
Github Mirror

Week 5

Excellent. More of this. Total job killer.

But, I have to make this clear, this is still an example of weak AI, not a "thinking machine". The task sounds very focused where 1 can get training data easily which suits Deep Shit approaches.

"But several months ago, a new worker joined the team. Stationed behind protective glass, a robot using three suction cups at the end of its long arm does the .. sifting through parts with surprising speed and accuracy"


F-ing libertards. I dont trust these people with government. Why dont u go back to your patch of land and pleasure yourself with your goldbars asshole

"Rand Paul Used to Be a Whistleblower’s Hero. Now He Wants to Out Them"

Theory is nCoV is a bioweapon which escaped lab - it doesnt look like a coronavirus, looks more like HIV which suggests bioengineering.

"Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag"


So much for the so-called outside-in approach of Kush

Congrats The Guardian


In the ground and off the page: why we’re banning ads from fossil fuels extractors"


Wut? Fighters in Idlib are digging in for a (last?) stand? U know they'll bomb that place out of existence #Syria

😆😆 Dr. Pedo CCP

(Hey it's only fair after he slandered the real hero of the Thai cave rescue with that exact same word, when he showed up with his bitch submarine and expected media adulation, and not getting it)

2020.. sounds so scifi

😁 Good one

(There are discussions around fishing rights btw UK and EU)

"Fish are chips in post-Brexit trade bargaining"

Hazer Group Ltd is a BUY


@PlugPowerInc has signed a contract to install 2,000 fuel cells that will power forklifts at 12 U.S. distribution centers .. pushing PLUG closer to its goal of reaching 1 billion dol in revenue by 2024"

There is no capitalism in Roddenberry Trek either my friend. HTF can there be markets if there is no money, with prevalent 3D printing, and abundant energy?


Boeing debt now 27.3 billion dol on 'increased commercial paper borrowings' which is a great way to fund gratuitous dividends. Even with maximum cash extraction policies in place debt was only 10.8 dol billion pre-MAX. No wonder this company can't afford to develop a decent plane"

Companies should produce locally to the extent possible within their borders. That builds know-how locally a major factor of econ growth.

He is right. I dont like one country being "the factory of the world". I care more abt know-how, dependencies than jobs but he is essentially correct.

Commerce Sec. Ross: "I don't want to talk about a victory lap over a very unfortunate, very malignant disease. The fact is, [nCoV] does give business yet another thing to consider when they go through their review of their supply chain"

Undercover Ren :) #SNL


It turns out manufacturing PMI (below) is a good indicator, so use it. This is a fulcrum point. This ain't school where student is expected to cover all bases going through some list defined by others. This is a hunt where one tries to get an advantage. Science too is very much conducted this way.

Be too cool for school.

"But how about service PMI?"

I had to reproduce it

Looks like ISM is a good leading indicator

Which means growth will continue to slow


"There are comments [abt] Idlib that Russian-backed Assad forces [aim for] the map below until May 2020. If this map is realized: 1. At least 1 million refugees will [come to TR] borders 2. At least 7 [TR] observation bases will be surrounded by the Assad-controlled area"



After spending the past couple months helping an EU company navigate the GDPR within the ad tech space around data it just occurred to me...

Europe is now ahead of the U.S. in ad tech!"

Bernie is likable. Bernie is cool.. I just saw two ladies at Fox News watching the "our opposition is nervous" speech - one of them said "I like it when he gets hammy" 😆

"Sanders Surges to Lead in California"

"Sanders has pulled about even with Biden among voters of color"

Apparently they will be using bitch batteries..

January Fools!!

"New [Russian] Arctic Station Will Do Without Diesel Fuel"


Punchline is at the bottom



My wife @LeelaDaou and I wake up daily to smears like this.

Is it from angry Bernie supporters?


It's from Clinton voters"


Classixx - Supernature #music


CH company Grove signed cooperation aggr with a Brazilian company back in March 19, for HFCs.

Merkel FTW 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺🍺

Leaked strategy doc - in Kraut


"Germany Taps Hydrogen Subsidies in Race to Replace Fossil Fuel.. Germans are preparing to throw the weight of Europe’s biggest economy behind a plan to replace fossil fuels with the universe’s lightest element"



I can't decarbonise my whole supply-chain with #renewableelectricity and this is why we need other energy carriers to bring #renewableenergy into different places of the chain" -- @siemens_me VP

I have a solution - more cowbell


#Wuhan virus: Toronto arrivals from China say there was no special screening when they arrived at Pearson International Airport.


