
Github Mirror

Week 36

"Hypermotive Ltd. today unveiled the X-M1, a unique platform for hydrogen fuel cell-based power generation tailored to marine applications. Developed in collaboration with Honda, and underpinned by Hypermotive’s SYSTEM-X technology, X-M1 is a scalable, modular, hydrogen fuel cell power system that makes clean energy transition more accessible and achievable for maritime operators. X-M1 is designed to bring sustainable energy and reliable performance to a variety of newbuild and existing vessels, including cruise ships, ferries, workboats, motor yachts and more"

Chemistry News: "A lightweight material that adsorbs high volumes of hydrogen could represent a promising new class of energy storage system. The supramolecular network beats the ‘ultimate’ targets set by the US Department of Energy (DoE) for hydrogen-storage systems in hydrogen fuel cell-powered vehicles...

[A]n international research team including 2016 chemistry Nobel laureate Fraser Stoddart has developed a new type of supramolecular material that meets both of the DoE’s targets. The material’s molecular structure comprises a network of interlinked organic molecules that are arranged in a honeycomb motif. By interlinking, or catenating, the molecules the material is made more stable than other porous organic frameworks based on light elements"

BMW Blog: "The rumors were true – BMW and Toyota are expanding their collaboration in the field of fuel cell technology. Better yet, the German luxury brand intends to launch a series-production hydrogen car... Although there have been numerous prototypes over the decades, this will be the company’s first hydrogen car sold to customers"


Gov Kemp legalized carrying a firearm in public without a license.. Also [mandated] school shooter drills when the school shooter already attends the school just makes him a more deadly school shooter"

"The fact that we only have 'Herculean task' and 'Sisyphean task' feels so limiting. So here's a few more tasks for your repertoire"


In 2023 Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE were invited to join the BRICS, Argentina declined bcz of its new gov, Saudi Arabia is still considering. But other invitees joined, BRICS is now nine.

Bloomberg: "Turkey Bids to Join BRICS in Push to Build Alliances Beyond West"

H2 Central: "World’s first 100-kilometer hydrogen powered multi-rotor drone successfully debuts"

CNN: "Egypt’s 'New Administrative Capital,' a new city deep into construction outside Cairo, has prompted plenty of blue-sky thinking. But few ideas have been as ambitious as powering a skyscraper with hydrogen.

The Forbes International Tower, a 240 meter (787 feet) tall office building due to be constructed close to the Iconic Tower — Africa’s tallest building — was planned from the outset to be environmentally conscious.. its developer Magnom Properties has now revealed it intends to achieve a net-zero carbon footprint by powering the 43-floor office building via clean hydrogen, supplemented by solar panels on its facade"

It sounds like GOOG the platform is now increasingly corporatized, acting picky, turning its nose up at small developers.

"The first real money I ever made from game development was on Android. It was in 2013.. With each next app, the bar for publishing kept getting higher... The technical requirements also kept going up... And then, there’s the latest increase in publishing requirements, the straw that broke the camel’s back, which made me decide to abandon the Google Play Store altogether"


Reuters: "China's Hygreen Energy, partners to invest $2.2 bln in Spanish green hydrogen projects"

Jeffrey Sachs: "On the basis of Poland’s economic success, I was contacted in 1990 by Grigory Yavlinsky, economic adviser to President Mikhail Gorbachev, to offer similar advice to the Soviet Union, and in particular to help mobilize financial support for the economic stabilization and transformation of the Soviet Union. One outcome of that work was a 1991 project undertaken at the Harvard Kennedy School with Professors Graham Allison, Stanley Fischer, and Robert Blackwill. We jointly proposed a 'Grand Bargain' to the U.S., G7, and Soviet Union, in which we advocated large-scale financial support by the U.S. and G7 countries for Gorbachev’s ongoing economic and political reforms...

I advocated urgent financial assistance for Poland, the Soviet Union, Russia, and Ukraine. My advice was heeded by the U.S. government in the case of Poland, but firmly rejected by the U.S. government in the case of Gorbachev’s Soviet Union and Yeltsin’s Russia. At the time I couldn’t understand why. After all, my advice worked in Poland. Only many years later did I appreciate better that while I was discussing the 'right' kind of economics, my interlocutors in the U.S. government were the early neoconservatives. They were not after Russia’s economic recovery..

