
Github Mirror

Week 22


SV epitomizes Stafford Beer's motto that 'the purpose of a system is what it does.' If SV produces nothing but planet-wrecking nonsense, grifty scams, and planet-wrecking, nonsensical scams, then these are all features of the tech sector, not bugs.

As writes:

Driving change requires us to make the machine want something else. If the purpose of a system is what it does, and we don’t like what it does, then we have to change the system"

Byrne: "I mean, holy shit.

Here it is, zoomed in: JADES-GS-z14-0, a galaxy at a redshift of 14.32 (+0.08/-0.20) that appears to be fully formed when the Universe was just 2.2% its current age [after the so-called Big Bang]"


The American Conservative: "Macron Announces Support of Recognizing a Palestinian State at a 'Useful Moment'.. State of the Union: The French President made the announcement Tuesday, while at a conference with Germany’s Olaf Scholz"

#Trump #Verdict


Prediction: no jail time, payment of $150k, but will result in millions of fundraising [it did]"

Anatolian Agency: "Italy rules out sending troops to Ukraine, use of its weapons to strike inside Russia"

BBC: "Biden has given Ukraine permission to use American-supplied weapons to strike targets in Russia, but only near the Kharkiv region, US officials say"

TASS: "Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned that Russia will take into account in the fact that F-16 fighter jets can carry nuclear weapons"

BBC: "Throughout the campaign, [Sheinbaum's] message has remained the same. If elected, she says, she will continue the social and political process launched by her mentor, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador"

Reuters: "Mexico presidency frontrunner Sheinbaum slightly widens lead, poll shows"

H2 Central: "Sinopec Releases Reports Offering Outlooks of China Energy, Hydrogen and Chemical Development.. China Hydrogen Energy Industry Outlook Report predicts that by 2060, China’s hydrogen energy consumption will be nearing 86 million tons, creating an industry worth 4.6 trillion RMB"

H2 Central: "Hydrogen Hub – RONN Inc Signs a Strategic Partnership, the First of Seven Contemplated Hubs Expected to be Worth $350M Within First Nations Canada"

Forbes Breaking News: "Biden Admin Is ‘Deeply Invested’ In A Successful Hydrogen Economy’: Sec. Granholm Tells Chris Coons"

H2 Central: "Clean Hydrogen Pathway Moves To The Assembly.. SB 1420 Will Ensure California’s Hydrogen’s Hub Full Potential Is Fulfilled SB 1420 Passes The Senate 30-1, Heads To Assembly"

H2 Central: "MAN Cryo to Design Hydrogen Supply for Net-Zero Norwegian Ferries"

Power Mag: "[While using battery-electric vehicles] practical challenges regarding range, charging duration, and wait times at rapid-charging stations can significantly affect travel efficiency. For instance, one of the Academy’s staff members, who has driven a hydrogen FCEV car for six years, recently purchased a BEV known for its better-than-average driving range. During a 330-mile trip in California from Santa Barbara to San Francisco, which typically takes a little more than 5.5 hours in a gasoline vehicle, including one refueling stop just outside San Francisco to ensure a full tank the next morning, the experience differed markedly. Traveling at 70 miles per hour, which reduces range, the BEV required three charging stops, including one on the outskirts of San Francisco to start the next day fully charged. Due to waiting times for available chargers and the actual recharging process, the journey consumed more than 8 hours, highlighting the operational delays that can accompany current BEV technology despite advancements both in battery capacity and infrastructure.

Despite their growing popularity, BEVs continue to face other challenges, especially in their reliance on the electrical grid. In regions like California and Texas, where the grid often operates near capacity, adding millions of BEVs will impose significant strains, necessitating costly upgrades to transmission infrastructure or systemwide blackouts and charging time restrictions, as have already been imposed in both states. Additionally, the production of lithium-ion batteries introduces environmental and ethical concerns, such as significant disruption from raw material extraction and high emissions from energy-intensive manufacturing processes. End-of-life disposal and recycling of batteries present other substantial challenges, highlighting the need for sustainable lifecycle management.

Temperature sensitivity is another significant challenge for BEVs, particularly affecting their range in colder climates. In such conditions, lithium-ion batteries experience a marked decrease in efficiency, resulting in much slower recharging time, reduced energy storage capacity, and diminished vehicle range. This affects BEVs’ practicality for routine use and exacerbates frustration regarding charging time and range anxiety among consumers"

"Degenerative AI… The recent failures of 'artificial intelligence' tech"


Guilty on all counts? Overall this is bad news for Dems.. The offense is low level, does not limit campaigning at all, the sentence will likely be light and most likely be served after the 2024 election. In the meantime Reps can play up the persecuted victim angle, gain more votes..