GDP YoY is 2.3%, is it "juiced"? Treasuries, earnings are saying one thing, GDP another. FED's nowcast was expecting near zero.

Did Kudlow snort some cocaine and went haywire on this thing?

If the number is real, it means growth slowing, not as bad as previously thought (unless there is revision later).

#tbtv #bloomberg


To all leaders who "ran against the establishment" and are in their respective posts: none of you motherfuckers would be where you are today if Snowden, Greenwald, Assange did not let out some of the secrets of that establishment, and ppl like them, so albeit in a small way you owe your post to them. Let's not be ungrateful.

Battery swapping instead of waiting for recharge (bcz bitch BEV charging is incredibly slow) is an obscenely bad idea. Now instead of N batteries, market needs N + N batteries, half of them unused at any one time, placing extra strain on the environment (more lithium, cobalt mining). Standardization wld be pain, Mercedes bats need to be same as Toyota bats etc.

Clean chemical fuel is inherentely standardized - it is fuel, it is simple, carrying lots of energy.

They can use that however they like it - smallest suspicion, spur-of-the-moment decision can lead somewhere being bombed.

"The State of Israel will maintain the right to dismantle and destroy any facility in the State of Palestine that is used for the production of prohibited weapons or for other hostile purposes."


Right, contiguous except those 15 enclaves. Fine.



The vision for peace is not my #1 preference but at least the map looks less patchy than some of the earlier plans.

But if Israel wants Jordan Valley to cut Pals off from possible influence coming from Jordan, the optics of the proposed scheme is bad. It looks like giving ppl a semblance of a state and kind of put them in a desert island. Their only allies can be Egypt.

Isn't Jordan kind of an Israeli protectorate anyway? What kind of threat could come from there?

By trying to prepare every kind of threat, Pal state is isolated unnecessarily.


So the general will be like FDR vs Adolf Hitler again.


I once heard Peter Schiff say "the bottom is gonna fall out of the dollar" in a Ned Flanders Am accent it was funny

Holy %#@ shit. -5.29% decrease on the 10yr. A sign of reduced inflation / and growth expectation


"A black Air Force veteran who tried to deposit settlement checks from a discrimination lawsuit was rejected by his suburban Detroit bank, which suspected fraud and called police"


No, monetary systems don't start from barter problems. Monetary instruments are social relations not commodities"


But I was told tax cuts would pay for themselves

'U.S. deficit to eclipse 1 trillion dol in 2020, CBO says, as fiscal imbalance continues to widen'"

Suspecting Chinese food is a bit too much IMO



Air Liquide Arabia on Tuesday began pumping hydrogen through its 400 dol million pipeline network in Saudi Arabia’s Red Sea city of Yanbu and will supply a Saudi Aramco refinery as the kingdom seeks to shift from oil towards cleaner fuel"

Olmert showed him the map, but wouldn't give it to Abbas. Obviously Abbas would leak it, and Olmert knew that, thats why he held back. On the other hand, his refusal showed Olmert was just feelin around, doing stuff on his own. When Abbas realized that, he musta thought 'this m..f-ka is flying solo', wouldnt then take him seriously.


Right.. bcz Palestenians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity" 🙄

Abbas refused bcz he was not allowed to study the map.

"Olmert offered Abbas whole of West Bank and he refused"


"It's been a long, long time since there's been legitimate price discovery in the markets. At the end of the day, when you look at even equities, equities are ultimately the derivative of the credit markets. They're just the thing at the bottom of the capital stack. Over time, people compare dividend yield on stocks with yields on debt.

That entire structure has been distorted by monetary authorities effectively underpricing the front end of the term structure of risk reward."



Could you please stop writing 'thinking' machines? People [might] believe it ..."

Maximum flow LP definition... that's some diabolical shit right there...


1 wld think soln could be combinatorial, but it isn't.


Haha.. some in the US right who are cold to China were loving Johnson, celebrating Brexit - how u feelin now?

"Boris Johnson controversially hints he’ll allow Huawei to build Britain’s 5G network"

The great oygenation effect


If by this time fossil is still widely used, targeted sabotage will become legitimate. Extreme elements will take action. Let's fix this thing before it gets there.

"A new report published by the Hydrogen Council predicts that the cost of renewable hydrogen production could halve over the next ten years, putting Australia is in prime position to become a leading global supplier of a green fuel that will beat even “unabated” fossil fuels"


"LADWP says 100 caverns, each larger than New York’s Empire State Building, could fit in the salt dome. Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems has called this part of the plan for 'the world’s largest renewable storage project.'"


