
Github Mirror

Week 9

Vague, A Brief History of Doom: "The iconic structures of American skylines form the silhouette of the Great Depression: New York’s Chrysler Building, Empire State Building, and RCA Building; Chicago’s Merchandise Mart, Wrigley Building, and Tribune Tower; Philadelphia’s PSFS Building; Los Angeles’s City Hall; Dallas’s Cotton Exchange Building; Detroit’s Fischer Building; and Houston’s Gulf Building. These are enduring architectural feats of the 1920s, vestiges of the real estate eruption that came before the fall. Many were speculative projects, unsupported by actual real estate demand; begun toward the end of the 1920s, when loans were still available; and finished after the crash, when lenders had little choice but to make funds available to complete construction or else see their entire loan go bad. None was financially successful for its original investors. They remained partly or largely empty for a decade or more after completion, as would hundreds of others"

The AG is black BTW. Craft is female. Isnt Mitch also married to a Asian? An eq opportunity kinda guy.

"Mitch McConnell has compiled a short list of successors in his home state of Kentucky, preparing for the possibility that he does not serve out his full term... The list is topped by his protégé, state Attorney General Daniel Cameron, and also includes former United Nations Ambassador Kelly Craft"

"Australia-based hydrogen specialist Enegix Energy is planning to build a green hydrogen plant on 500 hectares of commercial land in the Port of Pecém, in the Brazilian, northeastern state of Ceará. The facility is expected to be located in the state of Ceará and to be powered by around 3.6 GW of wind and solar facilities located in the region"


The Time Machine, 2002 is about taking a stand IMO. The prof loses his wife, tries to save her by going to past, fails. Then he "escapes to the future", keeps going further and further in time, and during stops he sees one catastrophe after another. One way to see that future was bad bcz prof wasnt in their history. See? The library assist prog did not know abt time travel tech waay ahead, so his science had not been reinvented after him. Of course this is unlikely the non-fictional world, techniques are discovered simultaneously by many. But allowing this 1 artistic license, this cld be the message. And only after prof starts fighting for a present (the idyllic place) things start to improve. Could not save his wife, but could help some, a certain time period.


NEW: Big Antitrust Crusader Joins White House.. @POTUS Biden To Appoint Tim Wu, A Leading Critic of Big Tech, as Tech & Competition Policy Special Assistant to the President"

"In Palm Beach, Covid-19 vaccines intended for rural Black communities are instead going to wealthy white Floridians"


UBI + Crypto is likely 3W. Current 2W system cld do UBI, through its channels, but seems unlikely for now.

UBI mechanism? Easy. 1st of every month the system does a "printing round", expands its base by depositing $ digitally into everyone's acct. And genuine person detection wld be needed too, yes.

A new cyrpto is needed with UBI built-in. Two birds with one stone; monetary base expansion is achieved through UBI, stopping deflation, in the meantime, helping create a mechanism of redistribution. Current approaches are too stuck in "digital gold" mentality. They understand computer science, but not economics.

10 million unemployed? Try 20.


.@Reuters SCOOP: Just days after seizing power, Myanmar’s military rulers attempted to withdraw about $1 billion from an account at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York but the transfer was blocked by authorities"

Man.. they really want Sarko gone don't they? Whenever there are hints for another run, courts jump on him. I dont know whether they have something solid but were holding back bcz he is ex-Prez but rerun makes them reveal stuff, or it is more action-reaction style punishment, just raw, wanton hammering a politician they dont like.

Miles upon miles of electricity cables... whose brilliant idea was that?

Jump Ball.. Well said! #Kerry

"The US oil & gas industry should embrace 'huge opportunities' producing & transporting #hydrogen, with the potential for that cutting-edge energy source to fuel long-haul trucks & supply power globally, presidential climate envoy John Kerry said Tuesday"



#HR1 is one of the most important bills in history, as it will help more U.S. citizens to participate fairly in our democracy. The Jim Crow filibuster in the Senate will almost certainly stand in its way. Will Senators have the courage to kill the filibuster and save America?"

Vox: "The sweeping democracy reform bill [HR1] has been top of the list since House Democrats first took back the majority in the 2018 midterms and immediately set about expanding voting rights and getting money out of politics.

