
Github Mirror

Week 37

The moon was not formed due to an impact.. Well shit.. this theory was so widely believed.. it makes you wonder where else sci consensus might have gone wrong.

Paper: "Here we critically examine the geophysical and geochemical properties of the Moon in order to identify the extent to which dynamical scenarios [an impact forming the Moon] satisfy these observations... there is no unambiguous geochemical or isotopic evidence for the role of an impactor in the formation of the Moon, implying perfect equilibration between the proto-Earth and Moon-forming material or alternative scenarios for its genesis"



Pallab Ghosh on the BBC just described this as 'one small step' - 'a moment of history that will be remembered'

Don't see why, frankly. Rich person does stuff previously achieved by many less wealthy people, news at 12?"

BBC: "Billionaire becomes first non-professional astronaut to walk in space"

Green Party VP candidate drops burn, "AOC Pelosi". Pelosi did become a curse word of sorts among the left. Wasn't Nancy for single-payer healthcare back in day? Now she stock trades on legislation. Sad.

The un-inversion partly has to do with 2-year yield falling, which is closely tied to FEDFUNDS. And lo and behold, FED is about to cut rates soon.

Curve inversion rings alarm bells bcz if long-term interest rate expectation (captured in the 10-year) is lower than short-term, it means a crisis is expected in the future, hence lower rates.

Negative values are places where the curve inverted. No need to plot all maturities 2, 5, 10, 20 etc and looking at the "shape" of that curve. Simply subtracting 2 year treasury from 10 year treasury for each time period is good enough. BTW the pattern shows recession does not occur exactly at the point of inversion, but after the inversion un-inverts, just when it start becoming positive, then the recession hits.

How is the curve inversion going (a good indicator for recession),

df = u.get_fred(1980,['DGS2','DGS10'])
df = df.interpolate()
df['inv'] = df.DGS10 - df.DGS2
plt.axvspan('01-09-1990', '01-07-1991', color='y', alpha=0.5, lw=0)
plt.axvspan('01-03-2001', '27-10-2001', color='y', alpha=0.5, lw=0)
plt.axvspan('22-12-2007', '09-05-2009', color='y', alpha=0.5, lw=0)

Al-Jazeera: "Australian media reported the police operation in Melbourne was the largest since 2000, when Australia’s second-largest city hosted the World Economic Forum"

BBC: "Dozens arrested after clashes at Melbourne anti-war protest.. Police had anticipated unrest ahead of the event, which is expected to draw over 1,000 corporations from 31 countries in the coming days. The expo, which is not open to the public, brings together military, defence, government, scientific and industry delegations from around the world.

Local media reported military artillery, trucks and semi-automatic weapons have been on display during the convention. Activists had said they were protesting as they claim many of the weapons on-show have been used by Israeli forces in Gaza"

Great.. on our way forming a Eurasian superpower. When are we invading New York?

Firstpost: "A day after India’s External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar said that about 75 per cent of disengagement problems with China 'have been sorted out', China said that its troops have withdrawn from four places in eastern Ladakh and that the situation at the border is relatively stable"


Apple has to pay 13 billion euros in back taxes in Ireland.. 'The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has ruled that Ireland has granted the tech giant Apple illegal aid amounting to around 13 billion euros. Ireland must now reclaim this, according to the ECJ.. In 2020, the Court of the European Union (CJEU) ruled in Apple's favor that there was no state aid. From the CJEU's point of view, the Commission had not been able to prove that Apple's tax agreements in Ireland from 1991 and 2007 constituted prohibited state aid. The Commission appealed against this - successfully, as has now been established. The ECJ fully confirmed the Commission's original decision from 2016'"

I guess if written well u could do an accurate Doom.. If the writing is playful enough, it can work. Marv will then be banking on RDJ's star power to carry this role. Playful like VVD sees Stark on TV gets mad bcz he judges him a dumbass and double mad bcz TS also looks like him. Parker is shocked to see his mentor's likeness in a villain. So on.

"Draghi Report confirms hydrogen as a key technology and stresses the importance of R&I to keep Europe at the forefront"

It's true, media isn't as gaga abt her anymore are they? Good for Greta

Joshua Hill: "In a striking scene, Greta Thunberg was arrested on Wednesday as she participated in an anti-genocide protest at the University of Copenhagen, the sort that has catapulted the student movement to the forefront of the solidarity struggle for a Free Palestine... [But as] I posted [.. earlier]: '..the second Greta started making connections between climate change and capitalism, colonialism.. the media coverage came to a screeching halt'"


People do not 'slip through the cracks' of society. They are stomped into the cracks, bleeding and screaming and pleading for help"

RFK's VP pick is on Fox.. Shamrock Po? RFK is on DJT camp I guess she now enjoys some downstream benefits.

