
Github Mirror

Week 26



FL: Biden 49, Trump 40

GA: Biden 47, Trump 45

NC: Biden 47, Trump 45

TX: Biden 45, Trump 44"


Percentage of tickets issued by NYPD officers that went to black or Latino people for . . . .

jaywalking: 99%

riding a bike on the sidewalk: 86.5%

'Campaign To Remove NYPD From Traffic Enforcement Gains Steam'"

Damn. This shit is even worse than I thought!!

"@TheEnergyNerd .. Whole used or damaged batteries are classified as hazardous materials in the US, and Europe requires extensive documentation"


Creality CR10 S4 3D printer < 1000 dollars. Incredible.


Maybe Keir didnt like the part that wasn't too excited abt him.

RLB cld have hold off on the contra posts for a time perhaps? Dunno how this stuff works in UK.

This is the article she shared. "Systemic racism is a global issue .. The tactics used by the police in America, kneeling on George Floyd’s neck, that was learnt from seminars with Israeli secret services”


Rebecca Long Bailey (shadow sec, tried to get Lab chief nomination herself but lost to Keir) asked to step down, for sharing an "anti-semitic" article?

Gobble gobble version is like #1.

Dane version is odd


Names for people who read a lot:

1) Bookworm (English)

2) Book flea (Indonesian)

3) Library mouse (Romanian)

4) Read-rat (German)

5) Ink drinker (French)

6) Reading horse (Danish)"


Joe Biden notes in speech today that many people are losing their health insurance during the pandemic because it is tied to their employment"


Amid America's #COVID19 disaster, I must come clean about a lie I spread as a health insurance exec: We spent big [dollars] to push the idea that Canada's single-payer system was awful & the U.S. system much better. It was a lie"


Fat Jon - In Position #music


Noone knows. There have been some experiments with modified form of issue based voting; They sample a group of people from the population, get them the necessary information on an issue, hoping that these people become knowledgable enough so they can run judgement on the issue. But, who prepares the information? The knowledge in a briefing could influence a decision..

It's like jury work in US, random citizens are selected to decide on court case. That duty is no cakewalk BTW, ppl cram into a room and spend hours in there, listen to witnesses, lawyers, so in a way become a mini-expert on the issue themselves before they decide.

"How will postmodern governance look like?"

That is modern politics. Centralized, concentrated, synchronized. Prev post is about products, liking something that anyone can run a judgement on. In modern gov there laws, regulation, military, bureucracy "out there" and you send people "in" who know (or learn, but eventually know), manipulate that system in your favor.

"But isn't leadership important, as in politics?"

"In modern marketing, this idea–that a tiny cadre of connected people triggers trends–is enormously seductive. ... In addition to The Tipping Point, there was The Influentials, by marketing gurus Ed Keller and Jon Berry, as well as the gospel according to PR firms such as Burson-Marsteller, which claims 'E-Fluentials' can 'make or break a brand.' ..

Yet, if you believe [social scientist Duncan] Watts, all that money and effort is being wasted. Because according to him, Influentials have no such effect. Indeed, they have no special role in trends at all.

He has analyzed email patterns and found that highly connected people are not, in fact, crucial social hubs"



If you have a new experiment that continues to bring up measurement results that were previously thought to be implausible or even impossible, how long does your excitement last before you consider that maybe your measurements are the problem?

'Black neutron star discovery baffles astronomers --'"


Countries do not have to choose between economic growth, jobs or emission reduction. All three can go hand in hand"


You always hear "three strikes you are out" type of talk in the context of citizens.. but never hear it for cops. If standards are raised for good behav shouldnt they be raised for policing as well?

Dude. Dont go there.. especially given the half-baked state of the tech.

"An Algorithm That 'Predicts' Criminality Based on a Face Sparks a Furor"

From The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)


Twenty four?

"Madison Cawthorn, 24, beats Trump's pick in North Carolina GOP House primary"

Dude trying to pronounce Afghanistan with a "guh" sound like "Uf-guh-nistan" thinking he is with it, knows the "local" ways, virtue-signaling that he is cultured, "knows shit". What a f-ing retard. I've seen cases when other person did not understand bcz of this retarded pronunciation. Do you want to communicate, or just making some kind of bullshit statement, retard?


The Last Look, from today's GPS: After hitting America's cities, the virus is spreading to Republican-leaning areas.


These algos become training data's bitch. No panacea.


