Week 29
Hah. Some are saying it is going towards India for the situation at Ladakh. We'll find out soon enough.
Nimitz is leaving the South China Sea bitch. Unless it circles back or something the direction seems to be out. From myshiptracking.com
"[Carier] Nimitz, Reagan Stand with Allies and Partners in South China Sea"
Is this true? There is a Lucas cut? Let's see it!
It's crazy to compare WWII tech to today. They had everything, albeit less sleek form. They had INS (inertial nav systems). They had bazookas. Even the beginnings of a computer.
Simply trying risky stuff might not lead to opt results. Taking moderate risk on obscure things could be a better road. Obscurity cld have to do with many things.. Fashion is one of them. Certain things fall out of fashion, therefore taken out of the realm of possibilities altogether. What leaders need to do then is not just showing "courage" on stuff that are around, but finding ideas that might have been obscured for whatever reason.
California governor was reportedly told he’d have to do the White House a favor to get help with testing swabs"
BREAKING: When I get back to DC next week, I will be introducing an amendment to the defense bill with @RonWyden to stop the Trump administration from sending its paramilitary squads onto America's streets. We won't let these authoritarian tactics stand"
I spent 12 years in Congress. It’s not divided because people don’t know how to play nice. It’s divided because some think the rich don’t have enough money and everyone else has too much. Candidates who claim that they’re going to walk in and “mediate” are naive or dishonest.
23,000 kilometers. Crazy.
"By 2040, a hydrogen network of 23,000 km is foreseen, 75% of which will consist of converted natural gas pipelines ... [the network] can be used for large-scale hydrogen transport over longer distances in an energy efficient way, also taking into consideration hydrogen imports"
"Gladstone to lead the way"
"No-one needs reminding that aviation faces two crises. One of course is Covid-19; hitting finances, operations and staff- and passenger-confidence like a wrecking ball, it is urgent. The other is climate change.. Either way, it is way past time for the industry to get serious about decarbonisation"
Abolish capitalist health care"
Academic writing has been descending deeper into this madness for nearly 100 years.
— Samo Burja (@SamoBurja) July 18, 2020
We need clean, brief and precise writing. Simple words used precisely.
No shame in being wrong, as long as you communicate well enough, shame in excessive hedging to pretend you aren't wrong. https://t.co/cnYff7GPwg
You won't get any closer to "Linux on a phone" than with @thepine64's #PinePhone. I always wanted to be able to compile all my #LaTeX documents directly on my phone!
Legislation to restore the Voting Rights Act that John Lewis nearly died marching for has been sitting on your desk with no action for 225 days https://t.co/gzn6rwOFq3
— Ari Berman (@AriBerman) July 18, 2020
Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Do not become bitter or hostile. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble. We will find a way to make a way out of no way. #goodtrouble
— John Lewis (@repjohnlewis) July 16, 2019
11 European gas TSOs join forces to establish a European Hydrogen Backbone spanning 23 000 km! Awesome!https://t.co/TilvpFX9Cn
— Thierry Lepercq (@ThierryLepercq_) July 17, 2020
Journalist Chris Dickey RIP. He was on France 24 programs a lot. Solid journo they say. Too bad.
NY Restauranteur Destroys Table Used by Epstein, Weinstein"
Even though I was arrested, I smiled bc I was on the right side of history. Find a way to get in the way #goodtrouble"
Hyperion Motors Teases Debut of its Fuel Cell Vehicle for August--Hyperion recently announced that it to unveil its #hydrogen #fuelcell-powered supercar via a live-stream event in August--#hydrogennow #decarbonise #fuelcells #zeroemissions #hydrogeneconomy #H2 @fuelcellsworks pic.twitter.com/YyUDyANBcH
— FuelCellsWorks (@fuelcellsworks) July 15, 2020
Hilarious line
"Doth mother know you wear-eth her drapes?"
"An entire island off the Irish coast sells for $6.3 million after only a video tour. [The] 157-acre private island off the southwest coast of Ireland has sold ... despite the buyer never having actually visited"
OK, will there be a radio beacon alerting ppl to the presence of this thing? For post-apocalyptic scenario..
This is wild!
GitHub Arctic Code Vault
"Putin orders huge snap military drills in Russia's southwest. Russia's move prompts Ukraine to plan its own military exercises"
Germany had a long history with synthetic fuels... So they extracted this thing, a gasoline-like fuel from coal, denser in energy no doubt and easily transportable.