I'd take the "acceptable" and move on.. I don't know which moron advised that debate prep, but they did an aweful job. Kam performed ok not saying it was a loss for her cuz the bar was set so low due to Biden but next one probably won't be any better for Dems, if the same shitlibs will be advising.

You mean our solar system is special?

"[T]he galaxy rotation curve does not follow the gravitational law that applies in our solar system. This is because the matter in the galaxy is distributed differently than in our solar system"

Fleming: "General Relativity does not account for spiral galaxy formations.. [GR] fails both in terms of not providing the force strength necessary to retain the most distant stars and not have a force mechanism that explains the spiral arm formation"

The Cradle: "US naval forces cannot remain to protect Israel 'forever': Washington... Washington has warned Tel Aviv that US naval forces cannot indefinitely be deployed to the West Asia region to protect Israel, Channel 13 reported on 6 September, amid continued fear of an expanded war between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The Israeli news channel reported a message was sent to Israel that tensions with Hezbollah and Iran need to be reduced at some stage because 'the [US] aircraft carriers will not be able to stay in the area forever'"

Reuters: "Zelenskiy has been pleading with Kyiv's allies for months to let Ukraine fire Western missiles including long-range U.S. ATACMS and British Storm Shadows deep into Russian territory to limit Moscow's ability to launch attacks.. Putin said on Thursday that such a move would drag the countries supplying Kyiv with long-range missiles directly into the war. He said satellite targeting data and programming of the missiles' flight paths would have to be provided by NATO military personnel, as Kyiv did not have the capabilities itself"

EIA: "U.S. electric power sector explores hydrogen cofiring at natural gas-fired plants"

Firstpost: "End of Googling? Gen-z prefers searching on TikTok, Instagram rather than using search engines"

Some Dem mistakes during debate: KH referenced "Goldman Sachs", as an institution supporting her plans, that was a negative. You can spin that as elitism vs middle-class to an low-info voter (hell even high-info voter).

She talked about econ profs who support her plan, and cited Wharton School of Econ. Well Trump graduated from Wharton. What was the plan there, by hearing his school being cited as being against him, Trump would tremble in fear and be paralyzed for the rest of the debate? Of course not. He actually had an opening; he said "I graduated from Wharton" and said profs there are supporting his plan. Now Kam looked like she was one-upped, looked like she didn't know DJT was a Wharton grad, the info was "sprung on her". DJT stirred the pot, gave one tidbit that low-info voter could easily check another that they could not. Couch jagoff can check Wharton but won't have any idea if the profs there supported Trump. And since earlier one-up favored Trump, voter can assume he was being truthful.

There were many instances like this that shitlib eco-chamber missed but would absolutely register with the regular voter.

I do not like dams esp ones built for electricity generation. Energy cld be generated cheaply via solar or nuclear, in its various forms.


The largest dam removal in history is complete.. The best thing that happened in the world last week: after years of negotiating—and decades of activism—the Klamath River is free of four huge dams, reopening more than 644 kilometres of free-flowing water. It’s a landmark moment for the Shasta Indian Nation, who are restoring 2,800 acres of their ancestral land that is above ground for the first time in a century"

Expend4bles, perfectly fine movie.. It subverted expectations, action was top notch.

"We put 7 Uber & Lyft drivers in one room and had them open their apps.

We found Uber paying different drivers different amounts for the same ride. Lyft too.

It’s proof corporations are using secret algorithms to pay workers less""


WION: "A 'groundbreaking' nuclear power plant is being developed by Russia and China which is expected to support human settlements on the Moon in future... A new report published by Russian news agency TASS, however, has suggested that India is also likely to become a part of this ambitious project in future."

Chico Mendes: "Environmentalism without class struggle is just gardening"

#Bilzerian #PBD


AIPAC is crawling up your ass who assigns handlers to lawmakers to follow them closely turning legislators into their bitch (indirectly for the MIC of course) and DOJ is still after "Russian influence operations", going after a handful of tubers and some freak company noone has even heard of?

Second US citizen killed by ISR. Where is DOJ?

