
Github Mirror

Week 16

(Q's human girlfriend): It's over Q, you are arrogant, overbearing and you think you know everything"

Q: But .. I do know everything"

#trek #ds9


Cheers was a holodeck program"

"Elon Musk’s Billionaire Brother Told His Workers They Were Family. Until COVID-19 Hit."


Let's look at Brasil

import pandas as pd, zipfile

with zipfile.ZipFile('/tmp/', 'r') as z:
    df =  pd.read_csv('data/gdp.csv'))
df = df[df['Country Code']=='BRA']
df = df.set_index('Year')
gdp = np.round(df.Value / 1e9,2)

What happened in 2011?

[searching..] Dilma becomes Prez. Ah. Well.. it looks like a huge peak in GDP before that, coupled with commodity troubles, due to cycle ending, things can go sideways easily, which happened for her. Dilma was Lula's hand-picked successor obviously.

And, I have to add what followed as part of that "Car Wash" thing was truly disgusting.

Nice here is GDP data too,

Let's try it out

import pandas as pd, zipfile

with zipfile.ZipFile('/tmp/', 'r') as z:
    df =  pd.read_csv('archive/population.csv'))
print (df.columns)
pop_per_year = df.groupby('Year').sum()
print (pop_per_year.tail(3))
Index(['Country Name', 'Country Code', 'Year', 'Value'], dtype='object')
2016  78729110445
2017  79699850185
2018  80655240865

All analysis, $R_t$, econ stats etc. can be targeted, 4 any state, country. Per request and Benjamins.

Found country level population data

It can come in handy for country level calculations, GDP per capita, or weighing for a score etc.


California governor says ventilators promised by Elon Musk never made it to hospitals"


Her last name 'lustig' means 'funny' in Kraut.


Again, I say: Three clear messages emerge from the pandemic: authoritarian leaders in one country, are a danger to humanity as a whole; science-denying leaders in one country, are a danger to humanity as a whole; neoliberal health systems, are a danger to humanity as a whole"

This sounds like a very big deal.

Northwestern University in the US, eh? Good job.


BBC: "A new material developed [works l]ike a bath sponge, the product is able to hold and release large quantities of the [H2] gas at lower pressure and cost.

Made up of billions of tiny pores, a single gram of the new aluminium-based material has a surface area the size of a football pitch"


Aah I played in Batman



"Washington, Oregon and California announce Western States Pact"


Im just playin man..


Daam. That celeb day was a big deal in RU, no?

"Putin Cancels Victory Day Parade as Coronavirus Crisis Worsens in Russia ..."


This is remarkable: 170 Dutch academics put together a 5-point manifesto for economic change after the C19 crisis, building on #degrowth principles. It has gone viral in Dutch media"


It's All About the Benjamins #music


RP is a UK based charity BTW. This is an excellent product.


Celebrities and war veterans: Stop giving money to the NHS! That's the governments job. Instead there are hundreds of charities supporting people affected by the current economic crisis that are badly short of funding"

"UAE boosts Assad as part of anti-Turkey strategy"


"Gilead data suggests coronavirus patients are responding to treatment"

"Some U.S. life insurers are deciding not to gamble on older Americans during the coronavirus crisis by temporarily suspending applications from certain age groups or imposing tougher requirements"


Learning a lot abt drug business here... Watch out for snitch, dont meet too many new ppl bcz they can snitch on you. U can also snitch on the snitch.

"♪♬ So he move to a rural area to keep cool

♪♬ He snitchin on a snitch now, there's nothin to tell

♪♬ Nowadays, your circles should be small as hell

♪♬ Ain't tryin to meet new faces, this don't interest me

♪♬ Even if we bubble slow, we'll get it eventually"

Obie Trice - Snitch #music


The dance radio station Im listening to is now advising listeners to, u guessed it, to dance to get over any bad feelings that might come from COV.


China denies coverup as it simultaneously ups the death count in Wuhan by 50%! "

Please make this man the President again. You know he'd win at the first election.

