
Github Mirror

Week 4

Yes yes lots of spending... Isn't SF more worthwhile than invading frickin Afganistan tho?

The new Space Force logo looks like Starfleet logo? That's kinda cool

The new Picard show was okay - watchable


Breaking news: Chinese President Xi warns of 'accelerating spread' of Wuhan coronavirus and 'grave' public health situation"


HOLY MOTHER OF GOD - the new coronavirus is a 3.8!!! How bad is that reproductive R0 value? It is thermonuclear pandemic level bad - never seen an actual virality coefficient outside of Twitter in my entire career. I’m not exaggerating... "

Inflation increased to 2.28%, non-farm payroll decelerated to %1.40

Fourth quarter earnings are expected to decrease 0.5% from 18Q4

Profits go to wages more and more (inflation), new hires decrease (less profs), demand slows, biz debt repayment goes to red, then boom!



Wow, South Carolina elected official Dahli Myers ditches Biden, flips to Sanders, arguing Sanders is more likely to beat Trump and 'fights for the least, the fallen, the left behind.'"

There are many companies that offer support for OSS - if one needs that support line, someone on point to offer service / education. So free, open source software underneath can be covered with a commercial support contract on top. Best of both worlds.

đŸ˜¶ đŸ€§ đŸ˜·


China blocking off roads to the affected areas"

"[Economists] measure productivity in terms of income. Then they find (unsurprisingly) that productivity ‘explains’ income"


"Sanders Takes Double-Digit Lead in New Hampshire Poll After 14 Point Jump Since December"



Tibshirani seems to have the right focus. Boyd is wondering off on topics; I need primal-dual interior methods BOOM! A nice segway into subgradient methods BOOM! Tibs gots it.

I managed to scrounge some code off Boyd though, from HW solns (not openly published). Freakin archeolog over here.

I trawl.. it's what I do. I trawl many places for pol analysis ideas. The Bernie-Warr-Biden poll time series correlation idea partly came from Dick Morris actually (he has a YT channel, now behind paywall -bad for him-). He looked at the sum of Bernie-Biden poll counts, saw the sum did not change much indicating shared votes base (one's loss other's gain). Guy is a pro, thinking empirically - always looking for that fulcrum point.

He doesn't know much stats obviously, the proper way to do what he did is through correlation analysis. I do that, and voila, there is a correlation btw Bernie/Warren, and Bernie/JB (yes bitch there is partial overlap between Bernie/Warren, dipshit is still pouting and saying 'not so' :( )

It does feel like yellow vest movement is not claimed by any mainstream parties. Very strange. The article claims it is due to the failure of the left in France.

Likely true - protests revolve around social state being rolled back - well Macron used to be in the Socialist Party. Why did they take him in the first place? Is the left too far gone to accept someone who clearly was overtly pro-business ?

"2018 ...Macron made reforms to the national railway system .. [t]he reforms ended railway workers’ entitlement to life employment and special retirement benefits, leading the railway workers of the once communist ConfĂ©dĂ©ration GĂ©nĂ©rale du Travail to call a series of rolling strikes spread out over three months. Macron refused to surrender to the workers’ demands, and the strike was a total failure. This defeat of a classic working-class tactic no doubt fed the frustration that would produce the yellow vest movement...

The anger of those living in the French periphery is so deep, issues from so many different layers of society... The left [has no answers] for one of the workers and shopkeepers. A seething anger has finally exploded, and the left is no longer its vehicle or interpreter. The anger now floats freely, striking where and when it will"



A growing number of doctors are sick and tired of the enormous waste and bureaucracy in our cruel and dysfunctional health care system.

Medicare for All will give doctors the freedom to focus on making their patients healthy, not making health insurance executives wealthy"

👍 #bernie #rogan


Do bug tracking in some f-ing tool I dont care, but if bitch UI bookkeeping extends anywhere beyond that, it gets in the way.

