
Github Mirror

Week 25

H2 Central: "First for France – Lhyfe delivers 350 kg of green hydrogen to Géométhane (Engie group) for a salt cavern storage test"

Yes Magazine: "When families in Kapilina Beach Homes—civilian housing southwest of Joint Base Pearl Harbor–Hickham—began getting ill, they were told by both Kapilina apartment management and the Navy’s emergency operation commander that they weren’t on the Navy water line. After that was proven to be false, those in Kapilina were offered nothing"



Hawaii is a Disneyland-like resort built over our indigenous communities & ancestor's graves, made to do bastardizations of sacred dances, in 'sexy feather headresses' & entertain the rich tourists for starvation wages, 12 hrs a day 7 days a week, drinking jet fuel poisoned water"


This is the best thing"


We previously shared a guesstimate by an engineer Richard Godfrey. The signal being recorded at Cape Leeuwin, but not at Diego Garcia fits that estimate, Cape Leeuwin is closer to RG's location.

cs = {"MH 370 (Guess)": [-33.176793409, 95.300021451],
      "Kuala Lumpur Intl Airport": [2.8181270526, 102.18700262],
      "Last Radar Contact": [9.494954545014316, 94.34137193498134],
      "Cape Leeuwin Station": [-34.12047627550245, 115.07422816400911],
      "Diego Garcia": [-3.563662449473406, 71.45723047558245]
u.map_coords(cs, zoom=4, outfile="map4.html")


The Telegraph: "Signal [from hydrophones] that could solve the mystery of flight MH370 detected.. [R]esearchers from Cardiff analysed data from.. underwater microphones - which picked up a six second signal recorded around the time the plane is believed to have crashed.. a 200-ton aircraft crashing at a speed of 200 metres a second releases the kinetic energy equivalent to a small earthquake. This would be large enough to be recorded by hydrophones thousands of miles away.

There are two hydroacoustic stations able to detect such a signal. One is in Cape Leeuwin in Western Australia and the second is in the British territory of Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean. They were set up as part of a surveillance regime to oversee the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty. Both locations were operational around the time MH370 is believed to have crashed into the Indian Ocean.. In their research, the Cardiff University team has identified one signal.. was recorded at the Cape Leeuwin station.. But this signal was not detected at the Diego Garcia station"

Business Korea: "Korean Army on Its Way to Hydrogen Energy for Military Hardware.. The Korean Army will switch military vehicles from those powered by internal combustion engines to those loaded with hydrogen engines. Korea's leading mobility technology companies will join the Korean Army in this initiative"

Firstpost: "After rare trip to North Korea, Putin arrives in Vietnam much to America's dismay.. While North Korea remains isolated, Vietnam has maintained diplomatic ties with the West as well. Last year.. Biden visited Hanoi.. as his administration seeks to build up Vietnam as an alternative supplier of key hi-tech components to reduce American dependence on China.. Chinese President Xi Jinping followed suit and visited Vietnam, three months after Biden"

Al-Monitor: "Kim Jong Un awards Putin with Kim Il Sung Order"

Hindustan Times: "North Korea, Russia sign mutual defence pact; immediately to help if either one attacked"

Al-Monitor: "US nixes Israel summit after Netanyahu says US withholding weapons"

The Intercept: "'Utterly Dismayed': [US] Air Force Engineer Resigns as Dissent Against Gaza War Slowly Spreads Within Military.. 'I don’t want to be working on something that can turn around and be used to slaughter innocent people'"

"Wärtsilä launches world’s first large-scale 100% hydrogen-ready engine power plant.. The.. engine platform.. ensures energy security through fuel flexibility and offers unparalleled load following capabilities and high part load efficiency. It has completed more than 1 million running hours, with over 1,000 MW installed capacity globally.. The 100% hydrogen-ready engine is expected to be available for orders in 2025, and available for delivery from 2026"

The Urbanist: "[King County] Metro Adding Hydrogen Buses, Auditor Casts Doubt on Fleet Electrification Strategy.. One reason why Metro is pursuing fuel cell buses boils down to operational needs and constraints. “While battery-electric buses have an expected range of 140 miles for a 60-foot bus and 220 miles for a 40-foot bus, Metro and other transit agencies have experienced range limitations and variability, especially in cold weather,” the agency wrote in a blog post. 'Hydrogen fuel cell buses have the potential to travel up to 300 miles and their extended range has particular promise on all-day, frequent routes.'"