Training these kinds of A.I. systems based on the movements and arrests of existing police officers is, quite literally, training them to follow their same bad habits and discriminatory tactics."



Arrest the cops who killed Breonna Taylor.

Attorney General: Daniel Cameron

Mayor of Louisville: Greg Fischer"


A cop hit on me when I was 21 and drunk in front of a club. I told him to go f**k himself. He slammed me against a wall and when I resisted, wrestled me to the ground and arrested me. I was taken to the precinct and cuffed to a pipe in front of a drunk tank of men for 18 hours"


'Always interpret text based communication in the most positive or charitable way' is a good rule of thumb for folks who are new to distributed teams"

Dude is varying motor speed within same cycle to obtain pitch and roll. Got game.

I saw that paper. Genius.




Here’s video of Scottsdale City Councilman Guy Phillips shouting "I Can't Breathe" before removing his mask at today's Anti-Mask Rally in Arizona"



Boston is now the second largest city in the world to ban the use of facial recognition technology. The city council just voted unanimously for a ban"

Haha Kissenger said of Flynn "he'll be gone within a year" when he took the job. Said he's the wrong type of person for it. Whatever u might think of the man he knows gov work, and its characters.

You say

'it can carry X kg'

I hear

'it can handle X kg of thrust'.

Dont see a cop as a person. He is a program. A collection of codes of culture, expectations, peers, rules and regulations. Nothing "tips", or happens "in a snap". Find the underlying structure and fix it.


Thinking about how the Congressional Black Caucus endorsed Engel"

Bowman is a progressive likely to unseat a centrist.


#NY16 Dem Primary Results (91.5% In)

Bowman 60.9%

Engel (-Inc) 35.6%"

"The End of the Girlboss Is Here . The girlboss didn’t change the system; she thrived within it. Now that system is cracking, and so is this icon of millennial hustle. .. The rise and fall of the girlboss is about how comfortable we’ve become mixing capitalism with social justice. We looked to corporations to implement social changes because we lost faith in our public institutions to do so"


Still in the long-term Mars is a bad idea. Cannot be terraformed. Better off with one of those Jupiter moons or large station near Earth. After footprint on the ground I'd ditch Mars.

Coaxial propeller design, very cool; maximum lift for given blade size, power.

Quadcopters are for amateurs.

Get to the dualchoppa!

Not to the quadchoppa!

Woha. And you know that the ban will stick, wont be negotiated away through some tariffs


Europe bans American travelers, starting July 1"

"[TR oppo party] CHP leader urges release of Selahattin Demirtaş following court rulings"


Collected excerpts from Gen Spaldings's book Stealth War


Well shit. You are playing hardball arent you NYT?

"Slate Star Codex

NYT Is Threatening My Safety By Revealing My Real Name, So I Am Deleting The Blog"



There is no good reason why California isn't ending the digital divide by building out affordable fiber to everyone. If we don't end the digital divide, we perpetuate the inequalities it has created

All Californians should have access to high-speed broadband. Do you agree? Then write your lawmakers and urge them to support S.B. 1130."


Congrats to @PayPal and @venmo on rolling out #crypto buying and selling. The next step definitely is the crypto processing service. But there's a hint: save time and money and integrate NOWPayments"

I hate to say it, the man was a hero, but Ike, having seen war up close, and wanting to keep fighting on the cheap might have leaned little too heavy on spycraft during his Presidency. The Mosdaddeq thing might have been an outgrowth of that... There was also "pactomania" during his time in office, prob for the same reasons.. But the spycraft would have countries, esp developing world always looking over their shoulders. Funny thing is they always say that abt Russia that they leaned so much on spycraft.

More info on O'Neil stations



So today we're talking about O'Neill Cylinders! Space settlements have always been something straight out of sci-fi, but cool to talk about nonetheless"


Subject to appropriations.. how fast is that happening

"The US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced its intention to invest up to 100m dollars over five years in two new DOE National Laboratory-led consortia to advance hydrogen and fuel cell technologies.

Announced yesterday, the funding will be used for research and development (R&D) activities and is subject to appropriations"


"But country XYZ is ancient, it has a grand history"

Purely text based blogging (markdown) and my editor extension for running code in docs (markdown or TeX) were two of the simplest things I've ever coded. But they changed everything, within context of my work.


The United States incarcerates more people than:















You can't have a blanket denial of all conspiracies. Otherwise you would have missed the conspiracy that toppled Mossaddeq in Iran. That was a CIA plot. "Stuff that sounds weird", "too easy" or "out of the ordinary" isn't necessarily a bad explanation.

