
Github Mirror

Week 39

It doesn't. Clinton years and later events proved this creates its own polarization. The other party will radicalize on second-order issues, even solvable stuff will remain unsolved. My stance remains; distinct ideologies need to be represented in two or more distinct parties. No centrism. No fascism.

"Then being lukewarm on all issues should work?"

On the surface of it all "whatever it takes" approach could look appealing -- but if the leader says "sometimes I go to right, sometimes left" the question becomes "who decides in which instance this happens?" The leader himself. This raises the issue of arbitrariness, reduces predictability, noone can place this person anywhere, that creates problems.

"Why don't people like a mix of distinct left and right within the party / person?"

In many other aspects of consumption we replicate quality for all; my average priced TV monitor works at a certain expected quality, same for me and everyone else who buys that monitor. Why do we insist on seeing education as something different, as if it is not a product, and student (ed consumer) A can get the highest quality, but B has to settle with obscenely bad quality, and there is nothing (!) we can do about it.

That's smart of them


I find it so weird that students aren't using their camera. I haven't had one show themselves in tutorials since the semester started"


A tablet could carry / access all top-notch teaching on all subjects in the world. We don't need teachers in the old sense of the word. Flip all classes. Record everything. Async delivery of content is key, preferably by select few who know and can teach the subject the best.

Hi-tech paint job on an old system.. bound for failure.


Staring at my computer screen for hours on end and teaching to default Blackboard avatars from my shitty apartment is getting really old, really fast"

The downside is if there is too much change, the sensors are overloaded, the result: future shock.

True. The changes are so tiny, but we can detect that shit, and hear stuff through it.. Amazing. Another proof that our 'sensors' are incredibly well attuned to changes (we may not see in the dark, but detect movement, even with the corner of our eye).

"However, the crucial thing is that usually fluids don’t change their volume very much. It’s next to impossible, even with an incredibly powerful pump, to change the volume of water much at all. Even air won’t change its volume much unless you stick it in a pump, or are dealing with really extreme situations like sonic booms and blast waves. The study of how fluids behave in these situations is generally called 'compressible flow'. It’s complicated and expensive to simulate, and apart from acoustics doesn’t enter much into everday life. And even sound waves are such tiny perturbations in the volume"

There was a rise in immigration into US, closest such numbers were last seen was during 1800s.

import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('foreignb.csv',sep='\t')
df = df[['Year','Percentage of Foreign-Born']].set_index('Year')

Steady increase since 70s that continued to this day.

Interesting; wage increases also stalled since then. Correlation? Causation?

Automation and outsourcing would play a role here too..


A company would take one look at that and think why not twice that?

The last movie could have grossed 2 billion, which Endgame did, the work of a franchise that did not even exist a decade ago.. Also DSW merc sales are abysmal, a sign that people are not excited about the Woke direction.

Disney knows it too; word is K. Kennedy, the Disney exec behind the new direction is sidelined.

"Why do you say Disney Star Wars was unsuccesful? One of their movies grossed a billion"

No new major war or intervention for the past four years.. When was the last time that happened? Carter?


Virtual school day 8: my kid now refers to her teacher as simply 'the host.'"


It’s hard to believe in the midst of a six-month lockdown that things are going to get worse in January. But even Michael Gove seems to be admitting that Brexit will bring chaos and disruption"

Replenished? HTF? That's crazy!!

"#Hydrogen for the energy transition: do we have to manufacture it? ...

The native hydrogen [as in dug up from ground, not produced], almost pure in this case, is directly burned in a suitable gas turbine, and produces electricity for a small village. Other wells around have been drilled to try to determine the reserves, within the meaning of oil & gas, and change the scale.

This success shattered many a priori: many believed that no natural accumulation of H2 in the subsoil could exist. The initial well has been producing for 4 years without a drop in pressure, which means it is continuously recharged.

