
Github Mirror

Week 19

PV Magazine: "The US Department of Energy's Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office (HFTO) has published a detailed strategy and planning document that will help guide hydrogen innovation and research in the coming years. It outlines HFTO's mission, goals, and strategic approach, said the Department of Energy. The document aims for 'clean' hydrogen production costs of $2/kg by 2026 and 1/kg by 2031, but also electrolyzer system cost of 250 dollars/kW (low-temperature electrolyzers) and 500 dollars/kW (high-temperature electrolyzers) by 2026."

Business Korea: "Completion of Largest Liquefied Hydrogen Plant to Enable SK to Lead Hydrogen Mobility Era"

The process shown in the ad is not unlike how those LLMs ,"AI" work, crush some shit together trying to get something on the other end.. Brutal US capitalist processing, shoving some stuff into somewhere and "turn the crank" hope it works.


TLDR: Apple showed its ass, and they’re sorry you feel that way"

CNN: "Apple apologizes for its controversial iPad Pro ad"

Bloomberg: "[2023/11] Saudis Find a Bottomless Money Pit in Lucid"

Apparently Saudis have stake in Lucid and the EV maker has been burning through their cash by the billions. It's odd, Saudi investment funds usually don't make these kinds of mistakes.

Automotive News: "Lucid reports Q1 net loss of $685 million and revenue of 173 million dollars as cash burn continues"

Modern cosmologists.. The ineptness of these people truly boggles the mind.

Robitaille: "Have Astronomers Assigned a Signal Produced by the Oceans to the Cosmos?.. In 1965, Penzias and Wilson detected a strong microwave signal surrounding the Earth. They ascribed a temperature of 3.5 K to the source, and the cosmology community immediately attributed the signal to the primordial explosion. According to astrophysicists, Penzias and Wilson had discovered a remnant of the Big Bang and the central pillar of modern cosmology. Yet, Kirchhoff’s Law of Thermal emission states that, in order to ascribe a temperature from a blackbody spectrum, the source must be in thermal equilibrium within an opaque enclosure. This was clearly not the case for the Big Bang....

[We argue] that the monopole of the background arises from the hydrogen bond in water on Earth. Images of nuclear explosions [can] be viewed in order to help establish that the surface of the oceans, when undergoing shock compression, manifest the hexagonal planar structure associated with graphite and soot, some of the best blackbodies known. Water has the ability to both absorb and emit microwaves and it is likely that the surface of water maintains hexagonal planar structure with ability to emit in the microwave. Penzias and Wilson should have detected a signal from the Earth itself, but they did not. This is because they erroneously participated in assigning the monopole of the microwave background to the universe"

How could this "afterglow of the Big Bang" be aligned with our puny little solar system? The answer: CMB originates from our solar system! It has nothing to do with some dubious theory about the beginning of the universe.

Wiki: "The 'axis of evil' is a name given to the apparent correlation between the plane of the Solar System and aspects of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). It gives the plane of the Solar System and hence the location of Earth a greater significance than might be expected by chance"

H2 Central: "The promoter of large solar projects Kolya-PNE , a Spanish subsidiary of the German group PNE, plans to develop a hydrogen production plant in the province of Albacete with an electrolyzer power of 1,000 megawatts (MW)"

H2 Central: "Hyzon and New Way Unveil North America's First Hydrogen Fuel Cell Refuse Truck at Waste Expo"

Arab News: "Spain, Ireland to recognize Palestinian state on May 21 — EU’s Borrell"

End Times: "[T]he American ruling class continues to be very effective at advancing its narrow, short-term, parochial interests. With every piece of tax legislation, the tax code is becoming more regressive; today the effective taxes on corporations and billionaires are at the lowest levels since the 1920s. By successfully arguing that money is 'free speech', corporations have largely dismantled constraints on using their wealth to shape American politics. The federal minimum wage continues to decline in real terms, despite inflation reaching levels not seen since the 1980s. The disagreements between the conservatives and the progressives within the ruling class focus almost entirely on cultural issues. The economic elites, who dominate the American polity, can tolerate a great diversity of views on such issues, as long as the consensus on promoting their collective economic interests (keeping their taxes and worker wages low) is strong"

"How Big Business Broke Recycling (And Blamed You)"


BBC: "Electric car driver turned away from hospital car park.. A father who was taking his child to Alder Hey hospital in Liverpool says he was turned away from the car park because he was driving an electric vehicle (EV). [Driver] said he was told to park next to nearby grass because his car 'could explode'"


there are so many AI use cases!!

H2 View: "Africa's ‘first’ hydrogen-powered ship to be developed in Namibia"

Check the handle

Scientists K. Batygin and Michael Brown worked on this subject for a long time, they tirelessly promoted their Planet 9 theories. Mike Brown BTW is the scientist who killed Pluto as a planet (it wasn't Neil Foei Gras Tyson).