"Lula: Bolsonaro leading Brazil ‘to slaughterhouse’ over Covid-19"

Dude that totally sounded like Michael Jackson

Armand Van Helden - Give Me Your Loving Ft. Lorne #music



Kommersant: .. there are reports that Russia is recruiting Syrian militants and relocating them to Libya to reinforce the positions of the Libyan National Army"

Attempted at an $R_0$, or up-to-date $R_t$ estimate, if we go by "[t]he epidemiological definition of $R_t$ is the average number of secondary cases produced by one infected individual introduced into a population of susceptible individuals", then, say, it takes N days for the symptoms to occur after infection, then average of last N days would effect the average of next N days, new cases then divided by the past average can give an R estimate. The estimate shows the world has now R < 1. US is not out of the woods (R around 1.2 but decreasing trend).


1st batch of green plums of the year.


"Air travel is bad for the environment – but shipping is not that great either. James McKenzie wonders how best to decarbonize sea travel"



#debtjubilee 'Matt Hancock faces calls to cancel student debt for nurses tackling coronavirus' - Mirror Online"


"Researchers Delay Coronavirus Vaccine Until They Figure Out How To Make It Cause Autism"


I just saw this on the Polity data page; gov cut their funding? AFAIK this data set is well-known in academia, and useful for many researchers.


For the past twenty-five years, CSP/INSCR data resources, such as Polity, have been generously supported with funding from the US Government (through association with the Political Instability Task Force); that financial support was terminated on 29 February 2020"


1973 was the lowest point for democracy for the entire 20th century. It holds the record. A crazy year. A lot of things ended, collapsed, etc.

Haha there is a famous archeolog called Michael Shanks the same name of an actor who played an archeologist on Stargate, the TV show.

The answer


Almost everything about the process of sending stimulus checks to American families is slower than it needs to be.

Why? Because Congress and the Federal Reserve have failed to modernize the payments system"

5.2 Mil more in initial claims. Wow.

If there are systems in place to handle new cases, fine, but.. are they in place?


It's weird that "I'm personally willing to accept a 1-2% risk of death to reopen the country" is such a common talking point. If somehow the only cost of reopening the country were a 1-2% risk of me personally dying, I'd be in favor of it too, obviously.

I am personally unwilling to accept a million people dying to reopen the country. The thing that happens if we go back to uncontrolled exponential spread is a 1-2% chance of you dying (depending on demographics) AND a guarantee of ~ a million people dying"

Miyagi - Fear of Missing Out #music



We're now at Great Depression levels of unemployment. We've never experienced anything like this in the modern era.

25 percent of workers in Michigan are unemployed"


MHPS J-Series Gas Turbine Fleet Achieves One Million Commercial Operating Hours--Achieves World Record Reliability of 99.5%"

"[A] reader from Down Under pointed me to recent research by Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) that promises to address many of my concerns regarding hydrogen distribution by making hydrogen from ammonia at the pump.

These days hydrogen is typically shipped in ready-to-use liquid or gas form, but the liquifying process consumes 30 percent of its eventual energy content, and further losses occur from inevitable boil-off in transit. What the Aussies are proposing is to transport it as liquid ammonia and then convert it to hydrogen at the point of sale. Fun fact: The density of hydrogen in liquid ammonia is about 45 percent greater than in pure liquid hydrogen(!).

Oz has access to far more renewable energy than it knows what to do with. It's the globe's most solar-energy-rich country, receiving between 7-8 kW-hr/square meter of solar irradiation per day across the entire continent; there's also abundant ocean tide energy and plenty of wind, as well. So the government is keen to export that green energy, and easily transportable liquid ammonia produced without generating any CO2 looks like a great way to do so.

Most ammonia produced today involves hydrocarbon feedstocks and hence produces CO2. CSIRO proposes producing hydrogen by electrolyzing water and combining it with nitrogen separated from air. These gases are then compressed and fed into the same Haber-Bosch synthesis reactor used for hydrocarbon-based ammonia production (which involves iron-based catalysts, temperatures of 750-930 degrees, and pressures of 2,200-3,600 psi). Total energy input is roughly 10-12 kW-hr/kilogram of ammonia—all of it clean.

There are no ocean-going hydrogen tanker ships, but ammonia is routinely shipped by sea. Now CSIRO, in conjunction with Fortescue Metals Group, has developed a novel two-step process to convert ammonia into pure hydrogen gas"


Moon is pro for my favorite first element in the periodic table 👍 Glad he won.

