
Github Mirror

Week 6

Apocalyptic movie script: airborne virus originating from China scares off neighboring countries so they collectively nuke China. But the virus keeps spreading, so everyone keeps nuking eachother. Cue in Mad Max.

"The price-to-sales ratio (Price/Sales or P/S) is calculated by taking a company's market capitalization (the number of outstanding shares multiplied by the share price) and divide it by the company's total sales or revenue over the past 12 months. The lower the P/S ratio, the more attractive the investment."

Exercise while at home through games. Cool



Cash bail is not gone in California yet, there's a private equity-funded effort to repeal the bill, which is going to need a ton of money to counteract, the kind of money Tom Steyer could give if he wasn't pissing it away in presidential campaign TV ads"


Fudgin Bootyfudge


So Buttigieg, confronted by the facts of what his administration did on pot arrests, twice lied and denied it. Then pressed a third time he admitted it was true, but claimed the pot arrests were linked to gangs and murderers"


Supporting Bernie this time around wasnt a big jump really.. This man took nearly half the votes last time. We know he can do it.

And beating Trump? I am sorry to say but noone except Bernie has much of a chance. It will be hard enough already wout a viable candidate. With one, Dems might, just make it through.


Bernie crushed it


"End cash bail"

#bernie #demdebate

AAPI? Man these labels are proliferating..


I am now pretty sure now 9/11 was the work of US "allies".

They did not want US leave ME. US was abt to do its pivot to Asia then. Also Pentagon missing money issue became a thing, an audit was coming, in fact this was the last thing Rummy said publicly before 9/11 (on 9/10, the day before).

If allies can trigger a whole new insurgency in the form ISIS, couldnt they knock down a few buildings? Not necessarily the known leaders of allies, but possibly a combo of their deep states.



Democrats self-destructing my ass. Reps went through a much "destructive" process, and they are still here.

I guess the expectation of Dems is to always be ultra-capitalist, and to be centrist. They should not be "radical". Then, of course, they should not have internal arguments, they should have similar looking candidates. They need to remain the way they are, irrelevant, useless, and inert.

The relationship between the diversity of products produced by a country and its GDP is shown below (math and code). Hidalgo (a statistical physicst) also theorized that product diversity is related to the "know-how network" of that country, and such networks can only form in close proximity. All of that contribute positively to growth.


No more drugs for that man

"Corona viruses can remain on surfaces for up to nine days at room temperature and remain infectious. On average, they survive four to five days, writes a research team from Greifswal"



We’re rooting for Glenn Greenwald"


During 2007/08 fin orgs were suspecting eachother in terms of solvency. If that's not an issue and someone keeps pumpin in $, I wonder how long ppl can keep buying "stawks".

"$AAPL is down $1 on the news the factory that produces almost all their revenue is closed, this scam of a market is getting even more laughable than it already was"


Global governments desperately trying to keep the demand side protected. Production side is doing everything possible in hopes they can be back online before inventories are depleted. It's fascinating to watch"

James Woods is back on Twitter (right after impeachment acquital, concidence)? Great. Guy is a pure, undiluted asshole, but even he deserves right of speech.

Bernie did great in Iowa. Onwards to New Hampshire!


[How many deaths?] One leaked Chinese source says over 20 K, but got deleted soon... No way to verify, as the #CCP doesn't tell you the truth. But definitely much, much more than the official number"


If Shenzen goes on full lockdown...the ripple effect will be substantial"

"Faurecia wins a major award for hydrogen storage systems for Hyundai trucks.. [it is] the 9th largest international automotive parts manufacturer in the world and #1 for vehicle interiors and emission control technology. One in three automobiles is equipped by Faurecia"

Trump net approval rose to -8%. It hasn't been at this level for a very long time. Impeachment backfire?

“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power” - Mussolini


@Georgetown University to divest entire $1.7 billion endowment from all fossil fuels, hours after @NYCMayor announces New York City to ban all new fossil fuel infrastructure"

Cars serviced per station

print ('fuel', np.round(227*1e6 / 170000.))
print ('fuel', 15*1e6 / 10000)
print ('bev ',np.round(570000 / 18000))
fuel 1335.0
fuel 1500.0
bev  32.0

The ratio comparison is an eye-opener. Fuel based solutions are better not just at a singular car basis, but also at an infrastructure level.


US has around 170,000 fueling stations for 272 MILLION vehicles. Today California has 10,000 gas stations for 15 million cars. Cali has 570,000 EVs, 18,000 charging stations. Fueling stations scale. H2 is stored energy"

That pop / econ analysis is deficient. Industrial tech allowed for explosive popul growth. The causal effect points in the opposite direction. And "2% more ppl getting 2% more haircuts" is not a significant observation.


When people believe population should act like a growth stock"


Maybe I should cut down on hitting Tories, they're doing some good stuff on renewables 🤔

Hey man I am just another interested party, gimme little somethin' somethin', I'll give u little somethin' somethin'.

