Week 8
"Under the French anti-waste law for a circular economy (AGEC), which came into force in 2020 after years of development, some 70 percent of most non-hazardous building waste had to be collected for processing in France. The objective is gradually rising, too: In 2024, the target was 82 percent, and it will increase to 93 percent by 2027."
Masse, Nature of Physical Fields and Forces: "A Higgs particle can never be directly detected. It is thought to exist for only about 10 − 22 seconds. The existence of Higgs particles can only be inferred from indirect evidence. This inferential process involves examining the decay products of high energy particle collisions that occur within a particle accelerator in a search for a certain decay pattern that has been predicted for Higgs particles. Because of the massive amount of data produced in these high energy collisions, extensive data filtering is performed before any search for decay patterns even begins. Statistical methods are then used to detect Higgs particles based on a theoretical model known as the Standard Model of particle physics. If more decay patterns are found having the expected Higgs decay pattern than predicted by the Standard Model assuming Higgs particles do not exist, then the existence of Higgs particles is inferred.
In 2013 the existence of Higgs particles was inferred based upon such indirect evidence. Clearly the validity of this inference depends not only on the functioning of the extreme amount of computer filtering necessary to obtain a meaningful signal from the immense collision-created noise background, but also on the validity of the Standard Model.. The Standard Model has many problems, however, and is almost certainly wrong.. Ironically, the inferred existence of the Higgs particle is now being used to argue for the validity of the Standard Model"
Masse's publishing indicates he researched, worked on geophysics, earthquakes. The type of new physics he discusses requires hands-on, solid knowledge of continuum mechanics, elasticity, wave progagation which his branch would require to know from day one. I'd pay attention to this guy.
Masse, Physics: Where It Went Wrong: Why does gravity exist? What are light waves?.. Physics has provided no answers to these and many other basic questions concerning our Universe. You might even say that physics has failed to discover the very nature of our Universe. While the fundamental forces existing in our Universe have indeed been detected, and the laws describing these forces have generally been documented, the nature of these forces remains a total mystery. Why has the science of physics not made more progress in unveiling the workings of our Universe?
To find the answer to this question we must look back in time to the early 1890s. It was then that a couple of perplexing problems first arose in physics. The British physicist Lord Kelvin referred to these problems as two 'nineteenth century clouds' over physics. When physicists grappled with these problems, the conclusions they arrived at set physics on a path that quickly descended into a labyrinth from which physics has still not escaped.
Although physics can be employed successfully today on a practical level, the foundations of physics now rest on quicksand. As the Nobel prize winning physicist Richard Feynman observed, 'It’s a terrible mix-up, and you might say it’s a hopeless mess physics has got itself worked into.'
The picture of reality that physics currently paints is so bizarre and, frankly, so unbelievable, that beginning students in physics when confronted with this picture can be excused from exclaiming 'You can’t be serious!' Unfortunately, the Alice-in-Wonderland worldview created by modern physics has done little to achieve a better understanding of the real Universe. And, yes, there is a real Universe.
Deciphering secrets of the real Universe requires taking a new look at some of the problems that plagued physicists over 100 years ago. As we revisit these problems, we will find that it is possible to arrive at conclusions quite different from those obtained many years ago. Moreover, with our new insight into these problems, we can begin to unravel some of the mysteries of our Universe that have puzzled mankind for centuries"
The Michaelson experiment did not disprove aether, their assumptions were wrong apparently
Masse did a lot of work defining this aether field in mathematical terms (pages 55-67). Good ideas keep coming back!
🤔 🤔 🤔
🤨 🤨 🤨
Masse, Principle of Least Action: "We have seen that the Euler-Lagrange equations can be obtained from Newton’s laws of motion for a conservative force field. Newton’s laws, in turn, are based upon aether field theory"
There is a surface state, the effect goes top-down, starts from moneyed interests, down to politicians, and lower from there. The depths of US state is actually pretty good, it's the top that is rotten. Those scummy bought out mucks know nothing except money.
SecDef Mattis was vehemently against that pullout, but he was appointed by DJT. Remember Mattis, he was confirmed 98-1 in the Senate (compared to recent chief who nearly lost his confirmation). And Mattis was nominated because Trump did not want to ruffle feathers in his first term, he chose a guy within certain parameters, then that guy responded in ways that were predictable. There is no deep state. Trump got the outcome he prepared the conditions for.