In addition, surface measurements of the H2 content of soils do not show any leaks. These were rather expected, because the H2 molecule is very small and very reactive, and therefore it can easily migrate and combine with other chemical species"


"Canadian energy company Petroma, led by Malian industrialist Aliou Boubacar Diallo, discovered the world’s largest natural hydrogen deposit 60 kilometres from the Malian capital of Bamako, a find that has increasingly attracted some of planet’s most forward-thinking business leaders interested in clean energy alternatives.

In Bloc 25 covering 43,000 square kilometres, Petroma has affirmed massive quantities of 95 percent pure natural hydrogen, one of the most promising new sources needed for a global transition to clean energy, according to the French scientist Alain Prinzhofer at the l’Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris.

The company has undertaken the first project to produce electricity from hydrogen without any C02 emissions"


That makes it 1/15th in effect compared to the Hiroshima bomb. An early est had said 1/6th. Still huge.


Our research into the #BeirutExplosion has been published ... We studied videos posted on social media and estimated the yield to be 0.5-1.1 kt TNT"

I can't believe we are polluting even space.. The movie Gravity was an eye opener


The @Space_Station has maneuvered 3 times in 2020 to avoid debris. In the last 2 weeks, there have been 3 high concern potential conjunctions. Debris is getting worse! Time for Congress to provide @CommerceGov with the $15 mil requested by @POTUS for the Office of Space Commerce"

Pundits can say "this and that is too ideological" to blame, bash others -- but beware -- even ppl who blame others for having ideology, have an ideology themselves... Because the absence of ideological discourse will automatically emphasize, indirectly, the default ideology in society, which right now is the Washingon Consensus, post Berlin-Wall hyper-marketism.

It's weird Hasish and others like him are named RINOs. In some ways they are more Republican than most.

That's not why he did it. He, and other pols, might encourage such talk themselves, which is untrue. They do it to give the 24/7 commentariat something to latch onto.

Hasish's beef is ideological. Ditto for McCain. These people care deeply about ideology. It is their job.

"Gov Hasish went on to speak at Dem Convention bcz he doesn't like Trump's style"

The future is here

🤔 🤔 🤔

Or... aaare they 🤨 ??

Knowledge organizes, so it reduces entropy, one could say, implies more order. But new knowledge needs new forms of management, absent it, can create more disorder.

These are all very speculative thoughts, of course.

Per the weird (likely superfluous) correlation I noticed between my sci posts and chaos in the ME; I just dropped the bomb up in this bitch, so we're abt to have World War 3 right abt now, u feel me?

Yes. They can be lied to, convinced on things against their interest, which all suggest direct democracy, or "polling to decide on policy direction" style of governence cannot work.

"People were misled by Brexit, does that mean they cannot judge most policies?"

But this could be blessing in disguise.. Less black talent in finance..? Fine, right? We should hope for less white, Asian, Hisp. talent too.

He is probably right. Sad.


Wells Fargo CEO: "While it might sound like an excuse, the unfortunate reality is that there is a very limited pool of black talent to recruit from."


COVID now 4th largest mass casualty event in US history. Topped only by the Civil War, WWII, 1918 flu pandemic"

Both runners probably need to have the same said software for the 'snooping' to work, but still..

Wonderful. We have commodatized Big Brother. Now everyone can become one.


Out running this morning on a new route and a lady runs past me. Despite only passing, when I get home @Strava automatically tags her in my run. If I click on her face it shows her full name, picture and a map of her running route (which effectively shows where she lives)

This is despite the fact that I don't follow her and she doesn't share her activity publicly. So basically if someone sees a woman running alone there's an app they can go to see her name, picture and address"

GI Joe 1 and 2 are two completely different style of movies. They are different like Speed 1 and 2. Or Zoolander 1 and 2.

"Russian-Turkish talks stalled, worst air raids on Idleb since March"

What a bleeping effin nonsense this Brexit.. People were misled by those who were supposed to represent them. End it and get rid of those f-ing fools while you are at it too, your "royals". I fear they are a cultural crutch creating a false sense of queen and country at this age.

A President can choose his entire cabinet exclusively from Goldman Sachs, but if the cabinet members are all trans, centrists would be happy.