Do you want to be in the circle of trust? 👌


With the UK's ban of diesel engines by 2035, #Hydrogen is now incorporated into their updated plan"


I like it the article mentions two of three waves. While reading I was thinking "but would these args apply to a diff wave" then I saw the paragraph below.

Article says there is a confluence of tech and people, open to abuse, exploitation in whichever direction the tech pulls. Possible.

BBC -- "Are the lessons of agrarian empires applicable to our post-18th Century period of industrial capitalism? (Read about the greatest long term threats facing humanity.)

I would argue that they are. Societies of the past and present are just complex systems composed of people and technology. The theory of “normal accidents” suggests that complex technological systems regularly give way to failure. So collapse may be a normal phenomenon for civilisations, regardless of their size and stage"


Stor-H? Nice.

An H2 capsule.

Yes Daimler as in Daimler-Benz. And Benz as in

"When I pull out up front, you see the Benz on dubs ♪♬

When I roll twenty deep, it’s twenty knives in the club ♪♬

Rather buy a Benz, don't want no friends ♪♬

Glock inside my Benz, no such thing as friends ♪♬"

Fact 1: EU wants to be carbon neutral by 2050. Decided.

Fact 2: Companies are aligning themselves for that goal. Daimler, I repeat DAIMLER announced last year they don't want to be selling ICE vehicles anymore in 20 years. By then they will only be selling vehicles running on "alternative means" of which H2 will be one.


Bootyfudge trying to stand out through age, saying "represents a wish for change" for his generation. See poll,


NH Tracking Poll:

Under 50:

Sanders 43%

Buttigieg 15%

Warren 12%

Klobuchar 12%"

Bootyjudge is now Bootyfudge

Nope. Hillary was not "surprised" that she lost in 2016. She knew she was in trouble as the end neared - pneumonia is a sign of desperation That's another reason why I never believed this Russia bullshit because I knew H herself believed her campaign was in trouble.

This guy is 10 hrs late to the party.

"James Carville: Beating Trump Is The Only Thing That Matters In 2020"

Reuters: "84% of stocks owned by U.S. households are held by the wealthiest 10% of Americans, according to an analysis of 2016 Federal Reserve data by Edward Wolff, an economics professor at New York University. So when the stock market has a blockbuster year - such as the nearly 30% rise in the S&P 500 benchmark index in 2019 - the payoff primarily goes to people who are already rich"

Ahh.. "AI", Deep Shit guy.. How did I miss you?


They would lose their minds - and not in a good way.

"What would the founders think abt today's corporations?"

Une scène apocalyptique!!!


Howard Dean would still be undone today by "the scream". He wasn't knocked down bcz he acted "inapropriately". He got knocked down bcz he looked uncool. He was running as a tough guy but the scream was bitchy.

Trump didn't change the rules of the game that much. He just found a different way of charisma projection.

From the show Avenue 5

"We're gonna run rings around Saturn"

"Set your phasers to fun"

Unemployment initial claims - sign of unemployment, a "report that measures the number of new jobless claims filed by individuals seeking to receive unemployment [benefits]".

The dangerous point is not when UIC is at a low level - it is when, after a bottom, it starts going up that's when the bomb goes off.

It's like in that Seinfeld episode The Wizard. Throughout the whole episode Elaine thinks her new boyfriend is part black, it turns out he is not. And the boyfriend was thinking she was Hispanic because her last name is Benes, but she is not. They conclude "so we’re just a couple of white people?", Elaine makes that face, both disappointed. The part ends. That is these people's delusion in a nutshell.

Bitch - I've seen more temper from a wigger in Walmart than your confused, dumbass.


"I have such a Latin temper, I get mad like fast"

Faux subcultures help to "deal" with the outside world, which is getting crazier by the day. They help to make the world smaller. Through these categories, instead of being just another American, person could become, say, "Irish" and others feel like they know them. "So you get shit-faced and pass out on the door mat before u even make it in your house right?!! Right!!!!. Hahahahhaaha..! So Irish"

This is f-ing non-sense.

You know, that would be even funnier if you were Italian. But you are not. If you really want to fall under a category, it can be 'a jock', at best. This guy.. goes to a psychologist too? Do you.. do you.. tell her your problems? Do you cry like a little bitch? Booo hooo hoooo boooo ... they call me Fredo .. booo hoo

"The word 'Fredo' is like the N-word for my people"

Dude - I want 10 seasons of this show. Can it be done?



For the past three years, I've been following a rocket start up in secret. Today, we told a little of their story for the first time. They been making this thing in freaking Alameda and no one noticed."


Oersted A/S is a BUY

Haha.. Nancy ripping up speech. Theather


Guaido invitation, nice touch. I hope Maduro, that illegitimate punk, gets paralyzed and by mistake allows fair elections and his shit f-k of a party falls.