"The deep state stopped Trump from leaving Syria in his first term"
#Frontline #UA #RU 02/13 - 02/21
Existential Comics: "Imagine thinking food isn't a human right. Like, what the heck did we build civilization for then? Why did we bother industrializing agriculture? So we could make enough food for everyone only to let people starve anyway?"
Beware of the Clown - The Damned #music
Humane AI pins (remember them?), which launched just over a year ago, will stop working in 10 days and become landfill... The largest investor was OpenAI’s Sam Altman"
There is a physics engine (as in code that can compute real-world simulation) written in the Rust language compiled into WASM via WebAssembly. Now Javascript can use it in the browser.
Seeking Alpha: "Tesla: Celebrating 40 Months Of Nothing.. Tesla, Inc. stock has gone nowhere… make that, worse than nowhere, since late 2021, despite tons of volatility. I recently polled an audience I was speaking to.. and the answer didn't shock me. Because I'm no spring chicken. The question was this:
Rank these in order of total return since November 1, 2021 (now nearly 40 months ago, more than 3 years ago.
- Dow Jones Industrial Average (DIA)
- S&P 500 Equal Weight (i.e., the average stock) (RSP)
- 1-3 month US T-bills (BIL)
- Tesla stock.
Every single respondent had TSLA as the best performer since the start of November 2021. Here are the facts. TSLA has earned less than nothing in nearly 40 months. It was recently down 10% over that time. The Dow has not exactly been the S&P 500 (SP500) or Nasdaq 100 (NDX), but it has certainly done what investors hope a stock portfolio would do over that time. The average stock gained 20%, or about 1/2% per month on average. And the T-bill ETF outperformed TSLA by more than 22% during those 40 months"
I dont think in the money
In the money, or out of the money? 😂
Good news everybody, in 2023 90% of C-suite executives believed the Metaverse will have an important role in their organisations future growth, and by the end of 2025 4.2% of their orgs revenue will be in the metaverse, so over $1 trillion!
If these numbers seem similar to AI and NFTs, it's because the same thing was said.
Over and over and over and over again C-suites fall for whatever they're told, like Lemmings forced off a cliff by companies that directly profit from shit consultancy"
DW: "A war of words has broken out between Egypt and Israel. Israel accuses Egypt of threatening it by increasing troops near its border, Egypt says its soldiers are there to fight extremists"
Hey Ukraine got into this shit because of US, it is only fair they are pulled out of it by US. Other parties either went along or actively benefited but did not play a major role.
PJ Onori: "It’s 2025. Read.cv is shutting down. WordPress is on fire. Twitter has completely melted down. Companies are changing their content policies en masse. Social networks are becoming increasingly icy towards anything outside of their walled garden. Services are using the content you post to feed proprietary LLMs. Government websites appear to be purging data. It’s a wild time.
It’s hard to know where this bottoms out. And those who rely on these services are just along for the ride. Web 2.0 seemed like such a great idea in a more innocent time. We’re at a point where it’s only prudent to view third-parties as guilty until proven innocent. Not as some abstract, principled stance, but for our own direct benefit.
Now, more than ever, it’s critical to own your data. Really own it. Like, on your hard drive and hosted on your website. Ideally on your own server, but one step at a time"
Change of guard
If it is Boeing, down it is going 😂
@$$ h4x0r
You have to know regex my friend. Hard core scraping requries regex. Otherwise you'll never be 1337.
"Scraping" is the term used for the kind of code that fetches a Web page, removes all the visual elements and retains only the raw data part of it, like scraping the outer paint off a wall, you see?
Aircraft Carriers 0
Helicopter Carriers 0
Destroyers 0
Frigates 13
Corvettes 0
Submarines 10
Patrol Vessels 39
Mine Warfare 7
Name: Greece, dtype: object
I guess the build up is ongoing.. Massive numbers are not visible yet.
df = u.get_pd().read_csv("gfp-2025.csv",index_col='country')
navy = ['Aircraft Carriers','Helicopter Carriers','Destroyers',\
'Frigates','Corvettes','Submarines','Patrol Vessels','Mine Warfare']
Aircraft Carriers 0
Helicopter Carriers 1
Destroyers 0
Frigates 17
Corvettes 9
Submarines 13
Patrol Vessels 41
Mine Warfare 11
Name: Turkey, dtype: object
They claim TR is building up a massive navy, is it true? We check,
Scraped the latest Global Firepower publication, shows military equipment of countries.
