
Github Mirror

Week 8


"Biden revived his campaign"? He did terrible. Took only half the votes as Bernie.

.. most of which are useless industrial institutions anyway. Maybe this is how second wave ends - death-by-flu.


The new flu has an affinity for institutions. Prisons, hospitals, army groups, churches .."

Mmm why r u giving Reps something to talk abt during the general? Undercutting the Bern?


The Ways and Means Committee passed bipartisan legislation to protect patients, improve transparency, and end surprise medical billing"


Dr. Brett Sutton, chief health officer in Australia's Victoria: 'It's clear that with local transmission in several countries that a pandemic is very likely, if not inevitable'"

Not bad either..


First CH corona numbers were fake


šŸ˜†šŸ˜†šŸ˜† 4-D tavla

(tavla = backgammon)

I am feelin good abt it


#NevadaCaucus Statewide Delegates (2.3% In):

Sanders 347 (54.96%)

Biden 129 (20.98%)

Warren 48 (7.80%)

Steyer 60 (9.76%)

Buttigieg 32 (5.13%)

Klobuchar 8 (1.28%)"


Who will eat it?

Plotting the corona virus map based on latest data


The Eurodollar contract points to low rate expectation as far as the eye can see (100-[value below] = rate).

MAR 2020 98.3575
APR 2020 98.41
MAY 2020 98.475
JUN 2020 98.53
JUL 2020 98.565



A Chinese soccer team from Shanghai traveled to Tokyo and then to Los Angeles THIS PAST MONDAY. They werenā€™t quarantined or tested for the Wuhan coronavirus. They walked the airport for hours before they left for Brazil. How did this happen?! AA flt staff very upset"


EVERY anti-Bernie argument

I made it times ten.

EVERY feeling of defiance toward his online defenders

I felt it times ten.

EVERY bit of #Bernie vetting

I did it times ten.

EVERY reason to criticize him

I found times ten



You can too"


[US] should not be cheerleading a potential [RU-TR] clash in Idlib"


Russia is using just enough attributional ambiguity to allow for Ankara to keep pretending it was the SyAF that killed the TSK yesterday, and not the RuAF"


Campaigns and the media are making the same mistake they made with Trump. During 2016 we had to hear 'ceiling of support' 'core base of deplorables', etc. It's a mistake to assume Democrat voters would shift to Bloomberg/Buttplug with less candidates"

If I use the word so-called before quoted text am I negating the effect of the quotation marks? Like - 'so-called "potato"'. Now did I remove the sarcasm and just say potato?

I am having deep thoughts on the issue..


The replies are awesome too šŸ‘‡

You dont want to be pinned down by that shit. Say whatever I dont care. As long as he gets the nomination and the Presidency he could talk about Cat in a Hat, the cookie monster, I dont give a f!$k

"Why does Bernie play along with all that Russia stuff"


Every other country is moving ahead of the United States on lower prices, gigabit speeds, universality, and fiber infrastructure, and it's doing so because an expert regulator promoted competition and access, and prevented monopolization"


Political Islam usually degrades into caliphatism as in Ottomuffs, similar to the centralized, managed Christianity (Catholicism) of Rome an outgrowth of widespread peasantry and its parasitic mafia - sorry, empire. The left aspect of religion is quashed. So it makes sense to keep organized religion at bay, away from state functions.

"Keeping track of freight on thousands of railcars along thousands of miles of track, maintaining rail beds, keeping engines and cars repaired, overseeing thousands of employees, and ensuring safe passage required a new kind of organizational model. Economic historian Alfred Chandler points out that railroads were the first modern business enterprise to separate ownership from management. No single family could underwrite the huge capital costs of building a railroad. So, in the 1850s, European investment houses began financing U.S. railroads.60 The operation of the railroads was put under the stewardship of a new class of professional managers. They created the precursor of the modern corporation, a centralized, hierarchical command-and-control mechanism made up of critical decision makers at the top of the pyramid and middle managers at various rungs who were responsible for specific day-to-day functions of the organization and accountable to higher-ups for overall guidance"

#rifkin #h2book

Strength becoming weakness



"Access to oil became even more important during World War II. Indeed, the entire strategy of the war revolved around controlling vital oil supplies...

