
Github Mirror

Week 53

Happy new year muthafukkas

Argentina Legalizes Abortion, a Milestone in a Conservative Region

Hey Michael Irby from The Unit. Good actor.


Expanse is at its best when it is showing off all that cool tech... The horizontal / vertical elevator was awesome. It goes reeally fast than all of a sudden goes vertical? Sweet.

My alma-mater prided itself for being an engineering school with a strong humanity bent. You had to take lots of classes from humanities, which all students playfully called Hum. Hummmm... which bothered some Hum teachers, one used to tease us for the use of the word. "Are you happy with your Hummmm?".

Well anyway, one of my Hum classes was changes tech causes on society. The Internet had not made it to the textbooks yet, but the so-called client-server IT had been in use for a while, like the "groupware" Lotus Notes, and they could analyze some of that. Groupware lets you schedule meetings, etc obviously. You could see everyone's schedule, and schedule meeting accordingly. I'll never forget one case where an exec would preemptively block out almost all spots in his calendar, bcz he didnt want people to schedule meetings with him, willy nilly.

You see, the introduction of tech in this picture didnt really change anything. People fought it, and it did not create "a new way of working" either... This was a good lesson. I guess I was already on the way of writing this dinky stuff I write today.. 3W tech can disturb, and may not alter "everything" wout correct social infrastructure.

E Blunt could pull off Black Widow though..

Wut? They almost had the the guy from the Tom Clancy show playing C America? They made a good choice.. CA needs to be a little square. Evans is better square.

Teeka Tiwari, the "legendary investor", bought one long-ass ad time to sell me blockchain. A for effort.

The Speaker of the House in front of a chatroom doesnt get you "the future". Tech wout the correct backdrop may not always cause advance.

A long-winded way of describing a meme

🤣 🤣 🤣

"[T]he subject matter of his artistry often revolving around relationships have had widespread impact on social media through photo captions commonly used to reference emotions or personal situations (italics mine)"


Another Cal recall in the works? Dam.

Lota ppl are upset over there..


@GavinNewsom recall gets a $500,000 infusion from an Irvine-based consulting firm...and 50K from a Sequioa Capital partner"

Riz Ortolani - I Travestiti #music



I’m not giving up on SF yet, but something has to be done and soon about local politics here. This city is eating itself"


Unfortunately UK media is giving citizens & businesses the impression that disruption will be averted because of Boris's Brexit Deal.

They are in for a rude awakening on Friday. The lorry back-up, for instance, will still happen because of customs checks"

"The cost of X fuel, Y fuel" is not a good way to argue for or against any energy solution. If something is feasible engineering-wise, you can make it affordable. Is oil cheap to produce? Its companies received trillions in subsidies in the past that made this fuel possible. Tech is subsidized, you are paying locals, you are paying to CIA to stir shit up in the region so u can get oil.... All bcz powers that be wanted this fuel be possible, and it became possible. Obviously engineering, chemical-wise it had certain properties that made it optimal. That is the starting point.

"The middle" is something that emerges out of you being where you are, and the other guy being where he is. You dont "try" to be the middle.

If u preemptively chase the middle it will run away, go further to right. You'll be like that dog chasing its own tail, never reaching it.

But the cobmunchers, in Wash, at MSM already know this well, dont they? That's why they keep asking for it knowing it will push the entire spectrum towards the right.

"We should meet the other guy in the middle"

You could just take Mirai's fuel-cell and use it for an airplane? Good to know.

A summary of developments in math, CS; 2020 was a great year for these researchers.


"[R]esearchers have designed and synthesized an effective material for speeding up one of the limiting steps in extracting hydrogen from alcohols. The material, a catalyst, is made from tiny clusters of nickel metal anchored on a 2D substrate. The team led by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory's (Berkeley Lab) Molecular Foundry found that the catalyst could cleanly and efficiently accelerate the reaction that removes hydrogen atoms from a liquid chemical carrier. The material is robust and made from earth-abundant metals rather than existing options made from precious metals, and will help make hydrogen a viable energy source for a wide range of applications"


I have a feeling the Jews from America who "returned" have a lot to do with that settlement activity bcz as Americans they are playing Cowboys and Indians with the locals (some of whose ancestors were probably true ancient Jews from the region) and have a frontier mentality. They had their PM in Netan who speaka Americanese (better than his Hebrew apparently)

I want Israel to exist of course.. the arrivees were mostly European and they have lots to give to the region, in terms of science, work habits etc.