Looking back on the events around 1991 to 1993, and to the events that followed, it is clear that the U.S. was determined to say no to Russia’s aspirations for peaceful and mutually respectful integration of Russia and the West. The end of the Soviet period and the beginning of the Yeltsin presidency occasioned the rise of the neoconservatives to power in the United States. The neocons did not and do not want a mutually respectful relationship with Russia"


University of Oxford: "In their new paper 'Do large language models have a legal duty to tell the truth?', published by the Royal Society Open Science, the Oxford researchers set out how LLMs produce responses that are plausible, helpful and confident but contain factual inaccuracies, misleading references and biased information.  They term this problematic phenomenon as ‘careless speech’ which they believe causes long-term harms to science, education and society"

#DarrylCooper #Palestine #BreakingPoints



Why are the far-right so popular? The far-right won an election in Germany last weekend, following on from successes elsewhere...

The answers all come down to neoliberalism. It has destroyed faith in existing political parties, undermining the left in the process. Until the left comes up with a plausible way of beating neoliberalism the far-right will be on the ascendant"

Sargent: "The essential measures that ended hyperinflation in each of Germany, Austria, Hungary, and Poland were, first, the creation of an independent central bank that was legally committed to refuse the government's demand for additional unsecured credit and, second, a simultaneous alteration in the fiscal policy regime. These measures were interrelated and coordinated. They had the effect of binding the government to place its debt with private parties and foreign governments which would value that debt according to whether it was backed by sufficiently large prospective taxes relative to public expenditures. In each case that we have studied, once it became widely understood that the government would not rely on the central bank for its finances, the inflation termi- nated and the exchanges stabilized. We have further seen that it was not simply the increasing quantity of central bank notes that caused the hyperinflation, since in each case the note circulation continued to grow rapidly after the exchange rate and price level had been stabilized. Rather, it was the growth of fiat currency which was unbacked, or backed only by government bills, which there never was a prospect to retire through taxation"

Sargent, The Ends of Four Big Inflations


The American Conservative: "It is remarkable how many well-informed conservative foreign policy strategists have never even heard of the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). Even those who closely follow immigration and border issues rarely understand the role PRM plays in accommodating and promoting the worldwide movement of illegal migrants...

[E]ven more consequential than PRM’s refugee admissions is the bureau’s diplomatic support and international grant-giving to the worldwide 'irregular' migration industry. PRM doles out around $4 billion annually, mainly to establishment international organizations such as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

These multilateral organizations, funded by Washington, do more than manage genuine refugees and displaced persons. They are the juggernaut of today’s open-border ideology, taking resources from donor governments to promote concepts that chip away and undermine national borders, while advancing a global 'right to migrate'"

EnergyNews: "The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is committing $62 million as part of its initiative to accelerate the energy transition, focusing on heavy-duty transportation. The 20 selected projects, spread across 15 states, focus primarily on the development of hydrogen refueling stations, considered essential to strengthening the country’s hydrogen fuel infrastructure.

Of this total, $40 million is earmarked for four refueling station projects in New York, Connecticut, California and Arizona. The aim is to create 'low-cost, standardized and replaceable' stations, adapted to the growing needs of the freight transport sector. David Crane, Under Secretary for Infrastructure at the DOE, points out that hydrogen is positioning itself as a key solution for heavy-duty mobility applications, due to its flexibility and potential to offer competitive alternatives to traditional fuels"

Netan also funded Hamas BTW, this is an open secret. DOJ.. chop chop

Rashid: "On May 11, 2022, Israeli soldiers killed prominent journalist, Shireen Abu Akleh. A detailed UN inquiry concluded that the Israeli military killed Shireen Abu Akleh 'without justification:'..

The Commission concludes on reasonable grounds that the Israeli security forces used lethal force without justification under international human rights law and intentionally or recklessly violated the right to life of Shireen Abu Akleh

Abu Akleh was a U.S. Citizen and also a Palestinian Christian. Yet more than two years after her brutal murder, the Department of Justice has refused to take any action"


Garland's DOJ charges against Hamas leaders are because they killed & kidnapped American citizens & helped fund Hamas...

In the last 2 years Netanyahu has killed.. American citizens.. This is well documented...