[Hitler] set [his] sights on a two-pronged approach to securing oil: first, developing a synthetic-fuel industry at home; and second, pushing into a war with Russia to secure access to the rich oil fields at Baku in central Asia"

#rifkin #h2book


My editorial paper entitled, 'No raw data, no science: another possible source of the reproducibility crisis'. When I feel the results are too beautiful, I requested raw data before sending it out for review. 40 out of 41 did not send me the right data...

21 of them were just withdrawn without providing raw data. 19 of them were rejected due to insufficient raw data ...

I cannot help suspecting that some (or many) of them, from the beginning, did not have the right raw data that match the results shown"



Recovered coronavirus patients who have traces of COVID-19 in their bodies could infect others, doctor warns"

Hanauer: "Contrary to the trickle-down narrative, as many as 44 percent of adult homeless people are employed in full- or part-time work. But even steady work is no longer enough to stay securely housed"



Businesses crushed by the coronavirus won't get much help from insurers, who across the board exclude epidemics in standard business-interruption policiesā€”a post-SARS legacy. 'Insurers are in the business of covering risks they can understand.'"


Ankara is operating under a de-facto Russian enforced NFZ. Whether the Su-24 was Russian or Syrian doesn't actually matter. The issue is that Russian actions enable to bombing of TSK in Idlib, either directly or through the protection of the regime"

"In order to (inconsistently) enforce this labyrinth of red tape, Bloomberg effectively turned the police into a task force on petty vice, sending them to write up people for harmless offenses (a move their union loudly protested). In a 2004 piece for Vanity Fair, Christopher Hitchens set out on a crime spree across New York where he tried to break as many of these enforced regulations as possible. This meant not just lighting up in a bar, but sitting on a milk crate ($105 fine for a Bronx man), feeding pigeons (summons for an 86-year-old), and riding a bike without both feet on the pedals. Strangely, though considered crimes against humanity in Bloombergistan, these particular infractions had nothing to do with public health. What they did have to do with was fines, which were then used to fill city coffers, authoritarianism in the service of deficit cutting. This enabled Bloomberg to boast about his fiscal responsibility even as he presided over a hefty expansion of the cityā€™s budget"


Woha. All carbon stays underground? Ingenious if it works as advertised.


The recyclability of Ballard fuel cells is really impressive. This should be shown to the next Tesla fanboy who starts with 'but the efficiency!'. Fuel cells as a component of a renewable energy system are unbeatable in terms of sustainability"

I know Thatcher is now seen as the wicked witch, but she was a trained scientist (researcher in chemistry) and she warned about climate change way before it was fashionable.

Last paper I saw on this said conciousness is not required for the so-called collapse of the wave function.

Corallary: if this thing "collapses" even for inanimate objects, that would increase the likelihood of what we see being one version of the world. Even if you believe collapse is happening, it is happening all the time, so there aint much motherf--ing wave left to have your motherf-ing multiverses in.

Reality can still be warped of course, generated from some data structure, graph, tensor, etc but still, real. As in, not subjective.

Conciousness and quantum wave function collapse



China is shutting down internet in Wuhan"


FDR banned billionaires [..] Lippmann on John D. Rockefeller in 1937, 'Before he started his enterprises, it was not possible to make so much money; before he died, it had become the settled policy of this country that no man be permitted to make so much money.'"

I'd love to see them try and watch hoardes of voters leave the "Democratic" party

It's not just about the methane Bloomy.. they use potable water for the fracking process which is wasted, and more, what comes out is toxic. If this toxic water seeps into ground it will poison its nearby area for decades.