Poland is loading for bear... You know all that is with Russia in mind.They are obsessed with Russia.

"Rafael Advanced Defense Systems has joined Poland’s Ottokar-Brzoza tank-destroyer program"

2008 election was about Dubya, the incumbent.. His popularity would lift or doom McCain (the latter happened). The Bama team kept their side of things light on details, not much policy, just emphasized the McCain-W connection (voted with W 90% of the time, etc etc). It worked (how could it not?), McCain he even joked about it.

Tommy Lee Jones was in the '95 movie? Did that guy always look old? Al Gore's roommate.. I saw a pic as student, he still looked old as fuck.

Interesting take.. I never liked the Nolan stutff


Unpopular Opinion: Batman Forever is a much better movie than The Dark Knight or The Dark Knight Rises ...

Batman Forever is fun and good. Christopher Nolan nailed Batman Begins but ran out of things to say and delivered The Dark Knight, which pretends to be a fancy intellectual film but is really vague fascism with cartoon characters. The Dark Knight Rises is just a bad movie"


"Joel Schumacher, director of Batman films, dies at 80"

That's why Tesla's technology is so retarded; they tried to create something wout gov seriously invervening (except some tax breaks which simply pushed the inferior battery tech further). BEVs are based partially on the Silicon Valley dork going "I could put my notebook battery on a car duuuude", but also having no infrastructure.

In the modern world, real change happens top-down. Through gov action.

Government level involvement in H2 fuel in a major way can change everything. A lot of things will become "safe" for bi'ness all of a sudden. They will start innovating more in this "safe space".

.. or using alternate timeline just to "spruce things up".

New Trek does both, no? Starting with that 2009 reboot? Which was okay-ish, then everything went downhill.

"@timmaughan another day another scifi book description that starts with 'SPACEBOI'S HOME PLANET HAS BEEN DESTROYED' we need a moratorium on using genocide as character motivation, it's lazy and gross"

EU-China summit


It's like they have built-in head stabilization software

Powell says FED accounts could work too well (destroying private banks' business). Well I cant blame a guy for not wanting to destroy the system he's tasked to run. FED sits at the center of a concentrated system of other banks.

This is why wave changes are so great. All individual waves have an intricate web of internal structures, contracts that hold it together. Wildly different big thing needs to come from outside (through leaders of those new constructions, like Nano), implying its own system.

"For decades bigger and bigger colliders got funded thanks to past prestige, but prestige fades away while costs grew until hitting human resources and time-scales...

Around 2000 German physicists proposed a new collider, but the answer was nein. Around 2010 Americans tried, but the answer was no. Next Japanese tried, but the answer was 'we express interest' which in Japanese probably means no. Europeans waited hoping that new technology will be developed while the Large Hadron Collider will discover new physics and motivate a dedicated new collider to be financed once the economic crisis is over. Instead of new technology and new physics we got a new virus and a possible new crisis.

The responsibility of being the last dinosaur does not help survival. Innovative colliders would need taking risks, but unexplored energies got so high that the cost of a failure is no longer affordable"



I hate to say it, Mustache is right on this one. Especially for I Am CRM types, the advice is not to rely on instinct, conceptualize things and act through them.

Bolton: "I came to understand that [DJT] believed he could run the Executive Branch and establish national- security policies on instinct, relying on personal relationships with foreign leaders, and with made-for-television showmanship always top of mind. Now, instinct, personal relations, and showmanship are elements of any President’s repertoire. But they are not all of it, by a long stretch. Analysis, planning, intellectual discipline and rigor, evaluation of results, course corrections, and the like are the blocking and tackling of presidential decision-making, the unglamorous side of the job. Appearance takes you only so far"


Last night we watched FATAL ATTRACTION and I was shocked Michael Douglas didn’t even get nominated for an Oscar. I couldn’t remember who won that year so, all mad about it, I looked up what clown won instead of Michael Douglas and it was Michael Douglas for Wall Street"

"[E]ngineers at the McKelvey School of Engineering at Washington University ... have developed high-power direct borohydride fuel cells (DBFC) that operate at double the voltage of conventional hydrogen fuel cells. Their research was published June 17 in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science"


"The world’s entire energy system is going to be built around renewable electricity and green hydrogen. This was an unconventional assertion to make as little as six months ago. In some parts of the world it is now perceived to be a statement of the obvious"



Lebanese are dumping their Ethiopian maids on the street outside the Ethiopian embassy because they can no longer afford to pay them"

A psycic dolphin? This movie rocks man..


