
Github Mirror

Week 2

This guy lost it, killed himself #SNL


How about taxes? Here is the kicker - the system can ask citizen to pay for the right to vote (a percentage of monthly $$ the system already generates for everyone). Taxation for representation.

(Plus maybe a sales tax)

Digital basic income would make it easy for a digitial currency to spread. You would use it bcz it gives money. Then it is snowball effect, also ideology. Once enough people prefer it, say NanoX, do not transact with a anything other than that currency, some will choose it for ideological reasons bcz they want to be "with those folks over there".

So Steyer had some success in SC using TV?


The zeitgeist has shifted

from FOMO [fear of missing out]... 'SOBS' (shame of being suckered) "

You need to close, morose moth..f.ka. That's what you need to do.


That is the game for challengers. Incumbent needs to deliver. The delivery will seep through pocketbook, a rough popularity measure, opinion leaders - then pol might just get reelected, and even, have their chosen successor take their place.

"Politician: People dont vote for me. What can I do?"

"Australia is ramping up investment in the nascent hydrogen energy industry, with a $370 million fund for new projects gaining support at Friday's meeting of state and federal ministers in Perth"


"Iran says military shot down Ukrainian passenger plane in error"

"In Stunning Rebuke To Beijing, Taiwan's Pro-Independence President Wins Landslide Re-election" -- @zerohedge

🇹🇼 👍

Who shares code in HTML with weird breaks in formatting..?

It feels like I am on an archeological dig for a long-dead civilization

Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. This better effin work on total variation denoising.

NASA: Study Confirms Climate Models are Getting Future Warming Projections Right


Need to close better. I'd do a research and find key applications and hit the execs with examples from their domain when they come to visit

"[Rant from Opt Prof, about how diff it is to sell his field] The Dean, in his office, is receiving a delegation from a prominent firm, with the aim of promoting a partnership between the two institutions. The goal is to pair a technical contact from the firm with a faculty member from the university... Once, when I was younger and more naive, I figured I might as well make the industrialist happy. During one of these meetings, after a couple of iterations of 'what application field do you work on?' followed by 'this is really the wrong question', I had decided to break the monotony and hopelessness of the exchange by stating I work on shortest paths in road networks.

'Ah, this is fantastic!' came the reply, 'but unfortunately we don’t do any of that'"



Who da man

Yeah there's no way I'm getting into all that for one application #denoising. Started with a stupid regularization and now we are in bizarro land (might come back here tho, we'll see).

Maybe the new Trudeau beard killed him

Peart as in of Rush, from Canada

Neil Peart died? Did not know some of his lyrics were inspired by Ayn Rand 👎

Still tho, good drummer👍.

Non-farm payroll deceleration continues, now 1.50%,..,1.45%,1.40%. The decrease of increase #hedgeye

"'Designed by clowns': Boeing employees ridicule 737 MAX, regulators in internal messages" -- Reuters


BREAKING: BlackRock joins Climate Action 100+. The world's largest asset manger (>$ 6 trillion) joins the largest investor initiative lobbying to cut greenhouse gas emissions"


Green #Hydrogen has several near term applications, can grow to a $140 billion per year in revenue and support 700,000 jobs by 2030. And that's just in the US!"

dynaCERT is a BUY

Robotics Operating System 2

Tech Republic


It's open source of course not commercial, closed-source cuck

And.. it's like US has been getting ready for that scenario since 4ever. The red dots are all US bases surrounding Iran.

Even Afghanistan might have been a preperation for the endgame that is Iran - an Axis of Evil country let's not forget (the others were Iraq -done-, and North Korea).

During Iran-Iraq War both sides tied. So it would be reasonable to expect that Iran War would be as hard as the Iraq War.

"Iran would be much worse (to fight against) than Iran"

A liberterian is more like the peasant with a small patch of land than a man in the woods. Many of the liberterian responses are rooted in that backdrop. Rome taxed the peasant, took his sons for war, libertard is now anti-tax and isolationist.

"Why wont they let me be so I can tend to my land?" he thinks, "the outside" is nothing but trouble for him. This frame of ref is defunct. You cant ever not care abt what goes on outside.


Having seen yet another dumb meme accusing libertarians of wanting to live alone in the woods,"

Great story on Dantzig (shared here before) - he comes late to class copying down the problems on the blackboard thinking they were homework problems, solves them, it turns out the probs were two (then) hardest, yet unsolved problems of statistics!

Ah. Markowitz was a student of Dantzig. Of course.

"Optimizing Optimization", nice (from a paper from proximal operators a method that allows scaling of opt)


Pelosi, Obama, Biden, etc. have gone after the left, as though THEY are the bigger problem. The constant refrain among centrists is that progressives are #TooFarLeft, which frames the most intense opposition to Trump as overly radical.

Meanwhile, they extol 'bipartisanship...'"

Good one


"If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter how fast it doesn’t work." - Mich Ravera

I am really curious. Who the hell is it?

I'd always wondered why they ended this show after S1, sometimes I thought bcz it was sorta seperatist? The browncoats are the Southerners, the Core is the Yankees and the show was kind of rehashing the Civil War? But probably not... A lot of stuff like this gets made in TV land, and in the weird surveilance-capitalism times we live in today, we need shows like this.

Take my love ♪♬ Take my land ♪♬

Take me where I cannot stand ♪♬

I don't care, I'm still free ♪♬

You can't take the sky from me ♪♬♪♬♪♬


Indian Railways has set in motion efforts to build a hydrogen-powered rail engine that can propel a passenger train on a suburban route by the end of 2021" via @kaffjamesnewtow