PBS: "Tyson Foods is one of the world’s biggest meat and poultry producers. According to the Union of Concerned Scientists, it’s also a major polluter in the United States. A new report from the group says Tyson plants dumped more than 371 million pounds of pollutants into U.S. waterways between 2018 and 2022"

Philips: "[Studies on inequality] must also pursue troubling and crippling side effects: high levels of political corruption, the arrogance of global economic power, the twisting of the U.S. tax code, and the voter belief in the captivity of government to private interests... The inroads on American democracy in the 1980s and 1990s have many philosophical as well as political patrons: think tanks, university chairs, and publications joined in praise of economic elites, corporate predators, Darwinian competition, the claims of political moneygiving to be free speech, uninhibited markets, global policing on behalf of investment, and 'free' enterprise (however reliant on friendly government). Allied pundits and promoters, in turn, have repeatedly undercut popular programs ranging from Social Security to business regulation. Unelected judges, central bankers, trade regulators, and global economic organizations have been encouraged in taking over powers earlier enjoyed by elected national leaders and legislatures. Critics counter with charges of a growing 'democratic deficit'. These trends are closely related to—indeed, many of their conservative protagonists are funded by—America’s deepening wealth and income concentrations"

To judge the effect of an ancient migration, citizen can look in the mirror. Do you look Asiatic, Eskimo, whatever? If not, the proportion of newcomers to your region were small, they could not have changed much culture (the minor changes in genetics is the proof) they did not have the numbers to achieve it. They were assimilated into the region, not the other way around.

Newer migrants can ask themselves 'where was I in my preteens?' That's your culture. No "heritage" can persist past 0th gen. Culture is received via osmosis, not taught, spreads subconciously. Culture is not about rites, about mumbling stupid shit, taking an unusual day as a vacation day. It is in the split decisions you make, it is in the subconcious belief system that can only be given by the larger society around you, not even by immediate family, nor relatives.

Watched a CGTN interview w Orban, he said "we too are from the East".. Do Hungarians believe into another version of that bullshit story of nomadic hordes arriving into [insert region name] and brought civilization there, where nothing before them existed? Nonsense.

Russians jam the shit out of Himars, Excalibur, Stormshadow or anything you can throw at them.. #AustriaMil confirms, this is a war of atrition. We know RU wants UA demilitarized, negotiations were tried now the goal is pursued through force. Demilitarizing can mean depleting Ukraine's manpower so it can't fight, infrastructure, and arms, for the same.

The Russian Momentum is back #AustriaMil


#UA #RU #Frontline 05/21 - 05/30


JoC: "CIB invests $337M in western Canadian hydrogen infrastructure"

"Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) has successfully completed development of a hydrogen-fueled Class-8 demonstration vehicle, built as part of its industry-supported H2-ICE consortium. The central focus of the demonstration includes development of a Hydrogen Internal Combustion Engine (H2-ICE) that produces ultra-low NOx and CO2 emissions while still providing enough torque and power for most heavy-duty applications"

Riddick Bowe is GOAT

The Tourist good show so far


'China's high speed bullet train runs so smoothly without any vibration that if you keep a coin standing in the train, it does not fall even at the speed of 348 km/h'"

"How Google RUINED the Internet" #Connover


A rule of thumb for Anatolians while interacting with neighbors is always to remember they are more similar than not. Current Anatolian culture is not from somewhere else, it is local, anyone who migrated were promptly assimilated whose culture became similar to Greeks, Georgians, Russians, Persians and Arabs.

First Post: "Old foes, NATO members Turkey, Greece to test five month friendship initiative"

A sign of inequality, creating even more ineq... Any monies given to ppl did not circulate in econ, it goes straight into the coffers of big corp = raising inequality.

It looks like recent rise in inflation was transitory.

Richard Murphy: "As even the Bank of England has acknowledged, inflation in the UK arose because of external factors. That began with price shocks from Covid reopening and then continued with oil and food price shocks arising from the war in Ukraine. These then created knock-on effects on other prices.

And, as I always argued, as these shocks worked through the system, price changes were always going to return to normal rates, as they have now done...

So did the Bank of England's interest rate increases do anything to solve the problem? No"

Andersen: "Fixing America requires reminding Americans how much they depend on government already and convincing them to give it a chance to return to its glory days, to prove it’s the only possible provider of solutions to some problems, especially the messed-up political economy and climate. Ask what you can do for your country, John Kennedy famously said at his inauguration, and these days the first thing to do for your country is ask and know and tell other people what your country can do for you and does already"

Al Jazeera: "Billionaire backlash shows the power of basic income.. Sparked by the first mayor-led pilot in Stockton, California in 2019 and funded in large part by the COVID-19 relief money distributed by the federal government, local authorities across the country have been experimenting with unconditional cash as an upstream social policy intervention that could form the basis of a new welfare model.

