
Github Mirror

Week 11

The new Picard show: I like how Picard was dismissive of the pyramids labeling them as "vanity projects".

The tone is against AI Doomsday, fine.

But they cld go easier on the Mary Sue.

EDX - Daybreak #music


"Study Links Nike, Adidas And Apple To Forced Uighur Labor" --

Hey this fukker was Clintonite, centrist extraordinaire. I'd listen to him.

"Top banker and Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin said on Monday that centrist Democrats must accept the increasing popularity of the redistributive economic policies favored by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren"



.. Here are the facts:

-There is no food shortage & stores will restock, so please don’t hoard.

-The water supply is clean & safe to drink, so there’s no need to buy water in bulk"

So Dark Matter is gone. Dark Energy was the result of an error in measurement. Lota dark fail here.

"Astronomers simulated the formation of galaxies without including dark matter, in what some see as a win for a controversial model of the universe called Modified Newtonian Dynamics"


S. Miller Band Serenade sounds Led Zeppelin-ish.


Attention NHTSA: Second Tesla In A Week Has Plowed Through Storefront In Coachella Valley"


[On UK plan] I don’t say this lightly: if they deliberately let this burn through the younger population in the name of keeping the economy going, & it kills a bunch of ppl & then doesn’t work, it will go down in history as the capitalist version of the Great Leap Forward"


Newton part 2?


Policy changes in reaction to the coronavirus reveal how absurd so many of our rules are to begin with.




That was fast


United Kingdom and Ireland added to Coronavirus travel ban - VP Pence"

Yeah VIX has seen 75, and is generally above 50. Thanks but no thanks.

Junk bond rate on 03-12, 8.81%, it was 6.10% a week ago.


Tough love for the EU+UK. The EU needs to stop all flights themselves. I am sure the public is already doing that, but they just need to shut down and focus. Allowing Super Spreaders to run rampant is not cool. I would be trapped, but I am cool with that"


For those of us who have seen this dynamic play out elsewhere, it's clear that cascading economic stops are reaching CRITICAL MASS. Neither our #economy nor social norms and practices are wired for such a shock Economic disruptions will be more widespread"

Wut 😶


The Italian model the aims to stop infection. The UKs wants infection BUT of particular categories of people. The aim of the UK is to have as many lower risk people infected as possible. Immune people cannot infect others; the more there are the lower the risk of infection"



Public Service Announcement

Everyone does realize what happened yesterday when #Fed committed to spend $1.5 TRILLION they don’t have, right?

They bailed out Citadel & Millennium"

Of course he had an "anti-poverty" message and was labeled a "populist".

Remember John Edwards.? A hand brushed him aside at the right moment so swiftly I couldnt help but be amazed. They cleared the path for brother Bam.

The Gillum thing could be about the establishment "voting" for who they do not want as Biden's VP pick

"Nation's Nerds Wake Up In Utopia Where Everyone Stays Inside, Sports Are Canceled, Social Interaction Forbidden" --



"More cases are now reported every day in Europe than in China at its peak, the WHO says"


At drive-through COVID-19 testing centers in South Korea, the test takes 10 minutes at most.

Results are texted to you, usually the next day. And it's free — paid for by the government"


Greece Health Ministry rep Tsiodras announces new measures to curb spread of coronavirus: Malls, cafes, bars, food outlets to close (excepting home deliveries). Supermarkets to stay open"

Development is heavily reliant on the diversity of products each country produces locally. Which means local know-how, technology.


No country has ever successfully developed based on free market policies. The reason why most developing countries remain undeveloped after 70 years of alleged development policies is the forced regime of 'free trade'"


The speed w which companies that borrowed truck loads of cash to buy back their shares over the last decade are now 'protecting their fin health' by putting staff on unpaid leave fills me w wonder at how efficient our markets really are in fu&king the 99.9% to protect the 0.1%"

Econ grinding to halt, potential war, disease.. Some Clancy level shit.