"Parents: Kids are more depressed these days, I wonder why?

Kids: You destroyed the economy for us, the earth is literally dying, we are going to work until we die.

Parents: It's those pesky computer games"

Golden rule of government spending: why have one enemy when you can have two for twice the cost? With two enemies instead of one you get twice the profit for military contractors, twice the amount of kickbacks gov officials receive from those companies, twice the corruption, and twice the number of people who go through the revolving doors. It is a "no-brainer" to use a common phrase popular in the Clinton administration.

Host: "It is said that somewhere in the middle of the 1990s during the Clinton Administration there was a shift in American foreign policy in the Middle East from balancing Iran and Iraq, to double containment of Iran and Iraq.. [Was this] policy shift towards double containment primarily because of Israel's instigation?"

Ambassador Chas Freeman: "Yes I think that's the case. I was at the Defense Department at the time, this policy was suddenly imposed on us by a political appointee, Martin Indyk, actually who had been an Israeli Citizen and was naturalized one day before taking up his responsibilities in the National Security Council staff. It was very hard for me or others in the region to see what benefit we would get from a policy that is fatiguing expensive and consumes a lot of resources.. therefore one has to assume that this was contrived for the benefit of Israel"

Ars Technica: "Adobe’s hidden cancellation fee is unlawful, FTC suit says.. Adobe knowingly 'trapped' customers into annual subscriptions, the FTC alleged"


Nonprofits known as 527s can raise unlimited sums for political spending.. ProPublica is releasing a new database that will allow journalists, researchers and others to more easily search these organizations’ finances"



How a Network of Nonprofits Enriches Fundraisers While Spending Almost Nothing on Its Stated Causes.. ProPublica identified a group of connected political nonprofits — with names like American Breast Cancer Coalition and National Coalition for Disabled Veterans — that appear to be funneling more than 90% of donations to fundraisers"



You open up a Commodore 64, and the box says 'welcome to the world of friendly computing.'

You turn on a modern PC, and it immediately threatens your data unless you agree to save your data to their cloud service.

That right there is why we talk about vintage computers. Folks need to be reminded of what's possible.

The year is not yet over #Trek #Prophecy


TASS: "Russian Navy keeping close eye on French stealth frigate in Black Sea — source.. According to media reports, the La Fayette missile frigate of the French Navy entered the Black Sea on Sunday"

#Frontline 06/14 - 06/20


The Times of Israel: "IDF spokesman [Hagari] says Hamas can’t be eliminated.. [He] cast Israel’s war aim of eradicating the Hamas terror group as currently unattainable, appearing to further underscore tensions between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and top defense officials over his handling of the war in Gaza.. 'This business of destroying Hamas, making Hamas disappear — it’s simply throwing sand in the eyes of the public,' Hagari told Channel 13 news in an interview"

RFK Jr: "Two years ago the average cost of a house in this country was $215,000, today it's 400,000. There are three giant corporations Black Rock State Street and Vanguard, they also own 89% of the S&P 500, they've now decided to buy every single family home in America. They stay on the current trajectory, they will own 60% of the homes in this country, single family homes by 2030. Your kids do not have a chance to buy that home because they can't out compete Black Rock. I'm going to change the tax code to make it unprofitable for those companies to compete against your children for housing. I'm going to make a mortgage available to Americans at 3% interest I'm going to finance those mortgages by selling tax-free Bonds on the open market available to first time home buyers who will live in that Community"


Prior to 1982, the SEC considered stock buybacks to be illegal stock manipulation. But under President Reagan, stock buybacks were made legal"

They gaslight, add two, three, five layers of culture war on top, but once you have the right key, the root cause of the chaos becomes crystal clear. Your government does not work for you.