There’s a lot of ground covered in its nearly 800 pages, but some of its key points are creating a national system for automatic voter registration, putting in transparency requirements for political advertising, and instituting nonpartisan redistricting commissions to end partisan gerrymandering"

Tetris - Green Hair #music


They come across as a pro-Trump outfit.. Somewhat shady, and not necessarily bcz they are pro-Trump.

"The Hill’s owner seeks potential buyers, investors... Under fire for its role in promoting alleged Ukraine conspiracy theories, the D.C.-based publication faces new questions about its future"

Another theory-of-everything bites the dust

"Theo .. and I became aware of Weinstein and Geometric Unity through his podcast The Portal. We independently communicated with Weinstein on Discord and we both came to the conclusion that Weinstein was unable to provide an adequate explanation of GU or why it was a compelling theory"


That makes sense I guess; a pandemic doesn't make 1 optimistic abt the future, a world into which makes parents want to bring new person into.

"WSJ: The Covid-19 Baby Bust Is Here"

An actress was canceled from The Mandalorian.. For mucks sake.. "We want strong women" then "we cancel a strong woman". Way to go [sarcastic thumbs up] 👍 😶

Too soon.. but still funny


Covid Announces Plan To Move Operations To Texas Full-Time To Escape Burdensome Regulations"

Not everything needs to be fun, or "visibly fun" as seen from outside. Electricity is fun and interesting, there are sparks, current, voltage wooohooo! But it is an inefficient way of delivering energy.

If we overly focus on the "fun stuff", we are making a pedagogical mistake, plus might burden / condemn the next generation to inefficient, bizarre solutions.

Here is what's wrong with the current science - scifi relationship.. There are many solutions to Einstein's field equations. There are many interpretations of quantum mechanics. But out of all possible solutions and interpretations, mov and tv land chooses the most flashy one, and sadly it chooses the same ones consistently, then from the outside it looks like that direction is the new direction of physics.

For example out of all solutions to Einstein's field equations, movies choose the one that will give them wormholes, that way Loki and Thor can come from Asgard and visit Earth. Or out of all possible interpretations of QM they pick the one that gives them multiple universes, that way actors can play their doppelganger with a goatee visiting from a different universe.


"Energy transition is underway at an exceptional level ... Government of India’s (GOI) National Hydrogen Energy Mission (NHM) initiative will capitalise on one of the most abundant elements on earth for cleaner alternative fuel option"


The Clintonite OMB appt craters? 🤣 🤣 🤣 I love it

Graeber: "[P]roductive jobs have, just as predicted, been largely automated away. (Even if you count industrial workers globally, including the toiling masses in India and China, such workers are still not nearly so large a percentage of the world population as they used to be.)

But rather than allowing a massive reduction of working hours to free the world’s population to pursue their own projects, pleasures, visions, and ideas, we have seen the ballooning not even so much of the “service” sector as of the administrative sector, up to and including the creation of whole new industries like financial services or telemarketing, or the unprecedented expansion of sectors like corporate law, academic and health administration, human resources, and public relations. And these numbers do not even reflect all those people whose job is to provide administrative, technical, or security support for these industries, or, for that matter, the whole host of ancillary industries (dog washers, all-night pizza deliverymen) that only exist because everyone else is spending so much of their time working in all the other ones"

At the very least weekly working days need to be reduced down to 4. Not even during hunter-gathering era, when humans literally had to go out and physically hunt (and forage) for food, did people work this much.. Now we have tech up the wazoo, 2% of ppl can feed the entire population, yet everyone is still running around as if they are fighting for survival.

The famous Graeber article that caused much stir back in 2013. Still a good read.

TechCrunch: "Hyzon Motors plans to produce fuel cells, including a critical component required to power hydrogen vehicles, at two U.S. factories in a move aimed at kickstarting domestic production at a commercial scale.

The hydrogen-powered truck and bus manufacturer has already leased a 28,000-square-foot facility in the Chicago suburb of Bolingbrook and plans to expand it by an additional 80,000 square feet"


Dreaming shit up is fine, but done in excess, and repeatedly / consistently in a certain direction creates an illusion where the perception of science seen from outside becomes askew.

Lota weirdo funk seems to be the by-product of these field equations. Its singularities "predict" black holes.. But diff form of the field equations cld do away with singularities, ie no black holes.

He received the Nobel prize for gravity waves, not "wormholes". Maybe guy later fell into a post-Nobel funk... even Einstein did in his later years.. who knows..?