"The AI laws of 2006?". Now that is scifi


Haha a preacher who is a hitman


Still largely it feels like a B-movie


The monologue .. "I want room service!" :)


People with masks and shit in Beijing. Prescient


Plug-in sockets in the head? Seriously.


Movie starts a lot like The Matrix. And after Speed I think Reeves was a shoe-in for that role.


Hah, Johnny Mnemenonic (dude with hard drive in his head) takes place in 2021. Dystopia. Corporations rule the world. Whoda thunk?

Rewatching JM now..


"Meanwhile, the artificial leaf concept has been swirling around in the laboratory...

The basic idea is to skip the electricity middleperson and spark a reaction in water directly, through solar energy. If you’re thinking of a photoelectrochemical reaction, run right out and buy yourself a cigar"



This is what the effect of concentrated propaganda has on American people. He literally has no idea what he’s talking about at all"



Biden ... +10 in MI, +7 in FL, +6 in WI, and +5 in PA (states that Trump won in 2016), there has been a massive swing in support for Black Lives Matter

I did another econ culling.. removed lots o econ types from TW follow

Wealth inequality stayed level for 20Q1, with miniscule decrease

2019-10-01    0.476
2020-01-01    0.474



if i still have to take my shoes off at the airport because of a failed terrorist attack 19 years ago, then you can wear a mask during a pandemic that has killed over 100,000 Americans


The only reason why I didn’t find out I loved programming until midway through grad school was because I was too afraid to mess up my gpa to take a computer science class... cuz the bell shaped curve really penalizes risk taking and experimentation"

Damn. Slave owners demanded one last harvest before emancipation, Juneteenth.

Freaking farmers.



The fact that Columbus Day is a federal holiday and Juneteenth is not says a lot ..."


HAYEK vs PSEUDOLIBERTARIANS For those invoking "libertarianism" in front of natural calamities, some news for you: Hayek explicitly gives a role to the "state": protection against violence, epidemics, and natural disasters. Namely; TAIL RISKS"


Here is something that should worry you. Each time I give a public lecture people come up to me and say they agree with me that building a bigger collider is currently a nonsense idea. It's a huge investment with little scientific benefit and basically no societal relevance

I mostly get this from physicists of other disciplines (condensed matter physicists seem to feature prominently, but maybe just because there are many of them) but also from particle physicists who have left the field, both theoreticians and experimentalists

Yet, there is not a single one of them on the public record willing to speak out. The reason I keep getting quoted by newspapers and magazines is simply THAT THEY CAN'T FIND ANYONE ELSE WILLING TO SPEAK OUT.


Double-check on Bezos energy projections / fears (10 KW / person, we will run out of panel space, etc etc)


Not much; Markowitz model has $R^2$ 90% , conf intervals on the prediction are usually tight.

Gelman: "How unpredictable is the 2020 election?"


It's funny among the three variables only one variable requires human judgement. All others can simply be observed. Econ effect; voter knows whether he is richer or poorer. Incumbency for >1 terms or not; that is a fact. This leaves popularity of the incumbent, the only thing where a judgement is applied. It works bcz the measure is coarse (individuals judgement will have errors, normally distributed which can be corrected through an average).

Elections are a vote on the incumbent, on three broad parameters.

"GOP fears Biden's low-key campaign is paying off"



'The former chief executive of Google has said 'there is no question' that Huawei sent intelligence to the Chinese government and that the company poses a challenge to national security.'"


you know what law never made sense to me? the fact that it’s illegal in some states to own a bulletproof vest. the police can throw you in jail because you’ve inconvienced their ability to kill you"


'Paris was a nightmare, and everyone there was morbid." -- John Maynard Keynes, 1919'

@John_Stepek Just reading the thus-far excellent Keynes biography, The Price of Peace, by @zachdcarter – one striking and inadvertently topical detail – while they were at the Paris peace talks in 1919, the Spanish flu was raging, and Keynes and most of the key world leaders all caught it"


I've responded to multiple epidemics & pandemics over the years from Ebola to Zika to Measles, each facing its own set of obstacles. I'm used to outbreaks being politicized but I've never witnessed this amount of stupidity that has plagued this pandemic from the get-go by electeds"