I remember reading fuel shortage was a major reason of DE losing the war. But I seem to recall they could not produce enough of it. This article says otherwise. The facilities were bombed.
"The leaders of World War II, on both sides, knew that an army's lifeblood was petroleum. Ironically, before the War, experts had scoffed at Adolph Hitler's idea that he could conquer the world largely because Germany had almost no indigenous supplies of petroleum. Hitler, however, had begun assembling a large industrial complex to manufacture synthetic petroleum from Germany's abundant coal supplies.
When Allied bombing of the German synfuels plants began taking its toll in late 1944 and early 1945, the entire Nazi war machine began grinding to a halt. More than 92 percent of Germany's aviation gasoline and half its total petroleum during World War II had come from synthetic fuel plants. At its peak in early 1944, the German synfuels effort produced more than 124,000 barrels per day from 25 plants. In February 1945, one month after Allied forces turned back the Hitler's troops at the Battle of the Bulge, German production of synthetic aviation gasoline amounted to just a thousand tons"
More on the paramilitary police in Oregon. This is very dangerous. https://t.co/QaVipbp9jh
— Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) July 17, 2020
F#$% Monday
"Friday is our favorite F word. What is yours?"
.@SoCalGas has started to power two of its largest Los Angeles-area facilities with @Bloom_Energy solid oxide #fuelcells.#H2View #hydrogenhttps://t.co/XuKwYUv6LV
— H2 View (@h2_view) July 17, 2020
This confirms my general view that libertard is a cosseted cuck. His "free" society has to be constructed around him, so he can play house in his little utopia. All that's required is things generally look / sound free. Ish.
What is free abt a trade when it is actively encouraged, mostly abt slave labor, and the other side of a trade isnt honored (fin is open to CH close to US)
Lot of libertard goldcucks are pro-China arent they? Because, u know, "free trade"
"Shell: Adamant about hydrogen mobility"
Bow down to the power of Q
Head of NYPD union gives Fox News interview with QAnon mug in background"
Eleven European gas infrastructure companies from nine EU member states have today unveiled a plan for a dedicated #hydrogen transport infrastructure. https://t.co/ea8HYfqrQz
— Joanna Sampson (@JoSamps92) July 17, 2020
LIke I said watchable..there is a certain pre 2016 quality to it..
The little alien is annoying
Always curious abt who steals from who
The morphing, automatically closing head cover, kinda like in Stargate (1994), 4 years ago.
Aha, there is bullet time, a year before TM
Watching Lost in Space, 1998.
Yes, I know.. Captain Joey. Stlll, ok movie.
remember when we were like "day 15!" lol
— Georgia (@nationalparke) July 17, 2020
And here is your moment of Zen...
New release method, tired of labeling files in order
EU will accelerate the hydrogen economy at €430B"
Yes there was. The party coming to power after yours.
Ozal: "There is no alternative to us"
WRONG. There is always, at least one other alternative.
Thatcher: "There is no alternative"
You keep on partying like it's 1999
OK centrist
In the midst of this appalling catastrophe, Congress basically stumbled into a really good idea. The $600 federal payments are working -- and they're not keeping people from working.
— Binyamin Appelbaum (@BCAppelbaum) July 16, 2020
And if we don't extend them, it's going to make everything even worse than it already is.
"ZeroAvia has made headlines in its native California and the UK by test flying a six-seat Piper M350 converted to run on tanked gaseous hydrogen feeding a fuel cell which drives an electric motor.
Miftakhov describes ZeroAvia as a powertrain company and is bullish about the programme. Hydrogen fuel, he believes, can achieve not only zero emissions but also be cost-competitive with kerosene for small aircraft as soon as 2023, when he hopes to have his system in service on a 10- to 20-seater; talks are underway with operators of aircraft like the Beechcraft King Air, Cessna Caravan or Viking Air Twin Otter"
If H2 conversion is at the source, it is okay, unless natgas is obtained through fracking.
Green H2 is still preferable obv.