So - when does DOJ charge him?"

ProPublica: "Biden EPA Rejects Plastics Industry’s Fuzzy Math That Misleads Customers About Recycled Content"

This is hilarious #Biden


Reuters: "The European Commission is working on tighter rules to ensure EU funding for hydrogen projects benefits European companies, after local industries raised concerns over cheap Chinese imports, the EU's head of climate change policy said on Monday... The EU will this month launch its next round of funding for green hydrogen projects, as Brussels attempts to kick-start a local industry to produce the fuel"

CNBC: "Nvidia plunges almost 10%, dragging basket of chip stocks to worst day since March 2020"

When you train a machine to chat it becomes good at chat, not solving problems. Why do ppl expect intelligence from chat? Have you seen people chat? It is incredibly stupid. They talk out of their asses wout proof, make all kinds of inference errors, talk illogically. How could a machine trained on that offer medical diagnosis? It cannot (even if structured med info is layered on top).

Slashgear: "Yamaha's hydrogen-powered outboard engine, dubbed the H2, is part of a prototype project announced in December of 2023 that includes fuel system engineering by Roush CleanTech, part of the same organization as Roush Racing, and a modified 26-foot boat built by Regulator Marine. Joan Maxwell, President of Regulator Marine, said the project is important for testing hydrogen as an outboard engine fuel source..

[The] engine uses hydrogen instead of gasoline in its combustion chambers. While this technology is a departure from the systems found in hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles (HFCV) driving the streets of California, it's more like the internal combustion engine we're accustomed to rather than battery electric vehicle (BEV) power"

TopSpeed: "10 Solid Points In Favor Of Hydrogen Electric Cars"


Per SP 500 Schiller P/E, the price earnings ratio is calculated by dividing a company's stock by its earnings per share. P/E ratio shows what the market is willing to pay for a stock based on its current earnings, or the price for one unit of earning. PE for SP 500 does that for the whole index, divides the market price for all 500 stocks (the index) by the reported earnings of those companies (trailing 12 months). High P/E ratios generally signify a company (or companies) is overvalued whereas low ones indicate it may be a good value buy.

The graph we shared earlier w/ accompanying code shows market does in fact take into account such overvaluation / undervaluation in its future pricing.

CNBC: "Defense stocks have typically been excluded from portfolios based on environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors due to ethical concerns over their association with warfare. In recent months, however, ESG fund managers appear to have become increasingly comfortable with holding defense companies — at a time of soaring industry profits and higher defense spending, as governments respond to elevated geopolitical risk"

CNBC: "[07/23] Tesla reports 7% drop in auto revenue as earnings fall short of Wall Street estimates"

Firstpost: "Zelenskyy fires deputy chief of staff; deputy PM, three other ministers quit"

TASS: "Russia, China officially confirm renunciation of territorial claims"


@andrewdessler did a frog write this?"


Our actual climate policy"

Hackaday: "[A] team from ETH Zurich [] using [H2] to reduce iron oxide to iron, which can easily release the hydrogen by oxidation with water. Their reactor is simplicity itself, a large stainless steel tank filled with powdered iron ore. Pump hydrogen into it and the iron oxide in the ore becomes water and iron which forms the storage medium, and retrieve the hydrogen later by piping steam through the mixture. Hydrogen generated in the summer using solar power can then be released in the winter months"


The Microsoft Recall saga continues - Microsoft accidentally introduced the ability to uninstall it. They say this was an error and you won’t be able to uninstall it in the future"

Original religions are left-wing, they are also pre-agro, pro-forager which implies most of our left-wing impulses can also be traced back to the forager. And this is in fact true. Pre-agro human was not hierarchical, practiced ownership but did not accumulate stuff (could not, given the nature of his/her methods of production), they were not patriarchal, the relationship between the sexes were not strict, combative and/or compartmentalized. Everyone could get food via hunting, everyone had shelter, they worked 20 hours a week.

It makes sense religion appealed, invoked the wilderness loving part in us, because all religions are political movements that rebel against systems which themselves are founded on organized agriculture. Wilderness = forager, post forager = farming (farming displaced, replaced foragers as history tells us). Organized agro means static farmer, empires (who tax them), war, disease, death, and all the ills that come with it.