Planet 9 explains the peculiar orbits of our solar system, if there is an object where they think it is, it would pull on the other objects in a certain way and simulations show our current orbits make more sense that way.

Wiki: "[T]his hypothetical super-Earth-sized planet would have had a predicted mass of five to ten times that of the Earth, and an elongated orbit 400 to 800 times farther from the Sun than the Earth is"

Independent: "Scientists say they have found evidence of an unknown planet in our solar system.. New findings represent the ‘strongest statistical evidence yet’ that Planet 9 exists" "Great Wall Motors has been studying hydrogen energy for more than 20 years now. It’s only in 2019 when they created FTXT Energy as their arm focused on exploring the development of hydrogen fuel cells as means of mobility. Aside from China, they also have R&D centers in Canada, Japan, and Germany. FTXT says they are now in the commercialization phase of hydrogen fuel cells... We’re bummed with the hours it takes for an electric car to charge. There are fast-charging options but we can’t use them all the time because it will hurt the performance and longevity of the batteries.. [another] advantage of hydrogen is weather. Electric vehicles have a performance disadvantage in cold weather since their batteries can’t reach their optimum temperature. Hydrogen doesn’t have that issue and will work well on both ends of the thermometer"


shit shit shit shit shit. Dealt with my first set of AI-generated-code plagiarism cases this semester.

Dear students: LLMs are terrible plagiarists and they do not give a damn (or have any capacity to care or avoid doing so) if they get you in deep doodoo by reproducing verbatim code from existing repositories on github or from web pages. And on assignments, it's quite likely to happen.

We didn't identify these cases by using an AI detector: They were identical to a source on the web!"

CNBC: "[2024/02 Electric vehicle makers] Rivian and Lucid shares plunge after weak EV earnings reports"

WION: "In the thick of Covid pandemic, the United States told leaders of Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom that there was 'high likelihood' that the pandemic-causing virus had leaked from a Chinese lab, The Telegraph reported"


Student encampments protesting Gaza genocide spread across Britain, emergency protest at Downing Street"

Arab News: "Berlin students protest for Gaza as demos spread across Europe"

Oil Price: "The Race for Green Hydrogen Dominance is Heating Up

Renewables Now: "Plug [Power] signs memorandum for 3 GW of [H2] electrolysers in Australia"

E&E News: "EPA clamps down on water pollution from coal plants... The new rules targeting coal wastewater and coal ash are part of a suite of regulations expected to reshape the power sector"

Weinersmith, A City on Mars: "[T]he Martian surface is poisonous. Perchlorates, a class of chemicals found in trace levels on Earth, make up 0.5 to 1.0 percent of Martian surface soil.. perchlorates are a pretty nasty chemical. At high doses, they cause thyroid problems by competing with the iodine ions your body needs to produce certain hormones. This is probably not good, especially for developing fetuses and children.. When people talk about space, they are often weirdly generous to conditions they would never accept on Earth. Imagine you’re planning to have kids and are looking to buy a homestead. How do you feel about a real estate agent saying, 'It’s a great location, but I should mention the surface contains high levels of chemicals that are dangerous for children. And those chemicals can get taken up by edible plants, so if I were you I’d convert those perchlorates to oxygen before you put in the veggie patch'..

Martian dust is also more active than moondust. In 1971, as the first Mars orbiter, Mariner 9, approached its target planet, something happened ​that surprised the scientists. The red surface of Mars seemed to resolve itself into featureless smoothness—apparently a flat disk where a sphere was supposed to be. It turned out the entire planet, except for bits at the poles and the tall volcanic peaks, was enveloped in a single massive dust storm. Impressively, from the perspective of human discomfort, these dust storms occur even though the atmosphere is quite thin—just about 1 percent of Earth pressure, almost entirely made of carbon dioxide. The net result here is that if you step outside, you still die about as quickly as you would on the Moon, but also from time to time the sky is blotted out by killer toxic dirt"

Six years later the prod still doesn't f-ing exist, so clearly some fakery was involved.

Vanity Fair: "[2018] Uh, Did Google Fake Its Big A.I. Demo [for virtual-assistant]? The tech press has questions, and Google isn’t providing any answers."

I guess Russia's mistake was not accepting oligarchic autarchy. If they did they would not experience any of this isolation.

Don't get me started on Georgia.


RAND: "[2018] Russia Chooses Autarchy—and Isolation"

Slate: "[2014/11] Vladimir Putin is isolated and shunned"

City Journal: "[2008/10] In the aftermath of its Georgian expedition, Russia's diplomatic isolation is striking."

Russia seems to be always "isolated from the West".. probably because the West want to plunder their country, the Russians do not allow it.