Shoulda stayed away from that Castro bullshit. Told ya


#New @GravisMarketing Polls


Biden 66% (+41)

Sanders 25%"

Goog Translation: "[French] municipalities and inter-municipal authorities are becoming aware of the interest of hydrogen in responding to the problems of their territories: decarbonization of transport, air quality, energy transition, economic development or industrial conversion. With the support of the Regions, now all committed with dedicated roadmaps, they are joining forces with manufacturers to deploy projects within structuring ecosystems. Following the National Hydrogen Plan, the State is preparing to retain hydrogen among the industrial priorities of its 2025 Productive Pact"

The doctor guy from Lost could've been major action star he messed it up. I saw him in some weirdo mindbucking scifish flick then nothing. He needed his Die Hard.

Doing well in California is becoming a reverse-signal of sorts for a candidate now.. Do well there it's a sign that something is wrong. Too many uppity white-collar folk, more Latinos than blacks, .. Do well there it says you will not do well in areas with blacks and working class whites. Maybe NYC is like that too. I like de Blasio, and I dont believe he was fully committed for the Prez campaign, but the other two NYC mayors who went all in, did terrible nationally. Gulliani was a major flop. We all saw Bloomberg.


Pic has him shaking hands with DJT


Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro tests positive for coronavirus"




Widening the pipes > paying rent-seeking miners for priority on slow networks"

More COVID19 Python code, data - how to get time series data, some plotting etc.


Trippy dude

How would Beavis and Butthead watch this video?

Break stuff! Break stuff! Yeah! Yeah!

Phantogram - You Don’t Get Me High Anymore #music



it's not the bottom until Warren Buffet wrangles a big bank into a shit OTC deal"


My wife has had a fever, dry cough, other flu symptoms, teaches in a cooperative school that had a family member diagnosed w/ Covid-19. Still cannot get tested in WA state. Told to go to ER if symptoms get bad enough. That's it"


Note to congress: my kid has symptoms but can’t be tested because no one in our community 'has tested positive yet'.

How will anyone test positive if they won’t be tested until someone tests positive?"

"L.A. Aims to be First to Power U.S. City With Renewable Hydrogen"



I panic bought boxes of tea before realizing that no one else in the US gives a crap about having enough tea"


My manager went on a 8 week sabbatical on Jan 25th and him and his wife rented a cabin in the North Carolina woods and didn’t bring no type of technology with them so they could enjoy each other company. Nigga finna come back to pure hell. He don’t even know Kobe gone"

Reminder: none of BD control is done through Deep Shit, sorry Deep Learning, "neural" archs which ppl assume are synonymous with "AI" these days.

There Is No Buyer

What happens to corporate debt?



They'll be all trippin like the Japanese when Godzilla comes they scream "gaicka, gaicka"!

Tigger gon lose his shit wit this corona. These mofokas are jumpy little bitches. Soon they be screamin runnin around begging for kool-aid magic kebab.


I lost everything in 2008

I am prepared this time

12 years have passed, but the moment has haunted me since

Let’s fucking go"

Woha. Proximal w backtrackig



Record. Curate. Keep it Async. Deliver.


A tip for professors who may be moving to online classes:

Feature your pets & kids prominently esp. if they are doing dumb things. Don’t stop the lecture when your husband yells MOTHAFUCKA in the background cuz he dropped his drink"


Education should be built, from ground-up for async, disconnected, offline model. Then, that material is supplied "online" sure, but it could as well be delivered through a USB stick.

"Offline online" approach is best. Class material becomes like a book, visited, revisited as necessary but recorded once (and maintained as necessary). Material should include code as well. See Prof.

"Options for giving math talks and lectures online As part of social distancing efforts to slow down the spread of the novel coronavirus, several universities have now transitioned, or begun transitioning, to online teaching models" --

Finally, da Proximal Grad Descent..

Boy did I blow through that Matlab / Python code conversion. I am getting a T-shirt / motto it will say:


15 days is not a big deal, if it means it will flatten that curve.


