
Github Mirror

Week 34

The Guardian: "Trouble for Trump as Fox News praises 'enormously effective' Biden speech"


Exclusive: Carter Centre to launch first-ever US election initiative, citing 'erosion' of democracy in the country. The organisation, founded by Carter, monitors elections in hotspots around the world. This is the first time it has worked in the US"



'How did the Russians get so far ahead of [US] in rocket technology?' 'Because Their Germans were better than our Germans.'

I get a Men In Black vibe... musta been inspired by TFE

The Fifth Element, such a kooky movie..

"A single high-pressure system rolling in from the Southwest initiated the heat wave and the thunderstorms, which together created the conditions for the fires, which will likely both exacerbate and be exacerbated by the pandemic, which has diminished firefighting resources and, along with the heat wave, contributed to the blackouts by keeping people at home with their air-conditioning on full blast. These overlapping disasters compound"


Nice. And 19th century math isn't that bad. They had a lot of what's there today.

Wolfram on Feynman: "Some scientists (myself probably included) are driven by the ambition to build grand intellectual edifices. I think Feynman—at least in the years I knew him—was much more driven by the pure pleasure of actually doing the science. He seemed to like best to spend his time figuring things out, and calculating. And he was a great calculator. All around perhaps the best human calculator there's ever been.

He always just used regular calculus and things. Essentially nineteenth-century mathematics. He never trusted much else. But wherever one could go with that, Feynman could go. Like no one else"


Signalrunners - Recoil #music


In the early day of modern physics they could probably recover $G$ from the small $g$. They knew the circumf of earth, so they could know radius, a rough mass (from volume), u get small g through experiment with dropping object etc, then $G = g r^2 / m_2$,

m2 = 5.972e24 # kg
r = 6371000 # meters
g = 9.8
G = g*r**2 / m2
print (G)

A rough approx but usable.

Colorado has its own Secretary of State?

Just watched another mobile home showcase video where the owner said they installed solar panels, utilizing their setup at 30% capacity and it was enough for them. There is so much unused solar potential.


Cleaner but not clean. Scientists say natural gas is emerging as one of the biggest drivers of climate change"


First Contact, the Borg develop resistance for beam weapons, Picard goes to holodeck disables safety, shoots Borg with old-fashioned bullets. Kinda roundabout way of fighting an enemy no?. Why wld u give up on projectile weaponary in the first place?


U.S. manufacturers reevaluating relationship with China says survey. Business plans are being rewritten and many are planning to leave China in the wake of coronavirus"



Big development in the hearing so far: DeJoy has now committed to processing election mail as first class mail regardless of the postage used. CNN had obtained docs showing that this year USPS planned to treat election mail as marketing mail (slower) if it was mailed that way"

Glad PySPH is there, but they do code generation, too reliant on cython. I am almost certain they could gain the same speed with numba wout code gen.

Also MayaVi usage is obtuse.

The "Hello World" app for SPH is dam break. Gotta get that done, simply.

Rhythm Heritage -- Theme From S.W.A.T.


The Crystal Method - Born Too Slow (Deepsky's Green Absinthe Dub Mix) #music


Mathematicians knew things other the Calculus then; advanced polynomials, power series, geometry and how to use all of that for planetary calc. I doubt regular Calc student can do any of that today.

The tweet is essentially pitting Isaac Freaking Newton against any student who knows Calculus. IN would clean their clock. Any good mathmatician of that era would too.


Once you learn calculus, you've caught up to what was the cutting edge of math in 1687"

Hyperion XP-1 Reveal from Hyperion on Vimeo.

Could be useful as antibiotic resistant bugs become more common.

"Honey better treatment for coughs and colds than antibiotics, study claims"


Marcos Valle - Escape #music


With advances on three things, such living can skyrocket even more; 1) cheap, light storage of solar energy 2) easy recycling, destroying of bio waste 3) quick, air transportation of goods to anywhere in the world (retail drone delivey).

To repeat: 20 million Americans live in mobile homes.

People think tiny housers "give up" on bigger space, but they actually gain space outside. Plus this guy uses the wheels as suspension mechanism against earthquakes. Sleek!


"Real fluids, even liquids like water, change their volume. In fact, that’s just what sound waves are: perturbations in the volume (and thus density and pressure) of the fluid. You may once have been taught that the difference between liquids and gases was that gases change their volume but liquids don’t, but that’s not really true: otherwise you wouldn’t be able to hear underwater!"

"Over 70 Republican National Security Officials Endorse Biden"


"Although there is little consensus on the questions of when and how the previous era ended—or what it means for the future—something of a common understanding is beginning to emerge: The golden era of the '90s was never golden to begin with. Like Gibbon’s Rome, it was structurally and irretrievably defective, compromised by the arrogant belief in its own myth of inevitable superiority. ...