"Carbon emissions of richest 1 percent more than double the emissions of the poorest half of humanity...

Annual emissions grew by 60 percent between 1990 and 2015. The richest 5 percent were responsible for over a third (37 percent) of this growth. The total increase in emissions of the richest one percent was three times more than that of the poorest 50 percent"



Tune in this Thursday to learn about.. @AngloAmerican's.. 290-ton #fuelcell truck and how it is bringing #zeroemission tech to the mining industry!"


But of course Jesus' teachings were coopted by the state (Rome), and turned into another form of pagan worship ritual.

"Jesus Christ was a socialist activist" -- exactly.

Hudson: "The Christianity we know today is not the Christianity of Jesus.. Indeed the Judaism that we know today is not the Judaism of Jesus either. Lord’s Prayer, ‘forgive us our sins even as we forgive all who are indebted to us’, refers specifically to debt.

Most religious leaders say that Christianity is all about sin, not debt. But actually, the word for sin and debt is the same in almost every language.

‘Schuld’, in German, means ‘debt’ as well as ‘offense’ or, ‘sin’. It’s ‘devoir’ in French. It had the same duality in meaning in the Babylonian language of Akkadian.”

The idea harks back to the concept of ‘wergeld’, which existed in parts of Europe and Babylonia, and set the value of a human life based on their rank, paid as compensation to the family of someone who has been injured or killed. he payment – the Schuld or obligation – expiates you of the injury caused by the offense

People tend to think of the Commandment ‘do not covet your neighbour’s wife’ in purely sexual terms but actually, the economist says it refers specifically to creditors who would force the wives and daughters of debtors into sex slavery as collateral for unpaid debt.

Similarly, the Commandment ‘thou shalt not steal’ refers to usury and exploitation by threat for debts owing.

Jesus was crucified for his views on debt. Crucifixion being a punishment reserved especially for political dissidents.

To understand the crucifixion of Jesus is to understand it was his punishment for his economic views. He was a threat to the creditors.

Jesus Christ was a socialist activist for the continuity of regular debt jubilees that were considered essential to the wellbeing of ancient economies

Governments can forgive debt. The bible says so"


So it's Facebook?


The tech giants know this. Someone’s going down. Their real fight isn’t with Congress or the Department of Justice or regulators from any particular agency. The real fight is to make another company the more appealing target.

'Zuck, Bezos, Cook: Who takes the fall in D.C.’s antitrust games? Last week’s hearing was more circus than bread, but America’s tech titans have reason to worry. Somebody is going down. The only question is who—and when'"



Google is looking to #Hydrogen: '...We’ll explore opportunities to source power from emerging tools, such as advanced nuclear, enhanced geothermal, green #hydrogen, long-duration storage.'"


"Ballard Power Systems (NASDAQ: BLDP; TSX: BLDP) today announced the launch of the fuel cell industry’s first module designed for primary propulsion power in marine vessels. Ballard’s FCwave fuel cell product is a 200-kilowatt (kW) modular unit that can be scaled in series up to the multi-megawatt (MW) power level.

The FCwave product provides primary propulsion power for marine vessels – such as passenger and car ferries, river push boats, and fishing boats – as well as stationary electrical power to support hotel and auxiliary loads on cruise ships and other vessels while docked at port (also known as ‘cold ironing’)"


Want One


Pretty grim news here on the Oxford coronavirus vaccine: 2 of the 8,000 UK participants in the trial have developed a rare illness involving inflammation of the spine"

Another proof that we are not teaching science, but cargo cult science. There are still flat-earthers. We've known Earth is not flat for over two millenia. Yet the so-called "educated" would be hard pressed to prove this fact starting from simple assumptions, hence they cannot prove it to others with conviction, disinformation grows. We created a culture of technobabble with little true knowledge.

"July 2020 Shipment Report: RV Shipments top 40,000 for Second Straight Month... RVs have been the ideal way to travel this summer, providing the freedom and fun of RVing while also allowing people to control their environment"


Im giving Oracle a hard time.. their software is all clunky, closed, unhip.

