
Github Mirror

Week 1

After Lee Smols, who is the second in command? I need a number two... I watched some of Cortez, some Cohen, all seem to be singing a slightly different tune... I need that hipster peppy, young scientist bursting with energy doodling some shit.

"Firms halt deliveries from UK to EU over Brexit border problems"

"Gates and Bezos-backed clean energy funds help power startup building hydrogen-fueled aircraft"

I mean it's a legitimate viewpoint to have, but why are these people in the Democratic "Left" Party?

"Sen. Joe Manchin Wants to Block You From Getting a $2,000 Check"

Getting geo pos in this webapp was a pain. I have it so js code get geo, dynamically updates href links, so server side gets geo in the URL. Who. Da. Man

"Lawrence Summers, the former Treasury Secretary under Bill Clinton, director of the National Economic Council under Barack Obama, president of Harvard, and Chief Economist at the World Bank, wrote a post-Christmas editorial for Bloomberg entitled, 'Trump’s $2000 Stimulus Checks are a Big Mistake.' It’s a classic"


That will of course mean less f-ing Clinton people around, like Summers

Latest inequality, Gini calculations with the latest data

2020-04-01    0.463
2020-07-01    0.460

There was slight decrease in the last quarter. Let's hope the trend continues, the Dem Prez reduces it faster, at the very least the damage done during Clinton years are reversed.

scipy was deployed wout probs at least, so I wont abandon Heroku for now... My spiffy new elevation interpolation now uses Rbf.

There are some ok tubers, to be fair...

Every tuber ever

Oh yeah? There's been some Tuber tantrums as of late?

During college this was my email alert sound for a while..

"Climate crisis: 2020 was joint hottest year ever recorded"

F..kin Heroku choked on geos, cartopy. Never truly bought into these managed enviroments... Nothing beats having own processing with its own conn

All this protest stuff took attention away from new appointees. That DHS appt doesn't look so good.

Electoral College is a beautiful system.

Learn it. Love it. Marry it.

It doesn't demonstrate shit. The inaug will still take place

"The protests demonstrate the fragility of democracy in US"

"Boeing to pay $2.5bn over 737 Max conspiracy. The firm is to pay[s] to settle US criminal charges over the 737 Max aircraft conspiracy"

IMO there'll be plenty of H2 to go around, carrying more energy than the old fossil based system, with some unexpected new exporters even.


Great estimate of UK Flag of United Kingdom offshore seasonal hydrogen energy storage capability by @jonafushi #PhD: '...order of magnitude greater than all known estimates for the [future] seasonal storage requirement.'"


Hawley and Cruz made a play for the Trump base, but it backfired

25th Amendment? Impeachment (again)?

I'd just let it go.. Not worth the trouble.

Im just kidding man... 🤣 🤣 🤣

Conceded? Losah! LOooooSSAaaah

"Capitol riot: Trump commits to 'orderly' transition of power. The president's speech comes as a police officer dies from injuries sustained during the Capitol riot"

"Merkel and Johnson Blame Trump for Riot, but Europe Also Expresses Hope"


Leadership matters.


To be clear.. The President of the United States asked and encouraged his supporters to do what they are doing right now"

Good kerkuffle

🤣 🤣 🤣

"Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Chuck Mike Grassley were escorted to a secure location"


Police officers are holding them steps away from the Senate chamber, which is locked. Senators are inside. I see a few confederate flags"


McConnell: 'The Constitution gives us here in Congress a limited role. We cannot simply declare ourselves a national board of elections on steroids'"

The $2000 check discussion ended up helping Dems IMO... They came across as more for it (w Biden 4 from the start, Bernie as its main defender), the party w WH and Senate cld not deliver. People dont know much, but they understand the difference between 'have money' and 'have no money'.

Warnock is from the same church where MLK preached 👍

It worked :) Great


2022 is going to have some many puppy/dog ads now"


Trump talking about firing everyone right now. Wray, Gina, etc. And wants to declassify everything - UFOs, JFK, all of it"

Better off fighting off the high Ph of Venus atmo, or build a Stanford Torus than doing all that monkey shit. Plus even if atmo was solvable, low grav is not, long-term, ur bones will still melt. These people are insane.

