
Github Mirror

Week 47

"'Normal Christmas out of the question,' says Trudeau as Toronto imposes lockdown

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on Friday that Canada's hospital system could be overwhelmed by a possible quadrupling of new Covid-19 cases by year end"

"The Labour Party’s Membership Is in Revolt Against Keir Starmer. Last night, the grassroots campaign to reinstate Jeremy Corbyn’s whip reached fever pitch"

Pino Shamlou - Connaction #music


Old is Good, given the half-baked state of our transition today.

"But solutions like Medicare-for-All sound too old. Like last-century old".

WaPo: "Apple is lobbying against a bill aimed at stopping forced labor in China"

"Brazil’s Recent Election Was a Blow to Jair Bolsonaro"

Jacobin: "Meatpacking Bosses in Iowa Allegedly Organized a Betting Pool on How Many Workers Would Get COVID"

"A series of high-profile defaults involving state-owned enterprises in China — normally a safe pick for investors — have jolted the credit market and rattled investors"


The airline industry says flying is almost zero risk in #covid19.. The researchers studying the spread of the disease on airplanes say something different"


Obviously a country who has a say on the passage on a rule of law measure which could hurt it, would not give ok to the said rule of measure. But I m sure the proposers knew that already #eu #poland

Chris Joss - Highway 75


Ol' Dirty Bastard - Sussudio #music



My generation’s standards for entertainment were so much lower than our kids’:

'Daaaaad, I’m bored.'

'Well, here then, take this piece of shit and I’ll see you in nine hours.'"


A Trump-appointed judge just dismissed what he called a 'creative' lawsuit asking to block certification of the vote in Georgia, in what an Assistant AG called a bid to roll back the clock to Jim Crow"


Tax evasion, tax avoidance, tax competition are not laws of nature, they are policy choices"

WSJ: "BuzzFeed to Acquire HuffPost in Stock Deal With Verizon Media"


BREAKING: The Secretary of the Navy announces intention to create a new numbered fleet in the Indian Ocean, U.S. 1st Fleet"


Engineering and electronics brand, @BoschGlobal is about to start trials of a hydrogen-fed fuel-cell powertrain they have developed. Production is set to begin in 2022–2023"

Leadership. You gotta fill in the blanks, nam sayin? Do the deed. Dot the i's... Do the work ordinary citizens dont want to do (and cant effin do, lets be honest).

Prices fell afterwards, especially in telecom.

"2011 social protests and the fall of holding group tycoons. After mass demonstrations in 2011 that brought hundreds of thousands of Israelis onto the streets countrywide — it was estimated at the time that the ten biggest business groups controlled 41 percent of the market value of public companies — the Knesset passed the Law for Promotion of Competition and Reduction of Concentration in 2013"


"2011 Israeli social justice protests ... [let to r]evelations of funding from specific left-wing individuals and organizations like S. Daniel Abraham and the New Israel Fund. Maariv journalist Kalman Libeskind claimed that the spontaneous protests had actually been three months in the planning by Stan Greenberg and orchestrated by left-wing organizations and the National Left"


I thought more capitalism would get you better service, it was a "no-brainer".

Dayen, Monopolized: "In 2014, Jet Blue decided it would zig while the industry zagged. CEO David Barger declared that his company would be the quality airline, with roomy, comfortable seating, free checked bags, and fast Wi-Fi. For Barger, the announcement aligned JetBlue with its founding principles: he had been there from the beginning, helping design the company’s 'service-oriented' culture. 'I think you can be profitable without gouging the traveling public,' Barger told a local paper.

But stock analysts hated the idea. They beat up Barger for being 'overly concerned' with customers rather than shareholder returns. And they eventually ran him out of town. Two months after Barger stepped down, JetBlue rolled back the legroom and raised fees on baggage and Wi-Fi. Analysts parceled out the 'improvements' to the penny. Charging a baggage check fee would add 26¢ a share; charging for Wi-Fi would add another 9¢. Springing fees on customers 'might hurt JetBlue in the media,' wrote Cowen and Co. analyst Helane Becker in a research note, but 'the revenue benefit to the company would probably trump any customer push back.'

The episode reflects how, after government deregulation, Wall Street has taken control of the airline industry and demanded oligopolistic conformity"

TP is Trump-Pence oddly enough

Maybe after January Trump will run around DC shocking random people with his Cornolio act.

"TP for your bunghole!"

Decathlon sells "ponchos" but their prods are "chique wilderness", they dont work well. It's fine, I have my fucking 3 Eur PVC raincoat now, and am very happy with it.

Bought a raincoat for 3 Eur from a store that sells items to workers in bulk. Literally a fucking PVC material, single piece, w some buttons on front, that's it. I could not find a simple fucking raincoat at the stores that are in shiny malls.

First blogged abt mayavi 12 years ago apparently.. Damn it's been a long time

Who is doing this scene then? Mcanenenany?

