
Github Mirror

Week 30

CleanTechnica: "Sea planes are having a moment. Also known as amphibious aircraft, the chunky flying boats were a staple of early 20th century flight. The post-World War II airline boom rendered them practically obsolete when massive swaths of concrete were laid down to accommodate speedy jet landings on, well, land. Now they’re coming back, with a.. zero emission hydrogen fuel cell twist"

Reuters: "Britain's national gas network is ready to accommodate hydrogen as a fuel to power homes and industry, a report based on a trial carried out by National Gas showed on Wednesday.. The trial tested the blending of hydrogen into previously operational assets from the national transmission network over the last 12 months, scaling from a 2% blend of hydrogen with natural gas up to 100%.

A report based on the trial's findings showed there were 'no issues' during the first phase of the project and no major obstacles to repurposing the network for hydrogen. The project has now moved into its second phase, which will look into the challenges associated with the compression of hydrogen using existing assets – including demonstrating the potential to repurpose gas turbines for hydrogen use at compressor stations"

ZDNet: "Switzerland has taken a major step forward with its 'Federal Law on the Use of Electronic Means for the Fulfillment of Government Tasks' (EMBAG). This groundbreaking legislation mandates using open-source software (OSS) in the public sector.. Making this move wasn't easy. It began in 2011 when the Swiss Federal Supreme Court published its court application, Open Justitia, under an OSS license. The proprietary legal software company Weblaw wasn't happy about this. There were heated political and legal fights for more than a decade. Finally, the EMBAG was passed in 2023. Now, the law not only allows the release of OSS by the Swiss government or its contractors, but also requires the code to be released under an open-source license"


Correction: Monday was Earth's hottest day in all recorded history, beating out the previous record of Sunday"


You do not need a 5 node Death Star cluster. You are a mid-size furniture company. You need to remove the admin credentials of the last 6 ops managers. The last one left 5 years ago, Steve. Put the catalogue down.

'But they're so shiny and sleek!'

No, Steve"

Tech Xplore: "[A] team of researchers at the University of Twente led by Dr. Marco Altomare has demonstrated a new method to reduce the use of precious metals such as platinum in green hydrogen production without sacrificing performance.

Studying platinum as a model catalyst, the team of Dr. Marco Altomare, in collaboration with partners from Erlangen (Germany) and Pavia (Italy), combined physical vapor deposition (PVD) and controlled thermal treatments (known as solid-state dewetting) to create highly active and durable electrodes with minimized amounts of precious metal"

The Palestine Chronicle: "[2018] Glenn Greenwald: Facebook Deleting Accounts under Orders of US and Israel"

Obama made some mistakes. His admin made a misplaced bet on battery-electric tech, which set back green energy efforts for a decade. Let's also not forget the diva cunt he created, unleashed on America.

That is gangsta

HuffPost: "[2015] Doctors Without Borders won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999. President Obama was awarded his in 2009. As Commander-in-Chief of the military that bombed the Doctors Without Borders hospital, this makes Obama perhaps the first Nobel Peace Prize winner to bomb another Nobel Peace Prize winner"

After the bin Laden assasination I remember a tuber made a "tribute" video to Obama, it wld cut back and forth between pic of Laden and Obama with shades (bcz now he was "gangsta", H.N.I.C.), then to Laden dead and back to Bam smoking (weed?, bcz that's what black ppl do).. This pic here is one of those. I knew a lot of US streotypes, but I have to admit, this one was news to me.

No nothing for watermelon either

Black people do not have any genetic predilection for fried food either, nor for kool-aid, cornbread, or chicken. Or catfish (where did that one come from?)

They are not driven towards rice by way of birth, genetics.. it's just culture.

Asians dig rice, true

Ain't that the f-ing truth

Joseph Borrell: “Diplomacy is the art of managing double standards"

Why react? RU/CH were too close? Then why get mad when you screw around in Ukraine, a place also close to Russia, and act shocked when they react?