Dude "creating a magnetic field with a satellite, strategically placed to create magnetic field so Mars can keep an atmosphere?" MILLIONS IN YOUR COUNTRY DO NOT HAVE HEALTHCARE.

When I was a kid for a while I was obsessed with knife and axe throwing. Then learned u have to control the flip so the tip hits the target. Good skill to have, no?

"The data .. suggest [tax avoidance banning] efforts have been mostly unsuccessful. The share of US firms’ profits booked in low-tax locales keeps growing year after year ... The evidence is less comprehensive for non-US multinationals because the available data cover fewer years, but the trend seems to be the same. How can we explain this lack of success? The BEPS initiative does not attack the heart of the tax-dodging reactor. Firms are still supposed to exchange goods, services, and assets internally. The Big Four still manufacture transactions that have no market price. Transfer pricing accountants still have incentives to please their clients and certify as correct whatever arrangement will minimize their tax bill. In need of a Copernican revolution, we’ve been busy refining the Ptolemaic model of the heavens"

#TriumphOfInjustice #Zucman

"[T]he New Deal [is] perhaps the most progressive in world history. As we saw, it successfully taxed the wealthy for more than three decades—not only on paper, but in actual fact. By design, few people paid the 80%–90% top marginal income tax rates that prevailed from the 1930s through to the 1970s. But, all taxes included, effective tax rates for the very affluent exceeded 50%. Tax dodging was kept in check. ...[FDR] also spent time explaining why taxes mattered, appealing to morality, and shunning tax dodgers. 'Mr. Justice Holmes said, "Taxes are what we pay for civilized society" [the words inscribed above the entrance to the headquarters of the Internal Revenue Service in Washington, DC]. Too many individuals, however, want the civilization at a discount.'"

#TriumphOfInjustice #Zucman

"As Roosevelt’s message to Congress expresses clearly, the quasi-confiscatory top marginal income tax rates championed by the United States were designed to reduce inequality, not to collect revenue. Why would anyone try to earn more than a million dollars if all of that extra income went to the IRS? No employment contract with a salary above a million would ever be signed. Nobody would amass enough wealth to receive more than a million in annual capital income. The rich would stop saving after they reached that point. They most likely would give their assets to heirs or charities once they surpassed the threshold"

#TriumphOfInjustice #Zucman

Much more in that link, from other countries

"Since our most recent update September 2019, there has been a lot of progress in fuel cells for shipping applications. Below is an update on where fuel cells in shipping has progressed since our last update..

In November 2020, Doosan Fuel Cell announced it will be manufacturing SOFCs to power and propel ships built by Singaporean shipping company Navig8. The partnership will initially power a 50,000-ton ship. According to Doosan, Navig8 has around 140 global petrochemical and oil carriers that could potentially be decarbonized through the use of Doosan’s SOFCs"


"Senior Government sources said that while 'the balance of scientific advice' was still that the deadly virus was first transmitted to humans from a live animal market in Wuhan, an accident at the laboratory in the Chinese city was 'no longer being discounted'"


That young Congressman died just days before widespread vaccine availability (for gov at least)... Talk about bad luck.

A reminder

I dont understand why some still ignore the memo.

"Dfinity is building what it calls the internet computer, a decentralized technology spread across a network of independent data centers that allows software to run anywhere on the internet rather than in server farms that are increasingly controlled by large firms, such as Amazon Web Services or Google Cloud. This week Dfinity is releasing its software to third-party developers, who it hopes will start making the internet computer’s killer apps. It is planning a public release later this year.

Rewinding the internet is not about nostalgia. The dominance of a few companies, and the ad-tech industry that supports them, has distorted the way we communicate ... There are few places online beyond the reach of these tech giants, and few apps or services that thrive outside of their ecosystems"


Maan, Brexit drama is over, w some other suck ending.. What's fun to do now? Looking at naval movements in the Pacific?