Bloomberg saying he opposed Obamacare because it didn't go far enough is an utterly hilarious lie"


"Ocean-going ships could be powered by ammonia within the decade as the shipping industry takes action to curb carbon emissions.

The chemical - the key ingredient of fertilisers - can be burned in shipsā€™ engines in place of polluting diesel.

The industry hopes ammonia will help it tackle climate change, because it burns without CO2 emissions...

But it notes that the near ubiquitous use of ammonia for agriculture has conveniently generated a global network of ports where the chemical is traded or stored.

That means the infrastructure for storing chilled ammonia as a shipping fuel already exists. In the USA, for instance, one existing ammonia pipeline runs for 2,000 miles...

The engine designer Man Energy Solutions is making a two-stroke ammonia-powered engine it hopes will be ready by 2024.

The firmā€™s spokesman, Peter Kirkeby, told the BBC: ā€œWe see a very big interest from the market in ammonia as a fuel ā€“ even though there are challenges.

'We expect the first ships fuelled with ammonia will be existing tankers that are already transporting ammonia for fertiliser. They know how to handle it.'"


Reminds me an old Onion post





Liquidity driven rally


Great. F the teachers (except the ones on video)

Also all online source material should be downloadable, so we also need offline for that online. I guess in short digital learning.



Never would have guessed that demand for online learning would be driven by a virus.

200 million kids are back in schoolā€”but only ONLINE"


To get better idea on mortality rate of nCOV, I'd watch democracies near China who also reported cases on it, like South Korea.


Was it the wind? (Easier for South Korea, than Japan but hey)

This thing can survive up to 9 days on surfaces. Why not?



"None of Japan's new coronavirus patients had direct China links"


AAPL is moving to Taiwan? Makes sense. Foxconn would gladly move to keep AAPL as customer of course. Are their workers as cheap?

Better (for US) would be move to US (and automate as much as possible).


"Judging by media coverage and the comments of party luminaries, you might think Democrats are bitterly polarized over Bernie Sandersā€™s presidential bid... Since the beginning of the year, news organization after news organization has speculated that Sandersā€™s success may set off a Democratic 'civil war.'

But polls of Democratic voters show nothing of the sort. Among ordinary Democrats, Sanders is strikingly popular, even with voters who favor his rivals. He sparks less oppositionā€”in some cases far lessā€”than his major competitors. On paper, he appears well positioned to unify the party should he win its presidential nomination.So why all the talk of civil war? Because Sanders is far more divisive among Democratic elitesā€”who prize institutional loyalty and ideological moderation"

The Atlantic

Buybacks, recession


Last time when voters were satisfied with the "direction of the country" was right after 9/11, stayed like that for months. Voters don't know much.

"Voters are so-so, lukewarm abt the direction of the country according to polls"

This current world is probably a version of be-all end-all dream for boomers. Products in markets, bunch of roads, cars, etc, especially in 2nd, 3rd world - they didn't have any of these things in such abundance when they were young. Boy did they get what they (uncarefully) wished for...

They are about abundance of shit.. not quality. U'd think by now would all students would be bombarded with such great teaching material through official channels that they'd only be limited with what they could absorb. Didn't happen. Quite the opposite, I see majority struggling to find content, accessing quality teaching. There is huge indust production, still poverty. Throw away forks and knives, garbage patch in the Pacific Ocean.

Twistor theory does not incorporate most of GR. No hope there. Penrose is great but that direction seems dead.

Industrial scale renewable hydrogen project advances to next phase

GBP 7.5 million funding secured for phase two of Gigastack

Project consortium includes ITM Power, Ƙrsted, Phillips 66 Limited and Element Energy

Phase two to demonstrate low-cost, zero-carbon hydrogen in the UK to industrial scale


Having video resources is beyond awesome. Two lecturers explaining same topic in two different videos (from different year, semesters)! One doesn't work try the other! Using the same slides!

Elections are not about policy accuracy, they are about grand messages. They are about selling, especially for the challenger (not having a previous term to be judged on).