"Biden blasted for calling Israeli killing of US activist 'accident'"


'Top tier carbrain architecture?'"


The cats and dogs thing was funny. Regular voter, sparse consumer of politics info would like that stuff

Politico: "[T]here’s a widespread perception that Trump did serious damage to his chances of winning with his undisciplined and largely incoherent debate performance... When all the corners of elite thinking are in agreement — whether it’s on social media, Wall Street, the Beltway, print newsrooms or in cable TV green rooms — it’s best to be very skeptical" "Following a historic ruling in August, another monopoly case against Google is beginning today in the USA... monopoly expert Ulrich Müller explains what could happen to Google - and why Europe should also dare to unbundle more...

When you visit a website, auctions run in the background in fractions of a second to determine which ads will be shown on the advertising space on that page. Google provides the largest server through which publishers handle the auctions. It also dominates the market for the services that advertisers use to manage their online advertising campaigns. In between, Google also operates the largest auctioneer on the market with AdExchange.

According to investigations by American and European competition authorities, Google has abused this control over the various sides of the market to its advantage for years. In the legal proceedings that begin today on Google's monopoly position in the adtech sector, the US Department of Justice and several states are demanding that at least the Google service for publishers and the Google AdExchange be split off. The EU Commission also came to the preliminary conclusion in 2023 that Google had abused its adtech market power and that structural measures were needed"

Cetta, The Quantum Dice: "Let us consider a box that is divided into two smaller equal boxes L and R by means of a movable wall. Assume that inside the big box there is a (single) particle... We ask a simple question: Where is the particle? Even though it would be difficult to pose a simpler question, physicists are imaginative enough as to have begotten a full range of answers to it; however, since our interest lies in the fundamental content of those answers, we may abstract the details and reduce them to just the two that catch the main tendencies. So, where is the particle?..

The conventional description [is this] basic tenet of the conventional interpretation of quantum mechanics is that the wave function affords a complete description of each individual system... this means that the wave function refers to the one particle inside the big box and the answer to the above question depends on whether we have observed the interior or not. Previous to any observation the state is completely described by stating that the probability of the particle being in any of the two boxes L or R is $\frac{1}{2}$; there is no more to that. Thus, the particle is in a state of indeterminate localization (delocalized) in the big box. By looking inside (making a measurement to know its whereabouts) we perturb the system and bring it into a new state, (objectively) localized either in box L or in box R. The transformation of the wave function from the (pre-observation) indeterminate localization state to the (post-observation) determinate state constitutes the reduction or collapse of the wave function, brought about by the observation. Whether the particle ends up in box L or in box R after the measurement, is a matter of chance.

The assumption that the wave function refers to a single system thus has enormous consequences. Quantities such as $\Delta x$ (uncertainties in the conventional language) become objective restrictions on the localization of the particle, meaning that there exist intrinsic limitations on the corresponding measurements. So, quantum mechanics goes as far as is possible and physicists must renounce once and for all the hope for a detailed description of the individual. Further, since the concept of probability is being applied to a single event and no sample space can be constructed, there is no consistent way of viewing the result as a property of the system, and it must be interpreted as an uncertainty of our knowledge. The observer slips thus into the description, and the fundamental principle that physics refers to the world rather than to our knowledge of it, is eroded"

But you know what, I bet entrenched interests are behind that wording... That way existing tech can still be sold "but smaller", because, somehow that makes the tech safer and better 🤨 The idea is the same tech and the same companies who earn from that tech will be fine, don't you worry.

However large and small, the end result is the same for the old tech, same amt of fuel will be used for the same amt of energy generation, the waste problem will also remain unchanged.

You could build a very large helium-cooled nuclear reactor. The key point is that such reactors are not water cooled, and use safer nuclear fuel.

It is mind-boggling how ignorant MSM is... They get a few words in their heads, "electric", "small reactor" it just circulates in there ad infinitum, in that vast empty space, without anyone checking if these words they parrot even make sense... It is like the the telephone game where science tells something on one end, after a string of MSM repeats, absolute garbage comes out on the other end.


F24: "US actor James Earl Jones, voice of Darth Vader and CNN, dies at 93"

F24: "EU court rules Google, Apple must pay billions of euros in antitrust, tax cases.. A top European Union court on Tuesday told Google it would have to pay a 2.4 billion fine brought forth by the bloc's antitrust regulators seven years ago, just as the court rejected Apple's final legal challenge against an order from the European Commission to repay ?13 billion in back taxes to Ireland"

Viktor Orban: "Germany has decided to impose strict border controls to stop illegal migration. Bundeskanzler Scholz, welcome to the club!"


