
Github Mirror

Week 41


We show that European countries and Europe as a whole are more equal than the US

The question is: why?

We take a fresh look at this [below]"



The Google v Oracle ruling will be hugely consequential for software development. Even if the Supreme Court finds fair use, that may be small comfort for startups that can't afford to litigate to protect their right to reimplement APIs"

Design of a floating platform. Foam is surrounded by concrete, further supported by steel. Foam supplies the low density (gives volume minus weight), concrete makes sure the water never gets in. Solid design.

"War [as in culture], as rhetoric, emphasizes the clash rather than the cause. If you can move the conversation toward the war itself, you might give people permission to forget why the battle is being waged in the first place. And you might be able to shift the terms of the discussion away from the sweeping failures of the federal government and toward the familiar reductions of the culture war. You can erode the matter down to the basics of 'personal responsibility' versus 'governmental intrusion'"

Design around the shortcomings. No system component is perfect.

Dont put them into a ward then.

"False positives [from quick tests] can .. put people at risk [??]: If a virus-free nursing-home resident with a false positive is placed in a COVID-19 ward, that person could become infected"

Just the flu

"We’ve seen very healthy, young, athletic, strong people get COVID-19 and die, or end up with long-term disability,' says Akiko Iwasaki, a Yale immunologist. College athletes have died from the disease. Some long-haulers, who have dealt with months of symptoms, were marathon runners and martial artists who have since struggled to walk up stairs'"


New guy at work started posting 'good morning' every day in our 4000 person general channel like it's his family whatsapp I'm so angry"

TOP500. No computer system from Anatolia made the cut? HPC software doesn't run on donkeys my friend.

Not too shabby, but to put it into perspective, Russia held 1688 trillion cubic feet of proven gas reserves as of 2017.

"Zohr gas field.. is an offshore natural gas field located in the Egyptian sector of the Mediterranean Sea.. The total gas in place in 30 trillion cubic feet"

Convert it to H2, I might be fine with it.

Top hardware is deployed looking for fossil shit.

"According to the TOP500 list, HPC5 is the sixth most powerful supercomputer in the world, the highest ranked in Europe and the overall leader among non-governmental systems... The performance level of this computer means it can use extremely sophisticated in-house algorithms to process subsoil data. The geophysical and seismic information we collect from all over the world is sent to HPC5 for processing. Using this data, the system develops extremely in-depth subsoil models, and on the basis of these, we can determine what is hidden many kilometres below the surface: indeed, this is how we found Zohr, the largest gas field ever discovered in the Mediterranean"


Not just powerful enough, RPi can be desktop out-of-the-box.

Take the SD card (with OS on it), stick it in. Connect RPi to HDMI monitor. Connect USB keyboard / mouse. Boom! Right there, you have now a desktop environment, welcoming you. User can click on icons, use spreadsheet, edit programming languages, view videos, right away. All through a light, tiny board.

"You say RPi can replace desktop machine. Do you mean it is powerful enough to do that?"


“The next generation of kids isn't going to be building on AWS. Once they find out it requires far less code to create a hyper scalable internet service, they’re going to write code and push it to the internet," says @dominic_w at #SODIUM"

"Negative opinions about China soared to record highs for nine out of 14 countries polled, according to a survey by Pew Research Center"

"Mariah Carey for V Magazine: 'We’ve been socialized to believe that poverty is a personal failure rather than our systems failing us'"

"The House Judiciary subcommittee on antitrust determined Facebook wields monopoly powers in social network and has maintained its position by acquiring, copying or killing its competitors, according to a report the group released on Tuesday.

The report from the Democratic majority staff, which also addresses antitrust concerns regarding Amazon, Apple, Google parent-company Alphabet, recommends that Congress review a series of potential remedies. This includes “structural separation,” which could require the companies to split parts of their businesses. For instance, Facebook could be forced to divest or operationally separate photo-sharing service Instagram and messaging app WhatsApp, both of which it acquired"


"Covid-19: French saliva test proves effective in ‘real-world’ conditions"


"A Canada charity gave $7,500 to homeless people, here’s what happened... According to their recently published findings, the group that got cash spent less days homeless than the others, moved into stable housing in an average of three months, and nearly 70 percent of them became food secure after a month"



UK parliamentary committee finds 'clear evidence of collusion' between #Huawei and Chinese Communist Party"

"GenCell Energy, a leading Israel-based manufacturer of fuel cell energy solutions,today announces that a Tier One telecom provider has deployed its first GenCell G5 hydrogen fuel cell-based long-duration backup solution at an active cell tower site in Europe"

"UK Seizes $13 Million in Unexplained Wealth From Businessman .. In what is being described as a landmark case, the U.K.’s National Crime Agency, NCA, relied on an Unexplained Wealth Order to seize millions in property and assets from a businessman with alleged ties to organized crime"


ToScA ~OroZco (Dubphonic Dub) #music


Q2 US Private Debt to GDP was at 191%?