CPJ welcomes UK decision not to extradite Julian Assange, urges DOJ to drop charges"

Hey I like the MAGA in the name, Make America Green Again

More objections to this article. Map / Reduce was a relatively recent invention, it's not merely "machine learning" it was an innovative way of parallelization of all data processing.

On the language front, 'we dont have sexy langs etc', but for IT, where you are just shifting bytes around and not computing much, that might not be a big loss. I mean how many different ways can you create a f-ing list? 🤷‍♂️ The work isnt all that challenging, outside scale, systems and some project management areas. Booch should know otherwise he wouldnt spend all that time with his boxes and arrows in his so-called methodologies

Uncle Don acted like corporatist sadly. In near past. But we got to see libs squirm and had some good TV.

"The US corporate tax rate was slashed from 35% to 21%. The consequence? Federal corporate tax revenues have fallen by almost half from 2017 to 2018.13 We’ll return at length to this development, but it’s worth recording here its most direct implication: low corporate taxes mean the ultra-rich, whose income mostly derives from owning shares in corporations, now really can get off almost scot-free"

#TriumphOfInjustice #Zucman

Oh no, not Uncle Joe

It's a new age now, of course, we all hope for the best, prep 4 the worst.

"[Reagan] had made overhauling taxation with dramatically lower tax rates the top domestic priority of his second term. On that 22nd of October 1986, about to sign into law the Tax Reform Act, he had reason to be joyful. Starting on January 1, 1988, the country that had pioneered the quasi-confiscatory taxation of high incomes would apply the lowest top marginal income tax rate in the industrial world: 28%. After three weeks of floor debates, the tax bill had passed ninety-seven to three in the Senate. Democrats Ted Kennedy, Al Gore, John Kerry, and Joe Biden all had enthusiastically voted 'Yes.' ... To this day, and although it is now widely recognized as one of the key contributors to the explosion of inequality, the bill is still fondly remembered by all those involved in its crafting"

#TriumphOfInjustice #Zucman

"A fear haunted the slaveholders of the South: that non-slaveholding majorities would use taxation to undermine—and eventually abolish—the 'peculiar institution.' They particularly feared wealth taxation: at a time when 40% of the population in Southern states was considered property, property taxes were an existential threat for slaveholding planters. They fought such taxes tirelessly, and for two centuries wielded their power to keep taxes and public institutions archaic. How? By stifling democracy"

#TriumphOfInjustice #Zucman

"It’s always possible to shrug off the risk of an entrenched plutocracy. To believe that whether a few super-rich own a large fraction of the country’s wealth is irrelevant. That America’s institutions are so strong that they cannot be captured by special interests. That from Boston to Los Angeles, democracy will always and forever beat plutocracy. And certainly, democracy has overcome plutocracy in the past. It triumphed over the slaveholding plutocracy of the South. It beat back the nascent industrialist plutocracy of the Gilded Age"

#TriumphOfInjustice #Zucman

"The second and primary culprit for the high tax rates paid by working-class Americans is consumption taxes. The United States may not have a value-added tax, but it has a proliferation of sales and excise taxes that, like a VAT, make prices higher. And there's a twist: in contrast to regular value-added taxes, US levies exempt most services, which the affluent consume at high rates as a percentage of their overall spending. This twist means that the consumption of the poor (goods) is taxed, while that of the rich (services) is largely exempted. The United States does not have a VAT; it has a poor man's VAT.

Do you enjoy going to the opera? No sales tax. Have a country club membership? No sales tax. Need a lawyer? No sales tax. But if you drive, dress, or buy appliances, sales taxes apply all the way"

#TriumphOfInjustice #Zucman

"Under business as usual, income concentration is likely to keep rising in the medium run thanks to a snowball effect: the wealthy save a higher fraction of their income than the rest of the population, which allows them to accumulate more wealth, which in turn generates additional income. For most of the twentieth century, progressive taxation and especially high tax rates on capital (as opposed to labor) had kept this spiral under control. But the tax changes of the last two decades have dismantled this safeguard"

#TriumphOfInjustice #Zucman

Of course free society will let you to live in your delusion and that's fine. But everyone who is in the know and their job is to know, needs to be aware.