I haven't double checked this, it is interesting OSI chimed in
OSI: "A year ago we called on Meta to stop calling Llama 2 'Open Source.' Since then, Meta has released new versions of Llama with new licensing terms that continue to fail the Open Source Definition. Llama 3.x is still not Open Source by any stretch of the imagination"
Times Union: "Delta jet flips upside down on a snowy Toronto runway and all 80 aboard survive"
SP 500 recovered from the dip already and broke another record. Rich people create bubbles. That immense amount of money has nowhere else to go. Every dip is an opportunity to buy.
F--kers are so full of bile and their cause is so f-ing dumb (creating artificial demand for US private weapon complex in ME in the guise of returning to a land they didn't even leave in the first place), they have to eventually turn inward and eat themselves, their own kind.
Zioinst man is the new Florida man
TDB: "Jewish Man Charged With Shooting Israeli Tourists He Thought Were Palestinian.. A Florida man has been charged with attempted murder after allegedly shooting at a father and son he thought were Palestinian"
BBC: "'You could have made a deal': Trump blames Ukraine after US-Russia talks"
Euronews: "US and Russia to 'normalise' relationship and start Ukraine talks, officials say"
Firstpost: "‘Gulf of America’ row escalates as Mexico vows to take Google to court.. Sheinbaum had announced on Friday that her government was considering legal action against Google, saying: 'If necessary, we will file a civil suit'"
[T]hat link about an Airbnb founder.. I'm really wishing more people had paid attention to the actual track record of these early self-acknowledged disruptive companies and helped strangle them long before they amassed the power to actually harm things. My first assignment in my public policy masters program ten years ago(!) was loosely on Airbnb's business model, and even back then it was abundantly clear that it was going to destroy housing markets and communities for almost exclusively shareholder benefit"
Dentists offering cosmetic services vs essential procedures due to inequality can create asymmetry on the numbers of customers they serve too. Dentist can charge a high price for one cosmetic service, now he doesn't have to offer regular procedure to ten other customers.
Per earlier share on rising college tuitions and loans: student loans are not the driving factor behind rising tuitions, the loans are the only way the lower income folk can keep up with wealthier families who can afford to pay much higher tuition. Causality starts at the top.
Seeing the boycott US vibe spreading in Europe now as well as Canada. I am also thinking this is a worldwide opportunity for us all to rethink our spending habits, and try to move away from mindless consumerism, which destroys our bank balances, our planet, and our souls"
This person is basically joking darkly his job in the future will merely be providing input to some wanker "AI".
'my life goal as an artist is to contribute to more than 0.1% of the weights of the 'score_9, score_8_up' embedding of future pony diffusion models'"
WaPo: "Arrested by AI: Police ignore standards after facial recognition matches.. Confident in unproven facial recognition technology, sometimes investigators skip steps; at least eight Americans have been wrongfully arrested"
Sen Wittman: "[I have] concerns regarding potential conflicts of interest and [DOUCHE] overreach. Protecting the personal information of Americans is a fundamental responsibility, and any breach of privacy is alarming. The prospect of private individuals or companies having unfettered access to sensitive data raises critical questions about accountability, oversight, and the safeguarding of our citizens’ rights"
Mussolini: "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism"
Oliver Stone, The Untold History of US: "The feeble international response to the Spanish Civil War was even more disheartening. Fighting broke out in July 1936 as Francisco Franco’s forces set out to topple the elected Spanish government and establish a fascist regime. The republic had made enemies among U.S. officials and corporate leaders by its progressive policies and tight regulation of business...
The United States, following the British and French lead, banned the shipment of weapons to both sides, which weakened the beleaguered and outgunned government forces. Ford, GM, Firestone, and other U.S. businesses provided the fascists with trucks, tires, and machine tools. Texaco Oil Company, headed by pro-Fascist Colonel Thorkild Rieber, promised Franco all the oil he needed—on credit. Roosevelt, furious, threatened an oil embargo and slapped Texaco with a fine. But Rieber persisted undeterred, supplying oil to Hitler and being lionized in the pages of Life magazine"
Beyond this and that intl org being good or bad, it looks like new admin wants to decrease "international entanglements", of any kind. Many thinkers implicitly argue / assume intl orgs are ideals all countries should aspire to, that they are unquestionable goods that need to be obtained, joined, but such orgs can prove to be straightjackets on administrations. On top of all local laws, regulations now you have to follow requirements of some f-ing agency that some f-ing president joined some f-ing years ago for whatever f-ing reason that might not be wholly applicable today.