I am glad Bernie is using a label that specifically ends with the word socialism, so the emphasis is squarely on that term. This is the best way to draw a contrast between himself and the establishment whose meager middle-ground centrism drove Dems to the ground.

"Why does Bernie call himself democratic socialist when he is actually a social democrat if we go by policies"

Buy bonds (for good yield) price goes up, yields go down. Low yields on B-grade bonds means there is a lot of demand for that debt. B-grade is risky, ppl are hungry.

Bubble in low grade too? šŸ¤”

B-grade junk bond yields are way down, like way down. Peeps are hungry for yield and flooding this area too of course.

But..if we go by this graph's relation to recessions, next one does not seem imminent.


@DataProgress Poll:

Sanders 35%

Warren 16%

Buttigieg 15%

Biden 14%

Steyer 10%

Klobuchar 9%

Gabbard 2%

Who puts ice in beer? Weirdo



John Oliver endorses Medicare for All; calls Peteā€™s 'Medicare for All Who Want It' a 'shit sandwich with a side of Guacamole'"


mike bloomberg on fox news in 2011: 'i'm a friend of donald trump. he's a new york icon.'"


Because they are rich, dofous. US system is great if you have money. If not, you go to Canada not to die from diabetes.

"If US health system suck so bad why do so many foreign / local rich ppl go to US hospitals?"

One good news!

I've had a lot of exercise on this area. Tigger nats, among their other moronic proclaimations, also keep harping abt a "pure tigger" whose head must be brachycephalic in shape (basically a round head, like Putin's) a feature apparently of "Central Asian origin". A lot serious people believe this shit, so ~10 yrs ago during my TR blogging when some high ranking military types mumbled the usual nat stories, I would just get a photo of them, measure their head, and look at the ratio (of height to width). It is always less than 0.85, not brachycephalic, then I'd say "well you do not belong to the Turk race". Nats start jumping up and down.. These ppl are deeply delusional. Which describes nationalism well actually - a shared delusion.

But then how would some people manage to come across so "outside of mainstream", as "bucking etc". You are taking away their toy man...


TLDR: .. [M]odern genetic research shows that eugenics would not work"


Aaah Dawkins and his eugenics...

We laugh but it's true



The press is more upset with @TomCottonAR for floating a completely plausible theory about Coronavirus origins than they are the CCPs consistent lies and obfuscations that put literally hundreds of millions at risk"

#trevorNoah #stopAndFrisk


Isn't Deutsche Bank basically bankrupt?

Increasing "spending" will only help zombies to stay afloat. Help the people, let the rest die. Increase rates to 4% so they die faster.


In a historic shift, economically conservative Deutsche Bundesbank calls on govt to loosen purse strings in order to support econ growth"

In many ways Warren's strategy, path to nom was the hardest.. Her plan hinged on taking progressives from Bernie (they shared a base) which she succeeded for a while, use that momentum to gobble up centrists, reach the goal. It all depended on Bernie not showing up, but when he did, it was game over. Not to nag, she obviously has prog creds. But Bernie is more of a known quantity having ran against Hillary 2016.

Van Raamsdonk on multiverse theory: šŸ‘Ž. MV takes QM as granted, it goes "all in" on the Schrodinger Eq.



German Federal Minister for the Environment @SvenjaSchulze68 proposes to put the production of 5000 or more tons of green #hydrogen out to tender annually. 'Whoever produces the hydrogen at the lowest cost will get the contract'"


Love for Cuba is a political minefield. Bam went to Havana for a little tango and look what happened to Dems in Florida 2016. Cuban dissident money built Florida's Miami, a quick reminder. There are saner Latin Am countries to like.

Haha.. the primary is getting colorful.

Now the time to sit back, relax and watch the show.

Kloh-botcha... U botched that one up


'In the most recent congressional session, #Klobuchar voted to confirm nearly two-thirds of President Trumpā€™s judicial nominees'"


Once saw a Rage Against the Machine cover band at Berlin's Kilkenny bar. For the song Wake Up ppl were screaming mo...f.kaaaaa!! so hard they probably heard us from Alexandarplatz.