Jira... 😹


I've been using Jira for the last year and here it is added to my ranking of top project management tools:

  1. Trello
  2. Piece of paper
  3. Word document shared via ftp
  4. Shouting to each other over the table
  5. Not tracking tasks at all
  6. Jira"

Jim Lehrer RIP

So many famous ppl dying

"A video shared by a Wuhan resident shows empty shelves at supermarkets as people stock up in the city of 11 million under lockdown"


Yo - looks like dude checked out?



It's January and the office is too hot because co-workers are running several month-long computations on their workstations, I'm getting stewed alive by a branch-and-bound"

TR approach, similar. I talked abt nat narrative claiming ppl are from Central Asia (!). That past was constructed - after "Otto" lost Balkans, ME, you kinda need your past to come from "somewhere else". Then, when the new state needs secularism (read: not-Islam), all of a sudden these mythical ancestors are following some shamaninism, praying to cat and dogs, porcupine, hyena... whatever's walking around basically. This is utilitarian history (re)construction.

Whole lota utilitarianism. The past changes according to what is needed today. That's why ordinary Russkies know "the real version vs the state version" on any topic.

"Putin has made a series of statements that Poland started World War II, and that the Hitler-Stalin pact was forced on Russia by British and French deals with Germany. The substance of the statements is not worth debating; the Hitler-Stalin pact was no ordinary alliance, but a treaty by which Germany and the Soviet Union would together invade and divide Poland, which they proceeded to do. The claim that Poland started the war mirrors Hitler’s claim that Poland was invaded to protect Germans from Polish brutality...

In making this charge, Putin is trying to cleanse Russia of responsibility for the war. By claiming that Poland, in some way, forced the Russians and Germans to invade Poland, he portrays Russia as an unqualified victim. In doing so, he reaches out to far-right forces in Europe who have argued that Hitler was forced into war. This is politically important. The European right has risen, and a segment of it wants to rewrite history. The Russians have toyed with supporting a rising right wing for years, and this places Russia in that position. Putin is claiming that it was not the totalitarians but the liberal democracies that started World War II, and that therefore the liberal democracies’ claim to moral superiority is false" -- G. Friedman


I saw video titled "Ali vs Frazier 4?". Da fuq?

Turns out it was Ali's and Frazier's daughters fighting (Ali won. Again). So funny.

"In the 21st century there are cameras everywhere except where our food [..and] energy comes from, and where our waste goes" -- R. Brand YT




As a tech professor and research manager, I still love writing code. With all of my academic duties, I rarely get time to hack away. This year I'm on sabbatical and, contrary to popular perception, sabbatical is not a break from work. It's a chance to do the work I love: code!"

I just saw a research outfit won a grant by AUS government to develop a tool that will predict dryness of green regions (providing fuel for fires). So gov also thinks weather conditions contributed to the blazes.


Those who looked the other way because they personally disliked Julian Assange when the DOJ indicted him under a legal theory that merely publishing clear, public-interest journalism could constitute multiple Espionage Act violations should reconsider where that road leads.

'@DavidUberti NYT says prosecutors allege Greenwald working sources to find information and protect themselves went beyond normal reporting techniques and is a crime. That's similar in some ways to the DOJ indictment of Julian Assange'"

Terry Jones RIP

This docu was great

Russkies have good rel with Israelis, both suffered from Nazis after all. Egypt, UAE, SA too. Interesting.

Wuhan lockdown. A city with millions. How bad is this thing?

Prototech AS. A Norwegian company. First time I am hearing of these guys. They will install an ammonia fuel-cell on the ship. Good to know this tech is (or will be soon) available. Will it do H2 conversion first?

"A maritime innovation project looking to install the world’s first ammonia-powered fuel cell on a vessel has been awarded €10m funding from the European Union.

The ShipFC project is being run by a consortium of 14 European companies and institutions, co-ordinated by the Norwegian cluster organisation NCE Maritime CleanTech, and has been awarded backing from the EU’s Research and Innovation programme Horizon 2020 under its Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU).

The project will see an offshore vessel, Viking Energy, which is owned and operated by Eidesvik and on contract to energy major Equinor, have a large 2MW ammonia fuel cell retrofitted, allowing it to sail solely on the clean fuel for up to 3,000 hours annually. As such the project will demonstrate that long-range zero-emission voyages with high power on larger ships is possible.