Some religions even tried to create rules that were in line with the forager; fasting simulates the life of a hunter-gatherer - sometimes there is no food, sometimes there is lots of food. "Always having food" is a foreign concept for us, biologically, which was only made possible after farming came into the scene. But in essence, due to our biology, we are not used to this modern situation. Some religions bring that back, for short periods.

RFK Jr: "The central revelation of every one of th[e major] religions always occurred in the wilderness.. Moses had to go into that wilderness to listen, to hear God's voice and see the burning bush. He had to go to the wilderness at Mount Sinai to get the commandments. Muhammad was a city boy from Mecca, had to go to the wilderness and Mount Harar on a camping trip, with his kids and wrestle the angel Gabriel in the middle of the night, and have the first suras of the Koran [delivered to] him. Buddha had to go into the wilderness, wander for years, and then sit under the bodhi tree to get his first revelation of nirvana. And Christ had to spend 40 days in the wilderness to discover its divinity for the first time. And his mentor was John the Baptist, who lived in a cave in the Jordan Valley, and ate honey of wild bees and locusts. All of Christ's parables come from nature. I'm the vine. You are the branch mustard seed, the little swallows, the scattering seeds on the ground, because that is where we center the divine. God talks to us through the fishes, the birds, the leaves. They're all words from our creator"

#RFK #TuckerCarlson

Jalopnik: "A SpaceX rocket booster crashed as it was landing Wednesday.. The Federal Aviation Administration has since grounded all Falcon 9 rockets until an investigation into the crash is completed... [the crash could] delay the planned February mission to rescue the two astronauts stranded on board the International Space Station"


You can't trust SpaceX to send/rescue astronauts either."


"'Master Plan': New Lever Podcast Series Traces How Oligarchs 'Legalized Corruption' in U.S"


Hey anything is possible, but an attack at the scale of 9/11 would not be something a state overtly or covertly support. If it was ever found out, the response would be severe... No state can take that risk.

The claim is Russians were behind 9/11?.. Interesting scenario but unlikely.. the plane attack idea wasn't exactly new, in fact Tom Clancy used the idea as a plot device in one of his fiction books.

The Hill: "[2022/10] In 1987, GRU (the military counterpart of the KGB) defector Vladimir Rezun (aka, Viktor Suvorov), laid out a scenario: two successive plane crashes into the White House, the second one timed to obliterate the first responders and command structure who arrived the scene after the first crash. In 1997, having spent six months in Russia, al-Zawahiri decamped to Afghanistan, becoming Osama bin Laden’s lieutenant and mastermind of 9/11"

WION: "Taiwan to purchase over 1,000 Stinger missiles from US as Chinese military threat increases"

F24: "Germany's far-right AfD party took between 30.5 percent and 33.5 percent of the vote in elections in the eastern state of Thuringia, according to exit polls, marking the first time in Germany’s post-World War II history that an extreme-right party has won a state election"

Politico: "UK suspends some arms sales to Israel"

F24: "Biden says Israel's Netanyahu is not doing enough to reach Gaza hostage deal"


1000 richest people are approched. 'The end of the world is here. Time to go to your doomsday bunker', they are told. The billionaires nodded. They knew this was coming. They were prepared.

So they gathered their loved ones and locked themselves in luxury bunkers. No contact to outside world.

10 years later they emerge. The world has healed. The air is breathable, people are happy. 'What was the catastrophy?' they ask the first person they meet.

She screams: "THEY GOT OUT!!!""

Sirota: "One study found that for every 1 dollar of corporate donations, a business gets more than $6 of state tax breaks. Another study found a correlation between unlimited campaign spending and a reduction in corporate taxes. Still another study found that the more freely corporations are allowed to spend in elections, the more likely lawmakers are to pass laws that protect corporate management"

The article mentions McCain who achieved some success on campaign finance only to see this work overturned by SCOTUS due to a new pro-rich tilt of the institution thanks to the masterplan. The sabotaging of Harriet Miers nomination was one of those acts. I remember the media storm around Miers, one corp pundit even called her "the cleaning lady" (she was W's personal lawyer). Corporate powers got their wish, her nomination was withdrawn, more corp friendly judge (Samuel Alito) was appointed who played a crucial role later in the Citizens United ruling.