#COVID2019 Italy closed for 15 days"

Surely gov off'ls can be unreliable, morons too, but ppl expect them to be reliable, above a certain baseline. That's why they are imbued with all this emergency capab, tax dollars, etc.

One might think "but wouldnt info spread, like peer-to-peer dude, and everyone would know and act?". Nope. Expertise, gov matters. A Whatsapp group, the random tuber jumping up and down has a voice, but is it a reliable voice?

People are so locally minded (and that's fine). There has been constant intnl news abt cov19, there were cases all around Tiggerland but nothing in Tiggerland. Clearly the inbred officials were hiding it. No peep from people tho.. It wasnt until gov announced the 1st case, then tigger started talking about it, see ppl at the markets etc. It's important to realize this - people rely on governance, nationally. Especially at times of despair.

"Live long enough, you'll see some crazy shit. Guaranteed" -- Anonymous

The non-nano-tech Iron Man suits were better.


Donate computing power to the COVID19 analysis effort



We just published a framework that we've been using internally to think about different #covid19 pandemic scenarios, and game out what's next"



At the risk of contradicting a narrative that has taken hold, exit polls show that turnout of younger voters actually DID increase in key states, but older voter increase was even greater, reducing the youth vote share of electorate

"Harvard Epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch: .. if you have a reproductive number of an infectious disease of around two, which seems to be the estimates that we're getting right now..., then at a minimum, half the adult population needs to become infected before the spread can stop permanently. This is not an ungrounded estimation, but simply the basic math of epidemics"


"Coronavirus: Up to 70% of Germany could become infected - Merkel"


Stock market that feared Bernie Sanders' socialist agenda now hinges on hopes for corporate rescue packages"

Let's make it permanent. Less interaction.


Is there any reason to go back to shaking hands even after #COVID19?"

Is the oil move a plot by RU and SA both to destroy US shale? Fine. Destroy the motherfuckers.


Remember, the EARN IT act is only the latest attack in the government's very long war on encryption. Switzerland's most sensitive communications-security company was secretly run by the CIA. There is nothing these people won't do to stamp out the idea of a private conversation"


Note the role of Taiwan's Medicare for All in preventing a pandemic. Wonder how many analysts factor in the cost of a pandemic when saying US cannot afford Medicare for All"



Great to see that The European Commission has announced the Clean Hydrogen Alliance"


She could also be angling for a Biden cab position. Why not? It's perfectly fine thing to do. Wouldn't we want a prog in such a cab? I dont think her endorsement would change anything on the ground anyway. Portion of her prog base had left for Bern already (one of the reasons why she could not gain momentum).

"Why didn't Warren endorse Bernie when she could?"

Economics aside govs would be scared of ppl rioting. Helicopter $ is then bribe. Hey, lota politics is built on interest-group bribe.


BREAKING NEWS: The Australian government have just announced helicopter money live on Sky News. Pensioners, New Start & Small Businesses to receive $500 hand outs. More details to come..."

Junk bond rates are in the upswing, yield at 7.69% from 6.10% on Mar 5.



... The credit markets are going to tell you much more in the next few weeks as to the long term likelihood of continued equity volatility"

The "store front" of the prog left became "too diverse", too non-American in terms of others' perception. There are some fine people there, no doubt, most are culturally American, but the message should not be "multi-racial" which communicates "diversity for the f-k of it", it is "we don't give an eff what your ethnicity is". Have to strike a balance. Too multi-racial can put off whites, too Latin might put off blacks.

The left needs to drop its need for orgasm from people agreeing with them (also the turn-off they get from disagreement). "Agreement" on issues might not equate to electoral success. Watch hot button issues, even create them, get elected. Then implement issues and be judged on the success of them.

I do understand the urgency around this though since so much got diluted over the years due to errant, rabid centrism.

Plus voter mobilization is key part of the process, as in energizing them to go to the voting booth. Issue based atomic polls might not capture this dynamic.