Today’s problems are the result of that era’s mistakes. ...

In 20 years, we have discovered that .. the nation-state did not die ... that the globalized economy is out of kilter"


Ursula 1000 feat Sal P-Stand Up Straight (In Flagranti Remix) #music



This roll call has been much more interesting than speeches and shouting from a convention floor. Seems likely this will be the way it's done moving forward"

The hat

"Black Officer Fired From Greensboro Police Department For Condemning Treatment Of George Floyd"



#BreonnaTaylor law banning no-knock warrants spreading to other states... here is a #Pennsylvania lawmaker. #BlackLivesMatter"

Superman, another immigration story. And who played the father in the 1978 movie?

Now the role goes to the "highest ranking foreigner" in Holywood; Russell Crowe.

Ed Norton is right too; The Godfather is an immigration story. Remember the father didn't want "the life" for his son, saz to the son near the end. That is the defining scene for the mov IMO

"The irony is that Capra, born dirt poor in Sicily and an Italian immigrant with all the Italian mobster stereotypes that went with it, best depicted the American dream of the greatest generation in his movies. He showed that it was possible to become a full American and not persist in an ethnic ghetto"


Haha "more Coppola than Capra"


Biden: "As a summit commitment of the United States, I will issue a presidential policy directive that establishes combating corruption as a core national security interest and democratic responsibility, and I will lead efforts internationally to bring transparency to the global financial system, go after illicit tax havens, seize stolen assets, and make it more difficult for leaders who steal from their people to hide behind anonymous front companies"


"Plug Power has developed a new 1kW ProGen fuel cell system for small scale robotics, automatic guided vehicles (AGVs), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and other aerospace applications.

The new system represents Plug Power’s expanding product line through its acquisition of EnergyOr, a Montreal-based fuel cell systems company with experience in aerospace fuel cell system design and application, completed in June last year"

GenCell has ammonia based storage system. 100% green.


Why is California suffering rolling blackouts? Difficult to balance increasing intermittent resources, reduced reserve gas capacity and peak power demands due to climate impact... clean DERs & storage will ease the pressure"



We've considered everything carefully and come up with a plan:

  1. Reopen colleges

  2. Everyone gets covid

  3. Shut down colleges

  4. Send thousands of infected students back home to infect every place in America"

Down To The Bone - Smash And Grab #music


Alan Hawkshaw - Girl At The Top #music


Erick E - The Beat Is Rockin' (Fedde Le Grand Remix) #music



... @BarackObama on Wednesday will have to satisfy The Center which wants things to go back to 'normal' and The Left which says 'normal' is what led to @realDonaldTrump in the first place"


As someone who was once a Republican in Massachusetts, I am so pleased that 'who the fuck do these people think they are?' has finally become an effective talking point about the Kennedys"


Good point #seder #usps


"Lukashenko’s Fall Is Happening Hard and Fast"


Asking businesses not to fire people.. Ronald Reagan turned in his grave when he said that. I guarantee it.

Or like McCain.. Goldwater Republican.. Thrifty, pro-biz, etc.. These people must feel alienated in this latest GOP, Trump brought leftism (good but wrong party), and bunch of other stuff into the party.

Hasish is a Schwarzenegger Republican isn't he?


Police cars revolving light Jaguar Land Rover @JLR_News is embarking on a serious #hydrogen power research project with the aim of developing fuel cell-powered versions of its larger vehicles"

Bombay Dub Orchestra - Monsoon Malabar #music


Chris Joss - Keep On Digging #music


They probably reached some kind of modus vivendi, which is good, no need for needless struggle if everyone can get something


The careful, purposeful steps @BernieSanders has taken to bring the party together this spring and summer will be a huge part of the story we tell when @JoeBiden wins"

Pryda - Madderferrys #music


The marketing around the "Google Killer" Wolfram Alfa was mostly bunk tho.. SW goes back and forth being ignored and posturing needlessly...

He is a serious scientist, no doubt there.

Our uni legend had it one our CS profs, my Alg I teacher as it turns out, had code in Mathematica. He worked with SW's ppl I think. During lecture he'd slip up sometimes and say "cellular automata" when it was totally unrelated so we guessed this was his area of research. The area attracted some smart people is what Im trying to say.

Stephen Wolfram might have something promising; starting from computation, emergent physics cld be possible.. You'd hear things abt his group over the years, one mathematician I know stumbled upon an invention that had to do solving PDEs using cellular automata, and he was piled on by Wolfram's people, even threathening legal action for a patent issue? Anyway, u gotta be wary of these kind of motherfonkers tucked away somewhere toiling away on arcane knowhow.. They might just stumble upon the real thing -- 42.