"While the new UK government ran on a nativist platform of restricting immigration, with the goal of keeping outsiders from taking bread out of the mouths of UK citizens, this doesn’t apply to mathematicians: all limits are off and we’re encouraged to flood the country. The law will be changed on Friday, changes go into effect Feb. 20. This will include an “accelerated path to settlement”, no need to even have a job offer, and all your “dependents [will] have full access to the labour market”, no problem with them and the taking the bread out of the mouths of the locals thing"


We need more technocrats. Speficially we need more left technocrats, like Bernie.


The Bernie Sanders campaign was the only one to respond to my request for comment about Brazil's decision to prosecute Glenn Greenwald"

"Left-wing alliance sees off Salvini’s far-right in key Italian regional election after turnout surge"


Out of the three, GF might have had the better deal. Great career, beat Frazier, lost to Ali, both decisively. On a talk show later on with the other two, he was still in form, chipper, all marbles there. Ali was gone. He could barely speak.

Ah - Ali was Mellow Meadow. Overdid the fighting. He could have said "Fraz, u got beaten by the guy I beat, see ya". Leave it at 1-1 with a tilt towards him.

It's true the 3rd Ali-Frazier fight took too much out of them ("we went to Manilla as champs, came back as old men"). Some style pairings are a natural tie. No need to push it. Foreman beats Frazier, Ali beats Foreman, then Ali has trouble with Frazier. The calculus is out of whack. Leave it at that. I bet Ali's Parkinsons had something to do with that last fight

The map of nCov also reveals China's relationship with the world. US, Canada, Thailand, Germany... No India relation. That makes sense.

Hitting Baydın on social security is a first layer, reptilian level attack (see Rapaille) Reptilian level is the fight-or-flight, survival level stuff -- the strongest, stronger than culture even, and intellect (policy). The attack says the money you now have will be taken by that guy, then you might die bcz you will have no money.


It happens to be the truth of course. It makes sense to highlight it.

Study by CTE: The range of e-buses is reduced by up to 37.8% at 0 to -5 ° C in winter.



Our opposition is nervous.

They should be.

We are their worst nightmare"


AFC Energy is a BUY

"AFC will be granted exclusive rights in the UK, Europe and Australia to use HiiROC’s technology, which extracts hydrogen from methane without emitting CO2"


😂😂😂😂 This thing is never going away


Hot Chop - Ready for the Floor (Villains and LA Riots Remix) #music


Fin shows constantly talk about stocks bcz these are names that are familiar to most people. SBUX, AMZN - "oh well, I just had coffee at Starbucks and shopped from Amazon". But the futures market, the curency market, the bond market are all much larger than the equities market (stocks). Right off the bat we see fin shows are not there to inform, but to entertain and to pander. If they talked about Eurodollar futures, then u have to do a song and dance abt what that is, blah blah.. then the viewer checked out dude! The ratings are down. Bummer. Back to stocks.


New nightmare scenario: Your on a 737 MAX with coronavirus infected people, flying in Iranian airspace, long futures with no WiFi access"

Eurodollar buying means an expectation of a rate cut. And a rate cut expectation means low earning, low growth expectation - as in, bad news.

Bad news means bad news (u have to add that these days)


Waiting to fuel. Good thing it only takes 3 minutes. A Nexo also showed up short after.



Shanghai now at Level 1 emergency response, the highest designation. Schools are shut; trains & subways stopped"

'Laying it too thick' - haha I like this term



Ian Plimer is also director of multiple mineral exploration and mining companies. Plimer has said that volcanic eruptions release more carbon dioxide (CO2) than human activity;

FACT CHECK: anthropogenic emissions of CO2 are 135 times larger than those from all volcanoes on Earth"

Chomsky vs Buckley debate... Boy, did Chomsky moonwalk up and down that ass... it was brutal. Buck is like Imma lay back, talk all posh and win this thing over here.. Chomsky's like - bitchslap! Dude was throughly confused.


If Bernie can make the case that Dem socialism is how small businesses can best thrive - defeating an increasingly monopolistic / oligarchic system - he'll win in a landslide"


NYT half endorsement of Klobuchar cut her support nearly in half"

TSP = Traveling Salesman Problem. A core problem in CS, Opt.

WaPo, Pop Mec effed up in its sci publication? Alert the presses!

But wait 🤔

Pop Mec FTW.. or, WTF


What bugs me in these TSP articles: They're not just a little bit wrong. They're light years off from decades-old reality"