
Github Mirror

Week 39

Tom Van Flandern: "Newton remarked.. the logical mind, competent in philosophical matters, finds it inconceivable that one object might act on another across a gulf of space without some intermediaries passing between the objects to convey the action. The alternative would require some form of magic, an effect without a cause. As such, it would violate the causality principle, one of the fundamental Principles of Physics. These principles have a higher status than the so-called 'laws of physics,' such as Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation. Such laws may change as knowledge increases. By contrast, the Principles of Physics are deductions about nature so closely related to pure logic that a definite observed violation of one of them would bring into question the very nature of the reality we live in"

Fleming: "Fatio’s idea was that space is filled with corpuscles, and as these corpuscles move through space, they randomly strike each other and astronomical bodies, pushing them. If we consider two bodies, the first body shadows the second body from the corpuscular pressure force coming from behind the first body, and in this way there is more force pushing the bodies together than pushing them apart... Fatio’s theory is a true quantum gravity theory, as it is based entirely on quantum electrodynamic principles. It also unifies the gravitational force with the electromagnetic and mechanical forces. The existence of the Casimir force tells us that the Fatio-Casimir force must exist..

Vacuum fluctuations exert pressure uniformly in all directions such that a body in otherwise empty space is pushed on equally from all sides. The body is not heated either as proved by the Casimir force. Pressure differentials due to Fatio’s shadowing effect cause gravitational acceleration. Baseline vacuum pressure is positive and uniform from all directions. In other words, aether gravitates without producing a detectable gravitational force since it pushes equally from all sides"

Salvaggio: "Reasoning in OpenAI’s latest model seems to be.. a form of prompt engineering known as 'chain of thought' engineering. Users of the LLM would make a previous model work step by step, using computational thinking to constrain the random outcome of a prompt more carefully... OpenAI isn’t sharing what these steps look like because I kid you not, 'the model must have the freedom to express its thoughts in unaltered form.' [meaning they don't know what the f--k goes on in there, it is an unstructured jumble]..

There is a strange obsession with disproving the parrot claim among LLM evangelists... But it’s stochastic, all the way down. Chain-of-thought prompting is the difference between a fill-in-the-blank quiz and a multiple-choice quiz... It also helps prevent 'attention' from drifting in the model. Attention is the term used for token storage: there’s a limit on how many words a model can pay attention to, so if you generate well beyond a prompt, the model’s attention is more likely to drift. That’s a problem with complex prompts — the model starts generating, and once you fill the memory buffer, every word knocks another word out of its 'attention span.'

Does this mean that I think the model is useless? No. I just think the model is a stochastic parrot. And it’s being designed backward. I’m not sure companies need to be investing in massive, environmentally hostile, water-intensive, energy-draining, intellectual-property-ignoring datasets if the end result is that they just end up blocking out access to a vast proportion of the resulting model"

The Guardian: "Kamala Harris has called for an end to the Senate filibuster to make good on her pledge to restore the right to abortion through legislation."

Politico: "Harris in Arizona visit vows to outdo Biden on border security"

Look at how they are dressed, in uniforms of sorts.. But it is their personal uniform, as they are not part of a security / military apparatus, they are a one-man-army of their own. The fascination with violence must have its cultural basis here (it turns out Rapaille identified sex equates to violence in US emotional brain).

Militocracy-descendant cultures centralized violence, its populace are used to the pecking order when it comes to the subject.. Anglo comic book heroes are somewhat bizarre compared to it, the characters are somewhat laughed at in many places outside US. Plutocracies see themselves as decentralized peoples who can wheel and deal and of course, apply violence, at a personal level, almost in an enterprenual spirit when it is "necessary". Such are the Anglo heroes, they are ass-kicking enterpreneurs, like Batman (the dumbest looking hero of all time).

Afghanistan remained a basket case, US could not, would not "fix" the place, again bcz of US business interests. Cotton could be grown there instead of poppy seeds, but USAID cannot help growth of such products in other countries bcz of a law (Bumpers Amendment) that prohibits supporting products in other countries that can compete with US companies. Bidness interests invade a place, bidness interest keep the place a basket case. No surprise some in US asking themselves why invade and stay at a place if you cannot help a place? Criticism of US inverventionism has some of its roots in its dysfunction as well as the money spent on it that could be spent elsewhere.

I don't think Eps had anything on Trump, but the way Eps was placed in the news circulation would have made DJT suspicious. All of a sudden you are in the news cycle along with Andrew Windsor, f-ing Clintons.. it's disgusting. Even if Eps talked out of his ass, he could be damaging, and Trump could want to take action on that.

If you think about it, this is Trump's M.O. Remember the Soleimani assasination. Surgical strike, taking out one guy. Boom.

JE's brother is adamant about this theory, and he doesn't sound like a kooky guy.