2019-10-01    167.132869
2020-01-01    173.931116
2020-04-01    191.103939



The access to loitering munition and their prolific use in the NK conflict should be a wake up call for DoD, USAF and the Army: Air superiority definitions may need to change"

DJT net approval back down to -10%. If this continues throughout Oct I call it a sure lose.

Sure. Just like state colleges compete with private ones today.

"If enacted the government wld be creating 'the school' digitally and be competing with other commercial schools, universities"

It's plenty! I have this course stored on my hard drive, and it takes 2.5 GB with 20+ videos, code, lecture notes in PDF.

Disk space is cheap. In fact disk space is the first thing that went ultra-cheap in the computing revolution.

"But is 64 GB disk space enough?"

I cannot stress this enough. That little RPi board has a full blown Linux on it, it can run Python, or any language, browser, spreadsheet, any program that can run on a notebook, desktop.

Let's create an ed machine. RPi can be a desktop / notebook replacement.

Raspberry Pi $35.

Micro Sd Card 64 GB $20.

7 inch 1024*600 LCD HDMI monitor $70.

Wireless keyboard + mouse combo, $25.

This is a full-blown computer for ~ $140. I belive monitors can be had for cheaper, if the buyer was buying in bulk.

Every kid will need a personal tablet / notebook of course.

Even if Internet was available everywhere, I'd still implement synch feature. Student syncs their lecture content with central, or a closer school server. They need to have all necessary files with them.

Once "classes" turn into just content and a few administrators, you could house regional, town level servers, which can be clones of the central DoEd server. Individual schools can get the classes they need on smaller disks to distribute them to kids at schools / homes. Student goes to a "data access point", gets his "class" and either goes home, or school (if possible by this point due to pandemic).

"Not every school can have distance learning, bcz they dont have Internet"

It makes total sense, for gigantic amount of data, hauling hard drives can be faster.

Respect the offline. The physical. The classical.

"Yes, today's speediest internet connections make it faster to download movies than to go to the store and buy them. But downloading or uploading truly large amounts of data can still take days, months, or even years—think a film studio's entire video archives or the satellite imagery collections of government agencies. That lag is a problem for Amazon, which wants companies to store their information in its lucrative cloud. But it's also a natural one for Amazon—a logistics company at heart—to solve. So this week the company announced one of its strangest ideas yet: a tractor trailer that will transport your data to Amazon's own data centers. (Insert information superhighway joke here.)"


They cannot do it at a scale government can. Gov already has access to best researchers through their grant programs. They can make ed content a requirement as part of a grant process. Plus there is the aspect of "your country needs you". I think a lot of good teachers would go for that, even select teachers outside the university system.

"There are commercial, virtual universities who do this"

YT content is just too fragmented to create a digital school with. For every country / language, lecturer need to be identified, for each subject, get a content creator / programmer assigned to, and have them generate a course.

"But Feynman videos are on YouTube now, they are also many other good teachers on vid. Can't students just go to YouTube?"

No bcz he won't be responsible for teaching an entire class anymore. Won't have any administrative work, all he'll have to do is to show up, be around, and handle certification if a student asks for it which will be rare. Certifier will know a particular lecture content (he himself is certified on) inside and out of course, so in effect he is also a student, just a more experienced one. This is very important, this person will not deliver a lecture. Richard Freaking Feynman is your teacher now, or whowever is at his caliber nowadays, on a given course. There is always that freak of nature who is part teacher part researcher, equally awesome on both. Gov finds that guy / gal, gets the content, so a poor student won't have to settle with Bob Buttfuck from Bumblefuck, they'll have the best on video, in lecture materials as PDFs, offline viewable HTML with animation etc.

"So your proposal on ed creates 'a certifier' and does away with teachers. Certifier will sit in classrooms, will be able to answer questions. But will s/he not be overloaded?"

Edwin Starr - Easin' In #music


SS is responsible for foreign policy, its intent, execution, and one clear adminstrative work they do is running the embassies. And spies usually assume a diplomat cover, and/or need the embassy as a go-through point. Ergo, SS can allow / deny certain individuals, spies perhaps in a country, influencing intelligence ops in that country, effecting on-the-ground events. SecState matters.

"How can a SecState influence events on the ground? As in underhanded stuff"

Baraka.. what a wuss. I could whoop that ass up and down the block any day of the week.

We all look like Sub Zero from Mortal Kombat these days.

😎 😎 😎

Projections - Inner City Sides #music



Season 7 writer’s room on a political show: 'lets have a pandemic break out! Like, a real, world-wide one. And then, let’s give the PRESIDENT the disease. I mean, we can go anywhere from there. Oh and the disease’s name should have numbers in it to make it sound futuristic.'"