Sirota, Rolling Stone: "Th[e] untold story [of corruption] began a half century ago amid a golden age of democratic reforms. As America’s government was responding to public discontent by creating Medicare, Medicaid, environmental regulation, and a war on poverty, a genteel tobacco industry lawyer authored a 1971 manifesto sounding an alarm. In his now-famous memo, the soon-to-be Supreme Court justice Lewis Powell cast corporations and oligarchs as persecuted victims, and urged them to use their outsized resources to assume 'a broader and more vigorous role in the political arena' to halt a government becoming too responsive to popular demands...

Some have cast Powell’s blueprint as little more than a 1970s version of a meaningless Reddit rant rather than the foundational text that some liberals believe it to be. But if anything, the significance of Powell’s screed has been understated... [I]n response to the memo, leaders of the country’s most powerful corporations organized task forces to implement its directives. One of their goals was deregulating the campaign finance system. Why? Because they understood that in a properly functioning one-person-one-vote democracy, they would never be able to gain control of the political system and enact their self-enriching, wealth-concentrating agenda. They knew that to get their way, they must be allowed to buy elections, legislation, court rulings, and public policy.

And so in short order, corporations and moguls inspired by Powell began funding think tanks, political advocacy organizations, and conservative law firms — and victories followed. First, with the support of conservative philanthropist John Olin’s political machine, Congress quietly added loopholes to the post-Watergate anti-corruption laws allowing for the explosion of corporate political action committees that could buy legislators... These early wins unleashed a tidal wave of corporate money flooding into politics, which birthed an era of neoliberal tax, deregulatory, and anti-union policies, just as the master planners wanted. It also delivered an attendant epoch of corruption scandals, from Abscam, to the Keating Five, to Enron, to Jack Abramoff and the K Street Project"..


The Verge: "Opening your Threads account up to the fediverse is as easy as a click..

How come email was interoperable from the start? Because when people started using the Internet it already had email and the service was already being provided by diverse server software. It was too late for any single commercial player to monopolize it. Social networks were not this lucky.

Requiring social network to interoperate over ActivityPub is like requiring email servers to talk to each other, GMail being able to send messages to Yahoo Mail (which they can do now, over another protocol called SMTP).

"Beaches are for people who enjoy the bureaucracy of going to the beach"


Mentioned this before, every piece of code, every data file used in these pages can be retrieved from the site itself. Below there is a reference to schiller.csv, that file can be retrieved via /en/mbl/2024/schiller.csv here. Data / code resides in the same directory as the article.

SP 500 data, combined with Schiller PE, shifted by 10 years,

df = pd.read_csv('sp500.csv',index_col='Date',parse_dates=True)
df['schiller'] = pd.read_csv('schiller.csv',index_col='Date',parse_dates=True)['Schiller']
df = df[df.index > '1940-01-01']
df['SPY10'] = df.SPY.shift(-12*10)
df['chg'] = ((df.SPY10 - df.SPY) / df.SPY)*100
u.two_plot(df.chg, 'spy', df['schiller'], 'schiller')

It looks correct.

Note recent Schiller trend is up (overvaluation) so the market must come down, 10 year returns are about to go to the gutter if this thesis is correct.

Looking at SP 500 10-year returns since 1920s. One signal people use is overlaying Schiller's P/E ratio on top, lows and highs arrive 10 years after the market is most expensive and cheapest, respectively. If the shifts are done right, the two graphs should show perfect reverse correlation.

Al-Monitor: "Israel set for general strike after Gaza hostages found dead"

Fear and greed index not looking good... #SP500

import requests, pandas as pd
url = ""
response = requests.get(url).json()['data']
cols =['timestamp', 'value','value_classification']
df = pd.DataFrame(response, columns=cols).set_index('timestamp')
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, unit='s')
print (df.head(10))
           value value_classification
2024-08-31    29                 Fear
2024-08-30    34                 Fear
2024-08-29    29                 Fear
2024-08-28    30                 Fear
2024-08-27    48              Neutral
2024-08-26    55                Greed
2024-08-25    54              Neutral
2024-08-24    56                Greed
2024-08-23    34                 Fear
2024-08-22    39                 Fear

Clearly thought leaders were able to change the discourse in a new direction. Time to build on this, expand and implement.

