endless adventure, and a demi-god status in the universe? He is an inconvenient sexual fantasy that contradicts the preferred social politics of the BBC, despite being its flagship show.

It is no accident that ratings soared when Scottish heart-throb David Tennant took over the role in 2005 alongside his young, attractive female companion Billie Piper. Their will-they, won’t-they romantic tragedy elevated the BBC production out of the fringe geek world and into the mainstream market of swooning teenagers....

2018 saw the progressive agenda inside the BBC hit peak woke – cannibalising their golden goose. The desire to promote inclusivity with casting choices, led new showrunner Chris Chibnall to hire Jodie Whittaker as the first female Doctor. Token casting is normally fatal but identifying as a taxpayer parasite makes it impossible for the BBC to ‘go broke’ like its corporate peers. This artificial survival allowed us to watch the gender-bender experiment play out to hilarious disparities between glowing critical reviews and god-awful audience scores that were so bad BBC management kept deleting them"


"NuveraÂŽ E-Series Fuel Cell Engines for heavy-duty applications allow port operators to comply with tightening emissions regulations and mandates and remain economically competitive"


Andy Dick is it?

:) That guy has good physical comedy chops #Trek


Beckley: "The U.S. military ... can sink Chinese ships and submarines virtually anywhere in East Asia. The main reason is that the United States has dozens of missile-armed submarines that are almost invulnerable to China’s notoriously weak antisubmarine capabilities. In wartime, U.S. submarines, with the aid of America’s vast undersea surveillance network in East Asia, could set up picket lines near the combat theater, or near China’s ports, and sink China’s ships and submarines with torpedoes, missiles, and mines"

Beckley: "Taiwan retains enduring advantages that could make the island virtually unconquerable—provided that Taipei and Washington capitalize on them. Armadas of the kind China would need to invade or blockade Taiwan are extremely vulnerable to modern missiles and mines. Meanwhile, the Taiwan Strait is perilous—typhoons and 20-foot waves are common most of the year—and Taiwan itself is a natural fortress. Its east coast consists of steep cliffs, and its west coast is dominated by mud flats that extend miles out to sea and are buffeted by severe tides. As a result, there are only a dozen beaches on Taiwan where an invading force could even land.

Taiwan’s defenders also have history on their side. No blockade in the past 200 years has coerced a country into surrendering its sovereignty, and there has been only one successful amphibious invasion of a developed nation in modern history (the Allied invasion of Italy in 1943). All other successful amphibious assaults were against overstretched forces defending hastily dug positions on foreign or contested territory with small arms. If China invaded Taiwan today, it would be attacking massed forces defending fortified positions on home soil with precision-guided munitions"


Redtenbacher's Funkestra - Cave Canem #music



Golly. Scott Morrison told joint party room that the Quad leaders' meeting was 'the most significant thing to have occurred to protect Australia's security and sovereignty since ANZUS'"

Minimum wage in Canada is $8.88?


A new study suggests large chunks of police work can be safely transitioned to non-police public safety workers: Across five cities, between 23 and 45 percent of 911 calls were for issues like noise complaints, disorderly conduct, and wellness checks"


NEW: In every corner of the globe, taxes on multinational corporations have gone down, down, down... Janet Yellen's big objective: Get the world to agree to end the "race to the bottom" w/ a new minimum tax"

Siena: "By 48-34 percent, [voters say Cuomo] can continue to effectively do his job as governor."


"A public utility in northern Central Washington broke ground Monday for a hydrogen production facility. It’s one of several related actions in the Pacific Northwest that reflect renewed interest in hydrogen as a clean alternative fuel.. The Douglas County Public Utility District is spending around $20 million to build its renewable hydrogen production plant on the east bank of the Columbia River north of Wenatchee"


CNBC: "India’s newfound focus on “green hydrogen” has received a boost, with a new collaboration between two firms aiming to install production facilities in the state of Tamil Nadu. "


CNBC: "German steel powerhouse turns to ‘green’ hydrogen produced using huge wind turbines"


"GenCell Energy, GNCL (TASE), a leading Israel-based manufacturer of fuel cell energy solutions, today announces the successful completion of the design and synthesis of a catalyst that is not based on noble metals (palladium) and as such provides an economical substitute for these materials. The process by which the new catalyst accelerates chemical reactions that are necessary to generate clean electricity via electrochemical reaction inside the fuel cell is identical to the process using a catalyst based on noble metals"


Daam. A big check.

(.. meat sushi?)

An FT writer is being skooled


We encourage certain biz behaviours all the time.. There is food safety, regulations.. We already punish prods that might kill you over others who dont.

We can encourage 'recyclable capitalism' by rewarding comps whose output is more recyclable. How? Look at the "garbage stats"... Find out whose products generate most single-use plastic, other hard-to-recycle items in the garbage plants, tax their ass.

Fin ppl shouldnt be too happy on Yellen just yet, but EW ppl in admin is a win for progs


Wall Street was relieved when @SenWarren was passed over for Treasury secretary. But now the financial industry faces another threat: President Biden is enlisting a small army of her former aides and allies to run his government"

45 psi is 3 bars? Regular air outside is 1 bar, so take air, reduce its volume by 1/3 (bcz $PV = nRT)$, that is enough pressure for a good mechanic push.

We know thats doable of course from break-barrel airguns, some use compressed gas.

Oz official says didnt see problems with AstZen vacc so far

All of a sudden UK is getting hammered from all directions.. Royal racism claims, then AstraZeneca vacc defect claims, and now Irish border issues heating up with EU.

He is clearly into fuels, so wld be into an H2 based econ (didnt Mercedes give him a fuel-cell car?)

"Kretschmann has mass appeal in Germany's conservative south and is more popular there than the party he represents. An opinion poll by German public broadcaster ZDF in February showed that while 30.3 percent of the electorate polled in Baden-WĂźrttemberg planned to vote for the Greens, 70 percent wanted Kretschmann as state premier.. He is a committed environmentalist and social liberal, but talks openly about his diesel-fueled car"

"Globally, there are now 228 large-scale projects for a combined $US300 billion of proposed investment through to 2030, according to the Hydrogen Council.. these are some of the stocks to watch.








Record day of reported vaccinations, with 4.6M. 50% higher than past 2.9M record... "

"U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday (March 10) referred to Taiwan as a country, a label usually avoided by his predecessors"


Couldnt they just set up one of those fake flames, a piece of cloth flapping away, with red lighting underneath, wind blowing etc..? C'mon man..

Hey thats lota of carbon, asshole.

I wonder if there is a town named Douche somewhere. Then u cld have Duke and Duchess of Douche.

Douche means "shower" in French, right? So not a curse word on them really.


Day light savings is an unnecessary relic of the early industrial age and also it's just v annoying"

Gross measures and other beliefs "trickle down" from academia to journos who repeat what they get from "upstream". Left unchecked such info can cause nonsense to become entrenched eg neophyte can conclude "mo ppl no mo problems". Esp watch for Tom Friedman-like glib jagoffs, pop philosoph journos who fashion themselves "thinkers" but are merely adept at slapping catchy book titles on stuff trickling down. Then, anyone who is able to question the base assumptions of the measures in research, needs to do so. Quash this shit at its source.

Just saw Russio-Otto war of 1828/29 in the conflict prediction data.. Otto got its ass kicked on that one... Beckl measure predicts 0.94 (out of 1) win for Russia. Doh!

"Germany seeks to be vaccine self-sufficient by next year"

Checked Beckley's theory with data.. Result validates his claim. GDP * GDP Per Capita is a better indicator than CINC or GDP alone. See post.