
Github Mirror

Week 32

H2 View: "Riversimple plans hydrogen-powered supercar aimed to tackle vehicle weight ‘crisis’.. UK-based Riversimple is developing a hydrogen-powered supercar that boasts a 400-mile range and weighs only 620kg. The supercar is aimed to 'push the limits of range, efficiency and lightweighting' in a bid to 'redefine' sportscars for the 21st century.

The average weight of new cars up 25% from what they were just seven years ago, which Riversimple says has led to numerous negative consequences. 'Increased resource consumption, embedded carbon in manufacturing and energy consumption in use, increased injuries from accidents, air and water quality from type emissions – and battery electrification has exacerbated the issues,' the company said"

BBC: "Australia is rich in natural resources and has long been the world’s quarry. It’s an export-driven nation; its coal has helped to power Japan, while its iron ore has underpinned much of China’s growth. Many hope that hydrogen could follow.

'The prospects for hydrogen are as a way of exporting energy to countries that can’t produce enough of their own either as hydrogen in a liquid form or as ammonia, which I think is the most likely,' [says expert]"

"Schiphol [Amsterdam] is the first airport worldwide to conduct tests with a hydrogen-powered ground power unit (GPU).. These e-GPUs have to be taken to special charging points in order to be charged. The new H2-GPU can be refuelled on site by a tanker, which saves significant time. In addition, the e-GPUs sometimes have insufficient capacity

u.baci_top_product("China", "Russian Federation")
$ 2,770,783,746.0
Telephone sets: smartphones for cellular or other wireless networks

u.baci_top_product("Brazil", "USA")
$ 5,076,958,550.0
Oils: petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude

u.baci_top_product("Mexico", "USA") # 2022
$ 33,298,367,944.0
Units of automatic data processing machines: processing units other
than those of item no. 8471.41 or 8471.49, whether or not containing
in the same housing one or two of the following types of unit: storage
units, input units or output units

This is an independent researcher.. also claims there is aether (which QFT describes), gravity is not fundamental, is similar to Casimir effect displaying a force, a by-product of quantum fluctuations (in aether). There is no need for the "curving of space" to explain gravity but you can reach the same eqns of GR using his approach.

Fleming: "Empty space, if there were such a thing, would be dimensionless, as it would have nothing in it to measure distance. Real space contains vacuum energy, and vacuum fluctuations have wavelengths and frequencies. It is the wavelengths of the vacuum fluctuations that give space dimensions. It is the frequencies that give space its property of time. Wavelength and frequency are not the same thing, so physical lengths and time are not the same thing either. The mainstream model includes a four- dimensional space-time that combines the three physical dimensions and time by treating them as four-dimensions, but time is still something distinct from the three physical dimensions, just as frequency is distinct from wavelength. Someone stating that time is a physical dimension is lying"


The hospital put all their prices, all 9MB of it, into 1 field, of 1 record.

My SQL app crashed"

RMS! On Mastodon! A living legend, the inventor of the GPL license. FOSS would not be here wout him (plus I am writing this blog via emacs, another thx to the big guy).


.. Democrats need to mobilize support based on class, which can unite most Americans, rather than race or identity, which tend to divide groups. Most Americans nowadays are poor and struggling"

Per the earlier Strogatz / Tong discussion, the absence of supersymmetry in LHC experiments basically destroyed the validity of String Theory. Anyone who is chasing this theory from now on is like a gambler whose next big win is always the next, is supposed to cover up his earlier losses, then flowers will bloom and cows will fly, but the gambler keeps on losing.