Was deep state involved in Jeffrey Epstein's death? Why go look at the depths? There is a clear suspect with something to gain visible for everyone to see - it's Trump. Anyone who can have doors opened, cameras blinded in a federal detention must be pretty powerful figure, federally. Who is more powerful than the freaking President?

Penguin S01E01 - good episode.

Fleming: "The curved space model runs into serious difficulties when you consider more than two objects in very different orbits. For example, the Earth has a nearly circular orbit, but a comet passing near the Earth is following a large elliptical path that is nearly perpendicular to the Earth’s orbit. How can space be simultaneously curved in two perpendicular directions? It makes no sense. If one considers millions of photons crossing a single point in space from different directions, it makes even less sense. It makes no sense to adopt a curved space model when a geometrically flat space model works, and it does work when you have aether. Why do physicists desire such a complicated and unnecessary model? Probably they do it because science fiction is more fun and interesting to think about than real science"

Light being "tired" is the wrong terminology. Light enters water it slows down, it exits water it speeds up again. If it was "tired" wouldn't it want to remain slow, want to rest a little while?

The speed of light $c$ is also the speed of light in a certain medium. That medium is the aether = quantum field. Quantum field exists, otherwise Casimir Effect would not work (experimentally proven). Space is not empty. Aether (QF) provides resistance to light in certain ways that results in $c$. Other mediums slow down light in different ways, making the speed less than $c$ like glass and water.

We already know light slows down in different medium. It slows down when it enters into glass. Same with water.


'Floridian death cult: As a record-breaking hurricane makes landfall, evacuation routes are clogged with people trapped in their cars. Stormwater is expected to reach depths of 20 feet'"

Nikkei Asia: "Who is Shigeru Ishiba? Japan set for ex-Abe rival as prime minister"

Dampier: "Among the fatal flaws in the Telecom Act of 1996 were its various ‘competition tests,’ which were open to considerable interpretation and latitude at the FCC. The Republican supporters of the bill argued that the presence of an open and free marketplace would, by itself, induce competition among various entrants. They were generally unconcerned with the question of whether new competition would actually arrive. Their priority was lifting the protective levers of legacy regulation as soon as possible. Many Democrats assumed what appeared to be carefully drafted regulatory language would protect consumers by preventing the FCC from lifting protections too early in the competitive process. But lobbyists consistently outmaneuvered lawmakers, finding ways to insert loopholes and compromise language that introduced inconsistencies that could be dealt with and eliminated either by the FCC or the courts later...

The first warning the 1996 Act was going awry came a year after the bill was signed into law. Phone companies started raising rates from 1.50 - 6 dollars a month on average. AT&T was petitioning to hike rates $7 a month. Someone would have to pay to replace the scrapped subsidy system in a competitive market — subsidies that had been in place at the nation’s phone companies for decades. By charging higher rates for phone service in cities and for pricier long distance calls before the arrival of companies like MCI and Sprint, the phone companies used this revenue to subsidize their Universal Service obligations, keeping rural phone bills low and often below the real cost of providing service. To establish a truly competitive phone business, the subsidies had to be reformed or go, and that meant someone had to cover the difference"

Dampier: "[Clinton's] Telecom Act of 1996 Sowed the Seeds of a Telecom Oligopoly.. How exactly did America get stuck with a broadband monopoly in many areas, a duopoly in most others? It did not happen by accident.. By understanding the trickery and legislative shell games practiced by lobbyists and their elected partners in Congress, you will learn to recognize when the telecom industry and their friends are preparing to sell you another bill of goods"


US gave it to the French and Brits, the French gave it to Israel, Russia stole it from the Americans, then gave it to China, India. China gave the tech to Pakistan to balance out India. Reportedly Pakistan recently told Anatolians ("Turks") here you take nuke tech from us to be used against Israelis, you bomb the muckers so it's not on us. An extreme scenario surely.

AFAIK unless the original research at Los Alamos is passed down onto a country, that country is not able to create a nuclear weapon.. They made a key finding at that lab that is crucial to get the thing to function. Other countries have built nukes independently but they never truly seem to work because they are missing that key piece. I believe North Korea, Iran's programs are not functional, not at weapon grade level. But of course Russia can just give the tech to them, just like they gave it to China and India.

Firspost: "Zelenskyy’s visit to the US did not sit well with the Republicans as the party’s presidential nominee slammed the comedian-turned-politician. After former US President Donald Trump lambasted Zelenskyy and claimed that he is 'refusing' to negotiate a peace deal with Russian President Vladimir Putin, US House Speaker Mike Johnson condemned the Ukrainian leader’s visit to a munitions factory in Scranton, Pennsylvania"

WION: "Israel rules out US-France ceasefire plan; asks military to fight with 'full force'"

Firstpost: "Netanyahu denies Israel-Hezbollah ceasefire"

TASS: "Israel, Lebanon may agree on ceasefire 'in coming hours' — newspaper"

Firstpost: "Japan’s next-gen ‘Zeta-class’ Supercomputer worth $760 million to be 1,000x faster than any other"

I've checked the Sudan RSF / SAF frontline, there's been no notable changes for over a month. A little RSF gain around Al Madina Arab, some loss in Wad an Nail, gain SE Shukri. That's it. This conflict is frozen.