#Santos is exploring the potential to produce blue #hydrogen with CCS out of natural gas at its operations in the Cooper Basin, becoming the latest gas giant to invest in fuel that should play a crucial role in the world's future energy mix. https://t.co/w1b7kalRCN pic.twitter.com/IgoNn4KwKQ
— Hydrogen Standard (@H2Standard) July 16, 2020
Dying in a bike crash because my helmet only protects me when charged
— eric (@3_r1c) July 16, 2020
All it takes is money: In the Same Towns, Private Schools Are Reopening While Public Schools Are Not"
Siemens Roadmap to 100% Hydrogen Turbines https://t.co/MJoVXsfn5k
— Garry Golden (@garrygolden) July 16, 2020
What battery/electrons CANNOT do that H2 can:
1) Align industrial incumbents who scale molecules
2) Force natgas sector into Blue/Green H2
3) Preserve $ value of embedded tech (turbines) #energytwitter wake up
BREAKING: #Egypt threatens Military action in #Libya
• Sisi speaking now
• Libyan tribes Request Egypt’s intervention if Sirt is attacked
• Egypt says Sirt-Jafra is redline
• Sisi says any intervention begins & ends with tribes permission"
Old diesel buses can now be replaced by new clean #hydrogen buses! #NPROXX is already producing infrastructure for hydrogen-powered bus fleets & supplies on-board tanks for a wide range of #H2-powered vehicles. Learn more: https://t.co/aSxR9m1DXs
— NPROXX (@_NPROXX) July 16, 2020
"Phoenix, Arizona should not exist"
The more that blame for discrimination can be shifted on to individual racist 'Karens', the less onus there is on powerful corporations, and the politicians who defend them, to make real changes"
"Plug Power has today official launched its GenSure HP platform, a line of zero emission stationary fuel cell systems designed for large-scale, high power backup power applications. Initially available in power output configurations ranging from 500 kilowatts (kW) to 1.5 megawatts (MW)"
"SouthKorea will invest $94.6 bn to help the economy recover from the pandemic"
So it's not new money but money diverted from elsewhere?
So Boris Johnson's Rooseveltian spending plans actually aren't Rooseveltian at all - they represent an increase of *precisely zero* on this year's Budget plans. https://t.co/om5PgRyIGZ
— Pippa Crerar (@PippaCrerar) July 16, 2020
Hyperion XP-1 : la supercar électrique fonctionnant à l’hydrogène"
The Independent: "Joe Biden opens up biggest national poll lead over Trump since securing nomination as independents abandon president"
Deutsche Welle: "EU, India move closer to free trade deal"
The Guardian: "Hopeful news about a Covid-19 vaccine developed by US government researchers and Moderna Inc has buoyed expectations"
Very important, that "win". Signified a beginning of an era.
The Atlantic: "Nevertheless, [Ingraham] still occasionally reconfirms, on her television programs or in public speeches, the main thing I associated her with in the 1990s: a devotion to Ronald Reagan and Reaganism, the same devotion that would have been shared, back then, by all of those people at Brock’s cocktail party [with other neo muckers]. Or perhaps devotion to Reagan is a bit too specific. What really held that group together—and what drew me to it as well—was a kind of post–Cold War optimism, a belief that 'we had won,'"
The TWTR hackers made 100K within minutes? Damn.
Introducing #hydrogen to microgrids solves the problem of seasonal or long-term storage that batteries cannot provide. It is the crucial jigsaw piece for 100% green microgrids" a benefit that has value to communities devastated by disasters @Forbes"
Randy has released the source code of DOOM on SNES ...
What amazes me is that Randal never had access to the original assets/source Nor did he get SuperFX documentation. He worked on it from the metal and then negotiated a license deal with id"
3D printing without plastic? Meet the intern mixing simulated Moon dust and algae at @esa's European Astronaut Centre. It could help form the recipe for a future lunar base 🌱🌙#blog https://t.co/5OGSAhAu8v pic.twitter.com/wkMsb2VcBT
— Human Spaceflight (@esaspaceflight) July 15, 2020
The EU and India must work together on fighting #climatechange. We agreed to soon hold the next Climate Change Dialogue, created in 2016"
I paid off a student loan, and my credit score dropped. This shit is a fucking scam designed to keep us down"
The deeper I dive into neural networks the less they look like artfully tweaked optimization and the more they look like a tangle of hacks under a veneer of backpropagation"
Game on! As Dora said, “yes, we can!” https://t.co/CLpU7cLqxU
— Paul Ottolenghi Wennberg (@wennbergcaltech) July 14, 2020
Frakked up
Hey. So just a heads up...Don’t eat chocolate espresso ice cream right before bed 🥴 #FrakMe
— Katee Sackhoff (@kateesackhoff) July 15, 2020
Sometimes this is how people trying to talk to me about tech, or lately politics sounds like ...
Got my right mouse "click-key" back. Yes, that is mouse click through keyboard (I have remapped cert keys to be 'mouse clicks'. It's all geared for speed...)
