
Github Mirror

Week 1

"@enagas promotes investments of โ‚ฌ2,250M to make Spain a #hydrogen exporting nation"


Of course cannot find a straightforward math -> code -> demo -> output anywhere using OSS for denoising. Wikipedia references a demo_tv.m. U go to this guy's code huge chunks are missing.

"For ground-breaking science u almost don't want a good student. Because good students will overfit to bullshit"


The president can boast about the stock market all he wantsโ€”the American people know it doesn't put food on the table. We need an economy that works for the many, not just the wealthy and large corporations"


"BMW R&D Chief Klaus Froehlich:

[Y]ou cannot electrify a heavy truck with batteries, because reducing the payload from 6 tons to 7 tons is absolute nonsense. With a single recharging station, you can refuel a fleet of 100 hydrogen-powered light trucks overnight. About 200 highway refueling stations could serve thousands of heavy trucks across Europe, which means that on the infrastructure side, this is feasible"


ooOoo I wonder who it is


I put Australian fires on a map of Europe to get a better idea of their extent"

News is filled with names that are common to us... Ali's, Sait's, Soleiman's. I know a few TR Suleyman's. Not just brown bros either, Nordic lookin mofos. I'll be like yo whassup Suleyman, and he'll be like "yo what'up my nigger". i know gazillion Ali's. Sait is my late great grandfather.

Func becomes better differentiable this way, with sig instead of max. Nowadays automatic differentiation packages can diff anything including max, but still, a friendly, symbolic diff ready func is a good thing.

Lit saz piecewise splines are implemented with c0 + c1*max(0,u-a) + c2*max(u-b) + .... U can get bunch of connected lines this way wiggling any way you want.. a,b are knots.

So max is just a switch. I thinks I can smootha dat, def s(u,b): return (u-k)*1/(1+exp(-tau*(u-k))), little smooth func that flips gentler instead of max, nam sayin'? Then c0 + c1*s(x,a) + c2*s(x-b) + .... Sheeee-iiit

Works really well. Even in parametrized form over t. But I cant find uses of this anywhere.. I cant be the 1st jagoff who thought of this

(Yees I know it's sigmoid bitch, but it's not for neuratic neural nets.. It's for optimization)

Most of this is in jest - Elba is great, so is Cavill. Big fan of both.

Haha.. that's right - there was a tussle between Samuel Jackson and Idris Elba wasn't there, SJ was like what's "wrong with American blacks they keep getting these foreign blacks?". For minorities the situation wld be more pronounced of course, bcz (if) there's a certain "black quota" in mainstream movies let's say and when u give that to a Brit, the American black in Holywood loses

Beans on toast? Dude u'd have to put a gun to someone's head here to make'm eat that shit.

US, Holywood has totally been invaded by these people. Sman is gone. What's next? A British Batman? Oh I forgot the next Batman is British.

Emily Blunt is Brit too?

This Brit psycic is a con man, a Leave the Child Behind type BTW escaping responsibility / reality with non-sense. Grow the eff up.

He also seems to be a "Tory Psycic", so I am guessing his predictions will stop working once Tories are out of power.

Does he know Baba Vanga?

Psycic thinks he hears other mediums, or a Baba talking to him..

What you are hearing is the burrito you had for lunch coming out of your ass. It is the sound of your own farting... "I am hearing voices from beyond!". No - it's voices from below moth-f-ka, like, your ass. fffff ff fffff f - "he is talking to me!". Yes he is telling u to go to the bathroom. Hurry

If we can get fast payments done, there are gazillion possibilities. Payments for artists can become extremely efficient. Say I am listening to a song, War, I can send a payment to that name, to that song, direct. That name will be placeholder, all $$ to that name is distributed to all stakeholders behind that name. It could be Edwin Starr, the Tempations, James Brown, or Chris Tucker and JChan for singing it that one time in a movie - I dont care. People can argue among themselves in courts who needs to be part of that distribution.

I am liking comments in code less and less. For a expr coder they get in the way. I think doc outside of code, even referencing particular lines in code might be much better.