When we hear of stories, we do not often hear about the tragedies in the background

Have to be more media / legal savy... Look at the monkey boy.. The weasel fuck knows how to play the media and adapt to every situation. That's how such an inferior tech, as in battery based cars came so far.


I wonder how much predictive power the neighboring quakes have for predicting a quake in a particular location 🤔

Earthquake data from an API,

from quakefeeds import QuakeFeed
feed = QuakeFeed("4.5", "day")
print (len(feed))
print (feed.event_title(0))
print (feed.event_title(1))
print (feed.event_title(2))
M 4.5 - 14 km N of Tisco, Peru
M 5.0 - 6 km NNE of Falam, Myanmar
M 4.5 - 248 km N of Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands

8 quakes >=4.5 in a day, all around the world.

After the Cal quake checked this acct for >4.0 eqs. Looks like the whole world is shaking, constantly.

Crazy guy preaching abt 'aliens!' in a Firefly scene.. it works bcz, sure FF is scifi, in it humans colonized many planets, there are reavers, but still no aliens.

Seasonal flu MR is 0.1%. CV is 30 times more deadly than the flu.

Worldwide COVID mortality rate hovers around 3%.


Why not R = 0? Quashing covid?

Wout vaccine, tough... A college try cld involve quick testing / testing everywhere, all the time.

Did new cases jump in UK? Compared to DE,

Country/Region  Germany +  Germany %    UK +      UK %
9/16/20            1855.0   0.585869  4007.0  0.858203
9/17/20            2179.0   0.592121  3410.0  0.863345
9/18/20            2199.0   0.621374  4329.0  0.905661

Looks like higher than average, yes.


Americans are being treated like Mexicans.. Soon there will be a wall btw US and Canada.


We are extending non-essential travel restrictions with the United States until October 21st, 2020. We will continue to base our decisions on the best public health advice available to keep Canadians safe"

"[A] new non-invasive coronavirus test [unvailed in Canada] which avoids the need for intrusive nasal swabs ... making testing easier and more accessible for students as they return to schools"


"I thought about [climate] a lot last week, as I tried to stop my toddler from playing in ash, tried to calm down my dogs as they paced and panted in mid-morning dusk light, tried to figure out whether my air purifier was actually protecting my lungs, tried to understand why the sky was pumpkin-colored, and tried not to think about the carcinogen risk of breathing in wildfire smoke, week after week.The government has committed to defending us and our allies against foreign enemies. Yet when it comes to the single biggest existential threat we collectively face—the one that threatens to make much of the planet uninhabitable, starve millions, and incite violent conflicts around the world—it has chosen to do near-nothing. Worse than that, the federal government continues to subsidize and promote fossil fuels"


"Coronavirus: Idaho pastor who called himself 'no-masker' in intensive care with Covid-19"

Not bad Italy... late in the game but doing well now? #covid


K-shaped recovery? :) So with this one econ splits in to two, recovery for the rich, continuing crisis for the rest (kinda like post 2008?)


function varargout = f (a,b,c,...)
  sz = size (a);

You could name the parameters muthaf-ka.

I dont think I've seen a shittier code in my life

😶 😶 😶 😶


function varargout = f (varargin)

  fidx = 1;
  if (nargin == 2)
    sz = size (varargin{fidx});

Electorate not caring abt econ is possible, in Serbia in the first election post covid the incumbent did well.

Aha. Markovitz (the inventor of the model I use for election prediction) says electorate will understand the economic contraction. He has a new pandemic model, drops all parameters except one, net popularity.

His new regression shows DJT loses even at net popul 0%, currently at -%9.

"There are good reasons to expect that two of these predictors — the change in real GDP in the second quarter and the time for change dummy variable — will not perform as they normally do in 2020. Although the U.S. economy is currently experiencing a severe downturn, with real GDP plunging by an almost unprecedented amount in the second quarter, voters do not appear to hold the incumbent president responsible for this. That is undoubtedly because the recession was deliberately induced in order to try to control the spread of the deadly coronavirus"


😂 😂 😂 😂