H2 Europe: "German asset manager KGAL has invested an undisclosed amount into a proposed green hydrogen project with up to 1,050MW of electrolyser capacity in the municipality of Lubmin, on Germany’s northeastern coast. The plant’s developers, GP Joule and PtX Development — the latter of which has already secured a site — plan to initially install 210MW of electrolysers in the first phase, although a timeline for scale-up to more than 1GW of capacity has not been disclosed"

H2 Central: "Uruguay readies offshore wind licence for green hydrogen production.. Uruguay’s state-owned energy company Ancap may soon grant concessions on four offshore blocks to produce green hydrogen as the country seeks to position itself as a 'global exporter'"

"ReNu Energy secures $8M grant for green hydrogen initiative"

Officially I'll stick to the original prediction... I'm using polling data to gauge a lower bound on Dem campaigning, meh, not terrible so far. Combined, let's still say Kamaller, I'll eat crow if it goes the other way.

If we negate the incumb adv for Dems, their chance for win is,

Interval: [42.95 50.51] Average: 46.73

Most likely a loss.

Should Trump be seen as an incumbent? He did not get his chance for a second term, he is running for that now, just like an incumbent would. Since 2020 was such a confusing time, a chaos, squint a little, it could look like two incumbents are running against each other. That would change the outcome of the Abramovitz formula.

Theory of Everything attempts keep falling short bcz the previous layer(s) have faults. We should not delude ourselves thinking the WWI generation had everything figured out. Yankee sci culture is too insecure to go there, US led sci consensus keeps trying to maintain the foundational layer and somehow "connect stuff on top" and have their grand theory. Everything is a f-ing mess and this modern consensus is to blame. Just look at international relations and project that onto science. Same dipshittery everywhere, with the same sad result.

Good point by Marmet.. you can come up with eqns that fit the data, but are those the right equations that explain the reality that produce that data?

Einstein was wrong

Paul Marmet: "Many experiments, like the Michelson-Morley and Sagnac experiments and others, are testing the fundamental nature of light. It is conflicting to observe that the velocity of photons is measured as a constant, when the observer moves away from that light source. Since all other particles are measured with additive velocities ($V-v$) or ($V+v$) with respect to a moving frame, why can photons not obey that same rule? Since Newton's mechanics has shown that all relative velocities produce a Doppler frequency shift, we must expect that some special phenomena prevent us from detecting the real change of relative velocity. It is quite incorrect to believe that this phenomenon cannot be explained using physical reality and Newton physics. As required by the principle of mass-energy conservation, the atoms (nucleus and electrons) forming the local standard reference meter and the moving clock have acquired some extra mass due to the materialization of kinetic energy. Quantum mechanics shows that this increase of energy changes the de Broglie electron wavelength and consequently, the Bohr radius and the clock rate. It is surprising to find new hypotheses like space-time distortion, and even more, the suggestion of 'new logic' to explain these observations, while it is not taken into account that the rate of the moving clock is naturally modified due to the increase of mass (following the absorption of kinetic energy). The simple application of the principle of mass-energy conservation explains naturally all these experiments.. We must recall that an empirical equation used to predict the outcome of a physical system is not an explanation"


Puerto Rico was clearly invaded by US corporate power..

Kinzer, Overthrow, US' Century of Regime Change: "During the early years of the twentieth century, four American corporations gobbled up most of Puerto Rico's best land. On it they planted sugar, a crop suited to large-scale farming. The big losers were families who grew coffee, which is known as the 'poor man's crop' because it can be cultivated on small plots. By 1930, sugar accounted for 60 percent of the country's exports, while coffee, once the island's principal crop, had fallen to just 1 percent... With little access to land, ordinary Puerto Ricans became steadily poorer. One study found that while 17 percent of them were unemployed at the time of the American invasion, 30 percent were unemployed a quarter century later"

TASS: "Telegram updates policies, will now share user details with law enforcement, abandons privacy"

ProPublica: "Israel Deliberately Blocked Humanitarian Aid to Gaza, Two Government Bodies Concluded. Antony Blinken Rejected Them"


Informed Comment: "Calls for US Arms Embargo as Israel Kills Nearly 500 in Lebanon"

Al-Monitor: "Dead end'? US shows lack of leverage as Israel pounds Lebanon.. For nearly a year, one of.. Biden's top priorities has been to prevent the Gaza war from spiraling into an all-out regional conflict. Weeks ahead of an election -- and just as Biden begins his farewell visit to the UN General Assembly -- Israel is pounding Lebanon, killing hundreds and highlighting the powerlessness of his warnings"