WION: "Not a surprise to us: US reacts to Russian-Chinese joint bomber patrol near Alaska.. According to NORAD.. fighter jets had intercepted the Russian and Chinese aircraft"

NYT: "Russia and China Conduct First Joint Bomber Patrol Near Alaska"

That took a little while..

Firstpost: "Kamala Harris finally gets.. Obama's endorsement"


#Berlin is planning a 60-kilometer-long hydrogen pipeline to supply the city in a climate-neutral way . These pipelines, which are currently used for natural gas, will transport hydrogen to the five large combined heat and power plants and supply up to a fifth of Berlin's residential buildings with CO₂-free hydrogen. Approval by the Federal Network Agency is expected in September"


#Techbros are again leading the charge by reinventing what was already there"


So sad.. This FOMO will end in tears, soon you will see VUCA and will reach FOBI. I will LMAO at the end.

Nature Medicine: "Evaluation and mitigation of the limitations of large language models in clinical decision-making.. We show that current state-of-the-art LLMs do not accurately diagnose patients across all pathologies (performing significantly worse than physicians), follow neither diagnostic nor treatment guidelines, and cannot interpret laboratory results, thus posing a serious risk to the health of patients. Furthermore, we move beyond diagnostic accuracy and demonstrate that they cannot be easily integrated into existing workflows because they often fail to follow instructions and are sensitive to both the quantity and order of information. Overall, our analysis reveals that LLMs are currently not ready for autonomous clinical decision-making"


u.baci_top_product("Saudi Arabia", "USA")
$ 16,598,970,965.0
Oils: petroleum oils and oils obtained from bituminous minerals, crude

u.baci_top_product("USA", "Saudi Arabia")
$ 955,735,644.0
Vehicles: with only spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating
piston engine, cylinder capacity over 3000cc

u.baci_top_product("Germany", "China")
$ 13,962,762,225.0
Vehicles: with only spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating
piston engine, cylinder capacity over 1500 but not over 3000cc

u.baci_top_product("China", "Germany")
$ 10,578,679,808.0
Automatic data processing machines: portable, weighing not more than
10kg, consisting of at least a central processing unit, a keyboard and
a display

I am doing a new thing here where the cough comes after the word. OK? Shiznazzle wizbizazz. Talk to the hand ✋

"The cough is supposed to cover the word, not come after it"

In forty years! I wonder if that was because the workforce was so happy and adjusted for 40 years, or they were "discouraged" from taking any action due to -ahem- the powers that be. Oligarch cough! muckers cough!

CNN: "Disneyland has averted the possibility of the first employee strike in 40 years by reaching a tentative agreement with 14,000 workers on Tuesday."

Arab News: "Kamala Harris's outspoken stance on the Gaza war hints at a possible shift from Joe Biden's Israel policy as she eyes the Democratic presidential nomination -- as Benjamin Netanyahu is likely to find out this week.

The US vice president will be conspicuously absent from the Israeli leader's address to the US Congress on Wednesday, in what analysts said was a clear signal about her concerns over civilian casualties in Gaza"


American doctor serving in Gaza says israeli snipers are taking careful aim and shooting toddlers.

He saw more civilian carnage in his first week of being in Gaza than he has in his 30 years of serving in 40 missions around the world COMBINED"

Arab News: "Australia imposes sanctions on Israeli settlers, youth group over West Bank violence"

Amb. Chas Freeman: "The world does not share the Biden administration’s insistent conjecture that history is culminating in a great battle between democracy and autocracy. America’s obsession with democratic ideology arises not from foreign efforts to subvert constitutional democracy in the United States but from internal factors that are eroding democracy and the rule of law domestically. Constitutional democracy can only be built and sustained at home. It cannot be dismantled by foreign refusal to emulate it.

The prerequisites for constitutional democracy include the combination of the rule of law with freedom of speech. This Western-invented composite has historically enabled debate among an informed citizenry so that they can advise and consent to government rulemaking. If the United States is becoming less constitutionalist and more authoritarian, as it is, this is disturbing to those who, like me, treasure the values of the European Enlightenment, but it is the result of decisions made by Americans, not manipulation by China, Russia, or any other foreign power..