The only thing that worries me about the apparently almost universal approval of Harris and condemnation of Trump among the 'serious' media and 'chattering classes' - especially in Europe - is that it plays directly into the 'metropolitan elite' vs 'ordinary people' narrative that is a key driver of votes for [Reps]"

Kamala did an acceptable job.. But overall DJT did better.


The Guardian: "Wealthy, democratic countries in the global north are using harsh, vague and punitive measures to crack down on climate protests at the same time as criticising similar draconian tactics by authorities in the global south." via

Yet no attention is paid to these researchers.. Is it because they are Mexican?

Ray Fleming: "Ana Maria Cetta & Luis de la Peña have shown that QED is an emergent property of the quantum field. Classical electromagnetics and the physical constants also emerge from the quantum field completing QED"

CNBC: "China's exports grow by 8.7% in August, beating expectations"

TDB: "Nancy Pelosi Ambushed Over Wall Street Wealth at Book Signing"

Case in point.. the news of the day was the waterfront brawl in Alabama (remember that?). Some lady is commenting on it, Roland Martin shared it. At first I was like "why is she acting black?". Then I realized, she is not acting black, she is acting Southerner.


What is known as "black culture" in US is a derivative of the Southern culture. Obviously all immigrants contribute something into the tomato soup and the next generation gets da whole thing, not just the little piece your fureign ancestors added.

Culture forms at young age, via osmosis. Fureigners arriving at a place will always remain fureigners until the day they die. America, for better or worse, does have a culture which people assimilate into. Whites, Blacks, Asians - they assimilate into the same thing.

I've said this before out of all TNG alien races the one that resembles US most is not humans and their Federation. It's the Pakled. Samaritan Snare ep has it.

The state of AI, state of quantum mechanics and the stagnation around "the theory of everything" is purely an American phenomenon. The lack of QM anthology, and the fact the issue has been left that way for nearly 80 years can be blamed on the new world, as well as the excitement around recent AI'ish AI that isn't AI... The culture code US gives itself is DREAM, the code for technology is IT WORKS.

US also knows very well how it enyojed many of the fruits of 20th century advanced sci. How? By importing it from Europeans.

Put all these together, the reason for QM anthology stagnation is US scientists, even the ones trained by the best of the old world, are too scared to touch the "sacred transmission" they'd received. They didn't question the core, and the interpration at the time fit their sensibilities too, there is mysterious, dreamy shit, weird and bizarre, so they built a ring fence around that, merely surrounded it with tech that WORKED ("shut up and compute" ideology) and left it at that = stagnation.

"AI" is similar, it works, mysteriously, ginning up the American dream (imagine what you can do with it broooo), the outputs are seemingly human, this AI basically sells itself by being mysterious and "working". No need to look under the hood.

In summary Us scientists are at once too amazed, and too scared to touch anything they took earlier from the old world, and gravitate toward more mystery (leave things unexplained = mystery) and so naturally after eight decades stuff kinda works but noone knows why (in "AI"'s case it doesn't even work at a smart human level, can't plan, can't diagnose, can't do anything intelligently, only parroting out stuff creatively). There is a 2016 word for that. Sad.

This is a different method than Abramovitz but it apparently works, agrees w/ TfC.

F24: The ’13 keys’ method: How one historian has accurately predicted almost every US election.. Historian Allan Lichtman, who has an almost perfect record in predicting US election results, has said that Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris will win the November poll. The American University professor has correctly predicted the results of all but one US presidential election since 1984.

Apparently UA army chief Syrskyi speaks Ukranian pretty badly. That's bcz its his second language, just like for Zelensk, the first one being Russian.

WION: "Chances of Israel and Hamas reaching a phased hostage-ceasefire deal were 'close to zero', a report in Times of Israel has claimed."

Cetta, de la Pena: "This paper provides elements in support of the random zero-point radiation field (ZPF) as an essential ontological ingredient needed to explain distinctive properties of quantum-mechanical systems. We show that when an otherwise classical particle is connected to the ZPF, a drastic, qualitative change in the dynamics takes place, leading eventually to the quantum dynamics...