From the movie My Cousin Gulliani

via @Acyn


The real looting in America is the Walton family becoming $63 billion richer during a pandemic, while paying wages so low that 14,541 of their workers in 9 states need food stamps - all subsidized by U.S. taxpayers. Yes. The Walton family is the real welfare queen in America"

Pompeo stayed loyal to Trump, even with this election stuff, then after the election loss he made a huge intl trip visiting places in a way that would appeal the evangelicals. F24 is suggesting he is planning a 2024 run. He can get the one-time Trump voters and religious right.

Crafty little guy! 🦉 🦉 🦉

Duke Heitger - Swingin' on the Famous Door #music



What happens when people stop subscribing to print newspapers and everyone buys everything online: 'Corrugated cardboard makes up as much as a third of the paper entering recycling plants from homes in big metro areas, up from 5% a few years ago.'"


200 years ago, the average American ate only 2 lbs. of sugar a year. Today, the average American consumes 156 lbs of sugar in one year. This is equal to 3 pounds a week"

Mayavi.. say hello to daddy

Ok... Too many glutSolidSphere calls slows things down.. #opengl

Russian media is busy with an idea that dipshits in Tiggerland became Britain's playthings in a Great Game Part II (albeit with less "great" actors such as the UK). They are being used to bother / disturb the Russia, EU, Greece, even Cyprus for the fear that if things calmed down there the local UK bases would be called into question. Interesting theory.


This is an important message that bears repeating. Politicizing #electionsecurity makes it harder to secure our elections and more difficult to counter foreign efforts to interfere in them"

He did base jumping too apparently, which is "an acronym for [b]uilding, [a]ntenna, [s]pan and [e]arth, the four categories of object from which people jump"

Fantastic wing design.


"'Jetman' Vincent Reffet dies in training accident"


A lot of politics in this song...

"♪♬ Now I'm stocking shirts in the Wal-Mart store ♪

♪♬ Just like the ones we made before

♪ 'Cept this one came from Singapore

♬ I guess we can't make it here anymore

♪♬ Should I hate a people for the shade of their skin

♬ Or the shape of their eyes or the shape I'm in

♪♬ Should I hate 'em for having our jobs today

♪♬ No I hate the men sent the jobs away"

James McMurtry - We Can't Make It Here


Jacobin: "Joe Biden Is Freezing Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren Out of His Cabinet"

Warren endorser

"Jaime Harrison Is Likely to Be the Next DNC Chair"

She sounds like a closer.

AOC: "But we also learned that progressive policies do not hurt candidates. Every single candidate that co-sponsored Medicare for All in a swing district kept their seat. ... If you’re not door-knocking, if you’re not on the internet, if your main points of reliance are TV and mail, then you’re not running a campaign on all cylinders. I just don’t see how anyone could be making ideological claims when they didn’t run a full-fledged campaign"


EU is funding this too?

"Space@Sea (@SpaceAtSea) [is a] @EU_H2020 funded research project focusing on multi-use floating islands"



World record drone flights. So a 6-liter tank of liquid #hydrogen beats 16 liters of gasoline by nearly 20 percent"



Twitter wants to be Instagram (fleets/stories)

Instagram wants to be TikTok (Reels redesign)

TikTok wants to be, uh, not banned

Facebook wants to be Reddit (Groups/subs)

Substack wants to be Medium (Medium wants to be whatever it wasn't 18 months ago)

what else?"

(Updated my act)

Me and Heather like to eat granola

Kaleefornia 👍

"California is trying to jump-start the hydrogen economy"



This Senate hearing looks like the tale of a marooned lighthouse keeper and the robot butler he built to stave off loneliness"


Why has inequality grown? Hubmer, Krusell & Smith have an answer: 'We find that the significant drop in tax progressivity starting in the late 1970s is the most important driver of the increase in wealth inequality since then'"


$R$ is increasing for US, and it was never below 1. Code here.

Undermining trust in democracy is not cool. As with many other things this is a leadership fail.

"Poll: 70 percent of Republicans don't think the election was free and fair"

"Biden confirmed that Article 5 of the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty will be applied to the defense of Okinawa Prefecture and the Senkaku Islands. Article 5 stipulates that the U.S. is obliged to defend Japan should its territories come under attack. ... Chinese vessels have been sighted near the islands"

One of its designers call the Intel 386 instruction set as "baroque" 😆

Yes, the instruction set is simpler, and then bunch of companies jumped on the bandwagon bcz of the clean design, and it snowballed from there.

Risc-V is of course open source.

"RISC-V is a new free and open instruction set architecture (ISA) developed at UC Berkeley, initially designed for research and education, but is now increasingly being used for commercial designs"

Politics is rough ...

It's cold

"In two new studies, researchers have used microwaves to produce hydrogen from plastic waste and water, respectively. ...

In the new process, the researchers pulverize plastic in a kitchen blender, mix it with a catalyst made of iron oxide and aluminum oxide, and then zap it with microwaves at 1000 Watts. The microwaves trigger the catalyst particles to strip over 97 percent of the hydrogen from plastic in seconds ...