The goal is also to ensure that a large fuel cell can deliver total electric power to shipboards systems safely and effectively. This is the first time an ammonia-powered fuel-cell will be installed on a vessel. A significant part of the project will be the scale up of a 100-kilowatt fuel cell to 2 megawatts. The fuel cell is tested on land in a parallel project and development and construction will be undertaken by Prototech"




Two buses fueled by hydrogen cells designed for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics have passed test under extremely cold weather in northern China.

The buses successfully started after being parked for 8 hours at the temperature of minus 30 degrees Celsius"

Fornicate Under the Command of King!

"America's Radioactive Secret

Investigation shows oil-and-gas wells' toxic waste could be making workers sick and contaminating communities across America --"



'The technology group Bosch is expanding its stake in the British company Ceres Power and wants to accelerate the development of stationary fuel cell systems, for example for the operation of electric charging parks'"

Greenwald is charged? GG did a lot for Snowden to get his message out. Not good optics for Bolsonaro gov. If u did not tolerate Goebbels u shouldnt tolerate this.

Bernie already has adv with the young, now hitting Baydın on the senior vote. I like it.


Let’s be honest, Joe. One of us fought for decades to cut Social Security, and one of us didn’t. But don’t take it from me. Take it from you"


Green Swan !


The world’s most powerful central banks have issued a stark warning that climate change could trigger the next financial crisis, as 'disruptive' shift in asset prices sparks an unpredictable “green swan” event, potentially leaving some economies unviable"

RAC- Hollywood (Feat. Penguin Prison) #music


Junior Senior - Itch U Can't Skratch #music


Ditongo - Salt Lamp #music


I am almost glad he talked about how tough it will be, none of that dreamy stuff with gloss. There is hard work ahead.

"Germany's transition to a fossil-fuel free energy mix will be like undergoing 'open-heart surgery' as the car, steel and renewable industries will need to work hard to stay competitive, its economy minister said on Tuesday...

'We have to keep fighting for our competitiveness,' Altmaier told an annual energy summit of government and industry leaders hosted by newspaper Handelsblatt. Germany's efforts to wean itself off nuclear energy and coal could be an export model going forward, he said...

The national hydrogen strategy will take shape shortly and may be presented within seven to eight weeks, he said, adding that this was especially important for steelmakers whose enormous CO2 emissions needed to come down in a cost-efficient way"

EU GND has some teeth.

Europeans were working up to something big.. Like in Netherlands (see the excerpt), their SC ordered the country’s government to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but then it expanded the state's responsibility to emissions even beyond its borders:

"The limited partial responsibility of the Dutch State in relation to the global climate problem does not relieve the State of the duty of care it bears: The government had explicit duties to protect its citizens’ human rights in the face of climate change".

What does that mean? That means any company even a few steps removed from the their econ could be held liable for their emissions now, and fall under reg scrutiny. EU GND follows the same spirit.



Funny story: Kurt Godel, the famous logician and Einstein's friend, discovered a loophole in US Constitution that could allow tyranny to be legal before his oath of citizenship. He wanted to confront the gov official about the issue, but Einstein talked him out of it.

"Russian experts fear that the S-400 delivery to Turkey may cause classified Russian military technologies to leak to the West. emphasized that Russian manufacturers were trying to safeguard the technologies by withholding documentation on production data in the transfers to Turkey"


"'[S400] technology transfer, even partial, [is] not envisaged by the contract [btw RU and TR]"


I like it how it says "public recharging and refuelling stations" - policy supports both. In the long term H2 will win, just like the VHS (vs Betamax).

(But it is okay to say that 'both is needed' it will lull bitch batttery, bitch BEV lovers into complacency)


Avoidance of carbon leakage through borders - hard core.


I hate to say it, the European Green Deal looks better than the US GND.


DM had some influence on Brexit - he helped UKIP for messaging.