Yes yes.. KIP THORNE helped develop the WH visualizations for the movie Interstellar. KIP THORNE.

But that still doesn't mean there is any substance to this "theory".

Landau.. you were doing so well.. then I saw the appendix on visualizing wormholes.. treating this subject as if it is proven science. Tsck tsck tsck..

I guess the name of this song is 'one way ticket'

It definitely feels like Texas' time has come to swing the other way, towards the left, towards more regulation.. One side regulates, the other deregulates.. long-run avg lands somewhere in the middle. We need both sides (I will root for one side, jus saying overall).

Obscene amounts of nylon, plastic bags, containers come out of each modern household.. Where does this shit all go?

ST Voyager episode The Void has great lessons for alliance building.

Those islands are extremely close to CH BTW. I guess what he means is current situation being in limbo taking Matsu and other islands (now belonging to Taiwan) wld draw a clear line in the sand, that would push Taiwan towards clear independence.

Steve Tsang (SOAS CH Inst Director): "[Paraphrasing] Unlikely but If China takes Matsu islands, Taiwan becomes independent"


Our [bleeping] brand new Nest decided, on its own, to override our programmed 73° overnight temp to its choice of 77°. That’s too toasty even for me. WHY. @internetofshit"

Forbes: "The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is funding a demonstration of the design, build and operation of the country's first dedicated renewable hydrogen network, starting in Texas"

"India Plans Green Hydrogen Auctions... India will soon issue tenders for production and procurement of hydrogen from renewable energy sources, India’s minister for renewable energy revealed"



A German frigate will set sail for Asia in August and, on its return journey, become the first German warship to cross the South China Sea since 2002, senior government officials in Berlin said on Tuesday"

SF Chronicle: "[Assembly Member Bill Quirk and Autumn Burke say] California must invest in hydrogen infrastructure to meet zero-emission goals"

Anita O'Day - Sing, Sing, Sing (Rsl Remix) #music


Universities, governance, professors.. Some collated points from H. Rosovsky.

On the coastal regions and the inland of China.

Ditch the space program altogether..? Nooo.. Space is fine. A good trigger for inno.


CNBC: "Most investors 'just aren’t prepared' for surging bond yields, fund manager warns"

Newer is usually better.. I'd much rather watch The Island than Logans Run

"New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced Thursday Plug Power will invest $290 million in the construction of a state-of-the-art green hydrogen fuel production facility [which] will produce 45 tons of green hydrogen daily. Construction is expected to begin this summer."


The Bernal sphere, the Stanford Torus, O'Neill Cylinder.. A lot of different names for the same thing. There must be excellent stories behind each 1 cld learn, had I had the time to dive in

The "planet chauvinism" comment by Isaac Asimov

Just look at FED GPDNow estimate.. As of 3/1 the estimate is 10% growth for Q1.

I am sure they use many base indicators to calculate this.. some widely known ones ISM PMI for ex. That's how I knew a month ago growth was coming.

"How can some people know GDP will grow?"

Better believe it ... See calc

"I can't believe H2 pipeline can transmit 10x faster than electrical grids"

"Hyzon Motors to Build United States’ Largest Fuel Cell Material Production Facility.. Hyzon Motors chooses Chicago Area as Location for High-Volume Fuel Cell Membrane Electrode Assembly (MEA) Production Line"

Jacobin: "Finland Had a Patent-Free COVID-19 Vaccine Nine Months Ago — But Still Went With Big Pharma. A team of leading Finnish researchers had a patent-free COVID-19 vaccine ready last May, which could have allowed countries all over the world to inoculate their populations without paying top dollar. Yet rather than help the initiative, Finland's government sided with Big Pharma — showing how a patent-based funding model puts profit over public health"

Gravity is the main issue. Must have a near-Earth gravity.

"Why not go to any ol' place in space and colonize?"

Started using an alternate browser on YouTube, wout logging to GOOG, works just fine. Recommendations, to the extent they worked before, continue to work, YT keeps track prev watched vids using browser cookie, wout knowing true ID. If I manually remove the cookie, the memory is gone, clean slate.

Report was prepared by H2 Council and McKinsey.

The council is made up of >100 companies, w some well-known names.