Yep. And if guns were banned, that would hurt the business of arms manufacturers... It is clear who the system protects, and is guided by.


@Albatross Because when a plane is blown up, it hurts business"


In 2001 a fool tried to blow up a jet with a shoe bomb so we've had to take off our shoes at the airport for the last 23 years. In 2006 morons tried to blow up a jet with liquids, so for 18 years we can't bring liquids onto a plane.

But in 2017 a lunatic murdered 60 people in Las Vegas, and that got the bump-stock firearm he used banned for seven whole years until yesterday.

#Recall #MS


Doctorow: "The IBM PC story teaches us two things: stronger antitrust enforcement spurs innovation and opens markets for scrappy startups to grow to big, important firms; as do weaker IP protections.

Microsoft learned the opposite: monopolies are wildly profitable; expansive IP protects monopolies; you can violate antitrust laws so long as you have enough monopoly profits rolling in to outspend the government until a Republican bootlicker takes the White House (Microsoft's antitrust ordeal ended [with Dubya])...

Microsoft's secret sauce is impunity. The PC companies that bundle Windows with their hardware are held blameless for the glaring defects in Windows. The IT managers who buy company-wide Windows licenses are likewise insulated from the rage of the workers who have to use Windows and other Microsoft products.

Microsoft doesn't have to care if you hate it because, for the most part, it's not selling to you. It's selling to a few decision-makers who can be wined and dined and flattered. And since we all have to use its products, developers have to target its platform if they want to sell us their software.

This rarified position has afforded Microsoft enormous freedom to roll out harebrained 'features' that made things briefly attractive... Microsoft recently announced a product called 'Recall' that would record every keystroke, click and screen element, nominally in the name of helping you figure out what you've done and either do it again, or go back and fix it. The problem here is that anyone who gains access to your system.. now has access to everything, on a platter"

Oman Observer: "[2023/11] Construction begins on Oman’s first green hydrogen-ready steel plant.. Vice Chairman of Vulcan Green Steel, Venkatesh Jindal, highlighted the significance of the plant in his keynote address. 'Vulcan Green Steel stands hand in hand with Oman as we collectively strive for a cleaner and greener industrial economy. Our green pledge, made just weeks ago, is not a mere proclamation. It is a substantial and real investment of more than $3 billion in a state-of-the-art green hydrogen ready steel plant in Duqm, the first of its kind and the largest globally'"

Good for you VW..

VW: "Volkswagen Group and Vulcan Green Steel sign MoU for low-carbon steel"

Machine Maker: "Essar Group is set to make a significant stride in clean energy with a Rs 30,000 crore investment in a green hydrogen plant at Jamnagar, Gujarat. This ambitious project, to be developed over the next four years, marks the conglomerate’s commitment to green energy as a cornerstone of its growth strategy"

The defense suggestions might include glue on pizza


I literally can't think of a worse way to prepare for a thesis defense than this"


I'm scared how misunderstood LLMs.. truly are; they are so far from a genuine intelligence it's not even funny. They are statistical models for language, trained on a lot of words and sentences, representing the statistical likelihood of words following other words, sentences following other sentences, just with a lot of data and samples to pull from. That's it. There's no intelligence, there's no path to intelligence; it's simply statistics chaining words and symbols together"



Government Technology: "Hydrogen-Powered Train Travels 1,750 Miles on Single Tank.. A hydrogen fuel-powered passenger train set a Guinness World Record for distance traveled on a test track in March. The trains, from Swiss manufacturer Stadler, are slated to go into use in San Bernardino County, Calif."

SCMP: "At the International Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicle Congress and Exhibition in Shanghai last week, more than 300 companies from countries including China, Japan, Korea and Canada came to showcase their latest technology and products"

CNBC: "A staggering 90% of employees in the UK are 'quiet quitting' as they seek out other opportunities, Gallup report says"

Dessler: "Is climate change making Florida's flooding worse?.. Warmer air can hold more water vapor — about 7% more for every degree Celsius increase in temperature. Consequently, the air converging into a storm system in a warmer climate carries more water vapor. Since most of the water vapor entering the storm’s updraft will fall out as rain, everything else the same, more water in the air flowing into the storm will lead to more intense rainfall. That’s it. Not terribly complicated...