TechXplore: "Green hydrogen is emerging as an important potential solution for decarbonizing transportation.. a University of Michigan study shows... [B]atteries would not work for heavy transport vehicles that need to cover long distances. Batteries are too heavy and too large to power flight more than 200 miles, to send a shipping freighter across an ocean or to power a train across a continent"

Trump: "[Electric trucks] are too heavy.. they’re so heavy, two and a half times heavier than diesel fuel, that if you make them all electric with the batteries, the heavy batteries, you’d have to build and rebuild every bridge in the country"

That was a good poster

"Your body my choice"


Israel strikes 2 Gaza schools housing displaced people, killing 16+. IDF claims Hamas used them as command centers. UN 'horrified': 163 Palestinians killed in 17 school strikes last month. Rights groups criticize civilian/combatant distinction. Hamas denies allegations. Displaced families caught in crossfire. UN reports 70% of its Gaza schools hit since war began"

In war each side has their bag of surprises.. UA took a good chunk of territory from Russia.. PR move, diverting attn away from their massive losses in the South?

Reshare, this one includes the RU frontline (border) pushed back bcz of region captured by UA around Sumy.

#Frontline #UA #RU 07/31 - 08/09


Steven Strogatz speaks with David Tong, a theoretical physicist at the University of Cambridge.. #2022

"Strogatz: You mentioned about the discovery of the Higgs long predicted something like 50, 60 years ago, but it’s my understanding that physicists have been — well, what’s the right word? Disappointed, chagrined, puzzled. That some of the things that they’d hoped to see in the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider have not materialized. Supersymmetry, say, being one. Tell us a little about that story. Where are we hoping to see more from those experiments? How should we feel about not seeing more?

Tong: So the LHC was built. And it was built with the expectation that it would discover the Higgs boson, which it did. The Higgs boson was the last part of the Standard Model. And there were reasons to think that once we completed the Standard Model, the Higgs boson would also be the portal that led us to what comes next, the next layer of reality [it didn't]..

The Higgs boson is the only particle that doesn’t spin. In some sense, it’s the simplest particle in the Standard Model... But there are arguments theoretical arguments that say that a particle that doesn’t spin should have a very heavy mass... [but] it’s got a light mass...

[W]e expected there to be a reason why the Higgs boson had the mass that it has. And we thought that reason would come with some extra particles that will sort of appear once the Higgs appeared. And maybe it was supersymmetry [which was not found]..

[T]here’s just nothing else there at the energy scale that we’re currently exploring. And that’s a puzzle. It’s a puzzle to me. And it’s a puzzle to many others. We were clearly wrong; we were clearly wrong about the expectation that we should discover something new. But we don’t know why we’re wrong. You know, we don’t know what was wrong with those arguments"


How it started / How it's going

2002: CNET buys Ziff-Davis for $1.6 billion

2024: Ziff-Davis buys CNET for $100 million

Your modern media landscape in a nutshell"

#Frontline #UA #RU 07/31 - 08/08


Al-Monitor: "Iran says cease-fire in Gaza ‘priority’ as US sees deal ‘closer than ever’"

Arab News: "The European Union, France and the UK on Wednesday condemned a far-right Israeli minister for suggesting it would be 'justified and moral' to starve two million Gazans to free scores of captives held in the Palestinian territory"

CNBC: "Hamas' new political leader Yahya Sinwar is seen as more extreme — and less willing to compromise.. Haniyeh's killing has led to a much more hardline leader for Hamas"

Politico: "Harris’ blue-collar pitch: New candidate, same pro-labor policies.. Vice President Kamala Harris goes to Detroit in a show of labor support."

Firstpost: "Kamala Harris' campaign raises $36 mn within 24 hours of announcing Tim Walz as VP pick"

H2 Central: "OCI Global Announces Agreement for the Sale of its Clean Ammonia Project in Beaumont, Texas to Woodside Energy – USD 2.35 billion deal"


Remember 112 for emergencies 📞

Wherever you are in 🇪🇺, the emergency number 112 is there for you, free of charge, in any emergency.