[An] inspection of the current literature readily reveals the existence of about two dozen different interpretations of QM, some more popular than others, and none of them experimentally verified. How can it be that a fundamental theory that provides the basis for a most significant part of contemporary physics, admits such a variety of alternative, even contradictory interpretations? No serious physicist or philosopher of science in his five senses would claim to come up with a better interpretation of Newtonian mechanics or Maxwellian electrodynamics. Reformulations of a known accepted theory may appear, of course, but fundamental theories do not accept reinterpretations. Special relativity did not reinterpret classical mechanics, it extended mechanics to wider domains, and together with quantum theory helped to specify its range of applicability. We should conclude that in the case of quantum mechanics, such variety of interpretations is indicative of a crucial underdetermination of the theory...

[To] understand the origin of so many different visions about the same fundamental theory, it is convenient to place ourselves in the context in which QM was born. We recall that the quantum formalism—its excellent mathematical apparatus that we still use today with success—was born in the absence of a deep understanding of the quantum phenomenology...

It is against this background that Heisenberg worked on his version of the theory, the matrix mechanics. Heisenberg discovered that the quantum particles have an unavoidable random behavior. Being persuaded of the completeness of his theory, he took this randomness for an essential, irreducible trait that neither needs nor admits a deeper explanation...

Unknowingly, Schrödinger’s wave theory implied the introduction of a new element into the quantum description. The point is that electron interference patterns are produced by the accumulation of a high number of point-like events, each one created by a single electron. A single particle produces an isolated, randomly located bright point on the detecting screen, the interference—the wave manifestation—becoming evident only after very many hits. The conclusion—normally one that goes unnoticed—is that Schrödinger’s wave function refers not to a single particle, but to an ensemble of them. Well interpreted, Schrödinger theory is intrinsically statistical in nature, and deals with ensembles rather than individual particles. Nevertheless, the statistical perspective of the quantum phenomenon was dismissed in general—and adamantly opposed by the Copenhagen school in particular, which prevails to date under different guises.. This opened the door to another infelicitous ingredient, the observer. The introduction of an active character in order to ’explain’ the reduction of the distinctive quantum mixtures to the pure states observed, added a subjective ingredient to the already odd quantum scheme. All in all, such variety of interpretations and re-interpretations indicates that something of importance is missing in the theory. Having so many variations indicates that the issue is actually not one of interpretation, but of an essential incompleteness. The absence of an appropriate guiding ontological element has turned the physical situation into a mystery...

However, rather than [an] incompletenesses.. we are referring to an essential ingredient that is missing. The point is that whatever is to be added to the incomplete theoretical framework should be able to address simultaneously some of its main puzzles, including not just the nature of quantum fluctuations; atomic stability, quantum transitions, discrete atomic spectra, wavelike phenomena and the like should find their natural explanation in a coherent scheme.

The present paper is one of a series that deals with the development of stochastic electrodynamics (SED) as a physical foundation for quantum mechanics. In previous work we have shown that, by including the zero-point radiation field (ZPF), SED allows us to arrive at a consistent description of the stationary states and to derive the (nonrelativistic) radiative corrections proper for QED"


I see CNBC shared a list of reactors under construction, but we have to stress HTR-PM in China, HTTR in Japan, HTGR-POLA in Poland in the list are all helium-cooled reactors. So the main feature of these reactors is not they are small, they are cooled differently which gives them additional safety features. Proper detail was not provided in this article.

CNBC: "New nuclear plant designs, called small modular reactors, could speed deployment of carbon-free power"


F24: "Hezbollah fires rockets, Israel strikes after attack kills Lebanese emergency workers"

#Frontline #UA #RU 08/30 - 09/09


Paper: "The zero-point field and the emergence of the quantum.. In this paper we present a new way of arriving at the quantum formalism, based on the recognition of the reality of the random zero-point radiation field (ZPF). The advantage of this approach lies in that one sees into the quantum world from outside, which affords a perspective wider than the one reachable from within the quantum theory proper. Many of the usual conceptual problems that characterize presentday quantum mechanics (QM) are thus dissolved, and new physical elements are integrated that help to clarify its physical and conceptual contents. At the same time, the fresh perspective proposed invites us to cross the doorway and go beyond the strictly quantum-mechanical realm..