The findings from these pilots are electric – improvements in well-being, education, entrepreneurship, maternal and child health; reductions in stress, depression, homelessness and recidivism. They provide enough evidence to support the effectiveness of basic income programmes.

Voucher programs don't exactly sound like an ultra-capitalist solution. Vouchers don't grow on trees do they, government hands them out. The approach is basically a single-payer system for education.


'They just need to add another lane'"


"Neural network models are not robust"



lol there's a new layer of politician moral panic over tiktok now: north korea released a cheesy pop-showtune kind of song about kim jong un and the youths are doing dances to it on tiktok"


Copilot+ Recall feature pop quiz:

You deal with a sensitive matter on my Windows PC. E.g. an email you delete. Does Copilot Recall still store the deleted email?

Answer: yes. There's no feature to delete screenshots of things you delete while using your PC. You would have to remember to go and purge screenshots that Recall makes every few seconds.

If you or a friend use disappearing messages in WhatsApp, Signal etc, it is recorded regardless"


'We promise to make Recall super secure. Nobody will be able to access it'

vault locking sound effect

some guy who has a porg for his avatar:

'Its an sqlite database that sits in %APPDATA%'"


The [big tech] platforms have correctly assessed that they alone have the legal and moderation staff to do the mass-deletions of controversial speech that could survive a post-230 world. That's why tech billionaires like Mark Zuckerberg love the idea of getting rid of 230..

But for small tech providers - individuals, co-ops, nonprofits and startups that host fediverse servers, standalone group chats and BBSes - a post-230 world is a mass-extinction event...

Without 230, Big Tech will shut down anything controversial - and small tech will disappear. It's the worst of all possible worlds, a gift to tech monopolists and the bullies and crooks who have turned our online communities into shooting galleries"


'Work-Life Balance'

Most professions: 'You work your stated hours, then you go home.'

Software engineering: 'You work more than your stated hours, do unpaid portfolio side-projects to demonstrate 'passion', and if you burn out then it's your own fault for not following the instructions in a blog post about mindfulness.'"

Ryan, Civilized to Death: "In our world, work is ubiquitous. The server asks me if I’m still 'working on' my salad. We don’t exercise, we 'work out.' Learning about ourselves in therapy is referred to as 'doing the work.' 'What are you working on?' has become a way of asking who you are. Yet few of us are lucky enough to work in ways that actually align with who we are. We roll in, cup of stimulant in hand, shuffle papers, try to look busy and stay awake, fight the hopelessness, then go home and drink too much. Show up, punch in, tune out. In his semiautobiographical novel, The House of the Dead, Fyodor Dostoyevsky wrote, 'If one wanted to crush and destroy a man entirely, to mete out to him the most terrible punishment... all one would have to do would be to make him do work that was completely and utterly devoid of usefulness and meaning.' But from factory floor to corporate boardroom, useless, meaningless work is standard-issue in our world. And you’re expected to be grateful to have it!"

'Life for hunter-gatherers was solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short'. It turns out none of those things are true. Hunter-gatherers worked 20-30 hours a week (see Sahlins), and what anthropologists call 'work' in these studies are things we do on vacation - like hunting, fishing, picknicking.

That is not true at all.. Early man worked little and enjoyed lots of leisure time.. Back breaking, full-time work started with agrarian age and continued into the industrial era.

Keynes: "We have been expressly evolved…for the purpose of solving the economic problem. If the economic problem is solved, mankind will be deprived of its traditional purpose….Thus for the first time since his creation, man will be faced with his real, his permanent problem—how to use his freedom from pressing economic cares, how to occupy the leisure, to live wisely and agreeably and well….[T]here is no country and no people, I think, who can look forward to the age of leisure and of abundance without a dread. For we have been trained too long to strive and not to enjoy. It is a fearful problem for the ordinary person…to occupy himself"

H2 View: "Modern Hydrogen launches methane pyrolysis tech in Oregon pilot project"

Andersen: "The government gave a pass to Facebook to buy Instagram and WhatsApp in the 2010s, which was as if they’d let CBS buy NBC and ABC in the 1940s. The several Facebook social media brands have five times as many American users as the biggest platform it doesn’t own, Twitter. Google does more than 90 percent of all Internet searches, forty times as many as its closest competitor. As far as venture capitalists are concerned, digital start-ups looking to compete with the Internet colossi, no matter how amazing their new technology or service or vision, ultimately have two alternatives: to be acquired by Google or Facebook, or to be destroyed by Google or Facebook. If the latter seems likelier—being in the “kill zone,” in the Valley term of art—the VCs tend not to invest in the first place"


.. back when the [Ticketmaster] monopoly was just getting started, Pearl Jam - then one of the most powerful acts in American music - took a stand against them. Ticketmaster destroyed them. That was when TM was a mere hatchling, with a bare fraction of the terrifying power it wields today"


You may be in a position where leaders in your company are hot to turn on Microsoft Copilot Recall.