Pro Publica: "We updated our Supreme Connections database with new disclosures on Thursday, adding Justice Samuel Alito’s deferred 2023 filing and eight previously missing disclosures from Justice Clarence Thomas dating back to the 1990s. Supreme Connections is our database that makes it easy for anyone to browse justices’ financial disclosures and to search for connections to people and companies mentioned within them"
Guy looks like Luigi Mangione too.. RR must have been very jealous.
What happened to Ryan Reynolds' wife? I think she was fondled dude.. Fondle Fondle
The National: "Labour MPs have raked in more than £300,000 from donors linked to private healthcare firms as the party pushes for further NHS privatisation, the Sunday National can reveal"
Reportedly air traffic control issued a critical warning to black hawk before crash, but it was not heard. US aviation uses a radio system that can lose information, unlike police radio built on the amplitude mod based technique, the delivery is not guaranteed.
You obtain the college degree, and it is yours. It is non-perishable. It looks like an asset. We notice another similarity to real estate, tuition prices keeps increasing and the middle class increasingly has to rely on loans to even "stay in the market". In that sense the student loan concept mirrors a mortgage loan concept.
Should a college degree be seen as an asset? It is offered in limited amounts to a few each year so maybe yes. Then this explains why college tuition skyrocketed, just like real estate, degree-as-asset is becoming more expensive bcz the rich gets richer pouring more money into this asset class.
USAID could be doing other "good stuff". But why can't it all be good?
Well I dont know abt this man's other "bad deeds", but USAID is a somewhat shady org... The one share I made on them was not good. They obstructed efforts for Afgans to switch to cotton from poppy.
Trump Official Destroying USAID Secretly Met With Christian Nationalists Abroad in Defiance of U.S. Policy"
No plans to save bihnesman and the wealthy? Catastrophe will likely happen due to them, so fuck'em.
Gov is key to all.
This government thing must be important if they have plans to continue it in a catastrophic situation.
This is the government continuity operation mentioned by DoD. So they had to use that route. .. And the crew was experienced...
Report suggests altitude reading was wrong due to faulty device.
One essential traffic controller warning was missed (aviation uses old tech for backwards compatibility which can lose data?). WTF? US infra is decaying.
Reuters: "The three soldiers killed in the [black hawk] collision were part of the 12th Aviation Battalion at Fort Belvoir in Virginia, whose responsibilities in a national crisis include evacuating Pentagon officials. Another 64 people were killed in the passenger plane...
[During 911 an official describes] going to a 'bizarre location that was prepared to survive nuclear war'.. The book’s author, Garrett Graff, said the site was called Raven Rock Mountain Complex, or 'Site R', located just miles from Camp David. It remains one of three main backup facilities for the US government, and the main one for the Pentagon leadership. 'It’s 100 percent operational today. There’s a team of maybe 100 personnel inside Raven Rock right now, ready to pick up the pieces of the US government,' Graff said"
Latest Potus Approval
There are volunteer data contributors who walk around, mark stuff, OSM collects such data, but that is mostly for big cities. And why do this extra work..? Local municipalities already have that information. Just put the file on a stupid static site, anyone can get them, done. All you need is a file server, not an app server.
The files would be small. Yet almost no city does this.
Local govs (and federal ones) need to share public data, raw, easily
parsable formats. The simpler the better. For bus/train routes, all
you need to share is two files stops.csv
, routes.csv
. External
programs can download that, parse it, provide services on top. It is
simple coding to connect the route IDs that reference stops, listing
them as needed. Use case: stops data has geo coords, a DIY external
service gets data from muni, could find the closest stop to current
location, and calculates all routes going through that stop, displays
Someone hacked DOUCHE
Coinbase: "Javier Milei Backtracks on $4.4B Memecoin After 'Insiders' Pocket 87M.. Milei deleted his original promotional tweet and revealed that he wasn't aware of its details"
NY Post: "JD Vance says biggest danger in Europe is censorship during Munich address — not Russia or China: ‘Threat from within’"
F24: US Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth on Friday warned NATO allies in Europe against assuming that the American troop presence on the continent would 'last forever', as he urged them to spend more on defence"