[T]he IPCC’s synthesis report concluded.. 'The frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation events have increased since the 1950s over most land areas for which observational data are sufficient for trend analysis (high confidence), and human-caused climate change is likely the main driver.. The projected increase in frequency and intensity of heavy precipitation (high confidence) will increase rain-generated local flooding'"


Doctorow: "Bill Gates didn't become one of the richest people on earth simply by [luck]; he also owed his success to vigorous antitrust enforcement. The IBM PC was the company's first major initiative after it was targeted by the DOJ for a 12-year antitrust enforcement action. IBM tapped its vast monopoly profits to fight the DOJ, spending more on outside counsel to fight the DOJ antitrust division than the DOJ spent on all its antitrust lawyers, every year, for 12 years.. [later] Reagan let IBM off the hook. But the company was still seriously scarred by its ordeal, and when the PC project kicked off, the company kept the OS separate from the hardware (one of the DOJ's major issues with IBM's previous behavior was its vertical monopoly on hardware and software). IBM didn't hire Gates and Allen to provide it with DOS because it was incapable of writing a PC operating system: they did it to keep the DOJ from kicking down their door again"


If ancient Greeks knew, they would toss lithium-ion batteries onto enemy ships, then that would be the Greek fire.

I'd swim away as fast as possible away from that f-ing battery. Electrocution aside it can catch fire, sea water would not put it out bcz lithium-ion fires are self-oxidizing. So you will get a shock and burn, at the same time!

If you are on a battery-electric boat and it sinks, while a shark approaching do you stay on boat get electrocuted when the water hits the battery or swim away and get bitten by a shark? 😂 😂. #DJT

The American Conservative: "Trump Visits the Bronx.. The crowd at the New York City rally was diverse in the literal sense of the word... Standing in that crowd—black, white, and every shade in between—I found it hard not to laugh at the countless articles denouncing Trump as the candidate of white supremacy. There were girls in cowboy hats and crop tops, guys with neck tattoos and Trump chains. Young orthodox Jews rubbed shoulders with old church ladies...

[M]ost of the people at Trump’s rally worked with their hands or ran businesses in the non-symbolic economy. Trump seemed to intuit this and spent an inordinate amount of time talking about construction projects he’d been involved in—the Wollman Rink in Central Park, the border wall. He launched into long excurses on copper tubing and concrete planks. He dilated on the type of work that needed to be done to fix the subway system. The crowd ate it up"

Politico: "Swing district Republicans have been eager to pillory President Joe Biden on the economy but have by and large stayed away from making abortion the centerpiece of their campaigns"

F24: "Philippine ship, Chinese vessel collide in disputed South China Sea"

TASS: "If Putin’s Ukraine peace proposal rejected, next offer to be tougher — Russian intel chief"

Barron's: "DR Congo weighs legal move against Apple in mining dispute.. The government of the Democratic Republic of Congo is studying legal action against Apple in France and the United States, after accusing the US tech giant of using “illegally exploited” minerals, its lawyers said Thursday"

The National News: "Broaden Energy invests $272m to set up hydrogen equipment plant in Abu Dhabi"

"Everfuel proposes 2-GW green H2 project in Denmark"


Me: Billionaire philanthropy is PR. Tax billionaires

Troll: Lol you trust Govt to spend our money?

Me: Yes the Govt elected by We the People, who is accountable, & can be voted out

Troll: Govt is bought

Me: By who?

Troll: By billionai—...

Me: ...

Troll: Ok Tax billionaires"

ABC Australia: "Too many children with long COVID are suffering in silence. Their greatest challenge? The myth that the virus is 'harmless' for kids"

Standards. Free, Open Source. Files. Directories. Simple File Servers. It's a thing.

Most modern web servers allow this, can skip ahead to specific location in a file. Any OS worth its salt can do that for its local file access, RFC 9110 simply provides a web interface.