"Americans overwhelmingly oppose corporate monopolies and believe big businesses have amassed too much power and influence, according to a major new poll of seven geographically diverse states commissioned by More Perfect Union Foundation"



60% of Americans think big business is too powerful. But the politicians who protect business's power will continue call themselves, misleadingly, 'centrist'"

Hanson's model is a quintessential American one.. talks of expansion, dreamy shit that is unfounded that lends itself easily to scifi, flashy, marketable narrative delivered by a Feynman-like energetic speaker conjuring up a mad scientist image whose words are interspersed with jokes. We should've learned not to expect much from this type... US, and Americans have not been good stewards of sciences.

Colonizing (grabby) aliens model.. first time Im hearing it oddly enough, it made huge waves a year ago.. Interesting, the math is fine but if a few of its assumptions are incorrect the model will come apart... Desslers idea, or the great filter theory is more likely.

BTW AP is an open standard World Wide Web Consortium played a role in its design, which puts it at the same level as HTML, WebAssembly, CSS, truly foundational technologies.

Crazy coincidence... Now go implement ActivityPub bitch

Wiki: "Lantian 'Jay' Graber.. is an American software engineer and the CEO of Bluesky.. Graber was born in 1991 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Her mother named her Lantian, meaning 'blue sky' in Mandarin Chinese"

Governments need to mandate interoperability between messaging platforms, Threads users should be able to see Bluesky users and vica versa.. They can all adapt a common protocol (Threads did this already), the one Mastadon uses, ActivityPub is ready and available. Gov could encourage them towards this adoption. It will benefit consumers, as the move will increase competition. Platforms will compete on the speed, ease-of-use of their software as they won't be able to keep users simply by being the one platform you have to be on in order to communicate.


twitter brazil gone. mass exodus to bluesky"

BBC: "X, formerly Twitter, has been banned in Brazil after failing to meet a deadline set by a Supreme Court judge to name a new legal representative in the country... Alexandre de Moraes ordered the 'immediate and complete suspension' of the social media platform until it complies with all court orders and pays existing fines"

Diehl: "A study published on Science Direct in 2023, Outcomes of the Halliburton Loophole: Chemicals regulated by the Safe Drinking Water Act in US fracking disclosures, 2014–2021, reveals that fracking companies used over 282 million pounds of hazardous chemicals from 2014 to 2021 with ZERO federal oversight..

The paper is the first to examine the 'Halliburton Loophole' which exempts fracking from federal regulation provided by the Safe Drinking Water Act. The exemption was passed by Congress as part of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and endorsed at the time by Vice President Dick Cheney, not coincidentally the former CEO of Halliburton, the world's second-largest oil service company also responsible for most of the world's largest fracking operations.

I could easily go on about Halliburton famously profiteering from a $7 billion closed bid contract in the Iran-Iraq War, or their involvement in the Deep Water Horizon oil spill, and a litany of other environmental crimes... Let’s just point out that Cheney retired from Halliburton [before VP] with a 36 million severance package. Then Halliburton got a 7 billion contract [during Dubya-Dick admin]. Coincidence, I’m sure"

Diehl: "In 2005, when fracking ramped up on the way to making the US the world’s largest oil producer, atmospheric CO2 stood at just under 380 ppm (parts per million). As of August 22, it’s over 423.16 ppm. There’s a daily count to be found of this inexorable killer rise at CO2Earth. Preindustrial levels well established through ice core samples were just 280 ppm, and scientific consensus agrees that 350 ppm is the most CO2 in the atmosphere we can tolerate without the profound climate change catastrophes we are experiencing today, worsening drastically"

When Russians were commies I understand the "ideological struggle" angle for the RU animosity. But after Russia became a market economy the animosity, provocations did not end. It is clear Russians were turned into an enemy for other reasons. Did muneeee play a role? MIC loves its muneeeee.

When you are at war with a larger opponent you are at a disadvantage defending, they have more people, more industrial capacity. When you invade, go after their land you are still at a disadvantage - they have more of it than you do.

You can invade Russia, sure.. it's not like it hasn't been done before.. Some of the toughest, pipe hitting mofos tried. Hitler. Napoleon. What happened to them?

TASS: "Russia tells Israel that Palestinian issue can’t be resolved by force — Lavrov"