An ethnic subculture that always stayed together, are geographically seperate, are culturally different and feel different is one thing...

The converse of that, spread out in many locations, geographically split, not in a cultural ghetto, not in a big enough group, it is not possible to remain a subculture.

It doesnt matter whatever fuck u think you are, you wont be it.

But yes, a lot of the "new" stuff is overrated, like Docker.

No new cool programming languages, or tech invented since 96..? Hmm.. Let's not forget CUDA (2006). It might not be a full-blown language, usually just extension to existing ones, not sleak in terms of syntax, but it was / is a new way of appoaching programming (with kernels etc). It gave rise to PyCuda, OpenCL, now Thrust..

IT guys do not deal with this part of computing much. In numerical computing bunch of things are happening... Speed records are being broken all the time, thanks to the new architectures.

This is mostly true

"But you can’t do research at a startup (I have the scars from trying). New technology takes a long time and is very risky. The sound business plan is to lever up with VC money, throw it at elite programmers who can wrangle the crappy current tech, then cash out. There is no room for technology invention in startups"


"Trucking Industry Comes Together for Mass-Market Deployment of Hydrogen Trucks

Through H2Accelerate, the industry will work together to create the conditions necessary to bring hydrogen fueled trucks to market"


Top reasons many researchers prefer hydrogen fuel vehicles over EVs ...



It's no secret that Virginia is divided, but it's not red vs. blue. It's the haves and the have-nots.

One side has the lawyers and the lobbyists, but Virginia needs a governor that'll fight for the rest of us.

I'm announcing my candidacy for Governor today"


I have the Zucman book.

The titles are all catchy and partly sad

They might be positioning themselves against, or at least to be on par to, a larger Anglo/US alliance.

Discovery, Disco, STD, still sucks. How can a show keep sucking and still remain on? I sense agenda

If a country has an ethnic subculture that always stayed together, are geographically seperate, are culturally different and feel different, they need their own country, or some sort of self-determination, not assimilation. Uygurs in China fit this description.

What was my New Year meal? Irish stew baby.. could not find Guiness but used another dark malt. Superb.

Pleasure - Joyous #music


LS ideas sound like more than a hidden variable viewpoint.. He posits an ENTIRE MUCKING STRUCTURE behind everything, not a few dimensions that are not seen

Locality is violated, so what? Think like a game programmer. If I am keeping track of all objects of the uni in a graph, I could put a direct link between two entangled objects; Alice and Bob. A property on that link could say "physical distance = 2 km" but my background processing doesnt care about that. The visualizer would care, that code when it renders "the world" looks at that property, and draws them 2 km apart. But this doesnt change the fact that in my code I can go from Alice to Bob in one hop (just follow pointer, O(1)). The speed of light, concepts like close, far is for the renderer... Space is emergent for the gamer, dude who plays.

If The Programmer is good (which "He" probably is) he would seperate the backg logic from his UI anyway. Whapush 😉

😶 😶 😶

"Do you think God plays dice?"

"I think it's probably much worse than that"


AFAIK time is unidirectional (no going back) and exists simply due to entropy which always increases (Hawking's A Brief History of Time). LS calls time essential, space is emergent. Events, relations, a graph of them, is real. We sense this structure as space in our minds (emergent). Future does not exist. There is one specific history.

LS: "The lesson I draw from these theories [like Barbour's] is that to extend quantum mechanics to a theory of the whole universe, we have to choose between space and time. Only one can be fundamental. If we insist on being realists about space—as Barbour and Gomes do—then time and causation are illusions, emergent only at the level of a coarse approximation to the true timeless description. Or we can choose to be realists about time and causation. Then, like Rovelli, we have to believe that space is an illusion.