Given the historical U.S. role in promoting international law, the 'rules-based order' now promoted by Washington is a modern version of 'rule by law [emphasis mine]'.. It supposes that the United States – or the United States plus the club of former imperialist powers called the 'G7' – can make the rules, alter them at will, exempt themselves from them, and determine to whom else they do or do not apply. This system is rejected as illegitimate by the global majority, which much prefers one based on the United Nations Charter and the decisions of the international community.

New Scientist: "Hydrogen off-road race car tested to limits in former coal mine.. At a decommissioned coal mine in Scotland, a stark backdrop for the world’s first hydrogen-powered off-road racing car, testing is underway ahead of next year’s hydrogen racing series, Extreme H"

What happens to the Time for Change prediction now? All parameters remain the same, the incumbent's popularity will transfer to Kamala, she'll be judged by Biden's -20%, also inherits the (party first term) incumbency advantage. FED GDP Now predicts 2.7% GDP growth for Q2, which is good for Dems. The formula shows an advantage for Democrats.

The issue for me post-debate was the possibility of a Gore/Bush style race, where all parameters were in Dem favor but Gore team as we remember ran the worst campaign in modern history and W ran the best, iow campaigning tilted the balance, factors outside the formula. If Kamala wins the nomination painlessly, there is no chaos, and Kamala's team (including some of Biden's operators surely who are pretty good) equals Trump's, then campaigning of both sides neutralize and the Democrats will come out on top.



Facebook and Instagram users have to choose to subscribe for a fee or to consent to Meta using their personal data — and make revenue out of it.

Consumer protection authorities assessed that this 'pay or consent' model and several other elements could constitute misleading or aggressive practices.

In the EU, consumers are able to make informed choices, and we are taking action to protect this right"

An example from


A lot of things are doable via HTML/Javascript, browser can also be a presentation platform thanks to reveal.js. Forget Powerpoint.

"Create Stunning Presentations on the Web.. reveal.js is an open source HTML presentation framework. It's a tool that enables anyone with a web browser to create fully-featured and beautiful presentations for free"

Skydance now owns Paramount IP including Star Trek. Hopefully they'll fix some things.

AP: "Last Sunday was Earth’s hottest day in all recorded history, European climate agency says"

If you are at the table, you have to show a unified front, defend the boss at all costs. That's how it works. We can't blame Bernie and some other progs for that. They became less interesting for me so I paid less attn to them, but I have my stuff to write and they have their job.

Bernie from yesterdays CBS News interview: "[Biden] was the only president in American history to actually stand on a picket line during a strike with workers, and has been very pro-worker in terms of raising the minimum wage, supporting the Pro-Act, which makes it easier for workers to join unions appointing a very good Secretary of Labor..

[But] we have, at a time of massive income inequality, 600,000 people sleeping out on the streets.. Despite spending twice as much on healthcare is the people of the other country, you have 85 million people uninsured or underinsured. 60,000 people die every year because they can afford to get to a doctor".

He is talking about the uninsured? Didn't f-ing Obamacare fix all that? Of course it didn't. Everyone knows it, including Harris too imo who might put the issue on the platform, I heard one mention already, and during 2020 primary she did try to advocate for Medicare for All but was talked out of it by her staff, likely due to fear the issue would not "play well" with the Dem the centrist wing.

There is much left to be done, on the Dem left-wing front. Bernie had a seat at the table, so he criticized less w/ JB. But now that the boss is on the way out, Bernie speaks his mind more.

Middle East Eye: "Cambridge University to review investments in response to pro-Gaza protests.. University says demonstrations and appeals by the student union and in colleges prompted it to consider whether policy 'in line with our institutional values'"

Arab News: "Trump campaign files complaint against Harris taking over Biden war chest"

#Frontline #UA #RU 07/18 - 07/24


Roadracing World: "Kawasaki Does World’s First Public Demo Of Hydrogen-Fueled Motorcycle"

"AI's trillion dollar time bomb" #CNBC


You are one update away from a blue screen of death and it will be literal in your case. That blue color will be last thing you'll see before your fatal calamity. That commercial, consumer-oriented bloat was not written with you in mind, its basic assumptions is minesweeper, as in the game.