Key codes change across models...? So says xev
2020-06-01 22.37%
Hydrogen is growing in the truck industry in Australia. Trucks have a range of approx 400km and use the same hydrogen tech that powers the fleet of Hyundai Nexo hydrogen cars that will soon be used by Government in Canberra.
— Hazer Group Ltd (@hazergroupltd) July 14, 2020
Read more here: https://t.co/AqZeTJD9T4 pic.twitter.com/0gYel30nW6
"Australia’s hydrogen strategy has officially landed"
Jazz Quintet, David Pastor & Smoothtime #music
France can once again become a great industrial nation thanks to ecology. Let's stop importing materials from the other side of the world and start producing again in our French regions!"
"The Crucial ‘Jigsaw’ Piece For Green Microgrids"
OS makers; I understand r trying to be 'helpful' with regional options. But time zone selection somehow alerted th OS I want my months in Greek. Ιουλ? Malaka?
Fantastic piece of equipment for <400 dollars. This thing is a beast.
Saw a nice Huewei notebook today, coulda bought it, but didn't bcz of potential 'security hazard'. Not saying this to bash. Considered it, but a Taiwanese hardware maker got the business instead.
After watching journalists uniformly rip on and warn about every aspect of every app and every tech company for the last several years years, watching them turn around and become apologists for TikTok is really, really weird"
Texas teachers writing their wills as state promises to open schools in fall"
"The new Hong Kong: Disappearing books, illegal words and arrests over blank white paper"
Turns out the people who predicted the world ending in 2012 were optimists.
— Conan O'Brien (@ConanOBrien) July 13, 2020
Hydraulic drilling companies across America are going bankrupt and letting methane spew into the atmosphere. Instead of spending to seal well heads they are just paying bonuses and dissolving. https://t.co/aWQ5PboKiu
— Lee Fang (@lhfang) July 13, 2020
Japan to consider sharing air defense radar information with Philippines in order to track Chinese aircraft"
Meet the @HEAVEN_FCH Consortium @DLRStuttgartTT
— HEAVEN Project (@HEAVEN_FCH) July 13, 2020
The German Aerospace Center acts as the system designer, developing a high power fuel cell system fuelled by liquid hydrogen for an electric powertrain of a 4 seater aircraft, the Hy4. More information: https://t.co/LtB7SzOKfT pic.twitter.com/TyWKu1lv3n
"HyPoint, a company developing zero carbon emission hydrogen fuel cell systems for air transportation and urban air mobility, has announced that it has hired several new key executives to drive HyPoint’s technology development and go-to-market strategy"
Saudi Arabia @ACWAPower joining the pack in a combi of efforts with Neom and Air Products to make a truly worldscale renewable/green #hydrogen production plant. Estimated costs $5bn +$2 bn for infrastructure rollout. #h2 converted to Ammonia for transport https://t.co/GKyfLwd2Zm pic.twitter.com/3L4GvCs0Lx
— Hydrogen Standard (@H2Standard) July 13, 2020
If you watch corporate Sunday morning news programs, you might have no idea millions of people are facing evictions and homelessness in 2 weeks"
"WE SIMPLY CAN'T AFFORD UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE," they scream at me over the military jet display
— Georgia (@nationalparke) July 5, 2020
Facebook & TikTok privacy issues are easy for NYT reporters to mix up. One way to keep them straight is to apply 'the Uyghur test' - if you're a Uyghur using the app in its country of origin, are you in danger of: 1) being targeted w/a desk ad, or 2) having your organs harvested?
Little scraping.. got 10 random numbers btw 1 and 10.
Seems to work.
Good shit.
import urllib.request as req, re
URL = "https://www.random.org/integers/?num=10&min=1&max=10" + \
r = req.urlopen(URL).read().decode('utf-8')
dd = re.findall(r'<pre class=\"data\">(.*?)</pre>', r, re.DOTALL)[0]
[int(x) for x in dd.split("\n") if len(x) > 0]
Out[1]: [3, 1, 5, 2, 5, 9, 6, 7, 8, 9]
There it is
"RANDOM.ORG offers true random numbers to anyone on the Internet. The randomness comes from atmospheric noise, which for many purposes is better than the pseudo-random number algorithms typically used in computer programs"
Need some true number generation..
There used to be random.org
"Teens Flock To New App Where They Just Enter Own Personal Data Into Form"
The kids like eating Tide Pods too
— Fusilli Spock (@awstar11) July 11, 2020
Now you know who's running the NYT
Sister of Erik Prince of Blackwater.