[For water the] technique involves blasting a ceramic oxide with microwaves, which removes oxygen from the material and increases its electrical conductivity. The activated ceramic material then spontaneously reacts with water that is passed over it, forming hydrogen and oxygen, which reoxygenates the ceramic so it can be reused.


Marketwatch: "Cummins, Navistar to develop hydrogen fuel cell-powered heavy truck"


Tom Jones - Black Betty #music


"The creator of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine says life could return to normal by next winter"

LOHC+ as a H2 carrier is no newsflash for govs who know what's going on.. I've seen docs out of DE, they are all over this shit. EU in general too. That's what you want... Knowledgable people toiling away in obscurity and preparing.


People need to stop using the word 'progressives' incorrectly. What alternate universe has McAuliffe made 'inroads' with progressives"



"How real-time geolocation data could help your train run on time"

CNBC: "An $11 trillion global hydrogen energy boom is coming"

There are a handful of new covid cases in South OZ and the PM is having a press conference about it

"President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team has recruited a who’s-who of Wall Street critics to help launch his administration, the latest indication that the days of light-touch bank regulation under President Donald Trump are coming to an end"



So tired of hearing Pfizer didn’t get money from the Fed’s when they got a 1.95 Billion [dollar] 'advance purchase' agreement. Soooo, yes they damn well did get federal funding and because they had $2bn of free cash they could go nuts on R&D knowing they already pre-sold 100m doses"

It feels like every DIY tuber uses the same goofy background music while they make stuff.

Obviously cover of another famous song


Hugo Strasser - Black Night #music


E! News: "Influencer Dies Of COVID-19 After Telling Followers It 'Doesn't Exist'"

Not sure whether RCEP is good or bad for the respective middle-classes of all those RCEP countries, but the exclusion of US is strategically significant.

Perfect timing too with US being in a funk.

US of course pulled out of the TPP with Trump in 2017.

US excluded!

"RCEP: Asia-Pacific nations sign world’s biggest trade pact. The China-backed RCEP deal excludes the US and will account for 30 percent of the world’s economy and population"


I can see how some HKers can fall into "expat nationalism". HK folk aren't exactly expats (from the mainland) in the usual sense but some could see themselves that way. And a lot of expats overseas who "left the country and always plan to come back one day" do confuse their nostalgia with analysis, since they dont live in the "home country" either, they do not see all that's going on inside, so develop a blind romantic attachment. Could be the issue here.

People dont like Jackie Chan anymore in Hong Kong? I was wondering abt that, JC's bio sounded like he could devolve into a Ch nationalism, and apparently he did.


"Trump [has] largely achieved their goal of choking off the flow of unauthorized immigrants into the United States — especially families from Central America, many of whom come with the intention of requesting asylum. ....

But the coronavirus has given the U.S. its most robust tool yet for repelling asylum-seekers. An order signed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in March ... prohibited the entry of unauthorized immigrants from Mexico in the name of public health. The order gave border agents the authority to simply expel them. In the months since, 200,000 migrants have been expelled, either to Mexico or to their home countries. None have been given the opportunity to request asylum or explain why they believed they would be persecuted if they returned to their homelands.

The combination of international agreements, health concerns and new tactics has effectively shut the border. So far, none of the elements in the administration’s new 'waterproof fabric' have been overturned in court or become the subject of public uproar, as family separation did in 2018"


Theo James is a good lead. How It Ends was a perfectly watchable movie.

That's wild.

I can see how such a carrier would be sub (!) optimal, every ounce of air in a sub is bought with a certain weight penalty; but I appreciate the attempt. Creative.

"Underwater Aircraft Carriers: Imperial Japan’s Secret Weapon"


Got a solution for traffic fumes...

Dont know what to do abt the f-ing farmers.

"New Delhi’s air pollution typically worsens in October and November due to farmers burning off stubble in surrounding states, traffic fumes"


New Delhi, is covered with smoke, just saw on France 24


America’s rising death tolls are a lagging indicator of infections from September and early October. The worst may be yet to come"

BBC: "the government is set to announce it will bring 2040's ban [on fossil fuel cars] forward by a decade"


@BernieSanders to @chrislhayes just now

'We need an alternative media'"

Bill Clinton was the first black President? I thought that was Obama...

Then I guess Obama was the second first black President

😆 😆 😆

I killed it with that one. Oh yeah.


This is purely anecdotal, and I don't want to jinx it, but I don't think I've ever in my life gone this long without getting a cold. I haven't been sick once this year. Maybe we should have been wearing masks all along"

K.. maybe the new Kingsman too.

Yes that is a cap with Volkswagen logo. Bcz he was "Van Wilder"

Ryan Reynolds. This guy.

Nearly all upcoming action movie trailers suck. Even the Ryan Reynolds movie looks better.