It connects you directly to local emergency services wherever you are. Even if you don’t know your exact location, the operator will identify it"


ALL algorithmic sites that serve user data as content like google search, twitter, youtube, etc, should be mandated to outsource the algorithm so you can select from optional third party placement algorithms"


Write the README for the code you want to see in the world"

TASS: "Kiev’s newly received F-16’s won’t last long once they enter battle — Russian diplomat"

Gary Stevenson: "There's a kind of a beautiful horror to [Chancellor of the Exchequer Jane] Reeves reworking Keynes eternally optimistic..

'Anything we can do, we can afford'


'We can't do it if we can't afford it'

Both are correct - if the people control their own resources, they can afford anything they can do.

But if they give all their resources to the rich, then they can only do what the rich will allow, because otherwise they won't get the resources.

An equal society can do anything it can afford, AND an unequal society can do nothing without the permission of the rich...

This is why taxation is at the centre of the battle (or has to be if we want anything other than widespread poverty)

Taxation is the only realistic way that the people of an unequal society can access the resources of that society. Without resources you can afford nothing...

There is actually something really beautiful and revealing about a new government coming in after 14 years and effectively declaring their own complete powerlessness. It's like something from Orwell.

What Reeves is saying is beautiful because its true. We have somehow talked ourselves into a corner where taxation of the rich is perceived as impossible, whilst, simultaneously, we are increasingly transferring all of societies resources to those untaxable people.

So a new government comes in and declares itself, correctly, completely powerless.

A government of an unequal country, that has no power to tax the rich, has no power to do anything, because it has no resources.

The whole dance makes wonderful mockery of democracy itself. You can have whatever government you want, but you can have no resources. Your only options are poverty and powerlessness, but you can have it in a choice of ten colours"

First issue taken up by Labour when they took power was "overcrowding of prisons", there were talks of early release for prisoners...

Then the first major display of discontent arrived in the form of prison-worthy riots.

Arab News: "Civil servants in the UK have reportedly paused the processing of arms export licenses to Israel ahead of a wider government review"

GDPNow was correct, annualized quarterly GDP growth rate is 2.84%. This number is locked in for Time for Change election prediction.

2024-01-01    1.409499
2024-04-01    2.841666

CNBC: "No sign of U.S. recession in freight demand, CEO of shipping giant Maersk says"

PV Magazine: "The Hydrogen Stream: Brazil signs hydrogen support scheme"

CBC: "The MOU signed in Germany on Monday positions hydrogen produced in Atlantic Canada as a priority product for Germany.. According to a press release from Natural Resources Canada, the MOU accelerates the hydrogen trade between Germany and Canada, with exports beginning as early as next year"

BBC: "Google's online search monopoly is illegal, US judge rules"

Lack of innovation, bad customer rel, due to a monopoly position.


Google Play:

You need to have a listing and log in once a year in order to not have your account permanently closed.

You need to do these things before you can have a listing.

does the things

You need to do these things before you can have a listing.

does the things

Your account has been permanently closed because of inactivity for safety reasons.

Look, if there is an android version of anything I make, it's never going to exist in the Google Play store"

I feel civilized already



Doom as a Stark variant? He makes diff choice and develops Doom suit instead of Iron suit? #Burnett That can work... VVD is a persona... When does he learn magic? Takes over Sakovia instead of Latvia and learns it from Wanda (from there)?

The important point is Doom is centered in Stark world, esp. around RDJ, a backdrop the audience already knows. There isn't enough time for an emo investment on the part of the audience to create a comic-book accurate brand new villain, who is originally tied closely to F4-land and never truly worked on the big screen. The new approach has better chance.

CNBC: "Japan's Nikkei sees best day since October 2008; logs record single-day jump in points"

Defence Security Asia: "Russia Supplies Iran with Long-Range EW System 'Murmansk-BN' to Counter U.S. and Israel"

Kyiv Post: "Russia Reportedly Transfers Iskander.. Systems to Iran"

The American Conservative: "Biden’s Immigration Obsession.. The president’s zeal for open-borderism is an albatross for his vice president.. The problem is that Biden has been obsessed with immigration. He is obsessed with finding new ways to bring more migrants to the U.S.—some of his tricks resulted in tens of thousands of people entering, others just a few hundred. The numbers seemed to matter less than the process. Such is obsession. Harris seems not to share his zeal, but inherits it as a legacy (and an electoral problem) just the same.