There is much more that could be said about these recent non-realist and magical-realist perspectives. But the bottom line is that if your interest is pragmatic, and you want to use quantum theory to understand questions other than those arising from quantum foundations, any of these will serve to frame your calculations and the explanations you draw from them. But if you want to solve the measurement problem in a way that gives a detailed description of what goes on in an individual physical process, nothing but a realist description will do"

Heard about Barbour from @skdh vid, one Barbour lec touches on Leibniz, relations. Sounded like Lee Smolin, and indeed there is ref to Barb in Einstein's Unfinihed Revolution. He took some ideas from B

Nice, Mark Hamill

Actually since Luke is Jesus and the Empire is Rome, the dark side would be the ultimate patriarchy, but the libs are too effin dumb to see that. Go to your brunch, liberal 👋

Cuck Vader.

He/Him Darth Maul.


"Is the dark side globalist moderate cuck?". Good question

I read a fan post dude says he f--ing cried when he realized it was L Skywalker in that last ep of The Mandalorian.

"While it's one of the weirdest and coolest phenomena in physics, there is no way to use quantum entanglement to send messages faster than the speed of light"


Welcome to 2021 muthafukkas

Calibro 35 - Giulia Mon Amour


I realized there are some gems about "policy vs crass pollster" angle in George Stepahanapopopolloolololooloopopous book All Too Human. See the fights against the rabid pollster Dick Morris.

Eff what ppl say, look at what they do with their vote.

They r idiots.. what else is new? (but representative democracy still works).

"Even If It's 'Bonkers,' Poll Finds Many Believe QAnon And Other Conspiracy Theories"


😆 😆 😆


Glad I finally watched Tenet so I can leave it in 2020 with all the other bad stuff"

Critics are short-changing Kong: Skull Island. We can't expect to see an exact remake of the original King Kong everytime. They got a fem lead kinda looking like Jessica Lange but not exactly the same? WTH?

This movie is about war mongering. Better mov also IMO. The humans go to an island accompanied by a military escort who is headed by a colonel unhappy the Vietnam War ended (1973). He carries the war with him to the island. Roles reversed now, the big ape is defending (kinda like the Vietnamese were defending their home turf?), where the humans are invading. And the enemy this time was something far worse.

Thievery Corporation - Satyam Shivam Sundaram (Featuring Gunjan)



Dear Fellow Golden State Residents! Help CA stop the spread. Join me and head to today for exposure alerts & how you can help get CA back on our feet. It won't track your location, and it's completely anonymous. #CAnotify #addyourphone"

It is subjectively important bcz ppl subjectively do "emotional accounting" at year level.. and since many ppl do it, tho subjective it may be, it makes the turn of the year objectively important.

But I appreciate the subversion of expectations, the quicky-contra 😉

"The year is just a number its not important"

Then if Senate leadership is not codified in law, I guess party discipline is playing a role in keeping everyone in line? People follow the precedent (and the leader) bcz they dont want to incur the party's wrath. But the leader also has to watch his coalition, he couldn't just willy nilly do stuff, bring anything for a vote.. He himself is also elected by his party members.

"Under the rules, all senators are essentially equal. That is, no senator is more powerful than another. However, the majority leader is clearly considered to be the most powerful senator today. This perception is based on his ability to make motions to proceed to legislation and nominations and to fill the so-called amendment tree (i.e. offer the maximum allowable number of amendments to legislation to block senators from offering their own amendments). Both are based on his ability to be recognized first by the Senate’s Presiding Officer. But the leader’s preferential recognition and, by extension, his ability to make motions to proceed to bills and nominees and his ability to fill the amendment tree, are grounded only in precedent. And the leader’s power in these areas is perpetuated simply by senators’ continued deference to the majority leader to wield them however he chooses"


Trade if you must, buy if you need, but nothing beats highly localized networks which have dense interlocking know-how. This is why advanced countries are advanced. Pfizer/BioNTech develops drug with cooperation, but they are at the center of that cooperation and their chief scis are based in Germany. The cooperation part is secondary, and moot.

Of course they are. Both are major exporters.

"China and Germany are pro-globalization"

He is powerful bcz other Senators defer to him. This power doesnt seem to be based on anything legally binding.

"McConnell is powerful. He blocks everything"