There was a massive binary file sitting on a simple file server (terrain data). Downloading it all to client is no go. The alternative u compute direct index access and read specific bytes only, and do this via 100+ micro requests, then combine data on the client. No need to dload, best part no need for an app server - a whole seperate service responding to complex requests.

I finally got to use the Web standard RFC 9110 -range requests- in a serious app.

CNBC: "China and India lead the charge as digital wallets overtake cash and cards in Asia"

Second installation, so so.. the third, really bad. Check this out. F-ing Van Wilders in the cast... How could it not suck? Where was the Volkswagen hat?

The first Blade was great, Wesley Snipes was fantastic in the role.

It don't matter if you are black or white, you'll get cucked all the same. Woke knows no bounds.

Another Marvel screw up. The chatter has it the studio wants Woke, but Ali is resisting.

Kotaku: "Marvel’s upcoming Blade movie is back in the news and yet again it isn’t for good reasons. Yann Demange (‘71 and Lovecraft Country) has left the project as director, which marks the second director to exit the film in three years. This is the latest setback for the project, which was announced in 2019 with much anticipation as it would see Oscar winner Mahershala Ali take on the role"


.. Since LLMs have also infected print books and scientific journals with misinfo, it won't just be the effective end of the Web. It will be the end of all sources that you don't have a personal connection with. Finding new info will require finding a human who can tell you through real- world experience whether that mushroom foraging guide is dangerous nonsense"

Rigzone: "Peoples, an essential utilities company, is spearheading a demonstration project to produce zero-emission hydrogen energy at scale. The project, underway in Western Pennsylvania, is a joint undertaking by Peoples, H Quest and the University of Pittsburgh’s Swanson School of Engineering, Peoples said in a statement. [The company] installed one of H Quest’s proprietary microwave pyrolysis units at its training center in McKeesport to transform natural gas into pure hydrogen (H2) without CO2 emissions. The process creates what is often referred to as turquoise hydrogen"


Megaconstellations like Starlink will increase atmospheric aluminum oxide amounts to 646% over natural levels ( +360 metric tons / year ).

It will take up to 30 years for the aluminum oxides to drift down to stratospheric altitudes, where 90% of Earth's ozone is located.

Once there aluminum oxide will act as a catalyst with chlorine harming the ozone layer"

Deihl: "H.R. 8070, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for fiscal year 2025 features the usual increase in “defense” spending to a record $883.7 billion.. 883.7 billion works out to about 2600, for each one of us Americans spreading corporatocracy far and wide, shell by shell, proxy war by proxy war."

#Owens #Gray


Energy Live News: "Wales & West Utilities (WWU) has launched a study, funded by Ofgem, to investigate how the UK's existing gas network can be adapted for hydrogen refuelling stations"

Nick Bano: "Worth remembering that [UK] ‘intentional homelessness’ was invented to prevent queue-jumping for council flats.. Things have degraded, and the problem it was designed to solve is now unimaginable. It’s a relic in a country with world-beating homelessness statistics"

#Frontline #UA #RU 06/06 - 06/15


Tony Blink Blink 737 must have overruled it. This smells like the doing of the surface state... Military-industrial-donor complex control of high-levels of goverment on display. The depths are fine, the top is corrupted, amoral, mercantile.

The Guardian: "The state department falsified a report earlier this month to absolve Israel of responsibility for blocking humanitarian aid flows into Gaza, overruling the advice of its own experts, according to a former senior US official who resigned this week.

Stacy Gilbert left her post as senior civil military adviser in the state department’s bureau of population, refugees and migration, on Tuesday. She had been one of the department’s subject matter experts who drafted the report mandated under national security memorandum 20 (NSM-20) and published on 10 May...

Even more controversially, the report said the state department did not 'currently assess that the Israeli government is prohibiting or otherwise restricting the transport or delivery of US humanitarian assistance' in Gaza. It was a high-stakes judgment because under a clause in the Foreign Assistance Act, the US would be obliged to cut arms sales and security assistance to any country found to have blocked delivery of US aid"