Did you know that Germany has by far the largest #hydrogen production capacity in the #EU (2,5 Mt, or 21% of the total)"

It is concoction. Theather. Look; someone like Tucker Carlson, who recently started to talk about some traditionally left issues (this is how far, and low the Dems had fallen, their abandoned ideas were picked up by others) is pretty big anti-abortion guy right? Well, but his religion, Episcopalian, is not strictly anti-abortion. In fact none of them are! This guy is the only one! He jokes about it.. and the rest of the joke goes, there is only one other Presb, a woman who is that way, and he is married to her. Now forget one side "imploring", trying to "convince", "one up" the other side. Imagine that hand that goes out in the world, weeds out all likely candidates and picks the only Presbyterian in the world who is anti-abortion.. You can't fight this. The stage is set. With a certain line-up you will get a certain theather. Pre-determined. Now TS exceeded his programming so to speak, talks about some other stuff, and we love seeing Glenn Greenwald on Fox. But there is a certain institutional setup in play here, which can't be fought by more punditry from the "other side". There is serious money to be made from it too.. So much of it in fact, even Tubers down the line have been feasting on the left-overs for years! Forget mainstream!

The game is agree on all primary issues, raise a ruckus on secondary bullshit ones, on "4G" - Green, Gays, Guns, God. Richard Fucking Nixon founded the EPA, but pfff, that's so yesterday. Up until a few years not a single Republican would touch an environmental issue with a ten-foot pole.

"But why do pundits jump up and down, arguing all the time?"

True. US has faux polarization.

Caitlin Johnstone: "When you look at US politics, it appears as though there are two mainstream political factions that very strongly disagree with one another. 'Divided' is a word that comes up a lot. 'Polarized' is another. It is of course true that a whole lot of emotion flows between these two factions, and most of it is indeed negative. The hot topics of any given news cycle in America will typically involve more than one story pertaining to the vitriolic enmity between them. But beneath all the hurled insults and heated debates, these two factions are actually furiously agreeing with one another. They’re agreeing the entire time"



My lifelong Republican in-laws both voted early in Wisconsin for Biden. First time voting for Dems"

Goood. Unix utility mpv can play .pls URLs, handy for streaming. Pick one with low bitrate, u can replace radio.

Termux on Android has mpv (again command line, on a smartphone 🤷‍♂️)

Noone did - except Merkel. At institutional level, Europe.. In a 2011 book Rifkin talks all about it. Between 2003-06 he had major access, and Germany made major commitments around this time. If DE/EU is further ahead right now, that's why.

"If Rifkin made such big waves in 01-02, did govs listen and plan?"


The voices we most need to hear are the ones they work the hardest to silence"


A reminder that the Trump administration helped Bezos block a worker safety initiative, and then 20,000 Amazon workers were infected with COVID as Bezos’s net worth increased by $90 billion during the pandemic"


Bloomberg: "Exxon’s Plan for Surging Carbon Emissions Revealed in Leaked Documents.. Internal projections from one of world’s largest oil producers show an increase in its enormous contribution to global warming"


"World’s Largest Green Hydrogen Project Unveiled in Saudi Arabia .. Air Products, the world’s leading hydrogen producer, plans to power a huge green hydrogen plant using 4 gigawatts of Saudi renewable electricity"


Better Believe It

"Plug Power Stock Gets an Upgrade Because Hydrogen Power Is a Thing"


"[A Penn State] team integrated water purification technology into a new proof-of-concept design for a sea water electrolyzer .. [Researcher states: 'T]he holy grail of producing hydrogen would be to combine the sea water and the wind and solar energy found in coastal and offshore environments'.

Despite the abundance of sea water, it is not commonly used for water splitting. Unless the water is desalinated prior to entering the electrolyzer — an expensive extra step — the chloride ions in sea water turn into toxic chlorine gas, which degrades the equipment and seeps into the environment.

To prevent this, the researchers inserted a thin, semipermeable membrane, originally developed for purifying water in the reverse osmosis (RO) treatment process. The RO membrane replaced the ion-exchange membrane commonly used in electrolyzers"


Proposal -- ingredient capitalism. Supplies only the basic ingredients, no end products. The end-products are increasingly harder to customize anyway, the needs are too varied.

Plus u can use the best flour for own metabolism. Funky doesn't always mean healthy, e.g. rye is not good for all , neither is "whole wheat".

DIY bread; flour, add yeast, wait. Throw in cooker over cooking paper, done. One less shopping item.

Keith Mansfield - Staying Power #music


Muad'dib.. Mohammad.. They sound kind of the same no? Dune also takes place in a desert? Got this all figured out.

Oh yea.. pyradio allows manual addition of radio stations with pyradio -a. Added a lower bitrate station. Stickler for low bitrate.

Seriously.. They'll ask anything on the Internet.

They also don't know if u r a dog, so why not

"What is the quickest way to finding the hay in a needlestack?"


Democracy status of some countries.

Ukraine has improved.


In the U.S., you can’t evade taxes, but there are a lot of rules that let you avoid them. And those rules don’t benefit everyone equally"

"[The Internet Computer solution] Dfinity’s valuation soars to $9.5Bn after revealing its governance system and token economics.... The NNS now means the [IC] is feature complete. It represents a seminal moment in the history of the internet. For the first time, internet services will be governed in a completely independent, decentralized manner. It is the technical solution to the systemic problems Big Tech has created with its monopoly over the internet, a public utility that should be completely open — bringing back the concept of the programmable web. The NNS is the catalyst for the open internet we were promised in the 1990s, and it ensures that the future of the internet remains open and free.'"