Monaghan, founder of SPH is from Monash U? Some good science coming out of Oz!

Sad. And I am laughing.


Watch but do not laugh!"


The Mohawks - Pepsi #music


"RONN Motor Group, today announced the anticipated 2022 release of its new Hydrogen Fuel Cell SUV the 'Myst', named for the fact the only emission from a hydrogen fuel cell vehicle is water vapor. ... Engineered in the United States by a team of automotive industry experts"


They are talking about merely compiling BTW (creating executable code), not even running that code and checking the result.

"Repeatability in Computer Science.. Only 1/3rd of code could be built"


I guess that makes sense, elastic body cld be seen as fluid with a few constants changed.

Solids are fluids that dont move much?

Or elasticity is left-over fluidicity in solids?

See I like that. Saying more with less.

Shit - SPH can do elastic dynamics too?


Glamping, hah.

They microwave poo, burning it essentially.


After 5 years developing, designing, building and testing prototypes, our team have demonstrated their toilet technology concept works. It uses a process called sub-critical wet-oxidation, engaging heat & oxygen to kill pathogens & breakdown solids"


This guy goes around and showcases tiny houses around the world


Tiny house movement is growing. People convert cargo containers etc for living space, create simple environment, mostly off the grid, self-reliant (energy from solar or from fuel stored nearby).

🔥 🔥 🔥

Ed Markey


The Atlantic: "By the end of March, Mina had identified a culprit: 'There’s little ability for a central command unit to pool all the resources from around the country,' he said at a Harvard event. 'We have no way to centralize things in this country short of declaring martial law.' It took several more months for him to find a solution to this problem, which is to circumvent it altogether. In the past several weeks, he has become an evangelist for a total revolution in how the U.S. controls the pandemic. Instead of restructuring daily life around the American way of testing, he argues, the country should build testing into the American way of life. The wand that will accomplish this feat is a thin paper strip ... It is a coronavirus test.

Mina says that the U.S. should mass-produce these inexpensive and relatively insensitive tests—unlike other methods, they require only a saliva sample—in quantities of tens of millions a day. These tests, which can deliver a result in 15 minutes or less, should then become a ubiquitous part of daily life .. The tests Mina describes already exist: They are sitting in the office of e25 Bio, a small start-up in Cambridge, Massachusetts; half a dozen other companies are working on similar products"


Truman was not a simple farmer. Politicians might allow such things to be said abt themselves or even help spread the commentary to help their "man of the people" image. Reality is different. Truman had lots of experience before he became President. County judge, Civil Works admin, Senator, worked at a high-profile commitee, Vice President, then Potus.

"But anyone can serve at the highest office look at Truman he was a simple farmer"


I’m beginning to think 'hindsight is 2020' was some kind of message from a future time traveler that we all misunderstood"

Private Debt to GDP jumped

2020-04-01 187.184117

So did Total Consumer Credit Outstanding as % of GDP

2020-06-01 21.252590

The stock market is now more overbought, see Wilshire.

Same old story, stawks good, the rest so-so

Latest stats

All posts on patents

Knuth on patents

Apparently it is becoming a thing in Thailand

That's funny

"A prominent student protest leader in Thailand has been arrested on charges of sedition as pro-democracy rallies continued across the country.Parit Chiwarak, 22, whose arrest was livestreamed on social media, was stopped on the outskirts of Bangkok on Friday night. As he was physically carried into a car, he raised his hand in a three-fingered salute – a gesture borrowed from the Hunger Games that is used by protesters and symbolises opposition to the military-backed government"


Romney breaks with Trump's criticism of mail-in voting: 'I don't know of any evidence that voting by mail would increase voter fraud.'"


"'What I’ve noticed is that, as opposed to everything I’ve done my entire career, the biggest difference is that in the future there will be no lines on the battlefield,' Gen. John Hyten, vice chairman of the [JCS], said.... Hyten who will be a keynote speaker at September’s Defense News Conference — laid out a vision in which every force can both defend itself and have a deep-strike capability to hold an enemy at bay, built around a unified command-and-control system.

'A naval force can defend itself or strike deep. An air force can defend itself or strike deep. The Marines can defend itself or strike deep,' he said. 'Everybody.'

That 'everybody' includes international partners, Hyten added, as the U.S. operates so often in a coalition framework that this plan only works if it can integrate others"


"Arab League blasts Turkey's cross-border operations into Iraq"

If the "outside countries" want to help, maybe they check their actions as to not force the core ME to act this way.

"[UAE actions are] unfair and bitter for the Palestinians. But it corresponds to an irreversible trend: It is no longer Israel , but above all Iran and increasingly also Turkey that are perceived by many Arab states as dangerous 'intruders' in their own region"


numpy-stl 👍 Good stuff. Allows accessing of CAD files from Python.