Call ISIS the result of Sunni frustration or due to diabolical allies, the result is the same. The whole shabang was the outcome of an US-Iran raproachement.

Bam approach was abt cajoling Iran for a nuclear deal. Old allies however freaked out and "out of nowhere" ISIS terror started - this is when Soleimani was "fighting ISIS"-. Now nuke deal is gone, old allies are new again, Iran is under pressure. Soleimani was now back fighting US before he was killed. ISIS of course has magically disappeared.


Iran announces it is suspending all commitments to the 2015 nuclear deal"

"Induction heating occurs when a high frequency alternating current is passed through a coil. Because of this, the induced magnetic field in the surroundings is swinging rapidly, stirring polar particles (particles that have a distinct plus and minus pole even if theyโ€™re electrically neutral overall) in the field. This can result even in ripping molecules apart (dissociation) and knocking electrons out of their orbitals (ionization). The charged remnants are ions and electrons, forming a plasma. Because of this, the device is called an โ€œinductive plasma generatorโ€ or IPG...

Generating a plasma without contact, the propellant cannot damage e.g. electrodes. This allows a near arbitrary selection of gasses as propellant, and therefore viable in-situ resource utilization concepts. Even space station wastes could be fed to such a thruster"


Yes enough with this singular effort bull. Billionaires, individuals through "personal empowerment" are asked to solve things that are mostly the (intended) effects of a system.

Apparently it's possible to excite propellant molecules magnetically and push electrons out from a nozzle pushing a small rocket. By small I mean small. Cubesats are tiny. And it only works in vacuum (in space, getting to space from Earth not possib). Still - cool.



I ordered a small 12 volt induction heating coil. I'm going to make a tiny low power induction thermal thruster along with the larger one.

Can see how it scales. Also a tiny thruster that can run off 2 9 volt batteries opens up #cubesat possibility #space #science"


Since October, Australia's #bushfires have spewed as much carbon into the air as the entire country produces from every car, home, and factory in a typical eight months. Climate chaos feeds on itself now"

All the bombast aside he could be okay with a war that would surgically remove the mullahs and keep him as the official executive of the country.

(The unelected mullahs sit above the elected rep in their velayet-i fakih system which the elected does not like at all)


Iranian President says that retaliation against the United States is necessary"

A lot of the latest ME protests before Soleimani assasination were anti-Iran



We'll see if latest events cause a change in the winds.

One soln for less US attack would be US leaving the region but that does not seem to be an option.

If in, US now cares for its allies. But then once in a while u have to show up to the barfight, throw some stools. The barowner could get pissed. It can all end up in a duel at high noon.

Study: Cold Weather Has Significant Impact On Electric Bus Range


PMI fell again. It's been down since Aug '19, sub 50.

And wait until 19Q4 GDP comes out. Near zero will make ppl's eyes go pop ๐Ÿ‘€

"Portugal has found an antidote to right wing populism"


Yes yeeees John Adams saw first baloon flight in Paris during end of 1700s, I remember this from his bio. Imagine the fascination.. It's no small feat, a major traveling tool, offering great views, and access.


Basically what happened before 07/08 crisis.

"Mortgage fraud occurs when a potential homebuyer, seller, or lender lies or omits key information that leads to a mortgage loan approval or terms that the applicant wouldn't normally qualify to receive".

FF is the band's name. FF the man obviously is the historical figure whose assasination triggered WWI. Tragic funny


Good choice Riksbank Sweden. We are back to Defcon 3.

Stop funding that joke of a "Nobel Prize" we could even go down to Defcon 1.

"Sweden Ends Its Experiment.

Negative rates are the destruction of money, an economic aberration based on the mistakes of many central banks and some of their economists who start from a wrong diagnosis: the idea that economic agents do not take more credit or invest more because they choose to save too much and therefore saving must be penalized to stimulate the economy... it is a ludicrous idea.