This was the Dem primary after all. If such ordering of priorities do not sit well with some progs, maybe they should start their own party.

Atomic issues did not matter much, M4A, soc security, previous mistakes on war and piece.. What mattered was the one hot button grand issue, personality, and previous experience. Trump beat Hillary, indirectly Obama, trampled on everything Dems hold dear including sensibilities on race, now they want revenge -> Obama's VP. Biden positioned himself for that and is winning.


Bernie's problem so far is that the youth vote is up, but the boomers are voting at insane rates.. basically, all boomers do now is watch MSNBC, they've been waiting for this for 4 years.. all the boomers have been brainwashed into the thinking the world is falling apart, but once trump gets out things will be ok again. 4 years of histrionic coverage around trump has mobilized them, but to no greater purpose than voting trump out"

A gentle reminder to ppl who are getting smacked even on their way out


Coronavirus Conference Canceled Because of Coronavirus"


$RCL bought back $900 million worth of stock and paid out $1.8 billion in dividends since 2017.

Now they want a government bailout"




Based on my twitter feed it would appear that bull markets are evidence-driven while sell-offs are all about psychology" Guinea. They f...ed it up for everyone again. The Roman Empire wasn't bad enough? Here have some corona.


The Atlantic: "Coronavirus: The Case for Canceling Everything. Social distancing is the only way to stop the coronavirus. We must start immediately"


Greco bro.. Ela re malaka

Guy is strong supporter of H2, v good.

BTW when interviewer asked "is H2 a replacement for solar and wind energy" he shoulda said it is not a replacement, it is a storage method for intermittend wind and solar energy.


This morning, during @euronews’s #GoodMorningEurope, our SecGen @Chatzimarkakis commented the #industrialstrategy of Commissioner @ThierryBreton and explained why the #energytransition needs #hydrogen to have more #renewables"


Another point here is IN came to the possession of bunch of paper to write on. IMO this was key - in computer science the only difference between two computing machines, finite-state automata, and the Turing machine is an (infinite) tape. The latter is the basis of all computing, more powerful, because it can write and remember. Essentially modern computing, and perhaps human adv thinking, is largely based on writing, we can achieve by a lot by writing, going back to it, revising, extending.

So the plague at the time helped Newton become what he is. Plague was raging outside he was studying. If this WuFlu gets worse maybe we'll get some good scientists out of it?

Gleick, Isaac Newton: "[Then] came the epidemic. Three men in London succumbed in a single house; by January the plague, this disease of population density, was spreading from parish to parish, hundreds dying each week, then thousands. Before the outbreak ran its course, in little more than a year, it killed one of every six Londoners...

The colleges of Cambridge began shutting down. Fellows and students dispersed into the countryside. Newton returned home. He built bookshelves and made a small study for himself. He opened the nearly blank thousand-page commonplace book [empty notebook] he had inherited from his stepfather and named it his Waste Book. He began filling it with reading notes. These mutated seamlessly into original research. He set himself problems; considered them obsessively; calculated answers, and asked new questions. He pushed past the frontier of knowledge (though he did not know this). The plague year was his transfiguration. Solitary and almost incommunicado, he became the world’s paramount mathematician"

Great name - Sunfire



[T]raditional fiscal stimulus won’t work by itself, as it didn’t work in Japan. It is too selective & relies on ‘trickle down or up’ fallacy. Need debt write downs, direct stimulus to households"

There is a thing called Lipschitz continuity in Analysis. My mind keeps autocompleting "dipshit" instead of Lipschitz 🙄


The EU will unveil plans for a ‘clean hydrogen’ alliance this week to accelerate Brussels’ push towards carbon neutrality and set out a more assertive industrial approach to competition from China and elsewhere"

What a waste

"A natural gas power plant can't always send excess energy into the grid, frequently leading to waste as the gas is flared or vented away. However, a plant in Dresden, New York thinks it has a solution: use that surplus to generate some digital cash"



Love people calling these moves we are seeing right now 'crazy'. This is not crazy. What was crazy was the reckless monetary policies of central banks that led to this"


I live in Bergamo and work in Brescia, that is in Lombardia, the Italian area most affected by the coronavirus. I can confirm the situation is extremely serious. Everyone should apply all possible precautions to avoid contact with others"

Back that azz up


Circuit-breakers today:

Mongo Santamaria - Que Maravilloso #music


No kidding


Saudi’s picked a hell of a time to launch a price war"

Wasnt JL a wife beater?