Betsy DeVos says that "only" 0.02% of children will probably die as a result of schools re-opening. That's 14,740 children"
If you could sacrifice one sport to end COVID-19, what would it be? And why baseball?"
"H21 launched in 2016, to demonstrate that existing UK gas networks can be converted to carry 100% hydrogen for use in homes and businesses. ... “The H21 programme is demonstrating that the UK's existing gas network can carry hydrogen, for use by homes and businesses"
One of #H2View’s top stories this week saw the #EuropeanCommission unveil its #hydrogen strategy and officially launched the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance to deliver on it.https://t.co/QiSyk42XBe
— H2 View (@h2_view) July 11, 2020
His father killed a man, you know.. In South Africa.. Most likely a black person too. That's right. So guy is a psycho, and the father was a psycho. The apple fell right by the tree. Nam sayin? This guy is guiding your energy policy America, wake up.
"Elon Musk is unbalanced, weird"
Reuters: "The president’s demand for schools to fully reopen this fall despite the coronavirus pandemic, his warnings on crime and civil disorder and the touting of a vibrant stock market, are meant to make him more appealing to suburban voters. There is little sign that the approach is working"
"Local news is extremely easy to take for granted. It is, by definition, narrow in its interests. But even beyond serving as the core of America’s news ecosystem, local news can be the glue that connects people in a given community. 'It’s the way a local columnist can express a community’s frustration or triumph .. the way the local music critic can review a concert, the deeply reported feature stories, the assessment of a new restaurant, the obituaries, the letters to the editor. The newspaper ties a region together, helps it make sense of itself.”
They had con radio.. this is a good point, such radio is mostly centralized, "federal" in nature, they talk abt con issues but in overarching, generalized tones, pushing broad buttons.. So they don't really give a shit about your local problems, and in many ways, are toxic for politics, especially the local kind.
The Atlantic: "McMurray’s opponent, the incumbent [congressman] Chris Collins, had recently been indicted on charges of insider trading. The Buffalo News ... broke the story of the indictment, and some TV stations picked up the News’s reporting. Readers and viewers in areas that had strong local news presences .. learned of the indictment and, armed with that information, voted accordingly. But many in the sprawling district were not so equipped. 'I’d be going door to door,' McMurray [says] 'or meeting with people at a diner or a fair, for example, and in the most isolated areas, a lot of people had no idea that their own congressman had been indicted.' He notes that Orleans County, a rural area of the district classified as a news desert, was “one of the toughest places.' People there, according to McMurray, had “gossip, conservative radio, or social media.' They had echo chambers. They did not, however, have news. And so, by a razor-thin margin, Chris Collins — who would go on to plead guilty to two felonies, be sentenced to prison, and resign from Congress — won the election"
— Aaron Stein (@aaronstein1) July 14, 2020
Glad to write an op-ed together with @flacamera from @IRENA about the future of #hydrogen & the opportunities it brings! #hydrogenstrategy
— Kadri Simson (@KadriSimson) July 11, 2020
Read it here👇https://t.co/JaOj4qK5or pic.twitter.com/mIbJBWUQH3
The asshole who took his mask off in front of crowd yelling "I CANT BREATHE!" tops the list.
The mask culture war has got to be one of the dumbest and most destructive political/cultural disputes in modern American political history. And we're continuing to pay the price"
Caitlin Johnstone: "And that’s why liberals hate the true left: because leftists are a constant reminder that liberals aren’t what they pretend to be. That they are just conservatives wearing a fake plastic mask of justice and sanity"
Thumbs up for OF original forager Indians, respekt
Today the US Supreme Court effectively ruled a portion of Oklahoma is indeed Indian Territory. It is a great day to be indigenous.
— Indigenous Environmental Network (@IENearth) July 10, 2020
Read more in our Medium article written by Indigenous Environmental Network's Ashley McCray. #LandBack
Yesterday, the amount of land the Federal government officially recognized as Indian Country--as under the jurisdiction of tribes--was just 55 million acres. Only 2% of all land in the US. Today, that number is 74 million"
"An Open Source Smart Phone Supported by All Major Linux Phone Projects .. Perhaps you’re in a line of work where security is a must, or a hard-core Linux enthusiast, or perhaps you’ve just got enough of Android and iOS and you’re ready for something else – the PinePhone may be the next Phone for you"
Dukakis was destroyed by that image. At least that was the conclusion at the time. Reagan "the cowboy" along with HW had won the Cold War and here is this guy looking like a wimp.. Clinton must have woved never to be in that position..