"Longer-term, a hydrogen pipeline network offers the most cost-efficient means of distribution. For example, pipelines can transmit 10 times the energy at one-eighth the costs associated with electricity transmission lines and have capex costs similar to those for natural gas. The industry can partially reuse existing gas infrastructure, but even newly constructed pipelines would not be cost prohibitive (assuming leakage and other safety risks are properly addressed). For example, we estimate the cost to transport hydrogen from North Africa to central Germany via pipeline could amount to about USD 0.5 per kg of H2 – less than the cost difference of domestic renewable hydrogen production in these two regions"


Air can be DIY compressed in plastic soda bottles, or any other regular item.

Just saw this kid, pumps 45 psi into PVC pipe through car tire valve and a hand pump, sealed one end with ball valve, once released the thing shot a nail with such power it went in the whole 3 inches into plywood... Dont try at home, jaw-jaw not war-war, etc but this stuff is no joke... Gases, liquids can be extremely efficient.

Gases, liquids are awesome.

DIY compressed air turbine from aerodynamics engineer

But there cld be true randomness present.. from outside actors, as in players in a big simulation, whose choices r independent of any self-contained stimuli.

A lot of random appearing stuff may not be random.. Chaos is similar, but in multiple dimensions, like weather. Its unpredictability stems tiny deviations causing large changes later, and we can never measure the tiny starting point effectively, even if we had the perfect formula describing everything.

Creating randomness deterministicallly, sure. Pseudorandom numbers are generated with algorithms, with the right code u can generate billions of numbers, before the sequence repeats itself.

H2->engine could even be more efficient than H2->electricity->engine.

"Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Engine & Turbocharger, Ltd (MHIET) is conducting tests on a pure hydrogen gas engine based on its four-stroke diesel and gas engine technology"


Reminder: Abt 1600 miles of H2 pipelines are already operational in US today. This is proven tech.

"What goes around comes around" while on a topic abt recycling. Not shabby #f24

The main Top Gear host Jeremy Clarkson's interest in HFCs is also well-known.

JM was cohost of the world famous car show Top Gear.

"THE GRAND Tour host James May has written about .. fuel cell electric vehicles .. in a piece for the Sunday Times Magazine"



The filibuster was never in the constitution, originated mostly by accident, and has historically been used to block civil rights. No legislatures on earth have a supermajority requirement because that’s stupid and paralyzing. It’s time to trash the Jim Crow filibuster"

Long-run consensus is still consensus!


219-212 , Biden $1.9T relief plan passes House.

Zero R 'yes' votes.

Two D 'no' votes"

(Dont try at home, works in some cases not in all)

$\theta \approx \sin\theta \approx \tan\theta = \partial y/\partial x$? Hot damn!

Indigo Swing - Swing Lover #music


UK vaccinated more than all of EU combined? First vaccine development was partly based in Germany! There are prod centers in Belgium! Were they shipping it all to Britain?

Nine great words in the English language; "I'm from the Government, and I'm here to help".

Gov can work..


I got vaccinated at the new FEMA site in Brooklyn today, and one thing I didn’t expect was just how good it would feel seeing the kind of mass public mobilization that’s been missing for the last year ...

The site is running like clockwork and just cranking through the vaccinations, must've done hundreds in the 15 mins I was there. Was staffed by a huge number of really delightful National Guard people from all over the country - the people who gave me my shot were from Georgia"

Our anatomy has largely remained unchanged in the past 300K years, so yes, human history is much longer.

Hah.. says "fig as old as humanity itself".. Another case of confusing agro history with real history. We lived thousands of years before this age.. doesnt that count? (Fig is only 5000 yrs old)

They have their stashhhhh, yeeeaaa.. they took their fill, they stashed it, now they want its value to be maintained for that stash. That's why they are "stans", and most are also "gold permabulls", is it called? Goldcucks? Sorry, goldbugs?

You have to wonder why so many millionaires, billionaires support Bitcoin..

The unemployment measurement problem was known at the FED, among the various branches, at highest levels. Another Komlos paper here talks about alternative measurements proposed by the officials themselves over the years.

Hey man, if it is possible to have SA rels wout the crazy stuff, Im all for it.

Retweeted by COS dam


The crown prince is a dangerous loose cannon"

Khasoggi act .. fits the overall pro dem, pro-human rights stance..

The Atlantic: "Mars Is a Hellhole. Colonizing the red planet is a ridiculous way to help humanity"