Refusal of handshake? Well she went ahead with impeachment which says "I do not recognize your Presidency". The optics are she doesnt respect him in that post, why should he shake hands?


Financial Times: "Shares in some producers of hydrogen and manufacturers of fuel cells have soared to their highest levels in a decade, reflecting hopes that the colourless gas can replace fossil fuels in everything from trucks to homes.

Shares in London-listed ITM Power, which makes electrolysers to produce hydrogen, are up by more than 45 per cent this year to their highest level since 2007. Meanwhile, shares in Sweden’s Powercell have risen 28 per cent over the same period and 342 per cent over the past 12 months...

China has continued to subsidise hydrogen fuel cell technology while cutting subsidies for lithium-ion batteries"


There is probably more character development in that Undercover Ren #SNL skit than the entirety of the Disney Star Wars saga.


How to invest 101

No volatility > go long > markets go to all time highs

Black swan event > central banks inject trillions into the market while humanity is exterminated > go long > markets go to all time highs"


.. Vietnam just banned all flights from China, Hong Kong, & Macau until May 1st"

It's hilarious though 1 of the founders of modern math, Isaac Freaking Newton, was a trader once and lost money.

Yeah I dont think Newton used any math here.. he was gripped by FOMO

Brexit will never end....

Yes there is such a thing as low-information voter. I have to add though, almost all voters are low-information voters. Econ recently started talking abt a similar concept, i.e. individual actors lacking information, so cannot make rational decisions, there are now behavioural economists so forth. Austrians too have a few things to say on this issue (so they have their moments when they are not busy shoving a goldbar up their ass). People don't know shit so cannot act rationally in econ. Why do some ppl assume otherwise in politics? It is a single, simple decision is based on very rough perceptions, their own pocketbook, few other traits, in the aggregate works better than the alternatives. That's it.

Astra The Rocket Company

More frequent launches, smaller rockets


Doesn't surprise me. Arthur C. Clarke thought about satellites before their time. Jules Verne wrote abt hydrogen as fuel, others about moon landing, etc.

We'll never solve climate change with bitch BEVs. The tech is inferior, the wrong solution with no chance of scale and satisfying customer demand.

"Rise of SUVs 'makes mockery' of electric car push. The 'immense' rise in sales of high-emission sports utility vehicles means they now outsell electric cars in the UK by 37 to one, research has found" - BBC


Bam Iowa couscous results were available the next day, 2007 Iowa couscous was on Jan 3rd. See the date on the paper below.


There is something weird with this couscous..

Most features attributed to subcultures, say, in the positive, is placebo. Keep saying "my people" are [certain way], u can start acting that way, bcz u'd be pushing self as such. It has been proven in the negative. When kids were reminded of their historically disadvantaged minority status during tests their scores went down.

Ozdemir name sounds TR, and his family is from TR. But he is German - in fact stressed this point in his bio. His book was one of the many data points I used to reach the culture / identity conclusion - how where u r born matters and how most US subcultures are artificial, fake and completely false.

Germany has been on H2 biz for a while - all their parties like the idea, especially the Greens. Here is Cem Ozdemir on Linde's H2 bike back in '16.

Ah - got the wrong Tibshirani. Father and son both statisticians!

I knew that name was familiar and Ryan looked too young. Turns out the Tibs of the famous ESL book is the father. The opt lectures are by the son. Quality lectures.


Just talked to someone plugged in to various circles in China coordinating a bunch of things here around coronavirus saying, April is the earliest they expect things to return to normal"

That is not crazy



Germany: Minister of Economic Affairs Peter Altmaier Wants to Fund “Green” #Hydrogen with Additional 2 Billion Euros-21-page paper has now been submitted to the departmental coordinating the National Hydrogen Strategy"


India protests: any gov should have the right to choose who they allow in their country. If they want less ppl of a certain religion that is their right.

However nat party BJP's rhetoric has been so divisive against their own citizen Muslims that this last law became the last drop in a chain of slights, triggering protests. Now some citizens are thinking "what if there is a citizenship test next that'll target me and kick me out?". I can't say I blame them.

Saw TR poster for Ed Snowden book translation. It's title was translated to System Error, suggestively saying ES was the error? In a patriarchal soc ES is made to look like the error? The title Permanent Record has a different feel, on one hand suggesting ES recorded all the doings of an evil machine, of course reading the book u understand the title is about that machine keeping a record on us.

Ayelet Shaked. Bitch is hot. And evil.

How u doin' ツ

Israeli right is against a Pal state. Jordan Valley annex they are fine with. Annex it all. If Israelis are afraid in combined popul due to numbers the next Israeli PM could be named Habib, well then give Gaza to Egypt so there'll be less of chance of Habib becoming PM


If the British didn't want people from all over the world in their country they shouldn't have invaded the majority of it"


Happy Palindrome Day: 20200202.

What is this Iowa couscous I keep hearing about?