I bet that system is still effin there..


Computerworld: "[2008] The Royal Navy and BAE Systems plc.. announce[d] that their implementation of Windows for Submarines is complete ahead of schedule. Windows boxes on Ethernet LANs are now in control of the UK’s nuclear-propelled and nuclear-armed warship fleet... Many in the software community have viewed the Royal Navy’s wholesale move to Windows-based command systems with concern, feeling that the savings are not such as to justify possible losses in security, reliability and assurance"

Europe is where it's at brother

"Switzerland mandates software source code disclosure for public sector: A legal milestone.. Switzerland's new 'public money public code' law is a great opportunity for government, the IT industry and society. All stakeholders benefit from this new regulation since the public sector can reduce vendor lock-in, companies can grow their digital business solutions, and taxpayers spend less on IT solutions and receive better services due to increased competition and innovation' [says an expert Stürmer who] has been a pivotal advocate for this change. With a background in digital sustainability and open source community building, Stürmer has long argued for the benefits of OSS in enhancing digital transparency and reducing dependency on proprietary software"


#Switzerland mandates #OpenSource software for all public software! This makes perfect sense. Public software should be transparent"

AJ does speak some truth (he needs to be heard, not shut down). And.. saying "the devil is real" is basically being a Christian isn't it? Does ProPublica have a problem with the religious? You know they vote right? When you demonize (!) ppl they might just vote for the other party that is not yours, just to poke you in the eye. I am assuming since PP is for the learn-ed, the educated, their party would be Democrats. Don't be so quick to belittle.



In Private Speech, J.D. Vance Said the 'Devil Is Real' and Praised Alex Jones as a Truth-Teller"

$ 935,290,000.0
Floating or submersible drilling or production platforms

u.baci_top_product("Russian Federation","Israel")
$ 88,543,000.0
Diamonds: non-industrial, unworked or simply sawn, cleaved or bruted,
but not mounted or set

$ 2,765,772,145.0
Turbines: parts of turbo-jets and turbo-propellers

TASS: "Russian, Iranian navies kick off maritime security drills in Caspian Sea"

Al-Monitor: "Israel slams Beijing deal to include Hamas in post-war Gaza government"

CNBC: "Palestinian rivals Hamas and Fatah sign reconciliation agreement in China"

Al-Monitor: "Israeli settlers beat foreign volunteers in occupied West Bank"

"Google Now Defaults to Not Indexing Your Content"



Any sufficiently bad software update is indistinguishable from a cyberattack"

Who needs ur tech.. ? Go away

Firstpost: "More & more [US] tech companies choosing to withhold products, services from EU over ‘stringent laws’"


This feels...desperate.

Especially when you consider that I deleted my Twitter account over a year ago"


u.baci_top_product("United Kingdom","USA")
$ 3,708,412,475.0
Vehicles: with only spark-ignition internal combustion reciprocating
piston engine, cylinder capacity over 3000cc

u.baci_top_product("Russian Federation","France")
$ 6,461,993,631.0
Petroleum oils and oils from bituminous minerals, not crude:
preparations n.e.c. containing by weight 70% or more of petroleum oils
or oils from bituminous minerals: these being the basic constituents
of the preparations: waste oils

BACI data was for 2022.