NYT: "A quarrel between President Biden and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over Israel’s approach to cease-fire talks mirrors growing domestic tensions between Mr. Netanyahu and senior Israeli security officials over his perceived resistance to a swift deal with Hamas.. Mr. Biden has publicly chided Mr. Netanyahu for failing to agree to another truce in Gaza. Senior leaders from Israel’s military and intelligence agencies have also privately grown frustrated with the prime minister for introducing new conditions to the fraught negotiations, according to two Israeli officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter"

H2 Fuel News: "MAX Power makes biggest natural hydrogen discovery in Canada using special technique.. MAX Power has identified a potential source of white hydrogen in Saskatchewan"

That Shapiro guy was bad news.. I'm glad

Business Insider: "Harris hands progressives a win by selecting Gov. Tim Walz as her VP"

Business Insider: "[08/04] Bernie Sanders shows support for Gov. Walz as Harris VP pick"

This is good

Reuters: "Harris picks Minnesota governor for vice president"


In 2022, the median wealth of union members was $138,000 higher than nonunion workers"

When I had to write a f-ing indexer for my f-ing static site that Google of 2010s would have indexed within the hour, I knew something was very wrong over there..


There should be a law against this.

Your average user is going to think something is terribly wrong with their computer just because they didn't sign over their rights to Microsoft"


Politico: "Max Boot Called Trump a Foreign Asset. Now His Wife Is Indicted for Just That"

A threat to democracy! Wait.. that's the US admin itself. Ops.

Ryan Grim: "[2023] Secret Pakistan Cable Documents U.S. Pressure to Remove Imran Khan"

China H2 Bulletin: "Shenmu City, a major energy hub in Shaanxi province, signed an agreement with Kaiyun Energy to deploy 8,000 FCEV heavy-duty trucks which are estimated being capable of consuming 130,000 ton hydrogen per annum"

To gauge the future of BEV-tech ask a cabbie, ask him if he'd switch. I asked, and the answer is always like "heellll no".

That is bad news for Microshaft, companies w/ losses will want to sue their ass to take back some of that munee

Bloomberg: "Billions in Damages From CrowdStrike Outage to Go Uninsured.. Insured losses estimated between $300 million and 1.5 billion.. The days-long outage took a 5.4 billion toll on Fortune 500"


Copilot’s front page on the app today suggests I ask 'tell me a fact'.

I did.. the first one is 'Banging your head against a wall burns 150 calories', which links to a Reddit thread, which links to an article, from a 'contributor', which mentions it in the headline then has no citation or mentions it again"

It is hilarious how US plutocrats, and their judiciary and legistlative tools tied money into a sacred US concept, freedom / freedom of speech. By giving money, you are exercising your right to speech, hence limitless campaign donations must be protected. Brilliant how they identified and tacked on that concept... If there was another sacred anything, they'd have used that too... If cows were sacred, it would be money = cow. "How could you be against money, it is the sacred!" Sacred as in cow, ostensibly.

I read that on Mastodon


I’m excited to share that we crossed the 200M milestone on @threads. My hope is that Threads can inspire ideas that bring people together, and this amazing community continues to grow. Thank you for investing your time and giving feedback that makes the place better for everyone"

Euractiv: "Natural hydrogen: European interest heats up, France leading the way.. Potentially massive quantities of naturally produced hydrogen were discovered in France last year. Since then, prospectors across Europe have been on the lookout for more deposits and are calling for greater public support for their efforts"

Arab News: "Warren Buffett surprises by slashing Berkshire Hathaway’s longtime Apple stake in second quarter"

Politico: "Fetterman has concerns about Shapiro for V.P., aides tell Harris’ team"