"South Korea's coronavirus battle propels Moon's party to election win"



"Output cuts won't offset market rout": IEA

Hey.. if A.C. is on this thing, watch out

"One of the most attractive features of hydrogen technology as an energy carrier is its adaptability and versatility. Furthermore, existing infrastructure can produce, store, and transport energy in multiple ways, and hydrogen can be extracted from renewable and non-renewable resources. Hydrogen can also be converted to methane and electricity to power homes, or transformed into fuel for mobility. Hydrogen is one of the preferred options for storing excess energy produced from renewables—using water electrolysis technology, excess renewable electricity is used to split water into oxygen and hydrogen, which can then be stored in tanks. Hydrogen gas has the highest energy content of any fuel, as it has the capability to store substantial amounts of energy in a small amount of hydrogen. As a result, the technology is projected to be a low-cost option for energy storage over extended periods of time, making renewables a more attractive energy source for widespread adoption"


"The state [of NY] has now had more diagnosed cases of the virus than any single country"


Rice milk - awesome


Covid teaches the importance of self-reliance as a nation. Blindly investing in battery-powered vehicles only benefits China who dominate the battery industry"



I was fired from my job today. No reason except 'covid.' No severance. Guess I'll get back to freelance journalism again, so if anyone has work for me, please let me know"

Ian Morris: "Biologist-turned-historian Peter Turchin has pointed out: 'a discipline usually matures only after it has developed mathematical theory.'

Look at us! We are small after we lost all our shit!! We are dying heree!!

"Hedge Fund Managers Are Claiming Bailouts as Small Businesses"


"Redox-Flow Cell Stores Renewable Energy as Hydrogen

A redox-flow battery, in essence a reversible fuel cell, is typically made up of a positive and negative electrolyte stored in two separate tanks. When the liquids are pumped into the battery cell stack situated between the tanks, a redox reaction occurs, and generates electricity at the battery’s electrodes...

The new redox-flow cell performed well in lab tests, exhibiting a charge capacity of up to one ampere per square centimeter, a ten-fold increase over normal flow batteries. It was also able to withstand “several hundred cycles” of charging, which has never been demonstrated before in hydrogen ion flow batteries"


Woa... shortest path problems are indeed solveable as LPs - just solved one. And LP's internally use continuous methods, as in interior point styles..barrier, do Newton.. So a discrete prob solvable in continuous realm. No need for discreteness, loops, stacks and queues and shit.. Very awesome 🖖.

Too bad.. power bars have short exp date.. New approach using base ingredients.. Dried apricot, chestnut, almonds, dried berry, puffed rice for volume.

DJT net popul down to -7%, from -4%.

Rodrik: "COVID-19 may well not alter – much less reverse – tendencies evident before the crisis. Neoliberalism will continue its slow death. Populist autocrats will become even more authoritarian. Hyper-globalization will remain on the defensive as nation-states reclaim policy space. China and the US will continue on their collision course. And the battle within nation-states among oligarchs, authoritarian populists, and liberal internationalists will intensify"



The Eurozone is trapped because Italy can’t be a member without shared debt, there won’t be shared debt with Italy inside the Eurozone, and the Eurozone was designed to function without shared debt because Italy wasn’t suppose to be in the Eurozone"

Yep. And if that bending over backwards does not sit well w progs they can start a new party


This analysis by @DavidOAtkins is very good. The failure of Bernie to win doesn't show that a progressive candidate/agenda can't win, it shows that you can't win a Democratic primary by running against the party"

"Get Ready For 1.5¢ Renewable Electricity, Steven Chu Says"


Basis $r^3$? Same deal.

Yeah... $e^{-r}$ is convex but $e^{-r^2}$ is not.. Sorry no cigar. So sums of these, as in RBFS, would not guarantee global convergence. No luck my tegro.


Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day;

Teach him how to fish, and you lose a customer.

But give him a loan to buy a boat and net to fish, and he will end up paying you all the fishes he catches. You have a debt servant"

Tom Noble - Dancing Hard #music



Funny how folks observe the thing Jesus didnt say to observe, and ignore what he did say to observe"

😆😆😆😆 That was so funny man I lost my shit on that one

Tired: Wired

Wired: Not Wired


Coronavirus has revealed that 40% of us can work from home without the world falling apart, and the other 60% should honestly be getting paid a lot more"

Very cool, statsmodels library has a hazard regression module. 👍

For work I study stuff. For rest I study different stuff.