'Okay people, stop with the 👉🥺👈 but [Crowdstrike] is just an itty babby don’t be meeean'

They are a grown ass commercial software vendor who has known, for years, by design, that they effectively deliver a rootkit into enterprise systems and, often, critical infrastructure"

Arab News: "Tougher tone on Israel, steady on NATO: how a Harris foreign policy could look"


'After reintroducing polio in Gaza after it had been eradicated, the Israeli military is now rolling out a polio vaccine booster programme. But not for Gazans. For the soldiers killing Gazans. This is exactly what colonial extermination looks like.' - Nate Bear, Science & Climate Writer"

Politico: "Biden’s exit blows a hole in the political rise of ambitious Democrats.. Things just got a whole lot more complicated for 2028 hopefuls. Democrats have no shortage of rising stars who were just four years away from a potential run for the White House. Now they are faced with an urgent question: Do they throw their hat into the ring now.. or do they rally around Vice President Kamala Harris — holding out for their moment, even if it could now take eight more years?.. Though many serious challengers appear to be standing down, it’s unclear if all of them will. There have been murmurs in recent weeks about a number of top Democratic governors"

A new negative now is that Democrats started to look like the party of chaos. Reps will sling trouble from every which direction, "if Biden does not run again, is he fit to be President?", "can the existing campaign cash used by Kamala [if nominated]?"..

I see a lot of shitlibs out and about.. the same type of dimwits that were out in force during '16. Not a good sign.

Politico: "[The f]ear of 1968 is overdone. Arguably, many Americans feel that the Democratic Party withheld important information about Biden’s condition during the primaries. If the party now imposes a nominee without competition, voters may feel disenfranchised again"

Politico: "Harris.. nodded to the need to 'earn and win' the nomination in her statement — an acknowledgment that a competition, not a coronation, puts her in the best position going into the general election"

The Guardian: "Signs of two gases in clouds of Venus could indicate life, scientists say.. Separate teams find evidence of phosphine and ammonia, potential biomarkers.. [at] about 50km (31 miles above the surface) the temperature and pressure are closer to conditions on Earth – and potentially just about survivable for very hardy microbes.. On Earth, phosphine gas is produced by microbes in oxygen-starved environments..

'Our findings suggest that when the atmosphere is bathed in sunlight the phosphine is destroyed,' [physicist] Clements said. 'All that we can say is that phosphine is there. We don’t know what’s producing it. It may be chemistry that we don’t understand. Or possibly life'"


Dr Edward Tufte #Econ



I just got a copyright claim against a video I posted on youtube 10 years ago.

The video is a film by Georges Melies that was shot in the 1890s.

Someone is attempting to claim copyright over a film that is 130 years old, who's director died 86 years ago.

Now 1) I don't give a shit about this clip on youtube. 2) The person who made this claim is clearly in the wrong. 3) I can't be the only one that they have targeted illegally"

Reuters: "Spain to launch new $2.5 billion plan to support green hydrogen, renewable industry"

ABC News: "California will be the first state to receive federal funds under a program to create regional networks, or “hubs,” that produce hydrogen as an energy source for vehicles, manufacturing and generating electricity, officials announced Wednesday.

The U.S. Department of Energy said the California Hydrogen Hub will receive an initial $30 million to begin its planning and design phase. The state will eventually receive up to 1.2 billion for the project that is a key part of the Biden administration's agenda to slow climate change.

The administration in October selected seven regional hubs for the $7 billion program that will kickstart development and production of hydrogen fuel, with the goal of eventually replacing fossil fuels such as coal and oil with the colorless, odorless gas that already powers some cars and trains"

I collected many online radio sources operating at 32 kbps, pretty low transmission but good enough. Listen to hours of the stuff at 32 kbps the net bill is still low.

Html <audio> tag can stream pls links used for online radio.. Ditching mpv. Wrote a little web app for it.. Soma FM rocks!

Wiki: "MXenes are a class of two-dimensional inorganic compounds along with MBenes, that consist of atomically thin layers of transition metal carbides, nitrides, or carbonitrides"

#Greenwald #Teamsters


CNBC: "Microsoft, CrowdStrike IT outage hits global supply chain, with air freight facing days or weeks to recover"

Arab News: "EU backs ICJ ruling on ‘illegal’ Israeli occupation"

Interesting times..

AP: "Biden drops out of 2024 race after disastrous debate inflamed age concerns. VP Harris gets his nod"