NYT: "Isolated From West, Putin Projects Domestic Power at Home"

Toyota: "FuelCell Energy and Toyota Motor North America Celebrate Launch of World’s First ‘Tri-gen’ Production System at the Port of Long Beach

The Driven: "[NSW Oz] Fire department wants restrictions on EV parking and charging in big buildings.. The NSW Fire and Rescue office has intervened in a crucial debate about Australian building standards, saying that it does not approve of electric vehicles being charged, or even parked, in enclosed parking areas in buildings"

BBC: "Biden to halt some arms supplies if Israel invades Rafah"

F24: "Student protests against Gaza war spread in Europe, sparking clashes and dozens of arrests"


WEEK 32: Students at Utrecht (TL), Kiel (TR), SOAS (BL) and Aberdeen (BR) set up their Gaza solidarity encampments yesterday"

FleetPoint: "Daimler Truck AG to trial Europe’s first heavy duty liquid hydrogen truck"

Oman Observer: "Salalah Port gears up for new role as Oman’s hydrogen export hub"

NYT: "Rishi Sunak’s Dismal Task: Leading U.K. Conservatives to Likely Defeat"

The Guardian: "US confirms Russian forces deployed to same Niger airbase as American troops"

The Grayzone: "[2024/03] Leaked Israel lobby presentation urges US officials to justify war on Gaza with ‘Hamas rape’ claims.. Two prominent pro-Israel lobby groups [investigating] on how to influence public opinion in favor of the Israeli military’s rampage in Gaza.. [relied] on data collected by Frank Luntz, a veteran Republican pollster and pundit... The Luntz-tested presentations on the war in Gaza urge politicians to avoid trumpeting America’s supposedly shared democratic values with Israel, and focus instead on deploying 'The Language of War with Hamas.' According to this framing, they must deploy incendiary language painting Hamas as a 'brutal and savage.. organization of hate' which has 'raped women,' while insisting Israel is engaged in 'a war for humanity'...

Initiated at Israel’s United Nations mission in December 2023 with speeches by neoliberal tech oligarch Sheryl Sandberg and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, a recipient of hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and speaking fees from Israel lobby organizations, Tel Aviv’s propaganda blitz has yet to produce a single self-identified victim of sexual assault by Hamas"


Aww, bless. Some folks still believe that tech stocks are indicators of company performance"

#Greenwald #Sirota #Boeing


Oxford: "A new review has concluded that hospitals that are privatised typically deliver worse quality care after converting from public ownership. The study, led by University of Oxford researchers, has been published in The Lancet Public Health"

RFI: "Paris 2024 Olympics aims for green legacy with hydrogen cars"

TASS: "China to never forget NATO bombing of Chinese embassy in Belgrade - Xi Jinping.. The Chinese leader noted that the China-Serbia friendship, sealed with blood, will remain in the common memory of the Chinese and Serbian peoples"

Arab News: "Students erect pro-Palestinian camp at Ireland’s Trinity College"

Arab News: "Rafah invasion ‘must not go ahead’: UK Labour leader"

Arab News: "New York’s Columbia University cancels graduation ceremony as students remain defiant"

Arab News: "Ground invasion of Rafah would be ‘intolerable,’ UN chief warns"

"Provaris Energy launches $2M share purchase plan for European hydrogen projects.. 'Our unique approach for a hydrogen supply chain using the simplicity and energy efficiency of compression can deliver first hydrogen gas to Europe at a competitive cost using Provaris' H2Neo carriers,' said.. CEO Martin Carolan"

H2 Fuel News: "Two CIP projects successful in the first European Hydrogen Bank auction"

Is this fascism


This post apparently got Gary Girod banned from Xitter...


If there's an oil crisis & and oil companies are making record profits, a healthcare crisis & healthcare companies are making record profits, a financial crisis & finance companies are making record profits, then the companies are the crisis'"

"Heat Death of the Internet"


FDR was a great leader, achieved many things, but he also clearly exploited a willingness on the part of the wealthy who were scared of the circumstances of the time.

"If the wealthy class allowed a lot of concessions post 20s what did FDR truly achieve on his own?"

This is the famous Princeton study by Gilens et al

Paper: "[2014, Our] analysis indicates that economic elites and organized groups representing business interests have substantial independent impacts on U.S. government policy, while average citizens and mass-based interest groups have little or no independent influence. The results provide substantial support for theories of Economic-Elite Domination and for theories of Biased Pluralism, but not for theories of Majoritarian Electoral Democracy or Majoritarian Pluralism"


#Frontline #UA #RU 04/28 - 05/06


Reuters: "UK's Boris Johnson, who introduced voter ID rule, forgets his while voting"

Maritime Executive: "Belgium and Namibia to Develop Africa’s First Hydrogen Ship, Infrastructure"

The cavalry was obviously a government insitution, created by the Act of Congress on 3 August 1861!