Inflation and growth are not low due to excess savings, but because of excess debt, perpetuating overcapacity with low rates and high liquidity and zombifying the economy by subsidizing the low productivity and highly indebted sectors ...

Sweden launched its failed negative rate plan almost five years ago and now reverses it due to the financial risks that are created. The most interesting thing is that it reverses the policy of negative rates precisely because of the risk of an economic slowdown because the evidence shows that investment and consumption decisions do not increase with financial repression"


Soleimani was Iran's go-to person, whenever they needed something done the mullahs would send in this guy. Like triggering an insurgency in Iraq against US.

"Libyan Rebels Shootย Down Turkish Plane Moments After Ankara Approves Sending Troops"


Not necessarily. Digital basic income could create some new options. DBI holders could contribute $ to a pool for instance which can act as a lender to businesses. That credit will fuel growth, create more services and goods, more money chasing after more services, so-so inflation.

"If the ppl get digital income, and money base expands 4% annually wouldnt that create a lot of inflation?"

"The best verdict on Game of Thrones came from one of its guest stars, Ian McShane. With the nonchalance of an actor who spent the โ€™80s making rent by playing a semimystical antiques dealer in a British teatime drama, McShane declared that everyone needed to calm down about George R. R. Martinโ€™s epic saga. It was, after all, โ€œonly tits and dragons.โ€The reaction from the HBO programโ€™s more hard-core fans was predictable outrage"


Germany's Bosch to offer lower-cost sensors for self-driving cars


I shouldnt make fun.. that could be somebody's girlfriend.

Passing through town to get to wilderness. Still near "civilization".

Paper published on December 6. Hot off the press.

๐Ÿ˜†๐Ÿ˜† Owls are awesome ๐Ÿฆ‰๐Ÿฆ‰๐Ÿฆ‰๐Ÿฆ‰

The man. The legend.

Look at that. There is a corr btw FED balance sheet and stock market gains. Who'd have guessed?


Yeah nice try.. See. "The problem is that AI works for only a finite length of time, and one doesnโ€™t know in advance how much time it would take if a particular three-body problem hasnโ€™t been studied before"

"A neural net solves the three-body problem 100 million times faster"


So.. new year new decade.. Should I adapt kinder gentler tone? Imagine I m smiling more while I write this and there is a gentle harp music in the background ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜โ™ชโ™ฌโ™ชโ™ฌ

Some r trying to have bunch of "foreigners" around them on the cheap. A form of half-ass Disneyland-ism, make-belief nonsense.

Nope. Jay Leno is not Italian either. He is an American who grew up with some Italian drama.

Centrism is lethal on the successor; bcz ppl judge on the delivery, once the hipster is gone, and delivery was not there, the successor is screwed. Gordon Brown, Gore, Hillary all paid that price.

It'd be great if he left it at that... Then why do all the "top-up fee" stuff, worse, the Iraq War? Dubya had not even asked him to join (it's true TB inserted himself in there, noone was calling on Britain to do anything).

"But Blair did some left moves while in gov, like funding the NHS"

Overdouche: When you are so douche it extends beyond any definition of douche.

Redouche: When a person keeps making same douchy mistake, over and over again.

After a few dead links and major searchification found the matfart code. Guess what'll happen to it next ๐Ÿ.

Other than that, you are okay Quaitieri. Good book / paper on speech processing (with math modeling! With sine waves and shit!)

"See the matlab code in the companion web site". Dude - so 2010s. Where is your Github link?

Do not have notebook but still can author articles on Termux Samsung w light btooth keyboard. Mobile awesomeness.

You can paint picture with words bitch

1 word is worth 1000 pictures


My favorite slogan is 'Nice graphics always wins", but now my second slogan is "Nice documentation always wins'"

Political leanings of Chewbacca! ๐Ÿ˜€


Still dying laughing at Chewbacca, integral member of two antifascist movements and member of a species subject to slavery, being labeled 'apolitical'"


Hyundai Nexo HFC car emits drinkable water from its exhaust (instead of carbon monoxide, isn't that cool?) so maybe that's the way to get desalinated water. Seawater -> H2 -> HFC -> Water. Then u'd have to use H2 for something but that's easy, that's why we'd have H2 fuel in the first place. Heating, electricity generation, etc. will not only do work, it will also create water.