When referring to the problems of QM we have in mind basically those conceptual puzzles — frequently bordering philosophy of science, to the annoyance of some physicists, although their nature is physical — that have been under scrutiny and debate since the early days of the theory, but remain basically as unsolved now as they were eighty years ago. We recall as examples: the irreducible or unexplained indeterminism characteristic of the theory; the fact that it predicts probabilities, not outcomes; that it then requires a measurement theory for its accomplishment, which means opening the door to observers and their subjectivism, and giving birth to undefined boundaries between the quantum and the classical world. Add to this the loss of realism; two opposed laws of evolution (Schrodinger’s equation and the collapse of the wave function); nonlocality and, for many, superluminal influences and so on. There are also some strictly technical questions, such as the lack of a clear physical explanation of the mechanism that stabilizes the atom and leads to quantized states (rather than a mere description of the phenomenon), or of the mechanism that entangles two identical noninteracting particles. The list is not short...

It is important to realize that although the ZPF could appear at first as a sort of collection of hidden variables introduced to complete the quantum description, this is not the case. Quite the contrary: nothing is added to QM, but the latter emerges from a more general theory that contains the ZPF"


Obammer, Kamaller.. the invasive R..

Just kidding.. I am using his formulation, obviously we reached the same conclusion. I also assign an advantage to Dems, Reps have a chance and if anyone can pull it off, it is DJT. But I have to make a call, so I will call it for Kamaller

It's like he read my mind..

Abramovitz: "With less than three months remaining until Election Day, and with voting beginning next month in several states, the 2024 presidential race has been transformed by President Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the race..

Many things about the 2024 election have been highly unusual, including the withdrawal of the incumbent president under pressure from his own party’s leaders, his replacement by a woman of mixed Black and Indian ancestry, the Republican Party’s nomination of a former president who has been convicted on felony charges, and an attempted assassination attempt against that Republican candidate. Despite these remarkable developments, however, the Time for Change forecasting model should allow us to predict both the popular and the electoral vote with a high degree of accuracy because this election, like all presidential elections, is likely to be decided by a few fundamental forces.

The assumption underlying the Time for Change model, which has an excellent track record in predicting the outcomes of presidential elections since 1992, is that the results of these contests are largely determined by three factors: the popularity of the incumbent president, the state of the economy, and the number of terms that the president’s party has controlled the White House.

Plugging in President Biden’s net approval rating of -18% in late June and the estimated second quarter growth rate of 2.8% in real GDP along with the fact that Kamala Harris will be defending the White House after a single Democratic term in office, the Time for Change model predicts narrow Democratic victories"


Euronews: "EU electric car sales stall as Germany lifts its foot off the pedal"

Forbes: "Former President Donald Trump proposed the creation of a sovereign wealth fund for the U.S. on Thursday, suggesting the government-owned investment fund used by countries such as Norway, China and South Korea would be created and partially funded by tariffs if he wins the presidential election."

Steve Bannon: "America is not an idea. America is a country, with borders and citizens"

Gun violence too has to do with US' "business-first" mentality, not attacks on "freedom". Rampant capitalism is killing those people, gun manufacturers hide behind sacred words such as liberty, they don't give a damn what happens to anyone as long as they make money. I don't think the founders had the kind of hardware in mind that could take out an entire British regiment within seconds when they wrote what they wrote back in the day. Some perspective is needed here, but muckers already know that. The only founder they care about is Benjamin.

The French left has some bizarre ideas on Ukraine.. They are pro-war pro-corporation funded US politics fanning the flames in the middle of Europe causing chaos. Why would you be for that?

So despite forming a block to freeze out the National Rally, the left got nothing, NR is getting a policy concession on immigration via Barnier. Appropriate electorally? Bcz the mechanism used to boot out NR were un-democratic, they would have won more votes in a regular election so deserved more concessions.

Politico: "Macron attempted to break an almost two-month political deadlock on Thursday by appointing Michel Barnier as prime minister.. Barnier, a conservative heavyweight in the right-wing Republicans party, is a well-known figure in Brussels, having served as the European Union’s former chief Brexit negotiator and twice as a European commissioner... In a conversation [in July], Barnier said France’s most pressing issues were immigration, the state of its public finances and rebuilding its industrial and agricultural capacities"

AA: "Netanyahu's stance on Philadelphi corridor driven by fear of government collapse, says former Shin Bet chief.. ‘Philadelphi corridor is only required for the Netanyahu-Smotrich axis to preserve this messianic and dangerous government,’ argues Nadav Argaman"

Anatolian Agency: "Netanyahu's insistence on military presence in Philadelphi Corridor undermining cease-fire deal"