If there is an armed struggle I am getting the two ammo belts, have it crossed on chest like Pancho Villa.

Haha that's the Zapatista flag BTW. A leftist armed group in Mexico.


Douhat: "But Democrats considering this sales pitch should be very clear on what a Bloomberg presidency would mean. Bloomberg does not have Trumpā€™s flagrant vices (though some of his alleged behavior with women is pretty bad) or his bald disdain for norms and rules and legal niceties, and so a Bloomberg presidency will feel less institutionally threatening, less constitutionally perilous, than the ongoing wildness of the Trump era ā€” in addition to delivering at least some of the policy changes that liberals and Democrats desire.

However, feelings can be deceiving. Trumpā€™s authoritarian tendencies are naked on his Twitter feed, but Bloombergā€™s imperial instincts, his indifference to limits on his power, are a conspicuous feature of his career. Trump jokes about running for a third term; Bloomberg actually managed it, bulldozing through the necessary legal changes. Trump tries to bully the F.B.I. and undermine civil liberties; Bloomberg ran New York as a miniature surveillance state. Trump has cowed the Republican Party with celebrity and bombast; Bloomberg has spent his political career buying organizations and politicians that might otherwise impede him. Trump blusters and bullies the press; Bloomberg literally owns a major media organization. Trump has Putin envy; Bloomberg hearts Xi Jinping"


Cli-fi. Solarpunk. Today is the day for new words.

"[On economistsā€™ obsession with their models] itā€™s an assumption that individuals in a market economy are so all-knowing that, in effect, they donā€™t need markets at all: they can just work it all out in their heads"


Duchess of Douche

Dont look to capitalists for the two-step solutions. They can only do their thing in their little sandboxes where resources, talent, inno are prepared for them. Bezos let that slip recently while talking abt his space plans, that Amazon was built on an existing infrastructure of Internet, delivery, products. His point was abt having to build same type of infra for space so companies can innovate, but we see the logic here...

Jobs was the same way. He would expand great effort in finding the right component companies, for the iPhone, iPod, notebooks but that doesn't change the fact is nearly all significant tech in today's smartphones is tied to gov research.

The butler did it. Why the butler? He knows the lay of the land, the house, the owner, all inhabitants.. He could do the crime if he wanted to, has opportunity, and knowledge.

W "spreading democracy" message was a slap-on-the face for the allies, since they were the furthest thing from a democracy. But then Afganistan is invaded, was US encircling Iran, invasion next? The Axis of Evil speech said as much? But then Iraq went downhill, next admin's nuke deal quashed hopes. Enter ISIS.

Maybe Dubya did Iraq bcz he knew the allies f-d him. He was punishing them. Why Iraq? "Doing" Iraq can only have one outcome, majority Shites of Iraq gain power after minority leader Saddam is gone, and neighbor (Shite) Iran's influence will increase. The mortal enemy of the allies gets stronger.

Who protested most abt the Iraq War? SA, UAE, EG, Israel...

Who protested most abt Iran Nuke deal? Same.

Rightfully so from their POV BTW

"Ohio State University Researchers Find Way to Use Entire Spectrum of Sunlight to Transform Solar Energy into #Hydrogen-New molecule can harness 50% more solar energy than current solar cells"


RU and EU alliance wld benefit both.

That's why the Americans will do everything they can to stop it. šŸ˜‘


Macron at #MSC2020: Russia cannot maintain the same level of military investment in the future. It cannot afford it. Russia-China is not a credible future. Russia will never agree to Chinese hegemony. European cooperation is the only option"

Haha.. Olmert saz "Netanyahu's English is better than his Hebrew". Boom. That's the former PM talking abt the sitting PM.. You need to assimilate into your own country bitch!


Last month named the hottest January in 141 years of recorded climate history, NOAA says.