U know what would be cool? Electrolysis on seawater (already some successes there) and desalination at the same time.

Have to. Really? Especially when the work and outcome are so disconnected.

I think subconciously they are feeling the creakiness of the current structures. Since young age being expsed to tech a lot of the institutions built around older tech would make least sense to them.

"Explanations like Timโ€™s are at the core of the millennial reputation ... failures at whatโ€™s come to be known as 'adulting,' a word invented by millennials as a catchall for the tasks of self-sufficient existence. Expressions of 'adulting' do often come off as privileged astonishment at the realities of, well, life: that you have to .. "


Only 3% of the Earth's land (excluding Antartica) is for urban / cities. 11% is farm / agro.

That still leaves a huge landmass. The world is much bigger than these constricted urban places.



My site was flagged again. Therefore, all downloads have been removed until this can be resolved" #GOOG

Maybe Khomeini egged Saddam on scaring him abt the Shia majority in his country. He might have wanted an Iraqi attack to unify his support and silence internal opposition. US wld be fine as long as they sold arms and appeared to be "doing something" after being had by Ayetollah.

Permanent Record by @snowden was 1 of the great events of the year. Excellent book.

2019-12-30 21:55:0

"The left in Iran was not demanding democracy [after the fall of the shah]". Big mistake.

"[paraph] Khomeini was sent to exile bcz (among other things) he had objected to the rights of women to vote in Iran". US (Carter), France along with others allowed this guy right back in. Such a fantastic f--k up.


"Hydrogen-powered drones have several advantages over conventionally powered lithium ions ones, says Dr Enass Abo-Hamed of H2GoPower, and could even point way to lower carbon air travel" -- BBC




"Concretistically" ๐Ÿ™„

Collectively refusing to act can be powerful.


French power workers selectively cut electricity to Amazon and other companies in protest against deteriorating working conditions and loss of pension rights"

During the agro era the left fought through religion. During the industrial era it fought through unions. What will it fight with during the post-industrial era? Remains to be seen.

The new Finney will be an American. He will be in his 30s, his name will be Jason, or Jake, have a beard and speak with those extended ouou's, like "set up the neoooooode duuude". And also say "crushed it" a lot.


I want to watch a Star Wars film that's just a logistics officer trying to wrangle 40k people onto a giant ship. Storm troopers getting lost in the hallways. Officers complaining about the lack of enough vegan options. Like Office Space but actually in space"

Bitcoiners would like to keep a mystique around "Satoshi" who is obviously Hal Finney bcz it gives a credence to their coin. But Finney wasnt all that. He did some stuff, fine, gave a start to things, which in terms of tech is already superseded. No need to bitch and moan about it.

"A Global Green New Deal

Right before Christmas, researchers from Stanford and Berkley, published a 119-page report ..

The plan would require an investment of about $73T USD over the next 30 years, but the research shows that a payback period, adjusted for new jobs and estimated savings from climate related disasters, could be as little as 7 years...

The best thing about this plan, almost all of the technology needed to make it happen already exists...

The net job creation from this plan would be 28.6M"


Pufferfish, contains a toxin stronger than cyanide.


Hahaha .. and environmentally sustainable or something


[Important to think abt] the inherent limitations a non-expeditionary military, like the [TR mil], faces in even such a limited operation. The fact that they even choose to send TSO proxies is revealing. It bodes poorly for the future on a number of levels"

Kirchner is back in Argentina. Great. She'd done her bit previously, then the guy after her as imcumb faceplanted, now she is back (as VP). Great. No shananigans. I support left by default as long as there are no shananigans

SF is left. Sure. And Clinton is Che.


When I come across people who describe San Francisco as a leftist/communist nightmare, I just laugh.