Your best counterargument isn't threat actors stealing company data.

It's that opposing counsel will request the recall data and demand it not be disabled as part of e-discovery proceedings.

The threat that keeps your executives up at night are lawyers, not hackers"

Caitlin Johnston: "Like So Much Else, The Fuss Over 'International Law' Is Really About Narrative Control.. In reality, 'international law' is a lie in two significant ways. It’s a lie in the sense that western powers falsely purport to value and uphold it, and it’s a lie in the sense that it has no meaningful existence since it’s only ever enforced on small, weak powers.

TASS: "Scholz refuses to send Tauruses to Ukraine to prevent escalation between Russia, NATO"

CNBC: "The International Court of Justice, on Friday ordered Israel to cease its military offensive in Rafah, citing concerns over the safety of Palestinian civilians"


[To John Burn-Murdoch] Your data shows that UK homelessness is FAR worse than the US's. Your data also shows that UK building rates are higher than the US's (and we have more homes-per-capita than they do).

Surely your very own gimmick requires you to question the under-supply rhetoric"

Carbon Credits: "Hydrogen Attracts Over $1 Billion in VC Funding Per Crunchbase Data"

If governments had done their job well, there'd be no need for crypto


Trick, chmod -x. OS can call this program but it ain't gonna run. If config files are abtuse / unusable, the trick disables a service on the cheap.

WTH is this /usr/lib/tracker- stuff.. Eating up bunch of CPU..

Yonhap News Agency: "HD Hyundai partners with Shell to jointly develop liquefied hydrogen carrier"

When it comes to questions around radiation, temparature, microwave, I'd rather trust the guy who can build measurement machines with his bare hands, and do math rather than a pure theoretician who can only dabble in questionable fuzzy math.

Paper: "[2011] COBE and WMAP have been hailed by the astrophysical scientists as great triumphs in science, measuring the temperature of the Universe, the ~3K Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) remnant of the Big Bang; a signal first detected by Penzias and Wilson from the ground, in 1965. Stephen Hawking has dubbed this 'the scientific discovery of the century, if not of all time'. However, upon closer examination, the claim does not stand up; in fact... [We claim] CMB is not cosmic, but a signal produced by the oceans of the Earth: 'Throughout the detection history of the microwave background, it remained puzzling that the Earth itself never provided interference with the measurements. Water, after all, acts as a powerful absorber of microwave radiation. This is well understood, both at sea aboard submarines, and at home within microwave ovens... if the Earth's oceans cannot interfere with these measurements, it is precisely because they are the primary source of the signal'"

Paper: "[2011] Professor of Radiology at Ohio State University, [Dr Robitaille], is an expert when it comes to instrumentation and signal analysis. It was [him] who conceived and directed the construction of the world's first 8 Tesla Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scanner. In doing so, he nearly doubled the maximum field strength in MRI and gave birth to Ultra High Field Magnetic Resonance Imaging (UHFMRI). Robitaille’s scanner immediately revealed anatomical structures within the human brain that were previously never seen on human scans. In recent years, Robitaille has applied his skills to astrophysics, and his findings are very significant"

Nice. #1981 #SmartWatch



Facebook is doing testing to push their dating service and I found out because I’m watching people panic when the heart randomly appears, asking others if their partner is cheating.

Thanks, Facebook"


I got ahold of the Copilot+ software.

Recall uses a bunch of services themed CAP - Core AI Platform. Enabled by default.

It spits constant screenshots (the product brands them 'snapshots', but they’re hooked screenshots) into the current user’s AppData as part of image storage.

The NPU processes them and extracts text, into a database file.

The database is SQLite, and you can access it as the user including programmatically. It 100% does not need physical access and can be stolen"

The juxtaposition is mind blowing.. But Labour must know this guy will get his ass kicked.

The Independent: "Private health boss will run for Labour against Jeremy Corbyn"

Yahoo News: "Corbyn expelled from Labour as he stands as independent at General Election"

Politico: "US preparing for 'prominent' role in postwar Gaza"


To recap so far:

If international rules based order has any meaning, then the above must matter. The above must be acted upon. And those yet silent are complicit, and history will remember them accordingly"