Woha. "Woman is the N.. of the World"? By John Lennon. First time I heard this song.



Centrally managed clock - Second Wave.


BREAKING: Britain's FTSE 100 index plummets nearly 9% in early trading"

Voters cant create policy. Customers can't invent products. What else is new?

"Students don't know what's best for their own learning"


Gold will never form the basis of another world currency, neither will Bitcoin.

Aw gov spends too much, will collapse the dollar, yields will rise, we will go back to the gold standard, yadi yadi yada...He's been waiting for that shit forever.

Here is the idea of interaction for most. Bunch of people standing around, they come together, and everyone turns to the person to their right, puts a finger up the ass. Everyone else does the same. Now you formed a circle, and the circle is connected. Then they turn this circle and start singing Kumbaya... This is the ideal for most people.

Deaths due to war, disease etc are directly proportional to the density of a population. I wrote about it on 2011, here and here.

Logistic equation, the best predictor of population growth, works well because it includes a death rate inversely proportional to the density of a population. Density means more butting heads on resources, more physical interaction that create conditions ripe for war and disease.

Decrease interaction. The ideal soc for most is still dumb villagers in their dumb villages worhipping to bones and stray cats, dogs, with weirdo rituals. We need to get out, sparsely populate the Earth, even the areas over and under the sea.

w =  [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]
print ('perfect equality', gini(p,w))
perfect equality 0.0

How did inequality change in US over the years? I used "wealth by wealth percentile group" chart from the FED and calculated the Gini coefficient at various times. Code based on script.

Output (the lower the better) says inequality became worse under Clinton, W (worst) and Obama. It improved under Trump 😶.

That's effin centrism for you, the same old same old, no improvements, just a little worse then Reps (major selling point), and even once in a while getting smacked around on their own backyard by an outlier Rep.

def gini(pop,val):
    pop = list(pop); pop.insert(0,0.0)
    val = list(val); val.insert(0,0.0)        
    poparg = np.array(pop)
    valarg = np.array(val)
    z = valarg * poparg;
    ord = np.argsort(val)
    poparg    = poparg[ord]
    z = z[ord]
    poparg    = np.cumsum(poparg)
    z    = np.cumsum(z)
    relpop = poparg/poparg[-1]
    relz = z/z[-1]    
    g = 1 - np.sum((relz[0:-1]+relz[1:]) * np.diff(relpop))
    return np.round(g,3)

p = [0.01, 0.09, 0.40, 0.50]

print ('1992', gini(p,[5.69, 8.16, 8.32, 0.95]))

print ('2000', gini(p,[12.59, 14.56, 13.86, 1.45] ))

print ('2008', gini(p,[18.99, 24.60, 19.73, 1.17] ))

print ('2016',gini(p,[27.27, 33.29, 25.43, 1.00] ))

print ('2019',gini(p,[34.54, 40.12, 30.90, 1.67] ))
1992 0.401
2000 0.41
2008 0.463
2016 0.485
2019 0.472


Time to say your final goodbyes to the positive treasury yield world. It was a valiant fight, treasury securities. You held out much longer than JGBs and BUNDS, but eventually you succumbed too"



Content creators know that I'm a free rider, will not pay for ur shit. Go behind a paywall, ur content is dead to me.

HFC tractor from Netherlands


"Chuck Norris will never have an heart attack. His heart isn't nearly foolish enough to attack him"

Volatity Index


Selling... spinning what you dont have as 'feature', not a bug.