San Francisco is a right-wing technocratic dystopian nightmare with a veneer of superficial progressivism not so thinly veiling far-right, ultra-capitalist socialist darwinism"



As I left a patient's room, he called to me, 'See you next week.' I returned to tell him that I would not be back next week, that I was leaving the country. 'Is it the Brexit thing?' Yes"

Interesting. Weapon designers like this kind of weaknesses right? They might get enough of an opportunity during that slowdown to shoot the HS missile down.

Lit saz hypersonic requires better targeting, hence satellite guidance. Is this why US now has a Space Force?


Turning at very high speeds [for hypersonics] puts considerable stress on metal, so Avangard reentry is โ€” wait for it โ€” slower than a normal Russian ICBM"


Any economy causing just ONE of these would be insane:

โŽ Rainforest destruction

โŽ Extinction acceleration

โŽ Pollinator die off

โŽ Global soil depletion

โŽ Coral elimination

โŽ Biodiversity annihilation

โŽ Ocean acidification

โŽ Arctic ice melt

They're ALL happening.


I went Libertarian in '95 because Bush Sr. left the NRA and I was pissed about it (dumb). Voted Libertarian up to and including 2016 (guilty). Even marched with the Tea Party in 2009 in Albuquerque (stupid). I got played like a chump and I admit it. See? That's not very hard.

I lobby my state reps. I'm supporting marginalized groups in my area (the homeless and the incarcerated). I'm finding everyone I can that's pushing back against the dystopia and lending what assistance I can. Humanity is at a crossroads and this is full-court press time"


"A little-noticed 2018 methane leak at an Exxon Mobil site in Ohio was one of the worst in recent memory, outpacing the methane emissions from the entire oil and gas industries of many countries.

That's according to a paper published Dec. 16 .. When the natural gas well in Belmont County, Ohio, blew in February, it was a significant local event, prompting the evacuation of about 100 residents within a 1-mile (1.6 kilometers) radius, the Times reported. But it wasn't clear how large the leak was until researchers in the new paper, studying data from a new European Space Agency (ESA) methane-monitoring satellite, spotted the plume."


"'We had this wonderful recovery. It could have given us the chance to take some significant resources and devote them to some of our well-known challenges, like infrastructure or health care...none of that happened. Instead, we squandered a major economic recovery and didnโ€™t use it to make things better,' said Harvard Business School professor Michael Porter, a co-author of the study"



Journalists: here it isโ€”the definitive study of X. I spent a whole 2 months researching it.๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿฝ

Academics: here it isโ€”one way to view X. I know Iโ€™m barely scratching the surface, forgive me, I only worked on this for 7 years. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ"

"Someone" is figurative, I mean all actors in the economy combined.

2019-12-28 8:44:1

I dont think everyone understands the significance of decelaration in economic numbers. Deceleration means someone slammed on the brakes. You might see increases on certain numbers afterwards, but their increase rate is slowing. The car is still gaining distance but it is gaining that distance less and less (until full stop). Because decel is keyed to that slamming the brakes event it is a signifier of things to come.

"Despite subsidies of about $10,000 per car, battery-powered electric cars represent less than one-third of 1% of the worldโ€™s 1 billion vehicles. The IEA estimates that with sustained political pressure and subsidies, electric cars could account for 15% of the much larger global fleet in 2040, but it notes that this increase in share will reduce global CO2 emissions by just 1%.

We already spend $129 billion per year subsidizing solar and wind energy, yet these sources meet just 1.1% of our global energy needs.

As IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol has said, 'If you think you can save the climate with electric cars, youโ€™re completely wrong.'"


"Toshiba today announced that the company has delivered a mobile 30kW hydrogen fuel cell system, which volume per unit power output is reduced to 1/3 compared to the stationary fuel cell systems, to a fuel cell ship"


The California Energy Commission released a grant funding opportunity of up to $115.7 million for light-duty hydrogen stations"


ABS (American bureau of Shipping) published its Guide for Fuel Cell Power Systems for Marine and Offshore Applications to support the design, evaluation, and construction of #fuelcell systems on #vessels and offshore assets."