The lawless wild west.. Gun slingers living on their own wits.. fightin them Indians.. But they are oh so happy when the cavalry arrives aren't they? [insert the sound of bugle call here].

Extreme left is good, eg a left-wing party could want to tax the rich at 30%, than an extreme econ leftist can say "no, tax them at 90%!". That would be great.

Seinfeld blames 'PC crap' for lack of good comedy, he is right (except some other wording he used, he blamed 'extreme left' when he should've said extreme social left). The tent-pole comedy shows with wide appeal have gone MIA.

PSI is proportional to youth bulge $A_{20-29}$, also urbanization $\frac{N_{urb}}{N}$, and working class wage - makes sense

PSI is inversely related to $\epsilon$, elite munee, and directly related to elite numbers $e$. So increasing elite numbers increase stress, decreasing elite munee increase stress too.. Binness starts going bad for the top, they cause trouble within society.

Age of Discord Figure 13.1 shows elite numbers in US, 13.6 estimated political stress indicator. Reproduced it below (along with some math). Elite overproduction, combined with decreasing living standards is an explosive mix.



At a bookshop talk for ‘Against Landlords’ in Edinburgh last night, a landlord complained that the event might breach hate crime laws. So if you never hear from me again it’s because I’ve been arrested and thrown in a Scottish jail"

Accompanying code was in R. It will be Pythonized

Dr. Turchin thankfully sent a link to Age of Discord data..

BBC: "Israeli government says it will block Al Jazeera from broadcasting"

Documentary: "Prime Minister Rabin [started a] peace process with the Palestinian Liberation Organization or PLO. Netanyahu who was at the time leader of the right-wing Likud party attacked Rabin for signing the Accords he compared the [talks] to the 1938 Munich agreement in which the British government seated parts of Czechoslovakia to Hitler's Germany. 'You are worse than Chamberlain' Netanyahu said to Rabin in the Israeli Knesset 'he endangered another nation but you are doing it to your own nation'. Netanyahu regularly appeared at anti-Rabin rallies as the right-wing protesters burned effigies of Rabin they shouted 'Death to Rabin' and 'with blood and fire we will banish Rabin'. The crowds even started to harass Rabin outside his residence they went so far as to target Rabin's wife Leia, taunting her with shouts like 'you will be strung up like Mussolini'.. The protests were so extreme the other leaders within Netanyahu's Likud party became squirmish and abandoned the rallies but not Netanyahu who continued to show up and stay at anti-Rabin protests, he did not flinch and continued to make speeches adding further fuel to the flames. After Yesak Rabin was assassinated by a right-wing extremist, everyone within the Israeli media knew the responsibility Netanyahu bore in creating the climate of hate and fear that led to the death of their prime minister"

Diehl: "[We are] dropping bombs from the sky on Gaza that blow little children to bits to maintain this system. Why? Because there is gas and oil in the Mediterranean Sea west of Gaza, and we want it. Chevron is there. According to the industry, the Levantine Basin holds approximately 1.7 billion barrels of recoverable oil and 122 trillion cubic feet of recoverable gas. Woo-hoo. Party.

This explains the barbaric assault on the tiny, open air concentration camp, its back against the sea called the Gaza Strip... October 7 created flimsy cover for Netanpsycho yahoo to justify the slaughter and starving of women and children, and the murder of journalists and aid workers trying to bring truth and save lives"

Arab News: "’Show solidarity’: Pro-Palestinian protesters camp across Australian universities"

H2 Fuel News: "Spain, Portugal take home most of €720m EU hydrogen award"

Renewable Economy: "The troubled Australian electric vehicle fast charging company Tritium has collapsed after its directors declared it to be insolvent, voluntary administrators were appointed and its lenders called in receivers. The spectacular collapse of a Brisbane-based start-up that managed to grab a major share of the global EV fast charging market and was once valued at $2 billion will come as a shock to the industry"

The Lever: "Congress May Cancel Your Automatic Flight Refunds.. Airline-bankrolled lawmakers just advanced a bill that could undermine Biden’s promise of automatic refunds on canceled or delayed flights... The lawmakers are four of the six largest congressional recipients of campaign cash from the airline industry in the current election cycle, according to data from the government transparency group OpenSecrets"

TASS: "Russia’s Battlegroup Dnepr wipes out 40 Ukrainian drone control centers in 24 hours"

NYT: "Israeli Officials Weigh Sharing Power With Arab States in Postwar Gaza"

Al-Monitor: "Hamas official says group will not accept truce that does not end Gaza war"

Hindustan Times World: "Evergreen State College [Washington].. becomes first US uni to completely divest from Israel"

Politico: "‘Biden’s Vietnam’: Progressive lawmakers warn not to repeat campus protest history"