If this shit is sooo intrinsicly valueable why did UK, the inventor of modern finance, decided to sell their gold? Maybe goldcuck fucknuts are barking up the wrong tree - this thing is just another commodity (perhaps even worse than some other commodities), you buy it when the price seems favorable, and sell if there are enough morons willing to pay. But there is no value in it, if enough ppl favored sock puppets, sock puppets could be a 'store of value'.

"Gordon Brown [.. 1999-2002] UK Chancellor of the Exchequer (who later became Prime Minister) ... decided to sell approximately half of the UK's gold reserves in a series of auctions"


"Lengthening Patent Terms by 10 Years is Exactly the Wrong Response to COVID-19

Governments around the world are taking steps to make sure that private corporations don’t use the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to make unjustified monopoly profits. They’re doing that by ensuring that governments can override patents and issue compulsory licenses for COVID-19 related treatments, vaccines, and tools. Canada’s recent COVID-19 bill authorizes the government to make and use patented inventions as needed in fighting the pandemic. Governments in Chile, Ecuador, Germany, and Israel have taken similar steps.

But in the U.S., lobbyists and lawyers for patent owners are pushing our government to move in the exact opposite direction"


Tying shit to established shit - should be the motto. That's the best knowledge management mechanism, it optimal, and somehow connected to the "truth" of things.. LP is da shit. Show how it is solved, then you tie other shit to da shit.

You are not a bad teacher Lassard. But u messed up getting into that freak language and using it in a freak way, now the student could've seen how easy the transportation problem can be solved as an LP instead what they'll remember is that freak code. All u had to do was pass that incidence matrix to linprog and you'd be done and the student would go aha! But no, we had to get our freak on, now they are lost and confused.

"But Jesus was not killed by the emperor himself..!". Sure, but Pontius Pilate, his governor ordered his execution - so the system killed him.

This confirms my thesis that Jesus, Moses were political leaders, and speficially left politicians of their day. The billionaires, the ppl in power at the time were the pharoah, the ceasar, Ottocroc sultan - i.e. ancient mafia. Jesus, Moses butted heads with this system, and were promptly persecuted. An unfair system can only be possible with large landowners present BTW, a direct extension of an agrarian structures - a 16K year old construction at max.

These left leaders spoke of economic matters, but later their message was coopted by "elders", morphing the message into moralistic issues, perfectly in line with pre-Jesus, Moses paganist rituals when the majority worshipped ancestor bones due to inheritance worries, again, farm related and sacrificed young children.

"'The Christianity we know today is not the Christianity of Jesus,' says Professor Hudson. Indeed the Judaism that we know today is not the Judaism of Jesus either. The economist told Renegade Inc the Lord’s Prayer, ‘forgive us our sins even as we forgive all who are indebted to us’, refers specifically to debt.

'Most religious leaders say that Christianity is all about sin, not debt,' he says. 'But actually, the word for sin and debt is the same in almost every language.'

'Schuld', in German, means ‘debt’ as well as 'offense' or, 'sin'. It’s 'devoir' in French. It had the same duality in meaning in the Babylonian language of Akkadian.”

The idea harks back to the concept of ‘wergeld’, which existed in parts of Europe and Babylonia, and set the value of a human life based on their rank, paid as compensation to the family of someone who has been injured or killed.

'The payment – the Schuld or obligation – expiates you of the injury caused by the offense,' Dr Hudson said.

The Ten Commandments were about debt.

People tend to think of the Commandment ‘do not covet your neighbour’s wife’ in purely sexual terms but actually, the economist says it refers specifically to creditors who would force the wives and daughters of debtors into sex slavery as collateral for unpaid debt"



The language sucked so bad. For the smallest thing you have to write so much. Here is how long Hello World is in Python

print ('Hello World!')
Hello World!

Here is some Cobol bitch

code = """
    DISPLAY 'Hello world!'.

Lemme run this, compile and run

fout = open("/tmp/tst.cbl","w"); fout.write(code); fout.close()
! cobc -free -x -o /tmp/tst /tmp/tst.cbl
! /tmp/tst
Hello world!

😆😆😆😆😆 that was a gas man..

Yeah I did little Cobol. Freaky language. And very old.

Unemployment claims are processed with this thing? Unbelievable.

Wut? Cobol?



1/ This is the worst movie I have ever seen.