My favorite part from Pappe is this:

The myth insists that the Jews who arrived in 1882 were the descendants of the Jews expelled by the Romans around 70 CE. The counterargument questions this genealogical connection. Quite a hefty scholarly effort has shown that the Jews of Roman Palestine remained on the land and were first converted to Christianity and then to Islam

So the Jews who "came back" to Israel are not the people "who left"?

And actually there was no leaving? Bloody hell.. But then who the hell are all these Jews who are "coming back" to Israel? They must be like Madonna, enthused by Kaballah or whatever (I so wanna try that) and their children's children are these Jews who are "returning".

Some even converted for tactical reasons, Asimov:

About 600 C.E., the Khazars, lived in what is now southern Russia. They established an empire that reached its peak about 750 C.E., [and] about that time, the Khazars adopted Judaism as the stat religion, [probably] to keep from falling under the influence of either the Byzantine Christians or the Arab Moslems

ROFL. Where is the culture? Where is "heritage"? You convert to tactical reasons? And some of the descendants of these people come to the region and push Palestenians off their land? Dam.

Yoshinori Sunahara - Hypnotize #music


Here's a simple way that can happen.. Let's say u dont want to wait for 1, 2, or 8 hrs to charge. Then u say "we'll just have a swap mechanism, u give your empty one, get a charged one". Right there, you just doubled the amount of lithium needed bcz on top of the lithium needed for cars, now u need just as much lithium for bats that are waiting, offline to be picked up in case of a swap.

"But doubling the usage of lithium for transport does not seem likely, we can make do with what we have"

The science


One of those canisters could be charged in 10 minutes BTW. Most e-bikes on the market I see require hours of recharging with meager range.

Lavo Bike?

Lavo BBQ?



Energy reqs of some household items

Lavo storage unit has;

Great H2 storage company LAVO whose tech turns renewable fuel into a long-term storage mechanism.

Death came a knocking- Ruthie Foster #music


FRED graph, 3-month treasury and FEDFUNDS differential.

When the difference is out of whack, it can be a signal things are about to go kaboom.

Since IR is a short term rate, it would be logical to assume the instrument that is effected by IR the most can be a predictor of it. This is the 3-month treasury bill, something the market constantly votes on with their money. The paper below suggests 3-month treasury price has some predictive value.

"This paper shows that the spread between the 3-month Treasury bill and the federal funds rate has significant predictive power for the future change in the federal funds rate during the volatile nonborrowed reserves operating regime, but it has less and no predictive power during the borrowed reserves regime and the federal funds targeting regime, respectively. These findings suggest that Treasury bill rates forecast future federal funds rates most accurately when the Federal Reserve follows a well-defined rule that does not smooth the impact of shocks on the federal funds rate"


Runoff elections and race

But guess what, BJ agreed to it.

NI will stay in the EU single market for goods and will continue to enforce EU customs rules at its ports. This will .. create a new 'sea border' with the rest of the UK


"[N]o UK prime minster could ever agree to it," Theresa May had said [about an earlier text the commission have published] "which would, if implemented, undermine the UK common market and threaten the constitutional integrity of the UK by creating a customs and reg border down the Irish Sea".


5 times the storage capacity, 1/10th the cost of Lithium batteries. If this #LAVO Hydrogen energy breakthrough flies, the #GreenNewDeal #MetaLoop city de-carbonisation revolution just got a whole lot more real"


Supernatural ended.. After 15 years! Great show... I bet it was inspired by Constantine when it first started.

Fast, fast... Lots o' particles simulated through the GPU..