There is usually a Chinese Wall btw media manipulators / others in admins. Manipulators aren't good for much else. This is an emotionally combustible job, if a candidate is elected, they wont be involved with execution. G. Stephananaopopopoplous, Bannon couldn't do it, even Carville. Hell he even lost his predictive mojo shortly after Clinton, he kept banging on how Romney was a huge threat for Bam.

During Clint yrs he brought in Dick Morris, many in WH were revolted, but he delivered. DM is all about the media play.

The war room concept in politics is related to culture code / media manipulation.

Campaign managers nowadays are always chosen from among ppl who know how things "play" in the media / voters' emotional brain - much stronger than atomic issues.

The forager vs modern man / farmer analysis appears in a few sources, but each enmeshed with other things, with some "unnecessary" noise. Ian Morris buried the main message in a book abt the West and the Rest, in an analysis on who is up who is down. Chris Ryan talks about polygamy, monogamy at some length. Hariri gets into this national narrative business which in terms of origin and priority is essentially wrong.

So the British is obsessed about class, the American about sex, and the Israeli about nationhood. Culture polluting analysis. When I detect this, I remove that part of the message from the rest. It is basically noise, culture talking, not the brain.

Why the MAX debacle? Here is what happened - Boeing was gettting its ass kicked by Airbus. I was following this race on and off, few years ago, they were at loggherheads, then I got the impression that somehow Boeing pulled through. It turns out that "somehow" was the MAX. But basically Boeing delivered that plane by cutting corners which that later became the product's undoing.

Jet engines aim to make our flying greener


How is a card game an example of flipped classroom?

Flipped classroom should be about total absence of "teaching" unless they are asked abt something - so in essence they would not be a teacher, they would be some sort of guide. Curriculum makes lots of material available, among which one package becomes official, cleared by DoED. The guide is certified on that, can answer questions on it. The "games" if there are any, can be described in the material but not enforced.

"[Teacher] thought she had the day’s lesson clinched. Her general chemistry class at Central New Mexico Community College was going to play a card game as a way of illustrating reaction rate principles. She’d taught this course many times before, using a “flipped” classroom format, and this exercise was always well received.

Except that day in fall 2014 it wasn’t. The students didn’t grasp the rules; they didn’t understand how the card game was connected to reaction rates; they weren’t in the mood to play games. Concentration slipped. Several students left early. “I was like, ‘Wow, that worked three times, but now it doesn’t work at all; how very interesting.’ Just because it works for one group doesn’t mean it’s going to work for another,” [she] recalls.

For educators who teach using the flipped classroom model—in which students watch lectures online before class and then engage in practical activities during class time to help cement concepts- [her] experience is familiar"






And we’ve done it! #EUGreenDeal voted through +482 -136. Phase out of fossil fuel subsidies & micro plastics, binding national targets for RED, EED & EEBD. Huge congratulations to @Miriamdalli & all the team. One of our last & most important votes in @Europarl_EN as your @LabMEPs


EU is looking into banning face recog outright? Did I hear that right?

RSI is the Relative Strength Index - measures if an asset is overbought or oversold. Index value greater than 70 is overbought.

Calculated it on Visa, looks overbought.

import pandas as pd
import as web

def rsi(price, n=14):
    gain = (price-price.shift(1)).fillna(0)

    def rsiCalc(p):
        avgGain = p[p>0].sum()/n
        avgLoss = -p[p<0].sum()/n 
        rs = avgGain/avgLoss
        return 100 - 100/(1+rs)

    return gain.rolling(n).apply(rsiCalc,raw=True)

import as web
import datetime
start_d=datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1)
end_d=datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 20)
spy = web.DataReader("V", 'yahoo', start_d, end_d)['Adj Close']

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,sharex=True)
rsi( spy, 40 ).plot(ax=axs[1])

Yeah thanks asshole

"Bloomberg massive political ad buys increases the price of ads"



"Proposals for Europe’s offshore energy islands are gaining momentum, with regulatory issues rather than technology now looking like the largest barrier...

The group hopes to pair hydrogen production facilities with offshore wind [replacing[ the need for transformer infrastructure, with the energy transported to shore as hydrogen instead of electricity"



Energy shouldn’t come from below. It comes from above [as light and wind]"