2/ Unsurprising that this movie doesn’t work – the screenplay was a dog’s breakfast.

3/So much heavy handed foreshadowing. The apocalyptic footage from Wuhan, the super villain American president, the whistleblower dying, the Russia/China border closed while people still claimed it was just a flu, the warnings unheeded. Insulting to the audience's intelligence

4/And then – that most annoying of horror/disaster movie tropes – the hapless idiots walking into disaster after disaster, all of which the audience can see coming from a mile away.

5/The over the top details of world leaders and their wives falling ill, the far fetched idea that industrialized countries wouldn’t have proper protective gear for front line workers and ventilators. Pleeeeaaase. This movie needed a script doctor.

6/ This movie even tries to cram in a political agenda – an on-the-nose critique of what capitalism looks like at its worst. States competing for ventilators, the rich sheltering in lovely places while the poor are trapped or still at work in unsafe environments.

7/And the dystopian angle of this movie? The elderly have become so disposable that young people still get together and party? No matter how bad the world is, no one could believe we could ever get to that point.

8/I don’t know who approved this script. I don’t know who thought it was in shape to be released. People are just desperate for content I guess"

"Sarah Gilbert, professor of vaccinology at Oxford University, told The Times she was '80 per cent confident' that the vaccine being developed by her team would work, with human trials due to begin in the next fortnight.

The government signalled that it would be willing to fund the manufacture of millions of doses in advance if results looked promising. This would allow it to be available immediately to the public if it were proven to work"



China announce replacement of a fleet of 7000 battery-powered buses with Hydrogen-powered buses"


More on Honda's tech


"Tunisia begins manufacturing hydroxychloroquine"


Damian Lazarus & The Ancient Moons - Fly Away #music


Pep & Rash and Polina - Echo #music


Industrialized meat is fine; efficient, clean if inspected properly. Stay away from freaky wild animals.

We also increasingly subtitute knowledge in place of hard materials during Third Wave - plastics, for instance, are a complete fabrication, a material that does not exist in nature. Constructing meat from its base essentials, without animals, will be IMO the new way we increasingly eat meat.

"The Case Against Wet Markets.. Live wildlife, however, is too risky to remain at wet markets. “The lowest-hanging fruit to lessen the likelihood of future pandemics is to close those markets where we have large congregations of wild species for commercial purposes,” Steven Osofsky, a professor of wildlife health"


Not cool. This guy is American, by citizenship and by culture.

"The Trump campaign probably never expected to feature [Gary Locke] either. But there he is, in a brief clip included in a montage of the former vice president meeting with various Chinese officials. Locke is standing between two Chinese flags (and next to an American one). Biden is walking toward him, with his head bowed in a way that makes him look deferential.It’s a standard theatrical move that Biden often does when he sees old political allies. And Locke is an old Biden ally.

But he isn’t Chinese. He’s Chinese American. And though the photo was taken at an event in Beijing, it was taken while Locke was serving in the same administration as Biden—as the American ambassador to China. Before that, he was the first Asian American governor of a state not called Hawaii. A section of the Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience in Seattle is devoted to him.[Read: Meet Gary Locke, America’s new ambassador to China]In other words: Locke is not a Chinese official, as the Trump campaign made him out to be, apparently because of the way he looks and because he was standing next to a Chinese flag.'It is racial stereotyping at its worst. Asian Americans—whether you’re second-, third-, or fourth-generation, will always be viewed as foreigners,' Locke told me today. 'We don’t say that about second- or third-generation Irish Americans or Polish Americans. No one would even think to include them in a picture when you’re talking about foreign government officials.'

Locke is justifiably bewildered by being thrown into the middle of the campaign. “For a lot of Asian Americans, it’s not surprising, but it is disheartening,” he said.[Read: The other problematic outbreak]Locke’s father was part of the Normandy invasion, then was ordered along with the rest of the Fifth Armored Division to the Battle of the Bulge"


If fin institutions were exposed to market forces, dollar would probably go down.

Labeled administrations on the Gini plot. Ineq rose under W, net gain only under HW and DJT (so far). Granted Obama admin began during GFC aftermath, things improved later starting '12, but looking at the net he finished in the red. Same for Clinton.


We're [US] not the only ones with a self-conception of "exceptionalism" (our exceptionalism isn't exceptional)"

"Washington, Oregon show promising coronavirus trends"