Why did Dems become interventionist? Why did left start acting right on war too? See picture
Guterres: “[We have] deep concern about the terrifying military build-up around [Sirte], and the high rate of direct foreign intervention in the conflict, in violation of the arms embargo imposed by the United Nations and Security Council resolutions ..."
Breaking: Syria and Iran sign a comprehensive agreement for military cooperation"
Ammonia cracking looks to be simpler proc than I thought..
"Trials have shown that AFC's proprietary fuel cell system can use 'off the shelf' ammonia cracking technology"
"The cracking process is thermally efficient and simple"
"Ammonia contains 1.7 times as much hydrogen as liquid hydrogen per volume. "
(Same PDF)
We have a winner
Finland ended homelessness. They provide a small apartment and counseling with no preconditions. 4/5 make their way back into a stable life and guess what - it was CHEAPER than allowing homelessness to continue"
deleted, but the List comes for all, @ajplus.
— Siraj Hashmi (@SirajAHashmi) July 10, 2020
✍🏼✍🏼✍🏼 pic.twitter.com/ihVpGz1Zbb
The newish focus on 'data science' has trivialized the value of deep knowledge in a topic & true expertise. Now anyone who 'knows data' can claim equal expertise to folks who have studied a topic for years. And it’s a poisonous contributor to this anti-knowledge era"
32,000 people in New York have died https://t.co/KMbmOpRo8c
— Georgia (@nationalparke) July 10, 2020
Blueberry is healthy eh? The study sounds legit.
"For the study, researchers asked a group of overweight and obese adults between 50 and 75 years old to either consume one cup of freeze-dried blueberry powder, one placebo that looked like a blueberry, or a mix that was half freeze-dried blueberry powder and half placebo once per day for six months, Sharecare.com reports. In the end, those who ate a full cup of blueberries per day “had less arterial stiffness, improved vascular function,” and a higher “good” cholesterol level than those who either ate fewer or no blueberries at all"
A word about manufacturing, prompted by Biden’s 'buy American' proposals. It is important to distinguish between production and employment.
Manufacturing production exerts outsized influence on a nation’s innovative capacity and productivity. It is important to have sensible industrial policies that promote it. And it’s possible to reinvigorate manuf in the sense of preventing a decline in MVA/GDP.
Employment is another matter. Labor content of manufacturing has been in decline for a very long time (flip side of rising productivity) and I think it’s virtually impossible to reverse employment-deindustrialization. No nation has managed to do it.
The future of jobs is in services: health, education, retail. That’s where we need to focus, both to create productive jobs and to ensure workers are provided with adequate say and job standards. Today’s industrial policies have to target services if the objective is good jobs.
We’d like to believe that promoting innovation and good jobs are one and the same, and that a manufacturing oriented policy will kill both birds with one stone. I’m afraid that is not the case. Good jobs will require distinctly different policies that don’t look like yesterday’s.
Having said all of this, on the whole I believe Biden’s proposals go in the right direction"
Fighting through alliances; I guess somewhat better than straight up invasion.
"Another example can be found in the Philippines, where special operations forces have been working steadily with Filipino forces since 2001, enabling mutually beneficial counterterrorism and counterinsurgency operations. The resulting partnership between the United States and the Philippines proved so strong and valuable that Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte recently reversed his decision to break from a troop deployment agreement with the United States. The continuation of this partnership seems even more important for the United States in light of a recent bipartisan proposal calling for a 'Pacific Deterrence Initiative.'
The initiative seeks to deter China from direct conflict through the overmatch strategy discussed in the National Security Strategy, requiring willing partners across Southeast Asia to allow for basing and logistics hubs for U.S. forces. To even begin preparing for the large-scale combat operations envisioned by the conventional military, the United States requires the partnerships enabled by its special operations forces on a daily basis"
Why is it easier to imagine the end of the world than it is to imagine the end of capitalism?"
Be adventurers and innovators? It’s possible! We are the first vessel to have reached the Arctic without any fine particle or CO₂ emissions .#futureisnow
— Energy Observer (@energy_observer) July 10, 2020
Follow our Odyssey: https://t.co/9ibwDjMQz6 pic.twitter.com/GcIxRj1YZN
The belligerence of the feckless chinese leadership and their authorized propaganda outlets continues to amaze me. Their global economic and military aggression is rooted in the Potemkin village of a closed capital account and coercion of USD into china. It’s their Achilles heel"
Factory work doesn't inherently lift people into the middle class. Those became good jobs because workers imposed their political will. Service-sector jobs could be good jobs, too"