Dude. MOAB totally did not work. What is this thing made of?

The outside of the dome where MOAB hit got trashed. Realistic. I dig it.


Watching Under the Dome. They're abt to drop a MOAB on the dome.


"World's Largest Hydrogen Plant Opens in Fukushima"


MIT: "Decarbonization of the electric grid is also a major motivator to use hydrogen for large-scale energy storage, with potential benefits for transportation and other segments of the economy"


New PM in Malaysia replacing Mahathir. I like Mahathir (came back again in his 90s) but if he is getting old, I understand... Also tired of hearing abt his protege / nemesis Anwar, guy's name is constantly floated but never makes it to PM. Less of that the better. This new guy I'd never heard of. Good.

Climate skepticism is not a "conservative" position. Being a con has nothing to do with views on climate. UK cons are pro-climate (we can thank Thatcher for that). Climate, a secondary issue in terms of potential agreement, was turned into a primary one to hide the fact that US became a one-party state. Abortion, guns serve the same purpose.

UK suffered from one-party-ism too, thanks to "Third Way Blair", but their cons went berserk in different ways. Anyway, not going into that anymore, as promised 😉


Trump said he didn’t know that people could die from the flu.

His grandfather died from the flu"

Orwell at your Doorbell :)

What they really should have done is banning stock buybacks, but hey..


The Short Sale Ban is coming on financial stocks and transportation/travel companies...I smell this a mile away and feel it in my bones.. "

Yees bitch, fuel-cells are space tech

"Before moon landing NASA tested out a lot of tech un seperate Gemini missions.

Gemini 3 (Gemini’s first manned mission) was the first time a space capsule changed its orbit mid-flight. Gemini 4 featured the first space-walk. Gemini 5, the first use of oxygen-hydrogen fuel cells, etc"

U-oh. DJT net approv is going back to its usual low: around -10% accord to 538 combined results.

Maybe the Chink did all this just to kill Trump from a distance.


Wuhan #Coronavirus : ‘recovered’ patient dies as China continues coverup... China wouldn’t let CDC scientists in because they would have found the truth of origin...

First, CCP infects the world with the potentially lab-developed Wuhan Coronavirus,and now they seek to profit from selling the world masks to help avoid the bio disaster. This is capitalism with Chinese characteristics"

"As one panelist, Mahmoud Hanafy, Senior Vice President at Siemens, put it, “The Middle East is a blessed region for energy.”

All seemed to agree, and they weren’t thinking about oil and gas.

That the energy transition is good news for the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), that renewables could become a new source of export income, growing even as income from hydrocarbons declines, was an important insight that emerged.

Indeed, pilot projects now being launched thousands of miles away in the Pacific, and planning in Europe, could hold great significance for MENA. They concern the so-called ‘green hydrogen’ produced from renewable energy"


Long-distance shipping of hydrogen will not require wildly new, untested tech. We already ship liquified natural gas (LNG) at minus 160 Celcius. Go down 90 more that gets you H2 storage.

Then of course there is ammonia, storage at room temparature converted easily into H2.

It's crazy we can deduce something, anything about such giant constructions.. Very cool.

If there are infinitely many stars, why isn't our night sky infinitely bright? Longer form below:

Webb, Where is Everybody: "Suppose the stars are uniformly distributed throughout space. A star’s brightness decreases as the square of its distance from an observer, but the number of stars increases as the square of the distance from the observer. These two effects cancel, and each grid shown above contributes the same amount of brightness. Since there is an infinite number of these grids, the night sky should be infinitely bright. Even allowing for nearby stars blocking the light from distant stars, the night sky should be blindingly bright. Why not?"

Answer: "It turns out that the paradox is explained by one of the most dramatic discoveries ever made by astronomers: the universe has a finite age. Since the universe is only about 13.8 billion years old, the part we can see is finite in size. For the night sky to be as bright as the surface of the Sun, the observable universe would have to be almost 1 million times bigger than it is"